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Bangkok: Online Furby doll seller gets 75-year jail term


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What a joke, 75 years for this.

Santika 67 deaths, nothing.

Redd Bull Heir 1 death, nothing.

Moo Ham,3 deaths Nothing

Tollway Girl, 7 deaths, nothing.

What a joke.

Noted: that it has now been suspended for three years. Even so, in comparison to some of the other stuff recently, this still is a joke.

In the nothing cases the deaths were due to negligence, Thai people don't have the same view on negligence as westerners. Ever been in an accident with a Thai person driving completely moronically? What's their response? I didn't have intent to hit you (therefore didn't do anything wrong).

Also you can expect the Red Bull heir to get an equally harsh sentence.

Edited by wprime
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75 years - wow. My faith in the Thai justice system is fully restored now.

But read the whole story.

"As this is her first criminal offence and all affected buyers are compensated, a 3-year probation is put in plce. She still has to pay the fine and honour a 30-hour social service order" whistling.gif .

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So actually the headline should read "Online fraudster scams B5 million, gets only probation."

The Nations copy editors should be shot.

I must say that the title of this thread is misleading.

So reading literally on the bottom line here, the woman virtually got off, although I would have thought if she had to serve 75 years or even half that amount, would have been way over the top.

A bit of community service and a fine, is not exactly a deterrent for the scammers, is it?

One thing that is almost as mysterious as the minds of women, are the minds of judges.

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Apart from the ludicrous 75 years reduced to 30 hours community service, this woman scammed 5 million online and has effectively got off with the crime. Appreciate she has supposedly reimbursed everyone which mitigates but the sentence seems ridiculously light and hardly a deterrent to online scammers.

The justice system needs wholesale reform and quickly.

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Apart from the ludicrous 75 years reduced to 30 hours community service, this woman scammed 5 million online and has effectively got off with the crime. Appreciate she has supposedly reimbursed everyone which mitigates but the sentence seems ridiculously light and hardly a deterrent to online scammers.

The justice system needs wholesale reform and quickly.

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