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Thai woman forces pet kitten to smoke weed


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It is a fricken cat ... who cares?

you think all the pigs and cows people eat as steaks and ribs are all treated and kiilled humanly?

Are the chickens you eat treated with TLC

Get off your soap boxes and get a grip

Just because something also takes place elsewhere or has happened before makes it OK I suppose.

As for who cares. Well you obviously do. Thank goodness for that or we might have been deprived of your insightful comments.

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Her shirt says it all whistling.gifblink.png

And she probably don't even know what the symbols on the shirt means. Thais will buy shirts with symbols or vulgar English words without having a clue what they mean. The wife and periodically buy some tee-shirts from this one market vender in the wife's home town...we'll ask the vendor to show us some new shirts she'll got in since our last buy...and almost every time the vendor will show us shirts with stupid or vulgar English words on them and the vendor ain't got a clue what the words mean....my wife will tell the vendor what the words mean and the vendor's usual response is, "I don't know...Thais like shirts with English words even when not understanding the words/symbol...the shirt just has to look good to them."

And do you reply , "Thats ok , farangs get shocked by T Shirts with certain symbols on them when they dont have a clue what the symbol actually really means" ?

Don't come up with the Buddhist swastika. Here is where the "symbol" was taken from:


Wehrmacht steel helmet decals.

What , you mean she should have put that warm and happy symbol on her helmet?

Deceitful Nazi biatch...


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My cats loved cat nip in their toys. One also used to sit very close to a friend who smoked wackybaccy. They just got a bit kittenish and then went to sleep. All lived to a ripe old age. They were never forced to partake.

Look at him in my AV, does he look like he continued down the devilish road to heroin and meth addiction?

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I attended a merit making ceremony many years ago at the house of a future High Court judge. His sister was serving food wearing a T Shirt bearing 'Never mind the <deleted>'. I pointed this out to my wife who said 'Don't tell her, she will be embarrassed'. I suppose the sister might thought that it was a Beatles numbertongue.png

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Her shirt says it all whistling.gifblink.png

The Swastika stands for peace, most people do not know, the Germans took the sign from the Indians and today it has bad connotations, nothing bad about it.

In this case you are wrong the symbol on the shirt is the Nazi Germany Reichsadler holding a swastika. This is nothing to do with peace and is a Nazi symbol.

Most likely the girl is ignorant of it's true meaning but it is a nazi symbol none the less.

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Her shirt says it all whistling.gifblink.png

The Swastika stands for peace, most people do not know, the Germans took the sign from the Indians and today it has bad connotations, nothing bad about it.

No they <deleted> didn't and repeating this bullshit, doesn't make it right!

They took a nordic "rune"- symbol and altered it!

It does not and never stood for peace!

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Someone please tell me I'm wrong. Land of Smiles my eye! What the hell is wrong with these people? They are their own worst enemy.

Just to equalize this, I knew of a farang who would blow marijuana smoke from his mouth into the mouth of his 3 month old baby, whe she cried at night. This happened in the philippines.... Either way, inducing drugs into an unwilling victim is an obvious travesty. There are still many people that consider marijuana harmless. Not a lethal or dangerous drug. I am of the belief that it should be legalized, as it seems less harmful than alcohol. Sorry for the kitty, my heart goes out for the pussy.

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