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Thailand too prosperous to qualify for development donations: EuropeAid


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Thailand too prosperous to qualify for development donations: EuropeAid

BANGKOK: -- AS THAILAND becomes more prosperous, development assistance from abroad is being phased out with the European Commission (EC) the latest executive body to announce changes, saying the Kingdom will no longer qualify to receive assistance from EuropeAid next year, due to its now-recognised middle-income status.

Michele Rizzi, EuropeAid's international cooperation officer, said current projects in the pipeline would not be affected.

Rizzi, who spoke to a select group of Asean journalists last week in Brussels, said Thailand was classified in the same bracket as countries like China, India and Malaysia.

However, the EU, which is the Kingdom's third-largest trading partner, will continue to support Thailand in areas such as higher education - particularly in the field of European Studies - the environment, good governance, and human rights. Since 2007, some 500 Thai students have received scholarships from EU member states.

Rizzi said relations with Thailand would be increasingly geared towards mutually beneficial partnerships instead of handing out development assistance.

In cases of severe hardship, however, even prosperous nations like Japan received aid assistance from the EU, another EU official working in disaster relief said. He cited the 2011 earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tohoku and the consequent nuclear leak in Fukushima as examples.

One of EuropeAid's past projects with Thailand involved sustainable organic-waste management in the Nonthaburi municipality between 2002 to 2005.

The goal was to intervene in the production of urban waste - controlling and improving its collection and utilisation. The project included construction of a plant to transform organic waste into fertilising compost. EuropeAid contributed 423,400 euros to the project, which helped reduce the municipality's production of solid organic waste by 20 per cent. The new plant also created 350 new jobs and positively affect 42,000 people in the district.

The European Union constitutes Thailand's second-largest humanitarian and development donor after the United States.

EuropeAid will continue to be active in the Asean region. Between 2012-2013 it provided 150 million euro in aid to assist the new Myanmar government in its political-reform process. In Vietnam, the EU has also provided 23 million euro in aid to develop sustainable tourism in the country.

-- The Nation 2013-10-25

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I wonder how many Thais know their Kingdom receives/d assistance (financial) etc. from other nations? Humnnnnn.

Thailand is a net giver of development assistance/foreign aid. The tiny amount from an organization like this ($423k for an organic waste compost in this article) doesn't come close to the millions it gives in development aid to countries like Lao. In 2011, net foreign aid was negative US$153 million, meaning they gave US$153 million more than they received. Source http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/DT.ODA.ALLD.CD

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I bet every last shackle of aid is stuffed into the mattresses of politicians and other corrupt officials. Try telling the average joe that he is now middle class as he scrapes out barely enough to feed himself.

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I wonder how many Thais know their Kingdom receives/d assistance (financial) etc. from other nations? Humnnnnn.

Thailand is a net giver of development assistance/foreign aid. The tiny amount from an organization like this ($423k for an organic waste compost in this article) doesn't come close to the millions it gives in development aid to countries like Lao. In 2011, net foreign aid was negative US$153 million, meaning they gave US$153 million more than they received. Source http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/DT.ODA.ALLD.CD

I guess that net loss includes the 9 billion baht in rice that is claimed by the Commerce ministry as donated. Then again, Thailand received much more from foreign governments/NGO's than the 153 million US, that is referenced. If I steal 10 billion and give 2 billion peanuts to monkeys does that make me another 'Bill Gates"?

To go 1 step further, the Thai accounting system is quite unique, just like their death toll involving highway accidents, Costs for material for flood , minority group assistance in the cold season, etc. Just another angle to look at any claim that Thailand gives more than they receive.

Edited by slapout
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I know a 2 hill tribe guys. Each has two daughters. None of the girls go to school. Reason; too expensive for new clothes, new books, new backpacks, new shoes - all essentially required to go to school in Thailand. You would think that at least school books could be handed down, but no, this is a society which insists on NEW everything, always RETAIL, all the time.

Impoverished hill tribers are at the very bottom rungs of any kind of hand-outs from Europe or US.

Is it any surprise that most hill tribe girls get sucked in to the flesh trade going on in Phuket, Chiang Mai, Pattaya and Bkk?

As far as the Government of Thailand is concerned a lot of these people don't even exist and as many as three million of them do not have ID cards. Furthermore they are not counted in Thailand's official population numbers so as far as the authorities are concerned there is no problem....as they are simply not there !

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Well, any country that can afford to borrow trillions for trains, and stockpile millions of tons of rice they purchased at over market prices, really doesn't need to be receiving tax dollars from the European people.

And so many Thais driving around in Ferraris, Porches, and Lambos. These fat cats should be donating publicly to Thai needy organizations that help fellow Thais.

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Well, any country that can afford to borrow trillions for trains, and stockpile millions of tons of rice they purchased at over market prices, really doesn't need to be receiving tax dollars from the European people.

And so many Thais driving around in Ferraris, Porches, and Lambos. These fat cats should be donating publicly to Thai needy organizations that help fellow Thais.

This goes even more, for those Thais who are rich enough, to run private-jets ! wink.png

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Well, any country that can afford to borrow trillions for trains, and stockpile millions of tons of rice they purchased at over market prices, really doesn't need to be receiving tax dollars from the European people.

And so many Thais driving around in Ferraris, Porches, and Lambos. These fat cats should be donating publicly to Thai needy organizations that help fellow Thais.

Instead, like to show those less fortunate what they have and how much better/superior they are. They ought to listen to what the monks are actually trying to teach them; otherwise toss out your amulet and stop claiming you're buddhist if you don't wanna help others. Unfortunately, that is a common problem most of the world over; the gates, kennedys, morgans, rothschilds........ it just really, really stands out here due to the social status and face factor- and maybe the extremely young age of the drivers of import luxury cars.

I told some of my co workers why not drive a toyota and give to the poor; rather than being an idiot and paying 300% tax. They appeared to think that was a preposterous idea of mine, to not wanna flaunt to the poor and hungry. Priorities. the hilux next to the shed of a home; a shoe box apt on a low salary, yet a BMW owner, haha.

Edited by gemini81
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I know a 2 hill tribe guys. Each has two daughters. None of the girls go to school. Reason; too expensive for new clothes, new books, new backpacks, new shoes - all essentially required to go to school in Thailand. You would think that at least school books could be handed down, but no, this is a society which insists on NEW everything, always RETAIL, all the time.

Impoverished hill tribers are at the very bottom rungs of any kind of hand-outs from Europe or US.

Is it any surprise that most hill tribe girls get sucked in to the flesh trade going on in Phuket, Chiang Mai, Pattaya and Bkk?

LOTS of students use second hand for ALL of those things. No one insists on new at all, except maybe students themselves. Lots of Hill Tribe people live in remote areas so schooling is difficult, which is why many schools will offer free housing on campus for them. There are other reasons those men aren't sending their daughters to school. I bet if they had sons, they would have found a way...

It's also completely not true that 'most' hill tribe women end up as prostitutes.

You and I have different observations. All I stated in my post is true as I've seen it first hand. Have you actually gone shopping with any kids/families before school opens? I have, often. It's always NEW everything, and always retail. Indeed, you say kids and their families can buy 2nd hand? There are no thrift stores in Thailand. No garage/yard sales. Where do you buy 2nd hand clothes or backpacks? Ok, maybe shoes, if you look hard enough. But for the schools here in northernmmost Thailand, all school books have to be brand new and bought retail.

I've known dozens of young hill tribe women and their families. Akha, Lisu, Lahu, Lao, Karen. To say 'most' get sucked in to the sex trade before their 21st birthday is an understatement. The actual % is probably over 60%.

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I wonder how many Thais know their Kingdom receives/d assistance (financial) etc. from other nations? Humnnnnn.

Thailand is a net giver of development assistance/foreign aid. The tiny amount from an organization like this ($423k for an organic waste compost in this article) doesn't come close to the millions it gives in development aid to countries like Lao. In 2011, net foreign aid was negative US$153 million, meaning they gave US$153 million more than they received. Source http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/DT.ODA.ALLD.CD

Ye but nothing to their poor old people, they raised the min wage but never raised the old people's monthly 500 Baht

Thailand is very rich they should not be given aid by other countries full stop.

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Now it is time for the government here, to start giving some money back to the Thai people, in the form of infrastructure improvements, improvements to the educational system, vastly needed improvement to the Royal Thai Police, starting with the hiring of qualified detectives, who have been trained overseas, the purchase of state of the art forensic and lab equipment, and raising of the salaries to the point that a policeman is not completely dependent on a corrupt lifestyle, to support his family. It is long overdue that the government start spending money on real, tangible projects, instead of hair brained schemes like the rice pledging scheme. The time has come. If Thailand wants to continue on it's march toward second world status, the time is now.

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I was told Thailand has more billionaires than Australia. This country has money for sure and they dont deserve to get aid from Europe or anywhere else because if the elite actually paid taxes, thats social welfare money the people should be getting but they dont because of the type of socieity it is; utterly corrupt and faceless. I wonder if they refer to the donor as "Farang" when the cheque is handed over?

That may very well be true. I have seen more luxury vehicles on the roads in Thailand than I have ever seen in Australia.

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Now it is time for the government here, to start giving some money back to the Thai people, in the form of infrastructure improvements, improvements to the educational system, vastly needed improvement to the Royal Thai Police, starting with the hiring of qualified detectives, who have been trained overseas, the purchase of state of the art forensic and lab equipment, and raising of the salaries to the point that a policeman is not completely dependent on a corrupt lifestyle, to support his family. It is long overdue that the government start spending money on real, tangible projects, instead of hair brained schemes like the rice pledging scheme. The time has come. If Thailand wants to continue on it's march toward second world status, the time is now.

oh yea but, how does poor little Somchia Jr get his nice new Ferrari for his 18th birthday? Have you no compassion for the rich who have been raping the country for years.

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there are not to many middle class people were i live, issaan is dirt poor and forgotten by the rest of thailand yea bangkok sends money to support the region, but it never seems to end up were intended theirs a surprise! these people have little or no chance of a future, there are many smart kids that could go to university but will never have the chance due to poor parents, so the rice fields will have plenty of workers ,to feed the fat cats in bangkok.

Fortunately you live in the fastest growing area of Thailand. An area supported by the largesse of the Puea Thai Party, with fast improving infrastructure.

All brought to you by P.M. Yingluck and P.M. Thaksin.

What you refer to as Bangkok, is the headquarters of the PTP government and is where all decisions are made. The people of Isaan must be well pleased with their lot in life as they keep supporting the PTP.

The rice fields need plenty of workers to keep up the torrents of rice pouring into huge warehouses for storage and sale at premium prices.

Fear not Thaksin loves you.

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I wonder how many Thais know their Kingdom receives/d assistance (financial) etc. from other nations? Humnnnnn.

"You mean those disgusting farangs are just giving us money?? It's not enough that we try to trick them out of their baht as soon as they arrive here??"

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I was told Thailand has more billionaires than Australia. This country has money for sure and they dont deserve to get aid from Europe or anywhere else because if the elite actually paid taxes, thats social welfare money the people should be getting but they dont because of the type of socieity it is; utterly corrupt and faceless. I wonder if they refer to the donor as "Farang" when the cheque is handed over?

no they will put on their other face for that

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