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What's your monthly cost to live in Thailand?


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...Have a 5 bedroom townhouse in Bangkok that cost me $92,000. (no property taxes as there are in America.) and my monthly bills are

Electric (air on 8 hours a day everyday)............3000 baht

Water.................................................................400 baht

Internet...............................................................400 baht


Transportation (taxis for one month).................3000baht

Food (for 2).......................................................9000 baht

Miscelaneous ...................................................6000 baht

Quite frankly, I think I ought to take a course on cost of living from you. However before doing so may I ask few questions regarding the above costs which I have copied fro your mail:

1) Where in Bangkok can one get a 5 bedroom Townhouse for less than Baht 3 Million ($92,000). Even in places like Udon Thani, Khon Kaen, Chiang Rai, leaving aside the more expensive places like Hua Hin, Phuket and Chiang Mai, one would pay double that price , provided the property is not in a slum, which I am sure it is not in your case.

2)with 5 bedrooms and I assume a living room , kitchen etc., aircoditioned for 8 hours a day - how do you manage to cut your electricity bill to baht 3,000?

3)Even using the BTS and /or MRT by two, let alone Taxis in the Bangkok traffic, would cost more than baht 100 a day, bringing the total to much more than Baht 3,000 a months. Of course, one can do it even for less if one wishes to stay home or walk most days.

4) Food - Baht 300 per day. If one likes eating cheap food , either in small cheap and not too clean restaurants, or buy ready food from stalls in the market or streets, then I can imagine living on Baht 300 a day. If one is satisfied with such nourishment, I don't think one would spend more than $10 - 15 in the US, or Europe.

4) What do you include in "Miscellaneous"? Theater, Cinema, Toiletries, simple medicines, clothing? I can hardly imagine that one could cover any of these items for Baht 6,000.

Having asked the above questions, even before getting the answers, I think that here one compares apples to oranges. On the other hand, I still think that if one leads a normal life here in Thailand, it is cheaper than in most western countries. I would estimate that a couple can lead a comfortable life here for app. Baht 100,00 p.M. a standard that would cost at least 50% to 100% more in western countries.

All this applies only to expatriates or Thais occupying top jobs (or very rich people). The average middle class Thai earns far less than in most western countries. Comparing cost of living and salaries in Thailand to western countries, results in the conclusion that Thailand is by far more expensive for the middle class Thais.

100,000 baht for a normal life in thailand? our definitions of normal differ

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Between 30-40,000B per month depending on visa extensions and runs etc.

Live in central BKK in a good area walking distance to 2 major BTS stations (depends which way you walk) andthe main shopping malls with plenty of bars, restaurants, shops etc around.

Apartment has all mod cons, free Wifi, free cable TV, pool with poolside bar, gym, restaurants, mini mall, massage and salon on site.

I spend far too much money every day at the coffee shop on drinks and sandwiches but their wifi is good and it's packed with nice girls I can gawk at and chat up so worth it.

Eat out at local restaurants most days combined with junk food, chain restaurants, Western and 'nice' independent places a few times per month. Can be anything from 40B a meal to 1,000B for a meal for 2 if treating someone.

Shop frequently at Villa Market & Tops buying things I usually don't need.

I drink nearly every day, between 1 - 3 beers on a day when I'm not 'going out'. Sometimes I'll buy a bottle of Sangsom instead and if not getting carried away can last 4-5 trips to the pub.

Two to 3 times a week I'll either be meeting girls / dating or partying. A date can range in cost from 200 - 1,500B depending on what we do. Sometimes it's literally hang out at the swimming pool and drink a couple beers or eat street food sometimes it's a night of partying or go to a 'nice' restaurant.

If I go out drinking with friends I will have a big session go out 9pm and return way into the following day spend around 1,500 to 2,000B (don't often go to clubs though which would increase that cost).

I don't take much public transport, maybe twice per week and usually just the BTS. I like to walk and BKK is an interesting place to be outside.

Toiletries are so cheap out here I can't spend much more than a few hundred baht per month on them.

I pay to get my room cleaned once per week, 170B per time. Laundry done for me once per week costs between 250-400B depending on how much I have / how crap their counting is (I have near the same amount of clothes each week and it varies hugely in price)

Occasionally I'll buy new clothes or other things I need / want.

No complaints.

I could SURVIVE on the same amount in the UK per month but it wouldn't be a fun existence just enough to cover rent, bills and expenses and nothing more. I enjoy my life here, have fun and have a good standard of living.

Edited by TheSpade
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Between 30-40,000B per month depending on visa extensions and runs etc.

Live in central BKK in a good area walking distance to 2 major BTS stations (depends which way you walk) andthe main shopping malls with plenty of bars, restaurants, shops etc around.

Apartment has all mod cons, free Wifi, free cable TV, pool with poolside bar, gym, restaurants, mini mall, massage and salon on site.

No complaints.

I could SURVIVE on the same amount in the UK per month but it wouldn't be a fun existence just enough to cover rent, bills and expenses and nothing more.

you own or rent?

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Yes...many places are cheaper than America. Also many places are inconvenient, as well. We all live here with our pants down...(no joke)..meaning more precisely that most of us have no emergency plan/government bailout, assistance, rights or privileges. So If it was not cheaper, we would be dam_n foolish to stay. Thats is why, exactly, people pay more in America...however unhappy they are with the present government.


We all live here with our pants down,a bit unrealstic mate.Not one of my friends live how u describe

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I honestly can't fathom those living here on an income of 20-30k p/m.

Life must be an endless struggle. sad.png

Life not an endless struggle at all. I could easily live at the top of the spectrum if I so chose, but it just does not interest me. I own my own condo, eat out at least 5 times a week, and hit up some of my favorite bars now and then, still don't spend more than 25,000 a month. Guess it just depends what makes one happy.

As to the costs between the US and Thailand....i moved here about 8 years ago..when I left Washington state, I was paying around $500 a month rent, got around everywhere on a bicycle so had almost zero transportation costs, did not have health insurance, ate at home most of the time...the majority of my income expenditure went to beer and expensive mountaineering gear.....over here, I do have transport costs (BTS and taxis), I do eat out all the time because it is so affordable, I do now have health insurance, so it is rather apples and oranges. The costs are just different, and of course in some cases one cant really compare because the average incomes earned in both countries are so radically different. When I was single, I spent far more here on going out and nightlife, something that I didn't spend on in the US...now in a relationship, that expenditure is gone. If one spends most of one's time in central Bangkok, eats in foreign or upscale restaurants, shops in Paragon and so chooses, then expenditure here can come out fairly close to the west, presumably without being close to taking in what one would make back home. Fortunately, Thailand does give plenty of choice, so one can live very comfortabl for far far less.

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Electric (air on 8 hours a day everyday)............3000 baht

Water.................................................................400 baht

Internet...............................................................400 baht


Transportation (taxis for one month).................3000baht

Food (for 2).......................................................9000 baht

Miscelaneous ...................................................6000 baht

One of the reasons I brought this topic up AGAIN......is when I left the states .....(and I owned a home) my expenses were as follows.

Property tax...........................................................................450/month





medical ins,.................................................................................750/month

cable tv........................................................................................100/month



Transportation (gasoline, car insurance, and car payment)......800/month


Federal Income Tax................................................................1500/month

So an average life in America ....I believe I was middle class.....cost $4935/month.....

Doesn't seem a fair comparison. You paid for a gardener in US but here I assume you have no garden or no need for a gardener, you have no telephone, car, insurance (car or medical) in Thailand. Your free tv in Thailand is comparable with the 'paid for' cable tv in the states? Why is miscellaneous more expensive?

Aside from taxes (income and property) it suggests you live more frugally here then you did in the US rather than a comparable costs of living standards.

Is your income the same in Thailand as the US?

Actually my income is higher now (living here in Thailand) and my savings are Higher (not as expensive to live here in Thailand)

"Doesn't seem a fair comparison"......Why ? My free TV is BETTER here than in the states (yeah in the states I got 300 channels but sad to say 295 of them were crap)...Here in Thailand my telephone and internet costs are combined as I use DTAC 3G (cost 399 baht).....miscell...covers all the things I didn't spell out for you....travel, clothes, shopping etc..

Soooo.....Yes I am living more frugally ....but my quality of life is MUCH higher.....go figure

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60-70k as usual, sometimes more. Bored to spend so much haha, but can't stop, income grows so guess it's not matter to worry.

10k nice apartments (with huge discount from sweden guy and his thai wife)

4k motobike

2-3k electricity bills

10k food and tesco lotus shopping

2-3k visa run


30-40k - restaurants, travel etc.

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Transport is another area of potential savings:

Living in BKK, I can get around as a retiree for everything I need through a combination of walking, BTS and MRT passes and occasional taxi trips... Total monthly cost, probably $30 a most.

In the U.S. where I lived, you really couldn't get by on public transit alone. A car was a necessity. So figure $300 a month for a modest car payment during the life of the loan, then maybe $100-$150 per month for car insurance plus $50-$100 a month for gasoline (depending on a work vs. retiree schedule). Not including maintence and repairs, that's getting toward $200 to $500 a month, depending.

Of course, in Thailand, these days, I pretty much won't take any van, tour bus or train due to safety concerns/fear of losing my life. And if I was living upcountry, I wouldn't have the same easy mass transit options as exist in BKK. But I'm pretty sure even the costs of owning/maintaining a car or motorcycle here would be less by comparison.

A couple years ago, when I was back for a visit, my car had to be in the repair shop for a day...and I needed to take a cross town trip, most likely by taxi... Here, the trip would have cost perhaps 100 baht or $3+... When I told the U.S, taxi company where I needed to go for the perhaps 20-30 minute drive, their quoted price was about $35 one-way.

Again, one compares apples with oranges. To start with depending on where one lives in the US. If one lives in NYC, it is not necessary to have a car. Is it? However, having a car in the US is not always that expensive. The cost of a car is by far lower than here. Running it, is more expensive. You are right as far as costs of taxis, which are extremely cheap in Thailand. A taxi ride from mid town Bangkok to Suvanphumi airport would cost a maximum of Baht 500 (app.$16). you would be lucky to get a ride to the airport (JFK, Newark) from Manhattan for less than $50-60, just as an example.

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I can't really compare with real life in the US and my life here in Thailand as I was living like a student before I came.

Rough monthly expenses: (For an American/Thai couple in their late twenties with no kids)

Rent....10,000 Baht (one bedroom condo a short motorcycle taxi away from the BTS)

Car...... 7,700 Baht per month (one year down, 5 more to go)
Utilities...3,000 Baht per month( give or take: Internet, Electricity, Water)

Mobile Phone: .... 1,000 (500 Baht per month/each)

The rest...about 10,000 Baht (gas, entertainment, groceries, restaurant, taxis, transport etc)

All of my visa stuff is taken care of through work.

Total... about 32,000 Baht per month or so, not including the money I send back to the US for my student loans or the money we're setting aside for the wedding.

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Between 30-40,000B per month depending on visa extensions and runs etc.

Live in central BKK in a good area walking distance to 2 major BTS stations (depends which way you walk) andthe main shopping malls with plenty of bars, restaurants, shops etc around.

Apartment has all mod cons, free Wifi, free cable TV, pool with poolside bar, gym, restaurants, mini mall, massage and salon on site.

No complaints.

I could SURVIVE on the same amount in the UK per month but it wouldn't be a fun existence just enough to cover rent, bills and expenses and nothing more.

you own or rent?

I rent. 8k per month + 1k for bills.

I give it 5 minutes before someone tells me at 8k per month in BKK I must live in a rat infested shit hole in the slums with no aircon.

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How about the cost of Medical (Good Medical). in Thailand sickness can happen rapidly and you have better have enough medical insurance and coverage with a good hospital not a Thai hospital. Also , roads are old and not updated and there is not a Thailand plan to update these roads, so if you are not driving a car you must drive a motor bike. How many people are killed or hurt daily on these death traps.. Don't forget all the corruption that happen on a daily biases. Yes, Thailand living in Thailand is cheap but when you are in need and can go the police or have issues with government not in Thailand, there are offices that deal with this in America.. Try that in Thailand. You also do not mention each month that you travel across the border to have your passport stamped or the food that you have eaten that was bad or smelled bad and eat it anyway. Or the banks that take no responsibility for you lost money in their own banks. Or falling on a metal rod that is sticking out or the ground that was not cut flush so this will not happen. How about the stinking toilets that never are cleaned or the towel that everyone uses even in good restaurants. I have not even reached the tip of the iceberg...... Good luck living cheap in Thailand... .

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How about the cost of Medical (Good Medical). in Thailand sickness can happen rapidly and you have better have enough medical insurance and coverage with a good hospital not a Thai hospital. Also , roads are old and not updated and there is not a Thailand plan to update these roads, so if you are not driving a car you must drive a motor bike. How many people are killed or hurt daily on these death traps.. Don't forget all the corruption that happen on a daily biases. Yes, Thailand living in Thailand is cheap but when you are in need and can go the police or have issues with government not in Thailand, there are offices that deal with this in America.. Try that in Thailand. You also do not mention each month that you travel across the border to have your passport stamped or the food that you have eaten that was bad or smelled bad and eat it anyway. Or the banks that take no responsibility for you lost money in their own banks. Or falling on a metal rod that is sticking out or the ground that was not cut flush so this will not happen. How about the stinking toilets that never are cleaned or the towel that everyone uses even in good restaurants. I have not even reached the tip of the iceberg...... Good luck living cheap in Thailand... .

and many folks have decided all those negatives are outweighed by the positives or they wouldnt live there.

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"Sorry if this post has been done before":cheesy:cheesy.gif

Well people continually move here and want to know.

It obviously varies a lot.

When I was a drunken English teacher I sometimes lived on 5,000 baht a month. as a married man with 2 kids and a mortgage, I spend about 60k a month. There are times when I spend double that. I have friends whose costs are 10 times that.

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Yes...many places are cheaper than America. Also many places are inconvenient, as well. We all live here with our pants down...(no joke)..meaning more precisely that most of us have no emergency plan/government bailout, assistance, rights or privileges. So If it was not cheaper, we would be dam_n foolish to stay. Thats is why, exactly, people pay more in America...however unhappy they are with the present government.


We all live here with our pants down,a bit unrealstic mate.Not one of my friends live how u describe

Obiously not you and your friends....

not unrealistic.

we are not citizens of thailand are we? and how many rights and privileges do you actually get here, that the rest of us are missing out on?

In Thailand.... do we really expect police services?

do we actually own our land (not referring to buildings)

do we expect to pay corruption fees to get simple things done?

do we have the benefit of enforced safety laws for commercial transport

the list goes on....matey...

just a few thoughts

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Yes...many places are cheaper than America. Also many places are inconvenient, as well. We all live here with our pants down...(no joke)..meaning more precisely that most of us have no emergency plan/government bailout, assistance, rights or privileges. So If it was not cheaper, we would be dam_n foolish to stay. Thats is why, exactly, people pay more in America...however unhappy they are with the present government.

Just one remark. Most Americans seem to be happy with their government, otherwise President Obama would not have been reelected last November!

Not to get too far off topic, but by most Americans, are you counting all the dead ones and the ones that voted early and often for King Barry the Inept?

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This is a valid OP, as inflation is running very high here in Thailand (per Marc Faber of http://new.gloomboomdoom.com/portalgbd/homegbd.cfm Thailand inflation rate is close to 10%. he lives in Chiang Mai and studies the economies, so he should be close). So, prices can escalate rapidly. For example, I know construction sand has gone up about 20% in the last THREE MONTHS, here on Phuket.

To the topic, our actual expenses:

Rent / mortgage 0 (all paid off)

Property tax 0 (they never send a bill, but it should be around 30 / year. Side note: looking at our local district land sales and tax revenues, they are doing VERY well, which speaks to the proper management of this government department)

Electric (includes water / well pump). 1600 / month

TV cable. 350 / month

Food 200 / day easily (does not includes eating out)

Food tax 7%

Gas / propane 50 / month

Car 0 (all paid off, but cars are more expensive here vs. USA, by far. Our truck cost was about $34000 USD all in - probably 20% higher than US)

Gasoline 35 bht / litre (approx 25% more than US)

Entertainment/eating out 10000 / month

Golf course / caddy fee 5000/month

Home improvements/maintenance 3000 / month (yes, this is needed here even though these places are built of steel and cement block)

Clothing? I have no data on that as we have way more than we use, but we do go through laundry soap

Laundry soap. 1000 / month for family of 3

Laundry lady 300 week (ironing only)

Gardner 300 / week for two workers

I have probably missed a few things, but you get the idea.

Phuket (I call it the "Riviera" of the Andaman) is one of the most expensive locales in Thailand.

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Actually, there is no fix expenses for anyone.

If someone earns big, he will spend big. If someone earn a little, don't expect him to spend big amount of course.

Like me, I am sure to spend less than you. You live in a 5 bed room townhouse, I humbly say that I live in single room apartment.

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