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What have you had to teach or show how to do?


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As many of us have spent more time here it has probably been necessary for the wife or girlfriend to teach you or show you how some things are done.

What have you had to show her how to do?

For me I taught her how to prepare and cook a roast dinner.( yes a Brit)

Making certain types of sandwich I like.

I taught her to drive.

On a more personal note......kissing, Thais "sniff" kiss as the norm, so I had to instruct other western ways.

How about you ?

Edited by CharlieH
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I had to teach my wife that money isn't everything and show her there is a lot more to life than studying your bank book. It takes persistence but they do 'get it' in the end.

Of course; most Thai women never get to see anything of the World or other cultures apart from the odd arranged tour, from which they learn very little. When travelling to meet our families and friends and living with 'inlaws' for a holiday or two, their perspective of life in general changes quite a lot.

Oh; nearly forgot....she taught me how to make Nam Prik Nom !

Edited by trainman34014
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I learned many thing from my wife about the Thai way of doing things to many to state. I did teach her how to cook Mexican food and other foods that I favor. She is an excellent cook, and learned very fast, makes flour tortillas every day and I would venture to say that she cooks the best Mexican food available in Thailand.

But more importantly she taught me how to slow down and enjoy the activity I was involved in and as a result I greatly enjoy life more completely and pause every now and then to smell the flowers!


Edited by kikoman
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Ok, the wife not much. Taught her how to cook eggs better, she always cooked the hell out of them before. She taught me more if anything.

I've gotta add, I taught the village kids how to kick an Australian rules football. That was good fun, not as easy as it looks.

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Have taught her , how to be neutral , meaning that she has to change her thinking in between Thai and Western. It worked out good. Now she can think about both cultures . Taught her how to show love . That alone was the biggest challenge .Now she is the best wife , before she was the best just now better , oh you all know what I mean

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She has taught me more things about living here than I could mention. But done in such a way that I don't even notice for the most part.........wink.png

16 years of living here is testament to the above.

On the flip side, I introduced her to western style cooking, and even in that she has left me standing! Long term planning is still a challenge.

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Taught which one? I have taught several things like: how to cook western food. How to ride a manual bike. I love chicks on big bikes. How to knock someone out. How to open a beer with anything..lighter, etc. How to read people. How to stay calm under any circumstances. How to root android. How to empty your mind and focus on the inside. How to drive defensive. How to download movies. How to invest intelligently. How not to give a sh.t what other people think or say. And how to stay quiet when I say quiet.

Edited by A1Str8
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First mistake, I point up to night sky and say 'oh look that bright object is Venus'....

I am now on the bit about how the earth goes around the sun, tides, seasons, night, day....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Well this wasn't my wife or GF but a young lady I was knocking boots with for a while.

She was mistress to a married farang businessman who had his family living here in Bangkok with him.

She was frustrated at how he always told her he loved her but was only able to set aside one day a week to be with her. She'd gotten to the point where she was just about ready to walk away from him and the modest monthly retainer he paid her.

I told her to grow the **** up, get real and see her situation for what it really was. There was no way this guy was ever gonna bin his wife and kids for a bit of fluff on the side he could barely communicate with so she needed to stop investing emotional capital and start viewing the liaison as an opportunity. Taught her how to get him to buy her a 2 million baht house for her and her immediate family and increase the stipend to 100,000 per month.

I still see her around regularly in the clubs and she's eternally grateful to me for showing her how to play the long game.

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How to enjoy a threesome. We had to start with a mute go-go dancer in another city who couldn't tell anyone about it.

Life's been good since.



UH-oh! Somebody's jealous. xcool.png.pagespeed.ic.jz1nB6CMOI.png

If it makes you feel better, I might mention it took a year of talking about it first.

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How to enjoy a threesome. We had to start with a mute go-go dancer in another city who couldn't tell anyone about it.

Life's been good since.



UH-oh! Somebody's jealous. xcool.png.pagespeed.ic.jz1nB6CMOI.png

If it makes you feel better, I might mention it took a year of talking about it first.

Toooooo old to be jealous but not tooooooo old to laugh. smile.png

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When we first lived in THe Uk i had to show her how to use a tumble dryer ,she had never seen one ,

Yep, I had to explain what the radiators on the wall were for and why there were two taps on the sink.

Edited by CharlieH
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