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So, what do you think of Doug?


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Are there some true losers here, low-lifes whose behavior is questionable, even despicable?


But those of you perfect posters who slam every older guy who finds a younger women overseas, what do you think of Doug, a former school superintendent from Arkansas?

Doug came to SE Asia at what he thought was the end of a decent career, and during a mid-life crisis. His wife had filed for and was granted a divorce, and Doug, at 54, badly missed female companionship.

One night at a boxing match Doug laid eyes across the ring on a real beauty. Her name, he came to learn, was “Isabel.” She was 16, exotically beautiful, and a “dancer.”

Doug was smitten.

She called him “Daddy” and he called her “darling one” and “my baby girl.” When away, he wrote to her, telling her he craved her “deep lips” and “soft body.” He penned he would “die” without her.

He went back to work and received a new assignment in another part of Asia. He sent Isabel money to follow him. He set her up in a fine apartment, bought her tons of sexy underwear, and a poodle. His workload was enormous, but he supported Isabel in every comfort, giving her money for shopping, and saw her when he could get away from his work obligations.

But, alas, she found another. And another. And, well, many others, actually. Doug was heartbroken, but he terminated the relationship in no uncertain terms, giving her a ticket home and some cash.

But she demanded more money. And because Doug, already with over thirty years of impressive career, was standing on the precipice of an even greater future, he gave it to her.

So, was Doug a fool? A loser? A pedophile? Or just a smitten, lonely older man with good intentions?

The school he had been superintendent of was West Point, where he also had years before graduated first in his class with a 97 average. In just a few years, he would be awarded his fifth star, one of only five men to ever achieve such rank in the U.S. Army. In less than ten years, he would be promoted to SCAP; Supreme Commander of Allied Powers. It was Doug, by the way, who accepted the Japanese surrender, on board the USS Missouri, formally ending WWll.

With over a hundred military decorations from a dozen countries, Medal of Honor winner and Japan rebuilder Douglas MacArthur, despite his failings was, I dare say, far more powerful, educated, wealthy, influential, and ultimately, a world-changing figure, than any of you who constantly ridicule and berate others who have weakened here and there, wanting to take a break from their lives, be happy, and hope to make someone else happy.

So, what do you think of Doug?

(For the record, I am in no way condoning MacArthur's behavior. Just an interesting story.)

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For the record, I am in no way condoning MacArthur's behavior. Just an interesting story.

And, unless the young lady was Thai (if she was PM me) not Thailand related.

EDIT Lady in question was Filippina.

Our OP has made a case for re-opening this even though not Thai related, best behaviour please!

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To my mind it makes no difference of his name was Doug, Erwin, Monty or Charlie or whatever.

It all depends on the "16 year old" aspect abd how it happened - but I am not interested enough to look it up to find out.

Basically who it is make no odds.....

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Just goes to show that no matter the background, education or career when the other head takes control who knows what can happen.

I dont care who you are or what the background may be, if a man hits an emotional low, maybe is lonely, been rejected, dumped, failed marriage, feel he'getting old, whatever, if he's in that place and a pretty girl shows him attention and affection he is gonna grab it, all be it for a short, time but hes done for, she will become the emotional life-raft even if it is only temporary, some women can use that and make it permanent as we all know. Some women make a career out of being the rescuer.

Edited by CharlieH
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Just goes to show that no matter the background, education or career when the other head takes control who knows what can happen.

I dont care who you are or what the background may be, if a man hits an emotional low, maybe is lonely, been rejected, dumped, failed marriage, feel he'getting old, whatever, if he's in that place and a pretty girl shows him attention and affection he is gonna grab it, all be it for a short, time but hes done for, she will become the emotional life-raft even if it is only temporary, some women can use that and make it permanent as we all know. Some women make a career out of being the rescuer.

Good answer.

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Just had a strange thought.

The old man always seems to get the blame, berated, ridiculed etc, but not so the young lady/girl. Why is this ????

Think about this for a minute.

There is a young lady sitting on the bank of the river, wondering about her next meal.

Down river and around the bend is an old guy just sitting on the bank, lonely by himself and getting some sun.

Up river the young girl getting very hot in the sun and getting more hungry thinks well, I can go back to the orchard and pick some fruit from the tree but that would be very hot, or I can take the net and go into the river and maybe net a fish.

Down river the man sitting in the sun is getting hotter , so he decides, what the heck , no one is around so he strips off and goes in the river for a cooling swim.

Upriver the girl says , picking the fruit would be harder, so going into the river is easier and much cooler, and much more fun, so she strips off and jumps in.

As fate would have it the two wind up in about the same spot.

They connect and talk and low and behold a new friendship starts.

But because he is old and she is so young........ others do not see it that way. He becomes some sort of a pedo and she well she just is... young and a victim.

Was either one doing anything wrong ???

He got a companion and a friendship.

She got a meal, and some level of continuity and security that she didn't have.

Both are content and happy. Why does it bother so many other people

Now I have laid this out as just a thought and figuratively not literally. The guy was just relaxing enjoying life, and lonely The girl was hungry and in need and an opportunity presented itself whereby both would benefit and harm no one else....... so what is the problem ???

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Just proves that you don't have to be that smart to become a 5 star general in the US army!

But I guess we knew that already??coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif>

I think you're confusing 'proof' of alcohol with 'proof' of evidence...

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What do I think?


Doug, at 54, badly missed female companionship.

One night at a boxing match Doug laid eyes across the ring on a real beauty. Her name, he came to learn, was “Isabel.” She was 16, exotically beautiful, and a “dancer.”


He's as thick as two short planks.

She called him “Daddy” and he called her “darling one” and “my baby girl.” When away, he wrote to her, telling her he craved her “deep lips” and “soft body.” He penned he would “die” without her.

And he has definite paedophile tendencies. There's being attracted to younger women, and there's pursuing a 16 year old girl when you're in your fifties. Seriously, someone almost a quarter of your age? What an embarrassment..

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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It was the P.I. in the 1940s, many of the girls her age were married with kids, or just had kids, .... now I understand why he was so eager to state, "I shall return" ... I am sure his IQ was far higher than the average TV member, glad the US didn't take his advice and nuke N.Korea in the 50s.

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What do I think?


Doug, at 54, badly missed female companionship.

One night at a boxing match Doug laid eyes across the ring on a real beauty. Her name, he came to learn, was “Isabel.” She was 16, exotically beautiful, and a “dancer.”


He's as thick as two short planks.

She called him “Daddy” and he called her “darling one” and “my baby girl.” When away, he wrote to her, telling her he craved her “deep lips” and “soft body.” He penned he would “die” without her.

And he has definite paedophile tendencies. There's being attracted to younger women, and there's pursuing a 16 year old girl when you're in your fifties. Seriously, someone almost a quarter of your age? What an embarrassment..

My wife was 16 when we met, l was 32. Together for 23 years. Married for 19 years.

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What do I think?


Doug, at 54, badly missed female companionship.

One night at a boxing match Doug laid eyes across the ring on a real beauty. Her name, he came to learn, was “Isabel.” She was 16, exotically beautiful, and a “dancer.”


He's as thick as two short planks.

She called him “Daddy” and he called her “darling one” and “my baby girl.” When away, he wrote to her, telling her he craved her “deep lips” and “soft body.” He penned he would “die” without her.

And he has definite paedophile tendencies. There's being attracted to younger women, and there's pursuing a 16 year old girl when you're in your fifties. Seriously, someone almost a quarter of your age? What an embarrassment..

Born in Manila, the Philippines, as Isabel Rosario Cooper,Elizabeth Cooper (born January 15, 1914—died June 29, 1960) was a Scottish-Filipina film actress, vaudeville dancer, and singer. she was the recipient of the first on-screen kiss in a Filipino movie.

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My wife was 16 when we met, l was 32. Together for 23 years. Married for 19 years.

Firstly congratulations, in this case you were twice the age, I'm early 30s myself and couldn't see myself with someone that age, but it seems like it worked out for you.

I do however think there is a difference between double and quadruple the age (though I couldn't define where the line is drawn for me), but in this instance it's mostly the sexualised father complex that I find very distasteful 'She called him “Daddy” and he called her “darling one” and “my baby girl.”' particularly with such a dramatic age difference.

Just an opinion, which the OP solicited.

Born in Manila, the Philippines, as Isabel Rosario Cooper,Elizabeth Cooper (born January 15, 1914—died June 29, 1960) was a Scottish-Filipina film actress, vaudeville dancer, and singer. she was the recipient of the first on-screen kiss in a Filipino movie.

From the same source:

"MacArthur "showered [Cooper] with presents and bought her many lacy tea gowns, but no raincoat. She didn't need one, he told her; her duty lay in bed.""

So basically he groomed a teenager.


"She subsequently became his mistress in Manila, a fact the fifty-plus MacArthur hid from his 80 year-old mother.[1]"

"When the secret affair threatened to become public, MacArthur brought it to an end and gave Cooper a ticket back to the Philippines"

It seems to me like he was embarrassed and very scared of it the affair known to family and friends as well.

These actions are not those of 'smitten, lonely older man with good intentions'. The way I see it he groomed an impressionable teenager making clear that her duty was to serve him sexually, and when it became obvious that this would be exposed to friends and family, he dumped her. Sounds like the actions of a groomer and an abuser to me.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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My wife was 16 when we met, l was 32. Together for 23 years. Married for 19 years.

Firstly congratulations, in this case you were twice the age, I'm early 30s myself and couldn't see myself with someone that age, but it seems like it worked out for you.

I do however think there is a difference between double and quadruple the age (though I couldn't define where the line is drawn for me), but in this instance it's mostly the sexualised father complex that I find very distasteful 'She called him “Daddy” and he called her “darling one” and “my baby girl.”' particularly with such a dramatic age difference.

Just an opinion, which the OP solicited.

Born in Manila, the Philippines, as Isabel Rosario Cooper,Elizabeth Cooper (born January 15, 1914—died June 29, 1960) was a Scottish-Filipina film actress, vaudeville dancer, and singer. she was the recipient of the first on-screen kiss in a Filipino movie.

From the same source:

"MacArthur "showered [Cooper] with presents and bought her many lacy tea gowns, but no raincoat. She didn't need one, he told her; her duty lay in bed.""

So basically he bribed a teenager into sex


"She subsequently became his mistress in Manila, a fact the fifty-plus MacArthur hid from his 80 year-old mother.[1]"

"When the secret affair threatened to become public, MacArthur brought it to an end and gave Cooper a ticket back to the Philippines"

It seems to me like he was embarrassed and scared of it becoming known to family and friends as well.

So you think she could be both a naive teenager and a movie star, dancer and singer. Knowing a few movie star/dancer types it was probably her that was the driving force and him the gopher.

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What would this thread be without a picture?


The OP is "So, what do you think of Doug? "

Are you saying that a photo of 'Doug'?

Bah-Humbug ... I've met Doug ... he's much less effeminate that that.

Crossy ... good that it's been re-opened ... choice work ... thumbsup.gif

Great to see an open mind.

Actually, there is no known, verified, photo of Isabel.

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What would this thread be without a picture?


The OP is "So, what do you think of Doug? "

Are you saying that a photo of 'Doug'?

Bah-Humbug ... I've met Doug ... he's much less effeminate that that.

Crossy ... good that it's been re-opened ... choice work ... thumbsup.gif

Great to see an open mind.

Actually, there is no known, verified, photo of Isabel.

Not even this one?


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Quite frankly, I couldn't give a twopenny <deleted> what TV posters think about older guys finding younger women. If it makes you happy, go for it. It's nobody's business but yours. If it works, wonderful. If not, move on.

And to preempt speculation, yes, my wife (of seven years) is younger than me by 22 years. However, given that I'm 64, she's not exactly a spring chicken, nor was she when I met her.

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