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Naive or expecting too much ?


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some people don't read the post properly. result=misunderstanding - and then start shooting from the hip.

some instances are probably grudges toward other posters because they have been attacked by them earlier = pay back time!

and some probably get a kick out of winding others up just for the fun of it.


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Have to agree with you Charlie, there seem to be a lot more posters looking to Flame rather than discuss/give their opinions. Whether in their own minds they think they are spicing the topics up, who knows?

I do have to say that the moderators have a difficult job to do with adjudication, but in 9 out of 10 cases do a very good job of it. Certainly compared to other forums that are allowed to run wild.

Still, you will always find the aggressors...........................rolleyes.gif


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Who or what is nieve?

Do you mean naïve?

If yes, then you are, yes.

If you mean this


1 /niv, nif/ Show Spelled [neev, neef] Show IPA

Archaic Northern British and Scot. Dialect . a clenched or closed hand; fist
then I am confused. Sorry. wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif alt=wai.gif width=20 height=20>


I can see this for the wind-up it is on this topic.

Or at least I hope I do??................sad.png

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Well said.

You don't have to agree with what other people say, but they have a right to say it (and should defend it , as per famous quote).

Does resorting to attacking the person and not the subject or opinion show a lack of intelligence.


This tactic is not only personally offensive but also logically unacceptable because it violates two core principles of reasoning.
First, a person has an intellectual responsibility to respond to the content of an argument. Second, the character attack itself is
irrelevant to the person’s argument (whether or not it is true). Even morally flawed people can present sound arguments.
The ad hominem fallacy comes in three identifiable varieties:
  • abusive: directly denouncing character (old-fashioned name-calling).
  • circumstantial: raising special circumstances in an attempt to discredit a person’s motives (also known as “poisoning the well”).
  • tu quoque: accusing the other person of hypocrisy as an attempt to avoid personal criticism (tu quoque is Latin for “you too”).

Nice summary of it....even if I would take issue with 'trust in god to do as he pleases' , ain't diversity grand.


I saw a really good quote on a blog today here

The solution to such disagreements is, ideally, a community of inquirers working in good faith.
Determining who gets to determine "actual truth" is where the real problem lies. Insults are a way an arguer attempts to undermine
the individual as a source of truth, i.e. X can't be trusted they are a big fat liar as evidenced by Y"


Do you mean naïve?

If yes, then you are, yes

offtopic2.gif.pagespeed.ce.kcjFR6YG46.gi :-)

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I totally agree with what you said....being new to this forum I was naive ....and got baited ...snapped back and the rest is history...fast learning curve here on TV.

For me though, I have a very caustic and in your face personality in life (people either love me ...or hate me ...I think the later wins out..oh well!)...so, rightfully or wrongfully, said personality has been shown here on TV (I don't believe in tempering who I am...".I am what I am and that's what I am")...

Still working on the finesse part of my writing ....except being the bull in a china shop its a work in progress....But I am working on it...for those who's toes I've stepped on ....sorry ...well....maybe not....Just doing what I do....

Edited by beachproperty
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As I posted once before with even a 'Like' from George: Posting on ThaiVisa.com is good way to tell if my anti-psychotic medication is working or not.

A like from George, w00t.gif Blimey, your meds are working. PM me the details of the medication..........laugh.png

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Quite agree with what you say. Occasionaly I will rise to the bait and bite back, more out of boredom at the time than anything else. 90% of the time I just ignor any ignorant replies.

Yes, I agree entirely with Charlie, but I had to comment on an Australian would be teacher asking about a job teaching in Thailand, his post was full of mistakes and bad grammar. His post is on tonights forum. Australians are native English speakers, so the post is probably a troll.

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LOL! Your avatar is perfect for TV then OP. Not this **** again! biggrin.png

I've had my fair share of abuse and stereotypical responses to certain things such as 'Give up she wont be worth it... ...your looking through rose tinted glasses etc'. This experience encourages\conditions you to act in a similar manner. Hatred breeding hatred.

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As I posted once before with even a 'Like' from George: Posting on ThaiVisa.com is good way to tell if my anti-psychotic medication is working or not.

A like from George, w00t.gif Blimey, your meds are working. PM me the details of the medication..........laugh.png

i had a like from George, once.

Something to do with foot fetishes.

(At this point, perhaps a smiley is appropriate).


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As I posted once before with even a 'Like' from George: Posting on ThaiVisa.com is good way to tell if my anti-psychotic medication is working or not.

If you're posting naked while caressing a hatchet and muttering "Little Pigs come out to play" in a high pitched voice then I guess the answer is no mate. biggrin.png

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as the song says....Don't worry be happy..

bring back the "Grumpy Old Men", they used to input a lot of humour previously. Sadly, a lot no longer bother posting, anymore.....

It will go full circle one day I suppose...Just have to wait til then...

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As I posted once before with even a 'Like' from George: Posting on ThaiVisa.com is good way to tell if my anti-psychotic medication is working or not.

If you're posting naked while caressing a hatchet and muttering "Little Pigs come out to play" in a high pitched voice then I guess the answer is no mate. biggrin.png

It isn't a hatchet.

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Anyone want to discuss it or add your own perspective?

Imagine you are in a room full of several hundred strangers with differing opinions.knowledge, lives and experiences to your own only in cyberspace. Would you expect them to all be shiny happy people were it in real life.

there are a lot of these sort of posts nowadays.....

May I ask what exactly you expected? I find it more bizarre that people even need to ask things like this....

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Anyone want to discuss it or add your own perspective?

Imagine you are in a room full of several hundred strangers with differing opinions.knowledge, lives and experiences to your own only in cyberspace. Would you expect them to all be shiny happy people were it in real life.

there are a lot of these sort of posts nowadays.....

May I ask what exactly you expected? I find it more bizarre that people even need to ask things like this....

Bizarre to expect a little common courtesy or mutual respect, or putting it bluntly "Civilized" ! to one another.

Yeah you are probably right I am asking or expecting too much ! but it doesnt hurt to try does it.

Edited by CharlieH
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