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Naive or expecting too much ?


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There's the 'ignore' facility/button. You get to know who's going to be obnoxious just for the hell of it/has insecurity issues. I currently have 5 on mine (and before we get into the 'just scroll past them, I agree with soi41 that it's the post rather than the poster BUT these particular posters consistently sneer at whatever's been posted and I can't be bothered looking at the poster's name before reading). Funnily enough, they're ALL on the Phuket Forum. Bar 1ph34r.png

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If you want total negativity, every day, all the time, 24/7, just visit the Thailand News forum. The lowlifes that hang out there have nothing else better to do than to find reasons to criticize the Thais. Rather pathetic. By comparison, the General forum is rather mild and civilized.

I always think the Isaan forum is more toxic than the general forum, lot of bitter and twisted souls frequent that one. Never been to the Thailand News Forum, always though it would probably be like watching Fox News, and well expecting.... news!

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Get over it.

Its part of the net ecosystem and who are we to try and change that?

If it really bothers you, reply in kind, else just ignore, or have a good giggle as a lot of people do.

The moderators seem to do a good job mostly.

I'm giggling LOL

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I think the moderators could be harsher in deleting rude and unhelpful posts.

Also maybe like 'twitter" posts could be limited.

It is not too useful banning anyone, they can be back again in 10 minutes, that is not to say anyone should not be banned.

I think Alan Turing and Sir Tim Berners-Lee must be wondering what they have turned loose.(Alan turning in his grave that is).

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If you want total negativity, every day, all the time, 24/7, just visit the Thailand News forum. The lowlifes that hang out there have nothing else better to do than to find reasons to criticize the Thais. Rather pathetic. By comparison, the General forum is rather mild and civilized.

My!!! How dare they have an opinion which differs from your own or is negative about Thailand.....makes them lowlives...nice balanced reply there

Poster A. The color is white.

Poster B. The colour is white.

Poster C. The color is black.

ThaiVisa General forum. The Poster is a nutcase and color blind.

Thaivisa News forum. The poster is Thai and therefore does not know the difference between white and black.

There is a difference between disinformation and difference of opinion.

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I used to be a mod on a popular gaming site. First off, grow a thicker skin. Second, remember that although they read what you wrote, they are not listening, they are thinking about their next post. Don't get emotional. No one has ever won an argument in a forum.

I think the postings in the world news are the worst. I don't even have to read the postings anymore, I just have to look at who posted and I know what they said.

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I used to be a mod on a popular gaming site. First off, grow a thicker skin. Second, remember that although they read what you wrote, they are not listening, they are thinking about their next post. Don't get emotional. No one has ever won an argument in a forum.

I think the postings in the world news are the worst. I don't even have to read the postings anymore, I just have to look at who posted and I know what they said.

This is a good point, I too, over time, have learned and can almost tell, not what, but the nature of the response is likely to be just by whose posted it.

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If you allow "them" to get to you, "they" win!!whistling.gif

General rule on forums, attack the post not the poster!

On the other hand, I think the OP takes it way too seriously. After all it is a bit of banter and entertainment. Especially if you choose to post in "general", be prepared for an attack or two on your avatar!!

I think you are confusing Thaivisa with "real life"coffee1.gif

I have no way of proving it but some of the posters thrive on the attacks against them.

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Reference to the OP....yes I would like to meet one member in particular for a beer or wine spritzer to clear up our differences.....but I have it on good authority they are as much a tool in real life as they come across on here.

Still...I am not worried....give everyone a chance eh?

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An inappropriate post violating forum rules has been removed from view. Specifically this one:

In using Thai Visa I agree:

1) To respect fellow members.

I don't use the ignore button as it has been my experience that they tend to disappear. Besides most of them have some valid points about them. I know one who is dumb as a board fence about the PTP if they were to say Yingluck was a virgin he/she would believe it. Yet on other forums they have many good points of view.

Why would any one want to put a moderator on ignore.

There is one who I am very picky what I post if I see he/she is involved as I feel he/she has been unfair and unreasonable in their dealings with me.

It is obvious the remark bar would just bring down more abuse.

On the other hand there is about three moderators who have gone out of their way to help me. I just got an inbox from one who explained to me why he had edited out a line I had put in they did not have to do that it was a curtsey and they were entirely right in editing it.

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A few posts discussing moderation have been removed from view. Please no more discussion of moderation. It is against forum rules:

In using Thai Visa I agree:

21) Not to discuss moderation publicly in the open forum; this includes individual actions, and specific or general policies and issues. You may send a PM to a moderator to discuss individual actions or email support (at) thaivisa.com to discuss moderation policy. Members should not block contact with moderators or administrators. Doing so will result in suspension.


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It is very hard not to bite back when you get a poster referring to TV members as Morons because they bought their house in their wifes name. Anyone who refers to decent TV posters (and that is about 90% of them) as Morons, Ignoramuses and Trash just because they don't agree with them should be automatically suspended.

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It is very hard not to bite back when you get a poster referring to TV members as Morons because they bought their house in their wifes name. Anyone who refers to decent TV posters (and that is about 90% of them) as Morons, Ignoramuses and Trash just because they don't agree with them should be automatically suspended.

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Anyone want to discuss it or add your own perspective?

Imagine you are in a room full of several hundred strangers with differing opinions.knowledge, lives and experiences to your own only in cyberspace. Would you expect them to all be shiny happy people were it in real life.

there are a lot of these sort of posts nowadays.....

May I ask what exactly you expected? I find it more bizarre that people even need to ask things like this....

Sorry, but I think this is a great thread, I even thought of something similar myself, but decided against it as I thought I would be easily baited and end up with an enforced holiday.

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A good subject OP, I'd been thinking about similar myself for a number of weeks.

There's always been a very diverse set of types on TV but it used to be much easier to discuss whatever topic a poster wanted to present. But in fairly recent times it seems to me that there's an increase in posters who are interested in anything other than the original topic, that and bullying and baiting, I really can't decide what it's all about or why - is it a new generation of posters, is boredom increasing in some groups, is the product of poor education finally beginning to show or is it recession related, one thing is sure in my mind, the vast majority I encounter are from my home country, Brits. .

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It takes great willpower not to point out their improper usage of there, they're and their, among many others. It's difficult to take someone seriously when discussing something complex or deep, when they can't spell or use decent grammar.

No, I'm not talking about ESLers.

I think you have to remember that some TV members do not have English as their first language, but in the case of a would be English teacher from an English native speaking country posting with so many errors, well---.

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Anyone want to discuss it or add your own perspective

Odd the OP asked for a discussion, then never came back to continue...My How rude!! come here to whine about member's perceived rudeness and then hasn't the balls or common manners to come back and join in the discussion he requested...

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