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A video has surfaced of a giant unknown monster in Cambodia


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A video has surfaced of what appears to be a giant unknown monster being dug out of the ground in Cambodia.

The long, fat, slug-like creature is surrounded by a crowd of ecstatic onlookers, watching as the horrifying beast is hoisted onto a trailer.

What is it?



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What? Unknown monster? Utter tripe. It is clearly a Fin Whale. It has not been "dug" from the ground, but has been hoisted from a mud beach.

A Fin Whale is the second largest type of whale. Because it is one of the fastest swimming mammals its body is long and very slender with few markings and is usually not affected by parasites. ..hence its smooth appearance.

How very sad that it now suffers such an undignified end, despite having no doubt survived the despicable avaricious attention of Japanese "scientific" whalers for many years. (How do the Japanese manage to get away with such behaviour?)

Interesting to see how Cambodians look when they are "ecstatic".!!!

VERY SAD, that whale drowned and died, trapped in a fishing net!!!

According to a Pnom Penh news source:

A fishman was checking his nets near an island off Kampot province on Wednesday when he found an 11-metre-long dead whale.

Sar Sarin, chief of the provin­cial fisheries administration, said the whale, which weighed about five tonnes, was only the second to be found in Cambo­dian waters since the 1960s.

“Our experts went to see the dead whale, but we do not know yet if it is a male or female,” he said, adding that the whale carcass would be buried on Koh Ses island, near where it was found.

Teuk Chhou district police chief Prom Theat said the whale died after it was trapped in the net and drowned.

He said the fisherman took the whale’s jawbone to make traditional medicine.

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They will make a lot of money charging people to view trying to find lottery numbers.

At 1200 feet per second the .357 Magnum round you seem so proud of is indiscriminately lethal and once it leaves the muzzle cannot be recalled or its flight adjusted in any way. So if discharged accidentally, or the decision to fire is made in haste in the heat if the moment perhaps prematurely or not well aimed, or for any number of reasons the shooter may on another day acted differently, there is a real chance of someone being hurt or killed that maybe should not be. And at that velocity ricochets can not be predicted and could be equally lethal, not to mention bullets that don't conveniently stop but can penetrate structures and kill innocent occupants inside. The self-confidence and casual bravado implicit in your statement doesn't stand up to reasoned debate - it never has and never will. So why try and rationalize your support of the gun lobby ... And just say you believe your right to be a latent lethal threat to the community is more important than the community's right to be protected from people who believe what you do. Its time more people stood up to this nonsense that is spouted by the gun lobby about their "rights" and pretending there is a rational argument in its support rather than a purely emotive, self-centered intransigence on the part of those who refuse to part with their toys even when grown up.

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They will make a lot of money charging people to view trying to find lottery numbers.

At 1200 feet per second the .357 Magnum round you seem so proud of is indiscriminately lethal and once it leaves the muzzle cannot be recalled or its flight adjusted in any way. So if discharged accidentally, or the decision to fire is made in haste in the heat if the moment perhaps prematurely or not well aimed, or for any number of reasons the shooter may on another day acted differently, there is a real chance of someone being hurt or killed that maybe should not be. And at that velocity ricochets can not be predicted and could be equally lethal, not to mention bullets that don't conveniently stop but can penetrate structures and kill innocent occupants inside. The self-confidence and casual bravado implicit in your statement doesn't stand up to reasoned debate - it never has and never will. So why try and rationalize your support of the gun lobby ... And just say you believe your right to be a latent lethal threat to the community is more important than the community's right to be protected from people who believe what you do. Its time more people stood up to this nonsense that is spouted by the gun lobby about their "rights" and pretending there is a rational argument in its support rather than a purely emotive, self-centered intransigence on the part of those who refuse to part with their toys even when grown up.

What on earth are you on about. This is about the finding of a whale. Did you cut and paste the wrong article?
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They will make a lot of money charging people to view trying to find lottery numbers.

At 1200 feet per second the .357 Magnum round you seem so proud of is indiscriminately lethal and once it leaves the muzzle cannot be recalled or its flight adjusted in any way. So if discharged accidentally, or the decision to fire is made in haste in the heat if the moment perhaps prematurely or not well aimed, or for any number of reasons the shooter may on another day acted differently, there is a real chance of someone being hurt or killed that maybe should not be. And at that velocity ricochets can not be predicted and could be equally lethal, not to mention bullets that don't conveniently stop but can penetrate structures and kill innocent occupants inside. The self-confidence and casual bravado implicit in your statement doesn't stand up to reasoned debate - it never has and never will. So why try and rationalize your support of the gun lobby ... And just say you believe your right to be a latent lethal threat to the community is more important than the community's right to be protected from people who believe what you do. Its time more people stood up to this nonsense that is spouted by the gun lobby about their "rights" and pretending there is a rational argument in its support rather than a purely emotive, self-centered intransigence on the part of those who refuse to part with their toys even when grown up.

What on earth are you on about. This is about the finding of a whale. Did you cut and paste the wrong article?

No - if you refer to the original post I was responding to the signature line takes the opportunity to make a statement I (obviously) disagree with and wasn't prepared to let it go through to the keeper.

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