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Fat foreigner filmed stealing bag from Phuket KFC: Video

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Sorry, but I cannot see anything humorous about this at all.

Did anybody notice the old fat farang woman sitting at the back of the restaurant?

As the fat man nears the exit, he appears to discretely say something to the woman and then she gets up and follows him out.

Can`t really tell, but it is possible that the couple are Russian.

Yep, more Russian than Aussie as stated earlier.

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I've had a look at the video again, and I didn't see anyone leaving his bag there for the man in a vest to 'collect'.

I would not persecuting this fellow until I see the details of the rest of the video. Too many people have unfairly fallen victims in this country.


cheesy.gif ...........................................Gawd 'elp us. cheesy.gif

If it was a hoax, then good fun, if it was not, then you are nuts....................cheesy.gif

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A Heinous crime, which deserves the death penalty.whistling.gif

Trivial, unless it was your bag. Flippancy about someone's loss is indeed a sad commentary concerning your ethics.


Why would the camera track him moving?

Please read the news article. The victim was using his phone cam to record the security camera footage. The phone cam appears to be doing the moving.

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It shouldn't be too hard for Phuket police to pick up that shit sack with a black back pack. He must weigh 200kgs. Not exactly your average beach bum.

When caught he should be made to have compulsory membership at the weight watchers club. Also a trip to the menswear department.

Look come on it's hot and he took it by mistake.cheesy.gif


Considering the taste of KFC I am surprised the fat foreigner had the sense of mind to find the exit let alone navigate to another table and swipe someones backpack.

He did wobble a bit though didn't he!


He is defiantly not American or he would have put the baseball cap on backwards. I think he must be part retriever as he picks up the cap and carries it in his mouth.


It is probably Eurotrash. It is precisely the reason why Phuket, Pattaya or even Chiangmai are no fun anymore. Too many white-nose people around. You want to avoid 90% of all foreigners at all times.

Seems like a good time to put the broad-brush-of-hate and bigotry pencils back into the drawer and lock it shut.

Someone has said that it requires less mental effort to condemn than to think.

― Emma Goldman -


Fat balding Foreigner wearing a wife-beater and shorts. We can safely exclude 8% of the Western foreigners currently in Thailand from the list of suspects. whistling.gif

On the other hand, looking for a fat balding foreigner in Tourist areas is like looking for a soi dog - you fall over 200 of them on every street corner.blink.png

Oh my goodness ! you must feel so out of place ..............'andsome man !


As much as i dislike being 'observed' by CCTV's ..they are definately good evidence after the fact...no denials likely from this guy once he's collared..

But if he were Thai, would probably look at the video and say:

Oh darn, I was 'sleepwalking' againwhistling.gif ....


I'm fairly sure "recorded to phone" should be "copied". English as a foreign language...

Not at all. Copied implies that a duplicate was made. This was made by a phone camera, recording the analogue image from a monitor onto a digital storage device.

If you took a photo of someone's face, you would not say you copied the face but I can appreciate it may be difficult for someone with English as a foreign/second language.

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This kind of bad dressed losers unfortunately one sees everywhere in Thailand. I always feel embarrassed that many Thai citizens must think these low class farangs are the representatives of the average western population. In fact they are the spitted out pariahs, but act in LOS as if they were the successful free souls. Hang themselves with gold and tattoos suggesting a personality which they dearly would like to have.

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i know this foreigner!!!

i've seen him +/- 500.000 since i'm in thailand. you can find him around 6pm in any whorebar in pattaya or phukhet, with sweaty forehead and smelly armpits.

Says stickylies...............furiously sniffing another sweaty armpit !


Fat balding Foreigner wearing a wife-beater and shorts. We can safely exclude 8% of the Western foreigners currently in Thailand from the list of suspects. whistling.gif

On the other hand, looking for a fat balding foreigner in Tourist areas is like looking for a soi dog - you fall over 200 of them on every street corner.blink.png

Oh my goodness ! you must feel so out of place ..............'andsome man !

It's a cross I have to bear. xcool.png.pagespeed.ic.jz1nB6CMOI.png


The title is extremely offensive and typical of the mentality about foreigners in Thailand or in most part of the world to that matter. The Day people will stop looking down on others because they don't look like them, they don't speak like them or don't act like them, we will have make a giant step for mankind.

in 1967 it was true that, "The Western arrogance of feeling that it has everything to teach others and nothing to learn from them is not just." (MLK). Nowdays, The Dunning Kruger effect is so prevalent that it no longer a question of western arrogance. It has become universal.

Put a lid on it...

If this guy was eating a small salad in a restaurant, people might have a tendency to be more generous towards him..and his size...

But no, he requires a double seat in a KFC, of all places for darn sake...

What a sleazeball! And not wearing socks with his flip flops so could be American!

Definitely not German !

Why ..........not fat enough ?


I've had a look at the video again, and I didn't see anyone leaving his bag there for the man in a vest to 'collect'.

I would not persecuting this fellow until I see the details of the rest of the video. Too many people have unfairly fallen victims in this country.


Time to take your meds. I hope you retired from teaching long ago. The future of our children depends on it.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

I've still got a few decades to bag before my retirement, mate. Even then, I am certain that I still won't be as partial and easily convinced from a single story. And yes, I teach our children to tread carefully into the future, and not make subjective and hasty decisions based on insufficient information.


How come the security camera follows the bloke as he goes to the bag?

He then asked the KFC staff to check footage from their security camera. He recorded the footage on his phone and then posted it on his Facebook account before informing police.

So, definitely not a conspiracy against fat farangs then.

Never, they are the mainstay of KFC..


I am (almost) disappointed. I was sure the victim was going to mention that he had his wallet (with 200,000+ baht in it), credit/atm cards, passport, 500,000 baht in gold jewellery and his Ferarri all in that bag !

Surely there is no point in overstating the loss umless you are trying to scam your holiday insurance.

I see this as an opportunity for TV members to shine here especially the ones who moan and groan at every opportunity about "theThais" cheating or stealing from farangs.Come on guys here's one of your countrymen giving us all a bad name. Go and find him and dob him in then post it on TV.Surely the combined efforts of all TV members who live on Phuket to go bar hopping until they find this tw@ would be worthwhile and makes a change from whining about the locals.


Look like there was more than one

"fat farang" in KFC. The size of people at

this fast food chain should send a message

out to what u will look like.

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