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Sound of whistle blowing can cause stress

Lite Beer

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I was at Central World a few Xmases ago. They were having a little puppet show and all these kids were sitting on this carpet they had for them to watch the show. They were getting ready for the show, and lots of kids were sitting there. On both sides of them they had these massive speakers that were blaring at ear-piercing volume. I was a good 40 feet away and it bothered me. But these kids didn't even seem to notice it.

They call that pre- training for parking guards....

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Is this some sort of "evidence" that whistles are weapons? In that case, maybe Isaan Rambo was right all along and an armed response to the anti-govt protests is justified?

You couldn't make this stuff up... well, I couldn't anyway.

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In order to relieve mental and physical stresses, rally-goers should exercise and listen to other types of information such as entertainment news intermittently, Dr. Yongyuth suggested.

They could listen to Jatuporn speaking at the reds rally, he's laughable.

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"Dr.Yongyuth Wongpiromsan, psychiatrist at the Mental Health Department, says...'in the long term, having been exposed to extreme level of noise especially in crowded areas, protesters could get stressed and could even be easily triggered to use violence.' "

What a brilliants discovery, albeit total plagiarism from the research of Hans Selye. Selye wrote The Stress of Life (1956). Selye coined the term"stress". He called negative stress "distress" and positive stress "eustress". The system whereby the body copes with stress, the hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) system, was also first described by Selye. He also pointed to an "alarm state", a "resistance state", and an "exhaustion state", largely referring to glandular states.

It is one thing to knock off handbags and DVDs, but when Thailand's media praises a so called academician/medical professional's outright plagiarism...This is just plain pathetic. Even if Dr.Yongyuth cited Selye, he would be citing work and knowledge that was accepted by the western world 57 years ago.

I don't think the good Dr. is trying to claim this is his own discovery.

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Dr. Yongyuth further explained that receiving too much information from political rally sites on a constant basis could in the long run affect mental health.

At last, a credible explanation of why the average IQ of the Thai peoples is so low.

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"Dr.Yongyuth Wongpiromsan, psychiatrist at the Mental Health Department, says...'in the long term, having been exposed to extreme level of noise especially in crowded areas, protesters could get stressed and could even be easily triggered to use violence.' "

What a brilliants discovery, albeit total plagiarism from the research of Hans Selye. Selye wrote The Stress of Life (1956). Selye coined the term"stress". He called negative stress "distress" and positive stress "eustress". The system whereby the body copes with stress, the hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) system, was also first described by Selye. He also pointed to an "alarm state", a "resistance state", and an "exhaustion state", largely referring to glandular states.

It is one thing to knock off handbags and DVDs, but when Thailand's media praises a so called academician/medical professional's outright plagiarism...This is just plain pathetic. Even if Dr.Yongyuth cited Selye, he would be citing work and knowledge that was accepted by the western world 57 years ago.

I don't think the good Dr. is trying to claim this is his own discovery.

Near unanimous, but I think we're all missing the point.

It's a very impressive talk about pathetic.

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It sure stresses me out when some brain donor does it while Im trying to park my car.

I agree. One would think the guards would use hand and arm signals to guide you back and the whistle to warn you to stop in order to prevent hitting something or someone. With all the racket, I mostly ignore them and rely on mirrors, head turning and backup cameras.

From my observation at the local store, none of the guards have cars. They all seem to drive motorbikes and may not have any experience backing a car or any training as a ground guide, etc. I don't feel safe replying on them.

Edited by Benmart
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"Dr.Yongyuth Wongpiromsan, psychiatrist at the Mental Health Department, says...'in the long term, having been exposed to extreme level of noise especially in crowded areas, protesters could get stressed and could even be easily triggered to use violence.' "

What a brilliants discovery, albeit total plagiarism from the research of Hans Selye. Selye wrote The Stress of Life (1956). Selye coined the term"stress". He called negative stress "distress" and positive stress "eustress". The system whereby the body copes with stress, the hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) system, was also first described by Selye. He also pointed to an "alarm state", a "resistance state", and an "exhaustion state", largely referring to glandular states.

It is one thing to knock off handbags and DVDs, but when Thailand's media praises a so called academician/medical professional's outright plagiarism...This is just plain pathetic. Even if Dr.Yongyuth cited Selye, he would be citing work and knowledge that was accepted by the western world 57 years ago.

Dr. Wongpiromsan did not site the information as being his own research. Nor did imparting his knowledge and advice to others cause him to be ethically or legally responsible to provide references. However I believe that you are misrepresenting yourself as a learned person on the matter. You did not plagiaries per se but you more than likely used a search engine to obtain information that you partially pasted from an article that to you is entirely alien subject matter and that you comprehend as well as you do ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. (Did you even get through high school Biology?). Furthermore regarding allusions to knockoffs and when the research was conducted; You provide no valid refutation of Syles since his research "57 years ago." You are making a moot point (Not to mention that you apparently believe that the "western world" allusion buttresses the strength of your statement)- In fact you are guilty of sophistry. Overall your post is reprehensible. It is hostile. It is ignorant. It falsely accuses. It fabricates. It misconstrues the information presented in the article and the intent of the article itself. I have not used the word 'pathetic' because it would be too mitigating.

Edited by techboy
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Was at Home Pro today.

Although there were so many empty parking spaces that a dozen ten-wheel trucks could easily fit in, the parking attendant/guard still found it prudent to direct me in using a barrage of noisy whistle signals, just in case I was blind (as most Thai motorists seem to be). This already stressed me out.

But that was NOTHING compared to the incessant playing of that dreadful Loy Krathong song in a continuous loop. Why is there only one (ONE!!!) song with only two (TWO!!!) strophes???? And why can't it be alternated with other songs??? I was almost going bonkers after having to listen to it something like 30 times during my brief 40-minute visit.

It's like we in the West only had one single Christmas song that's playing incessantly during the entire holiday period and wherever you go.

Now just imagine you'd be an employee there and have to listen to it 8 hours a day. But then again, as another poster noted correctly, most Thais are deaf anyway; and that's the only way to survive this assault on your ear drums, I suppose.

I'm home again now, but I swear.... if I have to listen to that song only one more time today, I'll snap and start running amok in the neighborhood - or make an appointment with Dr. Yongyuth.

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"Sound of whistle blowing can cause stress" ... especially to corrupt or lying politicians who've been caught out ? whistling.gif

and apparently it is far better for people to remain ignorant than to be participants in democracy, according to this Dr.

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To find anyone authorized or called upon to give press releases which display rational learning, thinking or speaking has become a daunting chore. It sometimes appears that the one who do not fit into this catagory could not field a soccor team, much less provide leadership/advise for Thailand's many problems/inconviences.

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That explains why all the parking attendants have violent episodes.

I never understand why they are whistling when I drive in to a parking area, nor do I understand why the do it when I want to leave the parking area. They also waiving with their arms, why ? I`m able to see a little bit further than my front bumper, but I guess any Thai cannot see so far in the future. I do not speak the whistle-language.

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Now this is what I call a fantastic piece of journalism.

Really award winning stuff.

Perhaps you could add your thesis on "the whistle and its place in thai culture" with its differing variations of its meaning, all provided by one person, namely, you ? whistling.gif

Jeeeeeez..........get a life.

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