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Would a 500 Baht emergency-coverage fee scare off foreign tourists?


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Would a Bt500 emergency-coverage fee scare off tourists?

Pongphon Sarnsamak
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The government's attempt to launch a new regulation to collect an entry fee from foreign tourists to cover their emergency medical services could prompt tourists to choose destinations in other countries.

The concern, raised by the Tourism Council of Thailand, comes after the Public Health Ministry proposed a plan to collect Bt500 as a fee for entering the country from foreign tourists staying in Thailand from three to 30 days; and Bt30 for less than three days. The fee would be used to support a ministry programme providing emergency medical services for foreign tourists.

According to Public Health Minister Pradit Sintavanarong, currently the ministry has to shoulder about Bt200 million to Bt300 million as the financial burden for providing emergency medical services for foreign tourists.

Each year, the ministry estimates that about 23 million foreign tourists from around the world visit Thailand. It expected that if the plan to collect a fee for entering the country were approved by the Cabinet, the ministry would be able to collect about Bt10 billion.

This money would be used to support the ministry's budget to provide emergency medical services for foreign tourists suffering serious illness or injury. Under this plan, each foreign patient would be covered by Bt200,000 to Bt300,000 in emergency care. This budget would also be used to develop healthcare units and procure medical devices.

"They [foreign patients] must pay to enter the country because they have to use our medical resources," Pradit said.

The ministry is now discussing with related agencies - the National Security Council, Foreign Affairs Ministry, Tourism and Sport Ministry, Labour Ministry and Immigration Bureau - to find appropriate ways to collect the fees.

If the agencies come up with a good plan, it will be deliberated by the Cabinet before the Office of the Prime Minister makes an announcement.

But Tourism Council of Thailand president Piyaman Tejapaibul does not believe this plan would benefit the tourism industry. Instead of attracting more and more tourists to visit our country, the plan would hurt tourist figures, Piyaman said.

"Each year Thailand gets a lot of revenue from the tourism industry - but the government has never used money from this industry to develop and support tourism," she said.

Currently, many tourists bring their own travel insurance from private insurance agencies in case of unexpected accident or illness, covering them for medical services in the destination country. Some countries require travellers to attach their health insurance when applying for a visa, so that they do not have to shoulder the burden of paying fees for medical services at their destination.

"We want good tourists to visit Thailand - not the [type of tourist] who does not want to enter because he or she has to pay Bt500 as an entrance fee," Pradit said. He added that European countries and the US have supported the government in collecting entrance fees from their tourists, as they see that the plan would reduce risks for their citizens travelling abroad.

-- The Nation 2013-11-19

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"Each year Thailand gets a lot of revenue from the tourism industry - but the government has never used money from this industry to develop and support tourism," she said.

Well, I've got to admit that it's good on her, Tourism Council of Thailand president Piyaman Tejapaibul, to admit this. That's a rather reveal.

As if we had any doubts regarding who truly benefits from foreign money. Surely not the tourists. Funny how TV can be so accurate sometimes.

I do notice over the last months that the Thai apologist brigade have gone almost completely dark silent. Interesting.

Well Mrs tejapaibul is full of nonsense. What exactly does she mean? TAT is government funded to a massive wedge. And no, the central government doesn't directly tax tourism, so she should be asking the local governments who do levy hotel taxes.

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I think you should be exempt on production of a valid insurance document on entry.

I can see it having a small impact especially on budget travelers, but mostly on regional travelers from the ASEAN countries. 500 baht may well piss them off enough to make alternative arrangements.

They could possibly end up losing well over 10 billion a year.

The Thai Revenue Dept target for 2013 is around 2 trillion baht, so even if 1% of tourists were to fall away, then that could see a drop of 20 billion.

I don't think the title should say 'scare off tourists' but it would certainly 'piss off tourists'.

Thailand needs to get it's head out of its arse on tourism. I have traveled far and wide all my life, and I have seen enough major tourist destinations going from boom town to ghost town in a relatively short time.

10 years from now, I expect Thailand to be declining. Most have been there and done it, plenty of new places opening up all the time, fashions change. Thailand needs to start thinking about improving the tourist industry here instead of letting it slide into a seedy cesspit of scams and corruption.

You don't know what you have got until it has gone. Thailand would be cast back into the dark ages without its tourist revenue.

Don't take the piss Thailand.

A good point about regional tourists which could affect the much vaunted rush of Chinese. Most are on package tours and when the B500 is converted into their own courrency plus admin charges and any other excuse the package cost goes up.

The new fee probably won't scare off Western tourists until problems arise when those seeking medical attention find it buys them nothing. Remeber when the B30 medical plan was introduced and so many hospitals refused to honour it.

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"...currently the ministry has to shoulder about Bt200 million to Bt300 million as the financial burden for providing emergency medical services for foreign tourists...It expected that if the plan to collect a fee for entering the country were approved by the Cabinet, the ministry would be able to collect about Bt10 billion..."

So, that leaves Bt9.7 Billion surplus. I am sure that surplus will go to improve health care and not into the pockets of some government officials. Sounds like another money scam to. Why don't they just come out and admit that the country would go under without foreign money and ask for "charity money" from each entering tourist?

Edited by jaltsc
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"Each year Thailand gets a lot of revenue from the tourism industry - but the government has never used money from this industry to develop and support tourism," she said.

This sounds like a personal problem of the government. Definately not the fault or doing of foriegn tourists. Where is this revenue being employed? In corrupt politician's pockets that is where.

"We want good tourists to visit Thailand - not the [type of tourist] who does not want to enter because he or she has to pay Bt500 as an entrance fee," Pradit said. cheesy.gif

Edited by coma
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Sounds like a great idea. You will be able to fly into Bangkok, pay 500 baht and then get that operation you have been put on a 6 month waiting list for back home.

Don't they realise if people pay for emergency medical care they will expect to get all their treatment 'in Thailand free'

This one they haven't thought of at all.

They are drooling over the billions they think they will be able to get.

There will be no pot of gold here. Half of Burma will come for treatment.

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If this ever happens, how will they differentiate foreigners working in the country (in the tax system) and the tourist? Will it just be applicable to tourist visas and visa exempt stamps? If it is charged on a non O or B visa, will the Thai registered company sending people overseas be able to claim on tax for the fee?

It will be interesting..............wink.png

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If this ever happens, how will they differentiate foreigners working in the country (in the tax system) and the tourist? Will it just be applicable to tourist visas and visa exempt stamps? If it is charged on a non O or B visa, will the Thai registered company sending people overseas be able to claim on tax for the fee?

It will be interesting..............wink.png

Interesting? Every government hospital will be filled with Chinese tourists and Cambodian via runners.

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I look at the 500Baht entrance fee not as an insurance scheme but

more like the entrance fee to a popular (read excellent) nightclub

back in the first world. You queue up outside for a while & wait to

see the doorman/bouncer. If the doorman/bouncer reckons your ok

then he lets you inside where you pay the entrance fee & get a nifty

stamp on the back of your hand or wrist plus a free drink or two

and can party the night away & possibly meet some stunning babe

(or gentleman if you're a lady or gay) and then who knows what else

may happen that evening early morning when the two of you leave

together (hopefully because that's why you went to the club).

Like others have stated...this has zero to do with the so called losses

of LOS's medical coverage of tourista's...it's just a money grubbing


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I look at the 500Baht entrance fee not as an insurance scheme but

more like the entrance fee to a popular (read excellent) nightclub

back in the first world. You queue up outside for a while & wait to

see the doorman/bouncer. If the doorman/bouncer reckons your ok

then he lets you inside where you pay the entrance fee & get a nifty

stamp on the back of your hand or wrist plus a free drink or two

and can party the night away & possibly meet some stunning babe

(or gentleman if you're a lady or gay) and then who knows what else

may happen that evening early morning when the two of you leave

together (hopefully because that's why you went to the club).

Like others have stated...this has zero to do with the so called losses

of LOS's medical coverage of tourista's...it's just a money grubbing


Ah but in this nightclub, they will give free booze to everyone, and the last man standing wins a small prize. Just imagine how many people will queue up outside to enter?

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