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Red shirts refuse to accept Constitutional Court's verdict


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Red shirts refuse to accept Constitutional Court's verdict
Pravit Rojanaphruk

BANGKOK: -- Some 5,000 pro-government red shirts thunderously booed the Constitution Court from a far distance at Rajmangala Sports Stadium yesterday (Wednesday) as judges found the charter amendment on the election of senate members proposed by ruling parliamentarians unconstitutional.

The crowd was relieved however that the Pheu Thai party was not dissolved but that feeling was tinged with anger and frustration as one of their co-leaders, Nattawut Saikaur, declared on stage that a new round of fight has just begun.

Nattawut said it's a face-off between 'democratic forces and forces outside the [democratic] system' and called upon red shirts nationwide to descend to Bangkok to fight as they were ready to announce new measures to protect their 'elected government' of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

"Perhaps we should take the opportunity to launch a people revolution before them," he said, in reference to the Democrat party-led protest camping on the other side of the same city, at Democracy Monument, which appeared to enjoy a bigger crowd so far.

Pheu Thai party-list MP and red-shirt co-leader Weng Tojirakarn echoed Nattawut even before the verdict was read when he said perhaps reds should "wipe out reactionary forces from Thai soil."

Sitting amongst fellow red shirts in the less than half-full stadium, 66-year-old retired electrician Banpot Thepboonchan from Rangsit area of Pathum Thani province said he felt cheated listening to the verdict which was broadcast live to the stadium.

"They told us to accept to charter first then amend it later," he said, referring to the military junta's sponsored referendum on the current charter back in 2007.

"Now they won't let us do it."

Outside the stadium, many food kitchen were set up, a sign of readiness for a prolong fight. An underground band played anti-monarchist song just a few metres away from the stadium itself. The singer said through the microphone calling the Constitution Court and 'robber court' and urge listeners to purge it.

-- The Nation 2013-11-20

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oooooh. This is going to be good watching.

These numpties just don't get it do they.

Whilst you're right, they do have a point, but you addressed that in your post in the other thread when you pointed out that there's more than one way to skin a cat.

"They told us to accept to charter first then amend it later," he (66-year-old retired electrician Banpot Thepboonchan from Rangsit area of Pathum Thani province) said, referring to the military junta's sponsored referendum on the current charter back in 2007.

"Now they won't let us do it."

It's not their intention to change the make-up of the Senate that is the issue - it's their intention to ram it through in a disproportionate and undemocratic fashion.

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No surprise there.


In their defense though, it the ruling had been the amendment was constitutional the yellow shirts would not have accepted the verdict.

You are probably right.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"Nattawut said it's a face-off between 'democratic forces and forces outside the [democratic] system' and called upon red shirts nationwide to descend to Bangkok to fight as they were ready to announce new measures to protect their 'elected government' of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra."

Still at least he admits the red stormtroopers are forces acting outside the democratic system.

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There is going to be a party. There are going to be heartbreaks, some one is going to get hurt. The Eagles sing it better.

Blook will flow. I hope the police do a better job of controlling the beast. They did not do a very good job in 2010. ph34r.pngph34r.png

Edited by tomross46
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I think this is going to get ugly!

The best thing to do now is turn off the news and internet till Monday until all the chest puffing and rutting has taken place, chill out and stock up on rice and bottled water. Get your Thai baht out of country and get ready to bring your dollars and sterling back in.

It is also easy to see what selective media and constant TV/Radio brainwashing achieve up North with the many illiterates.

Sitting amongst fellow red shirts in the less than half-full stadium, 66-year-old retired electrician Banpot Thepboonchan from Rangsit area of Pathum Thani province said he felt cheated listening to the verdict which was broadcast live to the stadium.

"They told us to accept to charter first then amend it later," he said, referring to the military junta's sponsored referendum on the current charter back in 2007.

"Now they won't let us do it."

That is not what this is about. So just what garbage are these people being fed?

Nice to see the talk of not even thinly veiled violence is back on the red agenda.

It was very funny on the news today to see Jatuporn Nattawut and Thida trying to look serious whilst playing to an empty stadium today. One news source claimed they had 65000 people there w00t.gif I reckon if they had 3000 they were lucky. Good job they picked a stadium full of red seats to try and make it look fuller, but sadly there was nobody in the seats. I guess not paying the farmers will go down like a lead balloon at the moment!

Edited by GentlemanJim
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In their defense though, it the ruling had been the amendment was constitutional the yellow shirts would not have accepted the verdict.

Did you not see that Suthep said that he (his group) would accept the courts ruling ?

But carry on the reds need all the defense they can get.

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My diehard Red Shirt Neighbors just said they would accept the ruling as it is LAW .. I was speachless!!! They then said, more shock and horror, that if the Red Shirt Leaders did NOT distance themselves from the Shinawat Family they would NOT vote for them again !!!! .... Their words not mine coffee1.gif

There maybe hope yet.

I think if most RED shirts (the actual rural people) learnt more about the UDD leaders they would probably not like what they are told/read.

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Only 5,000 Red shirts left?

The Yellow now have 50,000 at least.

I better change side now.

Missy, pls dye all my red shirts yellow NOW.

I would keep two complete sets, if Weng wins and does a Mao style reeducation, it comes handy to have a red shirt.

Like in Germany...when Hitler took over, everyone was really always a Nazi, and when the Soviet marched in, really everyone was in the resistance.....

Always need both shirts close....you never know who wins.

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My diehard Red Shirt Neighbors just said they would accept the ruling as it is LAW .. I was speachless!!! They then said, more shock and horror, that if the Red Shirt Leaders did NOT distance themselves from the Shinawat Family they would NOT vote for them again !!!! .... Their words not mine coffee1.gif

There maybe hope yet.

I think if most RED shirts (the actual rural people) learnt more about the UDD leaders they would probably not like what they are told/read.

I hear similar stories a couple of times....

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My wife's sister has made plans to go up to Bangkok next week to join the anti-government protest (all expenses paid), some people are urging her not to go, they say that things are about to get, shall we say 'interesting' in Bangkok. I don't mean to sound alarmist, but perhaps people should think about stocking up on food or getting out of any areas that may be affected by the coming clash between pro and ant-government pawns.

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"Nattawut said it's a face-off between 'democratic forces and forces outside the [democratic] system' and called upon red shirts nationwide to descend to Bangkok to fight as they were ready to announce new measures to protect their 'elected government' of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra."

How do they protect their "elected Government" the Yingluck administration from its own stupidity?

"Perhaps we should take the opportunity to launch a people revolution before them," he said, in reference to the Democrat party-led protest camping on the other side of the same city, at Democracy Monument, which appeared to enjoy a bigger crowd so far.

You couldn't make this stuff up, now they want to revolt against their "elected government", which means they will have to defend it against themselves!

"Pheu Thai party-list MP and red-shirt co-leader Weng Tojirakarn echoed Nattawut even before the verdict was read when he said perhaps reds should "wipe out reactionary forces from Thai soil."

More nonsense, they are the ones being reactionary, so do they want to wipe out themselves from Thai soil. If these are the best and brightest of the Redshirts its no wonder that they keep tripping over their own flip flops.

A reactionary is a person who holds political viewpoints that favor a return to a previous state (the status quo ante) in a society. As in He [Thaksin] told the interviewer he wanted the amnesty to go all the way, something the initial amnesty bill could not do. Let's call it a "set zero [restart]", he said.

do they want to wipe out themselves from Thai soi

That would for sure give them the Nobel peace price, posthumous.

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