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Elderly gentleman


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Similar to asking "What do Australian men prefer.....?"

... beer

We like a beer ... or two ... rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif alt=rolleyes.gif width=20 height=20>

No you don't. You guys only drink that rather poor, yellow substitute referred to by many as lager. The real ale is drunk by Brits and often in preference to women. wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png

An Irishman will crawl across the bodies of a dozen writhing, naked women to get to a bottle of beer (said me, the Irishman).

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Hang out around the universities. Girls are with Thai guys their own age (or within a few years). With the exception of mia nois who only visit with their sponsor for short periods of time.

Hang out around Pattaya, girls are with older foreign guys (younger Thai guys in their personal lives) looking for sponsors and marriage.

It's hard for a lot of older guys to swallow but as far as I know I haven't seen any pics of older guys with their shirts off in any of the media targeted at women...unless it's a joke of course.

Spot on its hard to swallow for older guys, you are right just look at universities and in normal life.

Of course some go for older for the money and security, i seen it too and seen those woman stray too.

If older was that desire able you would see it in movies and Thai soaps but we dont. It just says it all what we like we see in movies and advertising.

But of course there are exceptions of this general rule there always

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

On my first visit to Festival Mall in CM today, we spotted loads of old Thai guys walking around the mall and having lunch with their 'daughters'. You guys that think it's abnormal ought to get out a bit more.

It's not abnormal at all but the Thai men are far more pragmatic than the farang buffaloes.

You're not as likely to see them professing their undying love and building houses in the wilds of Isaan for those "daughters".

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Similar to asking "What do Australian men prefer.....?"

... beer

We like a beer ... or two ... rolleyes.gif

No you don't. You guys only drink that rather poor, yellow substitute referred to by many as lager. The real ale is drunk by Brits and often in preference to women. wink.png

You were pretty much isolated before. But now you've got the TUNNEL. Easy to get a Hefeweizen, a Becks, or other delicious beers from freaking Germany. You don';t have to like Germans, but their beer is good.-wai2.gif

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My wife is 38 and I am 66. Like lots of Thai girls, she was badly treated by her first thai boyfriend at a young age and, she says, was never going to repeat that experience. Not sure if this was a factor in us getting togther, but it must have helped. Age gap maybe 28 years, but she is far more marture than me anyway

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If a farang of any age, handsome or not, and even if relatively well off will NOT pick up at any of the high end Bangkok nightclubs. These beautiful models do not want to touch or even acknowledge the presence of a farang. Look who they focus on….young, rich Thai men.

The ironic thing is that these guys can have any Thai girl they wish simply by looking at her. Then the actress / model gets pissed off when she finds out he's been going behind her back. Had she settled for an average guy like myself, she might not appreciate my looks but I would be so thankful she chose me that I would never cheat on her.

I've told countless high end girls this fact, and they become very angry and say they are happier to date a handsome guy that cheats on them than someone they are not attracted to.

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No, in my experience Thai women do not 'prefer' older men. This is a misconception created by the Farang-oriented sex industry in Thailand. If there are individual Thai women out there who claim to be looking for an 'older man', I am confident that in 99% of cases that would be based on the perception that an older man may be a better provider : at 55, I dont have a problem with that either way.

Try this... From your perspective....

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Similar in the west, just the numbers are different

A very wealthy, older successful guy, usually that means intelligent also, is attractive to some younger women. Sometimes also smart women who appreciate intelligence, and "winners", not just the gold digger types.

And they are good providers, as is a requirement in the animal kingdom, .it is just that the provisions are different, items like mercedes sports cars, 1st class travel and luxury houses are handed out, not to mention the huge divorce settlement.

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The ironic thing is that these guys can have any Thai girl they wish simply by looking at her. Then the actress / model gets pissed off when she finds out he's been going behind her back. Had she settled for an average guy like myself, she might not appreciate my looks but I would be so thankful she chose me that I would never cheat on her.

Nobody wants a needy guy.

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when i met my wife i was 47 and she was 25 we have been married over 21 years ,does she prefere older men? God knows ,i never asked her , i was not rich ,she was not poor , people are all different what works for one does not work for another ,ask a friend of mine ,he couldnt care less how old or good looking a woman is as long as she has massive tits ,i kid you not.

I bet you didn't think of the massive age gap 21 years ago. 68 and 46!

I got married 25 years ago when 27 and my wife was 20.

When I am 68 she'll be 61. We can grow old gracefully together.

I married my wife when I was 55 and she was 48. Not much of a difference unless you live in the US and you're 18 and she is 11. Then they will throw you ass in jail forever.

My wife and I are in the same generation. It works well.

I can not see marrying a gal who is 25, or 30, or 35, or 37 years younger than me. What do we have in common? Not a lot. However, this is just my opinion. If you can make it work, more power to ya.

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UNLIKE the way it is in our country of origin,

The more a woman is looking for a long time relationship,

The more she will be in need of some kind of security,

The more she will consider an older man.

And CERTAINLY does not mean that it is her preference...

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I can't see how you can expect an answer that's going to be worth having to be honest.

Based on a question that starts with "What do Thai women prefer.....?" given that there are over 30 million of them, and they will all have different preferences.

Similar to asking "What do Australian men prefer.....?"

Culture is one thing, but it doesn't affect everything like some kind of blanket that's been thrown over the whole population. As I'm sure you're aware, it doesn't do that in your home country either.

No this is not fair,I have a good reason to ask,I don't see vast numbers of girls at home dating older men,much much older men.

So it is fair to say if I see it in Thailand every 5 minutes,and rarely ever in Australia,it may be a cultural thing.

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The if theres 30 years difference, the guy will be drawing his old age pension when she is at her sexual peak ie 35.

These are only marriages of convenience, not real love ones.

One thing I've heard from Thai women is that if they catch an old farang then they will get their jackpot faster. Theres a good chance

that a 60 year old will only last a few years and she will get his estate and pension for the next 50 years!

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My partner and I have been together for almost 10 years now - there 39 years between us and we are now in a civil partnership. He has always preferred the idea of a relationship with a much older man and when, as most people do, he admires others they are usually the same age or even older than me. I believe that I have been blessed with a partner who cares more about people than material things. Although I did bring him to the UK it was not what he was looking for, in fact if it had been possible we would have settled in Thailand but I have a life long medical condition that necessitates me living in the UK as I could not get long term health cover for expensive treatment. I also don't think that my financial resources would have enabled me to maintain a long term visa there - I certainly was not a good financial "catch"

I am sad (rather than upset) that so many people see our kind of relationship only as one that must have some material benefit- this is no more the situation in our case than in any relationship of any age group. Though I don't doubt that there are wealthy people of all nationalities that visit countries like Thailand to "buy" a relationship - it was not my motivation for coming there but I don't condemn those that do, providing they offer a loving home that is not based entirely around sex.

Whilst I agree that it is wrong to generalise I have observed a broad difference in culture between Thailand and the UK in that a larger number of Thai people have greater respect for older people which probably arises as much as anything from their greater contact with extended family - unlike in the UK it does not seem the practice of the young to shun older people or for families to see their older relatives confined to nursing homes. I have an impression that older and younger relationships have become much rarer in the UK over the last couple of hundred years as this inter generational contact has reduced. There are of course many exceptions to any generalisation and I sense that things may be changing in Thailand as well as Western influence increases

How many zeros in your life insurance?whistling.gif

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A myth that Thai women prefer older men the same as the myth they prefer farang.

If you are old, do you really think your younger gf/wife will tell you the truth?

It just happens that many Thai women will be willing to sacrifice they're own happiness and put up with the snide comments in order to take care of her family financially.

I'm not taking care of her family,screw that.

They survived before I came along.

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In my experience Thais who marry Thais marry around the same age. My in-laws are the same age, my sister-in-law and husband are the same age, cousins, friends, etc, all within a couple of years of each other. Most poor, divorced Thai women with children take what they can get. Sad, but society sees them as damaged goods, old, used, etc,. unless of course they are well off, then every Tom, Dick and Harry is queuing up.

But these same Thai guys have no problems keeping a younger mistress or visiting a brothel.

Out cultural baggage gives us the urge to marry the woman we want to sleep with, theirs doesn't.

I see your point, but then after xx amount of years of marriage I doubt there are many men who don't have the urge to sleep with someone other than their wife. I'd say it's pretty normal considering men think about a sexually related something every minute or so. Some act on it others drown out the desire through booze or long working hours.

I have noticed the opposite, that many younger Thai women also marries older Thai men; seen quite a number of girls 13 to 15 getting married to men around 30, which is considered both normal and wise up at rural Isaan. My Thai legal adviser got a new wife when he was nearly 60 she was 20. Met a girl (from Chiang Mai) who said she had a boyfriend of 19 when she was 18 – »Not good, to young,« she said and now looked for an older man for marriage.
But as Kenny wisely said in his original post (#80): »…every relationship is unique, with two unique individuals involved, each with a different life story.« I just got the impression, that younger Thai ladies with older Thai men seems a bit (or even a lot) more common than younger Western ladies with older gentlemen – presumably (that’s what I’ve heard) many families advise or teach the girls to look for an older husband, that’s better – better provider, I believe. A different culture with different preferences, however in “old time” the husband as a provider was also important in the West – today many women are self supported and therefore have other preferences; and that change seems to come to Thailand also. Lately I hear the preferred gap now is something like four to five years between a young girl and the husband to be – however our Lao maid says, that in her country 10 years is preferred.
And just like married Thai guys may have small giks or a mia noi, so do the Thai ladies with older husbands – noticed quite a few – so perhaps be careful out there, older gentlemen with a young spouse.
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I was just chatting with a good friend of mine. She's 33, attractive, single, works at a jewelry store in Bangkok. We talk about everything and she's an honest person. She never lied to me.

Here're her thoughts, guess it's a good one coming from a Thai woman.Page me if you'd like to get to know her. As I'd already mentioned, she's single.

I think sometime the old man pay more attention than the young man even sometime sex was not so good but he is the good man to take care his girl.

Good question if she would have sex with a younger guy, when the man is much older, but you know some women dont care about sex much but they happy to live with the guy who love and taking care her really.

Ok, i accept the young man can make woman happy on having sex but you know sometime the old could do too and better than young man lol, seem like they have more experience. Some young one seems like he is very hot on sex but he never know what woman like and just do as he want to do and he think this is the best.

P.S. That's an opinion of an attractive Thai woman. -wai2.gif

What an absolutely disgusting way of thinking,sex was mentioned numerous times,as was take care and we know that means money money.

No mention of love.

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I was just chatting with a good friend of mine. She's 33, attractive, single, works at a jewelry store in Bangkok. We talk about everything and she's an honest person. She never lied to me.

Here're her thoughts, guess it's a good one coming from a Thai woman.Page me if you'd like to get to know her. As I'd already mentioned, she's single.

I think sometime the old man pay more attention than the young man even sometime sex was not so good but he is the good man to take care his girl.

Good question if she would have sex with a younger guy, when the man is much older, but you know some women dont care about sex much but they happy to live with the guy who love and taking care her really.

Ok, i accept the young man can make woman happy on having sex but you know sometime the old could do too and better than young man lol, seem like they have more experience. Some young one seems like he is very hot on sex but he never know what woman like and just do as he want to do and he think this is the best.

P.S. That's an opinion of an attractive Thai woman. -wai2.gif

What an absolutely disgusting way of thinking,sex was mentioned numerous times,as was take care and we know that means money money.

No mention of love.

Don't call my friend disgusting, I was asking her how she felt about sex, when staying with an older man. And all women on this planet will think about money as their first priority.

What's love for you, might not be love for others. It's a feeling, an emotion, I'd guess.-wai2.gif


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If a farang of any age, handsome or not, and even if relatively well off will NOT pick up at any of the high end Bangkok nightclubs. These beautiful models do not want to touch or even acknowledge the presence of a farang. Look who they focus on….young, rich Thai men.

The ironic thing is that these guys can have any Thai girl they wish simply by looking at her. Then the actress / model gets pissed off when she finds out he's been going behind her back. Had she settled for an average guy like myself, she might not appreciate my looks but I would be so thankful she chose me that I would never cheat on her.

I've told countless high end girls this fact, and they become very angry and say they are happier to date a handsome guy that cheats on them than someone they are not attracted to.

I would disagree with that having had moderate success at the higher end clubs around Thonglor in Bangkok.

Ok so it wasn't a pick up in the manner that most foreign men here are used to in Thailand insofar as she couldn't be seen leaving the club with me but I actually prefer that - my condo's a mess laugh.png . I got a number and we met up a few times.

As for being "so thankful she chose you that you'd never cheat on her", look at Ashley Cole - Any man would think he was out of his mind cheating on Cheryl Cole when they were married. She's got it all - face, body, cash and fame - but Ashley still went with chunky, second rate club hoes behind her back.

As the saying goes, "it doesn't matter how beautiful she is; somewhere, there's always a guy who's had enough of her <deleted>"

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Have you observed this situation?: Young, obnoxious man with young woman,

woman ends up going home with older man - a man who knows how to actually have a conversation and has something to offer, rather than something to prove. "It" is all in the mind, anyway.thumbsup.gif

On the subject of conversation,wouldn't people of the same age have more in common in that regard.

She may wish to discuss the latest dance music and may get turned off listening to the wonders of al Jolston.

It makes sense,try making a thai girl sit through gone with the wind.

Edited by Kangawallafox
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I was just chatting with a good friend of mine. She's 33, attractive, single, works at a jewelry store in Bangkok. We talk about everything and she's an honest person. She never lied to me.

Here're her thoughts, guess it's a good one coming from a Thai woman.Page me if you'd like to get to know her. As I'd already mentioned, she's single.

I think sometime the old man pay more attention than the young man even sometime sex was not so good but he is the good man to take care his girl.

Good question if she would have sex with a younger guy, when the man is much older, but you know some women dont care about sex much but they happy to live with the guy who love and taking care her really.

Ok, i accept the young man can make woman happy on having sex but you know sometime the old could do too and better than young man lol, seem like they have more experience. Some young one seems like he is very hot on sex but he never know what woman like and just do as he want to do and he think this is the best.

P.S. That's an opinion of an attractive Thai woman. -wai2.gif

What an absolutely disgusting way of thinking,sex was mentioned numerous times,as was take care and we know that means money money.

No mention of love.

Don't call my friend disgusting, I was asking her how she felt about sex, when staying with an older man.

I'm sorry,I forgot to note you mention old men,young men,sex numerous times and take care.

You were right to ask her she sounds very very experienced from what you posted.

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Very simple.

What kind of Thai women are we talking about here? The bar girls or a middle class/non bar girl girl?

Bar girls go with whoever will pay them....age irrelevant.

Middle class/non bar girl/woman, no matter what age, will go with their own age.

Every time I see a Thai girl who is actually living here in Ireland, she is never with a far older man.

Then I go an spoil my last sentence by saying that my fantastic, caring, trouble free, non demanding, non Asian GF of 6 years is 30 years my junior.

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IF, (notice the big IF) a Thai woman prefers and older gent, say 20 to 30 year gap between them, it's because of the following reasons:

1. He is retired, has some money and gets a pension.

Therefore, he can provide for her.

2. His sexual activities are cut by 2/3, compared to when he was younger.

These woman prefer NOT to have sex so often as they would have gotten, had he been younger.

She likes thatgiggle.gif

3. That being said, the won't be a "butterfly".

4.When he dies before her, he'll leave her all or most of his money.

She likes thatthumbsup.gif

All of the above are proven to be true.

Waste of your time to prove them wrong.

Who proved them to be true?

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