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I killed a soi dog - now I'm being blackmailed


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I don't have answers but I do have suggestions. You need to think like a local, save face maybe even tell the truth , it threatened , it did not have the steel to back it up, you did, ( well not sure what cars are made of nowadays, probably lots of plastic in there) nor the plastic. Feel guilty only about being seen. Is there proof? video?

its a community issue now, perhaps if you buy a puppy and release it in the soi and get lots of bunting up and stuff this could have the desired effect?

Also wrt feeling bad, don't its a knee jerk response to the lack of responsibility of the owners. These dogs ahve no good life, they are purchased as pets or guard dogs. They are released when too big, or too old or too ill. There will be no healthy dogs in your soi but the ones kept as pets and guard dogs, they lose their health when no longer looked after and thrown in street, or when mating with the soi dogs.

The responsibility is the original owner, you have no reason to feel bad for putting this beast to sleep. It was a mercy killing, saving it from further anguish and torment from lack of food and bad disease. You have also aided your neigbourhood by putting the aggresive creature down.

I am an animal lover, I think it is disgusting that no birth control has been applied here. If this was an elephant or a tiger or a snake it would be a different matter, wild animals are fine. but these things are a human problem, caused by humans ended by humans.#

Edited by mmh8
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Reply to the OP's last post of regret --

If it was a typical diseased and mangy soi dog and it was threatening and moving to attack little girls, killing other animals, etc, I wouldn't beat yourself up about it. It should have been put down. Going to the police? Well, I guess that was the *right* thing to do. And in this world of ours and this country of theirs, doing the *right* thing always works out for the best. [insert sardonic smiley face here.] Best of luck and hope things settle in the hood.

Edited by Wordworx
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I've got an update...

First of all, to all the people who have told me what a despicable person I am for killing the dog, let me make one thing clear, no one is more disgusted as I am about my behaviour in all of this. I made a massive error of judgement and feel terrible - not looking for sympathy - that's just how I feel.

Ok, so thanks for all the advice.

The latest update is that after talking with my wife (and reading this topic) we went to the police station last night to explain our version of events. My Mrs told them that I had accidentally run over the dog and that a woman wanted 20k Baht as compensation.

The policeman made notes of all of this. He then told us that accidentally running over a dog is not a criminal offence. However, if the lady who is claiming to be the owner goes to the police then are obliged to investigate the matter, as they are with in all instances where someone contacts the police about something. He also said that if this went further then it is up to the courts to decide if I should compensate the owner, although she would have to prove that she did actually own the dog and there would also have to be evidence that a crime had actually been comitted. The police said that because of the costs involved it is highly unlikely that this would ever go to court. He suggested that we try and talk with the owner, maybe buy her a bottle of whisky or wine to resolve the matter.

As of yet, this woman hasn't made a complaint to the police. My wife has also told the sister of the woman (the sister is ouir neighbour) that we have been to the police, so if she wants to take this further it is up to her.

Like I said, I regret this whole thing and am actually quite ashamed of myself.

Thanks for the new information.

I completely agree with what you did with the situation. When people hear that you went to the police and told them all that has happened I think they will respect you and nobody will try this type of thing again. I would be very shocked if the woman does anything else about the situation. And she will probably lose a lot of face in the village because they know for sure what a terrible person she is and because a farang make her look like a stupid lying fool.

Good for you.

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The dog was a neighborhood nuisance and sometimes things don't get resolved until it attacks and badly injures or otherwise a small child. However, now you have gone to the police and filed a false report in claiming that it was an accident.

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Life is a Bitch

You killed a dog now someone wants money

Its Karma pal so live with it

If you ran over my dog you would suffer the same fate as the dog

But a dog shouldn't be running around on the road. Road is for cars, dog owners property is for dog.

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Quote OP:........

..."I got out the car to open the gate to my house when this dog ran right upto me, snarling and barking to the point where I thought it was going to attack me. I don't really know what happened next but I just snapped. I got back in my car and just floored it in the direction of the dog before hitting it and leaving it to die right there in the road.".....

Impossible to troll over and assassin a troll dog, that can chase cats to death, that is alert at attack, with a troll car from standstill....

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I hate dogs, the four legged and the two legged, you did nothing wrong, dogs are killed everyday and a barbeque follows, the only mistake is owning up to it and being falang, if a Thai killed a dog everyone would cheer, so go tell the cops a dog ran in front of your car and it got killed -so what- the woman who wants money from you, tell her go get your own dog, scumbag she is,, sleep well tonight my friend,, you did nothing wrong.

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Quote OP:........

..."I got out the car to open the gate to my house when this dog ran right upto me, snarling and barking to the point where I thought it was going to attack me. I don't really know what happened next but I just snapped. I got back in my car and just floored it in the direction of the dog before hitting it and leaving it to die right there in the road.".....

Impossible to troll over and assassin a troll dog, that can chase cats to death, that is alert at attack, with a troll car from standstill....

Some time ago (weeks/months) he posted that the dog had killed several neighbors cats in addition to his own and regularly parked it's breakfast all over the soi. At that time he posted that he knew the owner of said dog. also. A fact he denies in his opening opening statements here.

Good call. You nailed it.


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You guys (above comments) actually think the OP is bogus? You think a person is that dysfunctional; to take the time to conceive that detailed of a post? Is there, really, around these parts, that sort of ultimate loser?

Are you new? biggrin.png

In the abscence of the OP I assume we can all agree this is a troll then? Entertaining nonetheless. My 'real' advice would be to never, ever admit to anything!

Edited by Razzler1973
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I was bitten by a dog which belonged to the owner of a popular Thai karaoke bar whilst walking down a busy soi.

Went back the next day, together with my Thai gf, to enquire weather this pet dog had been vaccinated for rabies.

The dog's owner was petrified. My gf told me it was because, in Thailand, if a dog attacks you then you have the free option to kill the dog.. so she was worried that she'd lose her pet.

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Ummm, there's no animal cruelty laws in Thailand, so I'm not overly certain what the police would do.

Thai Penal Code

Section 381 Whoever, cruelly ill-treats or kills an animal with unnecessary sufferings, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one month or fined not exceeding one thousand Baht, or both.

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Much easier if you had used rat poison inside a bit of sticky rice.

I haven't killed a dog but would if I feared for my safety or the safety of my wife or children.

Actually I'm worried someone will kill my dogs. Well 3 of them I don't really care about but my one real dog is very territorial and loves fighting dirty. He's nearly killed a few soi dogs. Suprising as he is a golden retriever.

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I had a construction camp as neighbors for a year or so resulting in a pack of dogs that roamed the soi being destructive as packs do. I have lost count of all the times I tried to run down a particularly Nasty member of that pack but he was always to fast. Eventually the camp moved and the dogs left too.

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"Son, let's say you have a 200-pound Rottweiler. He loves you and it's his job to protect you. But if he ever bites you, even once, you gotta put him down. You can't have an uncontrollable weapon running unchecked in your back yard. He becomes a liability. You never know who he might bite next."

Now granted that's a quote from a movie (Operation Swordfish) but it holds weight. If an animal - and a soi dog that has turned violent can be closer described as an animal than as a dog - ever threatens your personal safety or someone else's, then it needs to be put down. It is acceptable, globally, to kill another human being if you believed to be in grave danger, much less an animal. Would you think twice about shooting a wild wolf standing in front of you snarling, showing its teeth, getting ready to attack? But you would about a dog - why? Is the danger not the same? A dog is an animal and one that has been living on the streets for years is a wild animal and should be treated with as much hesitancy as a wild wolf.

There is of course a better way to do it than by running it over in an alley - but you can't change the past only live with it.

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For those that have nasty things to say about taking care of/doing in vicious dog, it is obvious you have never spent any time or lived in a neighborhood in Thailand. Even if claimed you have, I can't give any credence or consideration to your suggestion that everyone must cede their right to exist due to a neighborhood vicious dog. These things tend to get taken care of. Some just longer than others. It's the way of the world. c'est la vie.

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Ask her if she is then taking responsibility for all the trouble he has caused. See if she will compensate the people who have been bitten, or has she cleaned the soi after her dog has dug through the trash? Call her bluff, make her lose face. this will be a warning to the other neighbors that try to pull this crap. if you bend over and take it you will be a target for everyone in that area as long as you are there.

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I'm an animal lover but the way these dogs are treated is not humane. The dog was seemingly abandoned and was a danger to children. The fact it was allowed to roam free is indicative of a larger problem in Thailand that needs to be addressed namely the Thais nonchalant attitude regarding cruelty towards animals.

To the OP, you made a snap decision and have reflected and learned from it. Don't let guilt eat you up. I hope things work out for you.

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just tell her to f*** off. be a man about it. also tell her you want 20k for each of your cats that this dog killed. seems to me that you are simply being a coward about the whole thing.

of course what you done should be punished as you dont have the right or authority to kill a dog

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maybe tell her that your twin brother came for a visit, a brief visit, to let you know, that you have a twin brother, of which you weren't aware before, and that he left at the moment he finished to tell you that with your car, brought it back later, because he has realized that it was not his car and walked away to an unknown place after giving back the key of the car. To prove these facts, you can show her a) the car and B) the key of the car

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