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I killed a soi dog - now I'm being blackmailed


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First, I give you credit for being forthright and honest here, but I must also say that you are a dispicable human being. No matter what goodness you have done cannot erase this awful thing. Murder is murder.

You are lucky your wife doesn't divorce you. I know that I probably would have to think twice about staying with a person who could commit such an act of violence and aggression.

With all that being said. Most of the advice you have been given will wind you up in prison. First, go talk to a lawyer immediately and ask for real advice.

Second, if you are renting, move. If you own your house sell it and move to a different town or at least the opposite end of town. No matter what do not stay in that neighborhood. NOthing good will come from living there. You will be hated by everyone in that area. If there is a temple near by go and talk to the senior monk and tell him what you did and ask him for help changing your ways. That will at least keep people off your back for a while.

If you are on a marriage visa, you need your neighbors interviewed to get the extension. You don't want to get denied for this act.

Good luck, it will not be an easy fix. You created a very difficult situation for yourself and have probably made yourself an enemy to all in that neighborhood.

As you said murder is murder.

The problem with your argument is that the unlawful premeditated killing of an animal is not currently defined as murder. Murder, homicide and manslaughter are only human against human acts.

I'm not suggesting that what he did was acceptable behaviour. I have never killed a mammal and can't condone anyone doing it deliberately. But... to call it murder is anthropomorphism. Where do you draw the line?

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well, not a fan of the blackmailing, but you did kill a dog that could have been dealt with otherwise. I'm not a save the animal brigade, i fear for my life driving down the soi past 1 am when they are all prowling the streets.

but again,as others have said, tell her the dog killed your cats, and you want just compensation, 40000 baht should do the trick.

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First do not pay the money. Soon their will be a dozen dog owners at your door.

Second do what a Thai would do absolutely nothing. do not go to the police or you will be paying money.

Happens all the time on purpose or by accident. Someone somewhere else lost a meal.

Conscience is a bugger isn't it

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Before I go into details about this, I know I've done wrong. To be perfectly honest, I don't know what came over me. I'm not pleased with myself for what I've done - far from it in fact.

On Sunday evening I killed a soi dog, on purpose. I ran over it in my car. I knew what I was doing. Beforehand it seemed like a good idea but I instantly regretted it afterwards. This is completely out of character for me. I would actually call myself a dog lover, I've owned dogs all my life, I even worked in a dogs home during the summer holidays when I was at college.

The issues behind what I did on Sunday have been bubbling for about a year. Basically, our soi (like many others in Thailand) has a number of dogs that live in it. One dog in particular has been a particular nuisance, going through bins, constantly barking and being aggressive towards people. More seriously, I know for a fact that this particular dog had killed one (maybe two) of our cats, it had bitten the elderly lady who lives next door and has left the other neighbors kids quite traumatized after it attacked their young girl when she was riding her bike. On that occassion I just happened to be in the garden and saw the events unfold and managed to distract the dog enough by hitting it with a big stick so the little girl could get away and run into her house.

Anyway, over recent weeks, this dog has got more aggressive with just about everyone who passes through our soi. On Sunday evening about 9pm I was coming home from visiting my friend when I got out the car to open the gate to my house when this dog ran right upto me, snarling and barking to the point where I thought it was going to attack me. I don't really know what happened next but I just snapped. I got back in my car and just floored it in the direction of the dog before hitting it and leaving it to die right there in the road.

I went back inside, showered and went to bed. After a pretty sleepless night I woke up in the morning and my wife said that the old lady next door had told here that 'the' dog was dead after it looked like it had been ran over. I acted like I knew nothing about it but felt as guilty as hell.

Now, fast forward 48hrs and the sister of a lady who lives on our soi came round to our house last night saying that she knows I killed the dog, which she now claims is hers and she wants 20,000 Baht off me as compensation otherwise she goes to the police! Bare in mind that the woman is the sister of the supposed owner of the dog has never once mentioned that she is the owner to us before.

Also, you can imagine how delighted my Mrs was when I had to come clean about me running the dog over, so she isn't speaking to me now. And to make things worse, this incident is the talk of the soi.

I'm worried though as I don't want to get in trouble with the police. I realize I'm in the wrong but now I am being blackmailed by someone who I think is trying to take me for a ride.

Can anyone give me any advice on what to do?

This is not a fair situation to be in. Therefore, offer no true information about anything. She probably suspects you, but do not feed into it. Your only conversation with police, whether initiated by u or her, should b that u don't know why this lady is pointing at u other than to extort money from you, and that u suspect it's not even her dog.

If a person kills a dog intentionally in Thailand, they lose, unless done in immediate self-defense. Not matter what the dog's history or behavior is.

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>>> I admit, this suggestion is far better than my suggestion, and most likely the one to follow.

Actually, the best thing to do is to move, and quickly, before some Mekhong-addled neighborhood 'tough' decides to teach the uppity farang a lesson about killing good *Thai* dogs by torching your house while you sleep.

What you did was stupid. In Asia in general and Thailand in particular, stupid can get you killed even more quickly than it can in Western countries.

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Don't go to police station. If they come, maybe say "Oh that dog that attacked granny and the kid?". It really is no big thing here to do that, just a hair under killing someone on the road. If she still insists it was her dog, perhaps a visit to her house would be in order.... no food dish, water dish, or any other indicator she owned that dog likely. Have any photos of her and the dog? And why didn't she have this love puppy under control? Put it on her. You ran over a dog. Happens all the time. Bring her a replacement soi dog and tell her to keep it inside her gate.

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Because your bar wife sold you out, doesn't mean other regular wifes will.

I hate to break it to you, but Thais in all classes of society and all walks of life and all professions do this sort of thing to one another at the drop of a hat, and to farangs and other foreigners even more readily.

And, no, I don't have a 'bar wife' - I know that in Thailand, it's far better to rent than to buy.


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I can't see you did anything wrong, those aggressive dogs deserve to die

I don't agree with that. In fact, I think what he did is reprehensible. However, he also can't allow himself be blackmailed.


Just a good service to society...

I wish this guy live in my soi some years ago.....when I could not even go out of my apartment for hours...

And nobody cared..

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Denied marriage visa extension? Time to wake up and smell the coffee. His wife will thank him. He was defending his family and community. That is what men do.

Doesn't sound like his wife is thanking him. Or the community for that matter. From the OP-

Also, you can imagine how delighted my Mrs was when I had to come clean about me running the dog over, so she isn't speaking to me now. And to make things worse, this incident is the talk of the soi.

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The other soi dogs in the hood must belong to that lady as well. I think you should have her compensate for your dead cats and tell her you did not kill the dog. Make her pay. Go to the police and tell them she admitted that the dog that killed your cats belonged to her. Get the other people that were attacked on board with a hundred Baht note. Do it faster than she can.

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You should not give this woman the money. I have not read all the posts but someone must have already said that if you pay her she will see that you are an easy mark and may come back for more money when she goes through the 20K. That is what happens with blackmail. You have no power in the situation if you give in so she has nothing to lose in asking for more later, And as other people said, you will be thought of as easy prey by the village,

There are probably a hundred good reasons why you should not pay this person.

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Tell the claimant to go away in short sharp jerky movements.

Agree. In fact, I'd tell her that you will be killing a soi dog every day until the street is rid of the mutts. They'll thank you for it.....


And also tell her, after you`ve finished with the soi dogs, you`ll be starting on the blackmailers!

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I will do this:

Talk with a lawyer or even a police officer and ask if it is a crime to kill a dog loose on the street because was aggressive and dangerous. Probably is not. Some Thai people kill dogs for food and that is a common knowledge. After that, just go to the police explaining what you did and why, and pay a fine if applicable, and ask them about what to do with this woman. After that talk with that lady and tell her what you did, and tell her that you will file a police complain if she do something wrong with you.

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OP, you should be given a medal for 1) getting rid of one of those disgusting animals, or 2) coming up with one of the best troll posts on TV to get by the mods in quite a while.

Either way, a hearty Well Done!

He was bagged at post #41 as a troll, but the mods have let it run on. Yep, well done to the OP, an excellent troll post. post-4641-1156693976.gif.pagespeed.ce.Jg

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I will do this:

Talk with a lawyer or even a police officer and ask if it is a crime to kill a dog loose on the street because was aggressive and dangerous. Probably is not. Some Thai people kill dogs for food and that is a common knowledge. After that, just go to the police explaining what you did and why, and pay a fine if applicable, and ask them about what to do with this woman. After that talk with that lady and tell her what you did, and tell her that you will file a police complain if she do something wrong with you.

No No definitely NO.

I wonder if people who give this sort of advice have ever voluntarily engaged lawyers and police over such trivial matters.

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But diseased, aggressive, brain addled and potentially dangerous animals are like vermin

We've only the OP's side of the story. The dead dog could have been well-cared for, well-groomed, inoculated and of sound mind.

The OP might have been in a bad mood and decided to kill the dog for no good reason. For all we know, it might have been a yappy dog, like a Chihuahua, but he's decided that the dog should die. That's dog murder in my book.

One thing is for sure, he's now in extreme personal danger.

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We have a similar situation in the soi. The dog gets very close to biting the GF and her small child and has to be beaten off with whatever comes to hand - stick/umbrella etc. I sympathise with the OP but am not sure i could drive over one. However, I have bought 2 cans of pepper spray which are ready for use any time the dog comes near me.

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we had one aggressive dog in our village this year which of course is unacceptable so the owner was told she had two choices, get rid of it herself or one of the village thai men would do it for her, a short while after while we were taking our dog for a walk and noticed one of the village thai men cutting it up out in one of the back paddocks and they ate it !

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