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laugh.png.Brilliant. As they say.... there's many a true word spoken in jest. clap2.gif

too many golden nuggets to choose from there sunshine, but..

When photographers say…I started to take photography seriously three years ago. They actually mean…I bought my first DSLR three years ago


When photographers say…I’m thinking of going full-frame. They actually mean…I believe that a full-frame camera will instantly allow me to make professional-looking pictures.

particularly shine bright... wink.png

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Very funny piece but with a dash of truth in each quote. My favorites:

When photographers say…I’m a fine-art landscape photographer.
They actually mean…
My back-order for a Lee Big Stopper has been fulfilled!


When photographers say…You’ve got some great bokeh there.

They actually mean…
I’m more at ease talking about the mechanics of photography
than entering into a discussion of the artistic merits of your picture.

Hey, did I mention that it looks really sharp? What lens did you use?


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When photographers say....... I prefer film over digital

They actually mean

I can't sell my film gear !

I've got film cameras, scanners and a 'fridge full of outdated film.............. And I'm stuck with it !

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When photographers say....... I prefer film over digital

They actually mean

I can't sell my film gear !

I've got film cameras, scanners and a 'fridge full of outdated film.............. And I'm stuck with it !

Use it and enjoy it. Aijaydee does all film with an old Pentax LX.

Black and white stuff always looks great on film.

Here's another saying. "I want an new camera because I'm bored and I'm bored of the old one even though it will make no difference whatsoever to anything. I also want far more lenses than I could ever use, because I'm bored."


Hey all....please feel free to add your own!

Just a fast addition instead of another post...

I never mentioned that my favourite saying

regarding what aperture I'm using when I'm

asked what aperture I'm using...never mind

the time of day or type of kit I'm using is....


That gets some strange looks & head scratches.

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Hey all....please feel free to add your own!

Just a fast addition instead of another post...

I never mentioned that my favourite saying

regarding what aperture I'm using when I'm

asked what aperture I'm using...never mind

the time of day or type of kit I'm using is....


That gets some strange looks & head scratches.

Sunny sixteen!!!!


When photographers say....Trust me, i know what i'm talking about, i'm a professional. They actually mean....i'm a fake photographer that's been winging it for so long that i'm totally gobsmacked nobody's bloody well cottoned on yet.



Fake photographer- definition: A talentless person, armed with a camera, who can pull off the appearance of ability.

1. It has been said that a good artist never blames his tools (or something to that effect) but there are no good artists here, so it is perfectly acceptable for a fake photographer to blame his/ her bad pictures on the quality of their camera. This is also helpful for those on a tight budget, as there is no need to purchase an expensive instrument; a cheap camera will work very well.

2. To pull off the illusion of talent, it is essential to have an artsy mindset. Tilting your camera angle works very well in creating an artsy feel to your pictures. It sends the message that you see the world from a different perspective than your less gifted associates. You're willing to turn things around, and look at your world from all angles and possibilities!

3. A rule that all fake photographers know well is the black and white rule. Converting a picture to black and white will automatically improve a bad picture, and give it a look of professionalism. Everything looks good in black and white!

4. People make assumptions about you, just by the company you keep. Hanging around with other photographers (or following photography blogs if you are a blogger) and or artistic minded people, will cause people to assume that you are just as talented as your friends. However, proceed with caution. Friends that are too talented may have the opposite effect.

5. If posting pictures on the internet, posting an inspiring quote alongside it, leads people to believe that there is a deeper meaning to your picture than meets the eye. It is likely that no one will ever figure out this trick, because no one will admit that they don't see the beauty in your pictures. They are too afraid that others will view them as uncouth, and unsophisticated (they won't realize that no one else gets it either!)

6. Using knowing language such as " the light in this room is very bad", "lens" and "angle" will make you sound legit.

7. If you have no qualms about taking advantage of people, selling your pictures for an outrageous price, will not only make you money, but will also benefit you in your endeavor to appear gifted. The same principle is used with artists selling their paintings. The more expensive it is, people will assume that it is worth buying!



Thank gawd i'm just a lousy amateur... rolleyes.gif wai.gif

  • Like 1

When photographers say....Trust me, i know what i'm talking about, i'm a professional. They actually mean....i'm a fake photographer that's been winging it for so long that i'm totally gobsmacked nobody's bloody well cottoned on yet.



Fake photographer- definition: A talentless person, armed with a camera, who can pull off the appearance of ability.

1. It has been said that a good artist never blames his tools (or something to that effect) but there are no good artists here, so it is perfectly acceptable for a fake photographer to blame his/ her bad pictures on the quality of their camera. This is also helpful for those on a tight budget, as there is no need to purchase an expensive instrument; a cheap camera will work very well.

2. To pull off the illusion of talent, it is essential to have an artsy mindset. Tilting your camera angle works very well in creating an artsy feel to your pictures. It sends the message that you see the world from a different perspective than your less gifted associates. You're willing to turn things around, and look at your world from all angles and possibilities!

3. A rule that all fake photographers know well is the black and white rule. Converting a picture to black and white will automatically improve a bad picture, and give it a look of professionalism. Everything looks good in black and white!

4. People make assumptions about you, just by the company you keep. Hanging around with other photographers (or following photography blogs if you are a blogger) and or artistic minded people, will cause people to assume that you are just as talented as your friends. However, proceed with caution. Friends that are too talented may have the opposite effect.

5. If posting pictures on the internet, posting an inspiring quote alongside it, leads people to believe that there is a deeper meaning to your picture than meets the eye. It is likely that no one will ever figure out this trick, because no one will admit that they don't see the beauty in your pictures. They are too afraid that others will view them as uncouth, and unsophisticated (they won't realize that no one else gets it either!)

6. Using knowing language such as " the light in this room is very bad", "lens" and "angle" will make you sound legit.

7. If you have no qualms about taking advantage of people, selling your pictures for an outrageous price, will not only make you money, but will also benefit you in your endeavor to appear gifted. The same principle is used with artists selling their paintings. The more expensive it is, people will assume that it is worth buying!



Thank gawd i'm just a lousy amateur... rolleyes.gif wai.gif

You're actually good. I don't understand the paintings genre phase thing you're going through at the moment, but I do like it.


I don't understand the paintings genre phase thing you're going through at the moment, but I do like it.

oh....i go through more phases than the Moon does over a millennium. ..wink.png

understanding? not required. criticism? welcome. appreciation? appreciated ..coffee1.gif


When photographers say....Trust me, i know what i'm talking about, i'm a professional. They actually mean....i'm a fake photographer that's been winging it for so long that i'm totally gobsmacked nobody's bloody well cottoned on yet.



Fake photographer- definition: A talentless person, armed with a camera, who can pull off the appearance of ability.

1. It has been said that a good artist never blames his tools (or something to that effect) but there are no good artists here, so it is perfectly acceptable for a fake photographer to blame his/ her bad pictures on the quality of their camera. This is also helpful for those on a tight budget, as there is no need to purchase an expensive instrument; a cheap camera will work very well.

2. To pull off the illusion of talent, it is essential to have an artsy mindset. Tilting your camera angle works very well in creating an artsy feel to your pictures. It sends the message that you see the world from a different perspective than your less gifted associates. You're willing to turn things around, and look at your world from all angles and possibilities!

3. A rule that all fake photographers know well is the black and white rule. Converting a picture to black and white will automatically improve a bad picture, and give it a look of professionalism. Everything looks good in black and white!

4. People make assumptions about you, just by the company you keep. Hanging around with other photographers (or following photography blogs if you are a blogger) and or artistic minded people, will cause people to assume that you are just as talented as your friends. However, proceed with caution. Friends that are too talented may have the opposite effect.

5. If posting pictures on the internet, posting an inspiring quote alongside it, leads people to believe that there is a deeper meaning to your picture than meets the eye. It is likely that no one will ever figure out this trick, because no one will admit that they don't see the beauty in your pictures. They are too afraid that others will view them as uncouth, and unsophisticated (they won't realize that no one else gets it either!)

6. Using knowing language such as " the light in this room is very bad", "lens" and "angle" will make you sound legit.

7. If you have no qualms about taking advantage of people, selling your pictures for an outrageous price, will not only make you money, but will also benefit you in your endeavor to appear gifted. The same principle is used with artists selling their paintings. The more expensive it is, people will assume that it is worth buying!



Thank gawd i'm just a lousy amateur... rolleyes.gif wai.gif

Hah! Good stuff GH!

Regarding #3....As my father once told me when he & mom returned from a night

out with friends & caught me & a GF on the sofa buck nekkid....

"Son...there's a time & place for everything."

Paul Simon even dedicated a line to B&W photography in the song Kodachrome...

Hope all enjoy the song....


"I've considered upgrading but I really prefer what I am using now"

"I cant afford anything better"

Or, "This 5hit is costing a bloody fortune!"

Or, "How many lenses does it take to build a 3-bed bungalow?"

Or, as non-photog friends say "Really???blink.png !!!!!"


When photographers say....I'm totally dedicated to my genre. They actually mean....i'm a freaking obsessive nutcase that will do anything to get that shot!


Wouldn't he be in strife if a randy male swan came along.

F'ing LOL!!! cheesy.gif


When a photographer says....It's all about perspective & how I see things...

He actually means....Which end is which on this thing?


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When photographers say....I'm lucky, scene set-up & composition just come naturally to me. They actually mean....Dealing with annoying distractions can be a tough challenge.


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