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20+ Years and things I still don't understand!


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These are things no Thai I have met can explain!!:

Me no Thai and not Ke-mo sah-bee", but:-

Why do policemen wear clothes that are too tight?

So that their bosses Kan check if the have put some weight on since been in fitted with their uniform.

Why do policemen wear white T Shirts?

Please read a Phucet news on line paper, as some non that gave them some.

What is it about uniforms? My daughters have different ones for every day! Let alone government officials

It is to ensure that they are always clean, tidy and fresh. We are in the Tropics btw.

Why are the electric switches upside down?

Are they really? one learns something everyday.(Which Country are you from?)

Why does the electric current fluctuate wildly?

If up country it all depends on EGAT and PEA. In BKK not too much.

Why do most hotels not have 3 pin plugs?

Too tight fisted I say.

Thais tell me, and I agree, they don't understand why Lotus does not stock large enough clothes

Simple really, they only stock what they can sell. If they cannot sell the larger ones then only Thai size that sells well will be stocked.

Why do Thais like unripe fruit?

Ahhhhhhh go one. They buy them for two or three reasons,

A) No fridge to keep the fruit in as it is packed with other types of perishable food.

cool.png Having folks around for a barrbie so then the fruit is at room temperature and not freezing cold.

C) They like the bitter and sweetness to come out as well as a great way to keep your teeth nice and shape, together with cleaning ones bottom out.

Why Thai/International companies don't spell check their adverts.

Too lazy I say, as they relay on the advert folks to do it for them, that's their job right, wrong, it is the Companies Job to get it right.

Why are Thai ATMs back to front?

Nice one there.

Since most are outside of Banks, hence ................

If you have them the other way around say a stand alone one, you are welcomed to get mugged, robbed and more by folks behind the ATM's. At the front folks see you.

Why does life come to a halt at 12.00 on the dot so everyone can go and eat?

What's the big deal then as it is Correct and that should also be in each and every country in this world I say. It is named "Your midday meal".

Why in some Jangwats do the dogs have vaccination labels and not in others?

No fund? You have me beat there. Most Thai Dogs that run wild and bite folks should be sent to another country V or C.

Why is 100B 1 loy not 1 roy

Ddepends on which province in Thailand you are in. Some say Aroy and other say Aloy to the food that they have eaten.
In Kan the Thais still however say River Khwae and not Kwai.

Why are second hand cars (and new cars) so expensive here?
Due to Taxes.

Why does Thailand drive on the left? Is it because the first cars came from Japan? But then why does Japan drive on the left?

We all drive on the correct side of the road and other countries drive on the right hand side. I mentioned this many times before on this ThaiVisaDotCom forum.

Why are traffic lights in all Jangwats not the same?

No Funds to make them all the same I think!

Why is most Thai acting 'ham acting'?

Cos Thais love pork and not beef! w00t.gif

Win wai.gif

Edited by Kan Win
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I dont think the police uniforms are too tight, they fit and I think fitted looks better than baggy, but maybe your an american.

police wear white t-shirts because it is part of their uniform.

Different uniforms for different days of the week is often to do with colors etc that correspond with that day of the week, ask any Thai what colour was the day they were born? they will all know.

the electric switches are upside down because the guy that was hired to install them, was paid 200-300 baht a day to do it and is also the plumber, the roofer, the bricklayer... see where i'm going with this...

the electric is run from tranformers and each transformer will supply a certain amount of homes, there is no real control here with regard to how many homes will run off any given transformer and obviously depending on how much each power of these homes is using at any given time will effect the the volume of power availabe, ever noticed if your house is far away from a transformer the power can drop quite abit before it reaches your home

most hotels do not have three pin plugs because they are more expensive than two pin plugs and to be fair 3 pin plugs are more of a new thing to thailand as they have only recently started to earth electricty (in some places)

lotus do supply large enough clothes, the people complaining to you and perhaps yourself (sorry) are slightly overweight!

thai's dont just like unripe fruit, but certain fruits can be eaten un-ripe and still taste good others must be eaten when ripe in order to taste good, I guess it depends on what un-ripe fruit your are refering to.

thai/international companies dont spell check their adverts, because that would involve more work and ability to admit they can't do something without help.

why are thai atm's back to front? I dont really understand what you mean. do you even know what you mean ?

life comes to a halt here a 12.00 pm so they can go and eat beacuse this is thailand and eating is the unofficial national sport here! have you really been here 20+ years..

dogs in some jangwats have vaccination labels, that is because they are farang dogs on retirement visa's and need to have a medical, the other dogs are thai and therefore dont need the medical checks ...(sorry I couldn't help myself)

every jangwat will have its own amphur and to some extent own rules, bit like states in the usa or county's in the uk etc, this is my guess anyway.

why is it 1 loy instead of 1 roy, I am assuming your reffering to money here! หนึ่งร้อย ร = R it is 1 roy but When thai's say words with the r sound quickly it often comes out as an L (bit like farang / falang)

thais's drive on the left hand side of the road, as one can only assume that because of alot of european influence in the past i.e french, english that the thais probably chose to take the british approach with regard to which side of the road to drive. An example would be that a lot of thai law is based on french law.

traffic lights in may differ in each jangwat and even between amphur's because each tesabaan is given there own yearly budget to spend on various things i.e roads, bridges etc and will have different manufacturer's and suppliers that various tesabaans will use.

"ham acting" I am not familiar with the term so I cant give you an honest answer. But if "่ham acting" means crap acting, well just look at the audiance they are usually acting for, does that answer your question.

now if you would be good enough to just answer 1 question please?

what have you been doing here for the ladt 20 something years, ealking round with your head up your arse?

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7/11 is always open ,why doe they have locks?

I know the answer to all of the questions,TIT!

Why is it called 7/11 if its always open?

I believe it wasn't common to even be open as late as 11pm so whatever the store was called changed it's name to 7/11 to highlight the 7 days a week and 11pm closing, which was pretty good

Since then they have taken up a notch to 24 but not changed their name to 7/24 though

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I could go on !!

Why are there so many scenes of domestic violence on Thai TV?

Why are farangs pretty much disrespected but Luk Khreungs/half children idolised?

Where did the obsession, for which, heaven help us, Nivea has apologised, for whitening come from and continues?

Keep smiling

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I dont think the police uniforms are too tight, they fit and I think fitted looks better than baggy, but maybe your an american.

police wear white t-shirts because it is part of their uniform.

Different uniforms for different days of the week is often to do with colors etc that correspond with that day of the week, ask any Thai what colour was the day they were born? they will all know.

the electric switches are upside down because the guy that was hired to install them, was paid 200-300 baht a day to do it and is also the plumber, the roofer, the bricklayer... see where i'm going with this...

the electric is run from tranformers and each transformer will supply a certain amount of homes, there is no real control here with regard to how many homes will run off any given transformer and obviously depending on how much each power of these homes is using at any given time will effect the the volume of power availabe, ever noticed if your house is far away from a transformer the power can drop quite abit before it reaches your home

most hotels do not have three pin plugs because they are more expensive than two pin plugs and to be fair 3 pin plugs are more of a new thing to thailand as they have only recently started to earth electricty (in some places)

lotus do supply large enough clothes, the people complaining to you and perhaps yourself (sorry) are slightly overweight!

thai's dont just like unripe fruit, but certain fruits can be eaten un-ripe and still taste good others must be eaten when ripe in order to taste good, I guess it depends on what un-ripe fruit your are refering to.

thai/international companies dont spell check their adverts, because that would involve more work and ability to admit they can't do something without help.

why are thai atm's back to front? I dont really understand what you mean. do you even know what you mean ?

life comes to a halt here a 12.00 pm so they can go and eat beacuse this is thailand and eating is the unofficial national sport here! have you really been here 20+ years..

dogs in some jangwats have vaccination labels, that is because they are farang dogs on retirement visa's and need to have a medical, the other dogs are thai and therefore dont need the medical checks ...(sorry I couldn't help myself)

every jangwat will have its own amphur and to some extent own rules, bit like states in the usa or county's in the uk etc, this is my guess anyway.

why is it 1 loy instead of 1 roy, I am assuming your reffering to money here! หนึ่งร้อย ร = R it is 1 roy but When thai's say words with the r sound quickly it often comes out as an L (bit like farang / falang)

thais's drive on the left hand side of the road, as one can only assume that because of alot of european influence in the past i.e french, english that the thais probably chose to take the british approach with regard to which side of the road to drive. An example would be that a lot of thai law is based on french law.

traffic lights in may differ in each jangwat and even between amphur's because each tesabaan is given there own yearly budget to spend on various things i.e roads, bridges etc and will have different manufacturer's and suppliers that various tesabaans will use.

"ham acting" I am not familiar with the term so I cant give you an honest answer. But if "่ham acting" means crap acting, well just look at the audiance they are usually acting for, does that answer your question.

now if you would be good enough to just answer 1 question please?

what have you been doing here for the ladt 20 something years, ealking round with your head up your arse?

Welcome back. Most of that above is rubbish.........coffee1.gif

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Why are secondhand cars (and new cars) so expensive here? New cars are not particularly expensive. Used cars? Thais seem to think you can spend 700,000 baht for a new car, drive it 10 years with little maintenance, and it is still worth 600,000

Actually new cars are expensive due to high taxes. Sure there are cheap models available from Japanese car companies but what you need to remember is these same models are sold for the same price in Europe with alot more equipment such as seat warmers, power windows on all windows, antispin system, ABS, launch control and the list goes on. Hell in Northern Europe many dealers will even include 2 sets of tires (summer and winter). Not to mention the warranties are alot longer.

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Why do policemen wear clothes that are too tight? they were loose when they bought them at the academy

Why do policemen wear white T Shirts? so you know they're policeman when they are off duty

What is it about uniforms? My daughters have different ones for every day! Let alone government officials helps them feel like sheep

Why are the electric switches upside down? they're not - American ones are upside down

Why does the electric current fluctuate wildly? it comes in waves - didn't you do physics

Why do most hotels not have 3 pin plugs? because they use two pin (no earth)

Thais tell me, and I agree, they don't understand why Lotus does not stock large enough clothes didn't expect Americans to shop there

Why do Thais like unripe fruit? as with Farang (like what I did there?)

Why Thai/International companies don't spell check their adverts they do - by the person who wrote them

Why are Thai ATMs back to front? walk around the otherside

Why does life come to a halt at 12.00 on the dot so everyone can go and eat? it's lunchtime duh!

Why in some Jangwats do the dogs have vaccination labels and not in others? the others don't have vets

Why is 100B 1 loy not 1 roy it's actually roi neung or loi neung

Why are secondhand cars (and new cars) so expensive here? compared to where?

Why does Thailand drive on the left? Is it because the first cars came from Japan? But then why does Japan drive on the left? not because of Japan because it is the correct side of the road to drive on

Why are traffic lights in all Jangwats not the same? different contractors

Why is most Thai acting 'ham acting'? is it? looks the same as most of my Thai employees

Outta likes!!!!

You could be a guru. We follow your enlightened path!

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7/11 is always open ,why doe they have locks?

I know the answer to all of the questions,TIT!

Why is it called 7/11 if its always open?

7/11 started out as convenience store, compared to supermarkets that opened later and closed earlier. It was a big deal that they opened at 7 and closed at 11. They have locks in case of rioting or whatever so they can lock people out they don't want to come in. Or if flooding, etc.

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why do most big stores have restrictive booze sales times and other shops don't bother? obviously it's not the law or Villa Market would not sell at any time. Foodland also until recently. mom and pop shops/markets also ignore this nonsense.

Edited by sms747
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why do most big stores have restrictive booze sales times and other shops don't bother? obviously it's not the law or Villa Market would not sell at any time. Foodland also until recently. mom and pop shops/markets also ignore this nonsense.


Small mom-and-pop stores continue to sell alcohol at all times because they know that the chances of getting caught and fined are pretty low.

Large supermarket owners, however, have to send some money over to the friendly boys in brown if they want to sell alcohol outside of the authorized dates and times.

Even after paying a bribe, a supermarket can still have to stop selling alcohol outside of authorized hours if Bangkok sends a few policemen to that particular province to make sure the laws are enforced. This is what happened a couple of months ago when all 7/11's and Family Marts in Pattaya suddenly stopped selling alcohol after midnight.

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As an afterthought to my previous post,

The wandering mind, in Buddhist terms, sometimes needs to be firmly leashed, as a naughty monkey would be, it is curious about everything and gets his hands into it all!!!. So tie him to a tree!

I understand totally where you are coming from with your questions, I had them too, until I realized that I am just wasting mental energy. If I allow my mind to wander, it will go all over the place and my head will be filled with questions, answers, thoughts, opinions etc etc.

A 100 watt light bulb emanates light through 360 degrees and if you touch the bulb, it will be hot. However if you harnessed all that energy through a beam of light 1 mm thick, then it could cut through steel. Same amount of energy, yet not dissipated around, rather focused specifically.

Some food for thought.

I think you should channel this curiosity into reading in topics that interest you.

Check out 'Lasers' by Anthony Siegman.

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Why is 100B 1 loy not 1 roy

Many Thais are lazy to pronounce words that spelled with R (ror. reur), they casually and subconsciously pronounce it with L (lor. ling).

You would find Thai people pronounce ror reur and lor ling correctly, i.e. on television news spokespersons and many educated Thais.

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Why do they let kids stand in the footwell of the front seat when there is a perfectly good start and belt in back?

Why do the seat covers in taxis cover up the belts?

Why can't they understand roundabouts?

Where do all the copies of passports and id cards go? If they file them, where? If not, why ask for them!

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Why do Thais poop in a hole in the ground, then wipe their bums with a little water and their bare hands?

Maybe because the toilet paper is in restaurants. And then papaya salad and sticky rice, eaten with same uncleaned fingers.People only smile because they all were paperless before.on the toilet. Arrooiiiiiii.-w00t.gif

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Why is Roi Et 101? Why does Santa Claus never comes when kids need him? Why doesn't it snow in Bangkok? Why is Yingluck so absent minded? Why's her brother a criminal?

Why do teachers wear uniforms that they look like admirals? Why is a girl called Phoojinng and not Jinppoo?

Why does all Thais have a facebook account? Why is Lhao Khao smelling so bad, but delicious after drinking it for ten years? Why do Thais cover their mouth when using a toothpick, but soon afterwards "clean up their noses, where everybody can see what they pull out of these noses and put it into their mouths?


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