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Thailand's state unions to retaliate if force is used against demonstrators


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State unions to retaliate if force is used against demonstrators


BANGKOK: -- The State Enterprises Workers’ Relations Confederation today vowed to take immediate retaliation if the police use force to disperse anti-government demonstrators.

The state union confederation secretary-general Komsan Thongsiri made clear of the union’s stance following widespread rumor of imminent use of force to arrest their leader Suthep Thuagsuban.

The rumor forced anti-Thaksin regime demonstrators to tighten their own security around the rally sites at four main places they occupied, particularly at the Government Complex on Chaeng Wattana road where Suthep was addressing supporters, and at the Finance Ministry.

Komsan, who is also president of the Metropolitan Electricity Authority Workers Union, said state employees took leave today to support the protest but were ready to take harsher retaliatory measure if the police use force against protesters.

But he assured that their leaves would not affect the people as there were other workers to do the work in their places.

He said taking leave is a step of civil disobedience but could be raised.

He also said that the union would also consider cutting power supply to ministry and government agencies which still owe huge power bills to the MEA same as to household failing to foot power bills for several months.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/state-unions-retaliate-force-used-demonstrators/

-- Thai PBS 2013-11-28

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So much for peaceful protesters, a report on news last night there are some people spraying graffiti on police care and even stealing police cars,

assault's on police officers, and they are say you can't use force... also others invading government offices and video them selves and their behavior in government office and upload it on utube, WOW,,, and they are supposed to be the intelligent people of Thailand, NOT...!blink.png

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So much for peaceful protesters, a report on news last night there are some people spraying graffiti on police care and even stealing police cars,

assault's on police officers, and they are say you can't use force... also others invading government offices and video them selves and their behavior in government office and upload it on utube, WOW,,, and they are supposed to be the intelligent people of Thailand, NOT...!blink.png

Intelligent, peaceful behaviour gets you no where in Thailand.

If you want to get your way or have your say the best means is what could loosely be termed passive aggressive behaviour.

I think anyone's notion that peaceful demonstrations are all flowers, guitars and cum-by-ya songs are slightly misplaced.

Chucking rocks, molotov cocktails, stealing, assault, shooting is clearly violent demonstrations and other than a few very isolated incidents, that you mention this is not the norm in this instance, most are passive aggressive at worst - spraying graffiti, invading buildings is more anti social behaviour.

So don't get hysterical!

Edited by jonclark
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So much for peaceful protesters, a report on news last night there are some people spraying graffiti on police care and even stealing police cars,

assault's on police officers, and they are say you can't use force... also others invading government offices and video them selves and their behavior in government office and upload it on utube, WOW,,, and they are supposed to be the intelligent people of Thailand, NOT...!blink.png

Exactly who are these people "spraying graffiti on police care (SIC), Assaults on police officers as well .....????

Really, who are they? Get their pictures and they can be charged with vandalism later. Make sure you get clear face shots so they can be found and people can know who they are and who they owe allegiance to (or who is paying them.)

If you could post those pictures here that would be great!

Meanwhile ... please do not tell me that it is true that people are filming themselves whilst committing peaceful acts of civil disobedience at a rally! That would be outrageous!

btw AIT I expect to see you over on the Jatuporn thread condemning his threats very soon .... smile.png

Probably just old photos from 2010!!!!!!

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Power bills not paid? Is this routine public service snail work rate or another indication that this government is cash-strapped?

More typical for the Shinawatras....why pay the bill if they won't cut you the electric, because you have the management in your pocket.

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The unions are empowered to cut the power? This would be a major security breach calling for military intervention.

May I call for military invention as well, if I don't pay the electric bill and they cut me?

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So much for peaceful protesters, a report on news last night there are some people spraying graffiti on police care and even stealing police cars,

assault's on police officers, and they are say you can't use force... also others invading government offices and video them selves and their behavior in government office and upload it on utube, WOW,,, and they are supposed to be the intelligent people of Thailand, NOT...!blink.png

Exactly who are these people "spraying graffiti on police care (SIC), Assaults on police officers as well .....????

Really, who are they? Get their pictures and they can be charged with vandalism later. Make sure you get clear face shots so they can be found and people can know who they are and who they owe allegiance to (or who is paying them.)

If you could post those pictures here that would be great!

Meanwhile ... please do not tell me that it is true that people are filming themselves whilst committing peaceful acts of civil disobedience at a rally! That would be outrageous!

btw AIT I expect to see you over on the Jatuporn thread condemning his threats very soon .... :)

Well these people was stopped by the protest organisers so they where part of the protest. In any protest you get bad apples.

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Quote from an enlightened Thai writer:

"When the red-shirts displayed posters and banners featuring derogatory curses and insults, and death threats against individuals, they were called uneducated thugs. As the anti-government protesters do the same, what do we call them? Educated thugs?"

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Well these people was stopped by the protest organisers so they where part of the protest. In any protest you get bad apples.

Faulty logic there .... stopped by the protest leaders = they were protesters? Might they instead have been outsiders coming to the protest to look for excitement?or "people of bad intentions" trying to discredit the protesters? I assume the protest leaders will not be pleased but will pay for the damage regardless of who did it, they will accept responsibility for the area they are controlling.

Got those pics? I have not seen them (I assume you are speaking about the graffiti artists/vandals.

AIT almost never returns .. he blurts something unsupported out and flits away to spew silliness elsewhere.

Ever hear of agent provocateur?

Edited by itsrebel
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Funny people. State Union leaders are the coolies of the self proclaimed elite. What did they do in 2010?

Union leaders are not "coolies" anywhere ... and by far and large union employees tend to be far better off than their non-union brothers.

That one group has tried to privatize state assets and then bust unions easily explains why they do not trust PTP/PPP/TRT/Thaksin.

Anyone that has ever really worked for a living gets this ...... but not tk ....

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So much for peaceful protesters, a report on news last night there are some people spraying graffiti on police care and even stealing police cars,

assault's on police officers, and they are say you can't use force... also others invading government offices and video them selves and their behavior in government office and upload it on utube, WOW,,, and they are supposed to be the intelligent people of Thailand, NOT...!blink.png

get back to us when you can't see the city for smoke from the burning shopping centres and tires.

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Well these people was stopped by the protest organisers so they where part of the protest. In any protest you get bad apples.

Faulty logic there .... stopped by the protest leaders = they were protesters? Might they instead have been outsiders coming to the protest to look for excitement?or "people of bad intentions" trying to discredit the protesters? I assume the protest leaders will not be pleased but will pay for the damage regardless of who did it, they will accept responsibility for the area they are controlling.

Got those pics? I have not seen them (I assume you are speaking about the graffiti artists/vandals.

AIT almost never returns .. he blurts something unsupported out and flits away to spew silliness elsewhere.

jdinasia, Firstly I did say the story was on the news last night, so if you care to have a look then you may well find it.

Also I do agree that in any protest groups you will get bad apples, (trouble makers), red and yellow.

And as far as your last sentence goes, well I think you will find my post was at aprox 12:30pm? so now I am post again and it's now 3:12pm, so if I have a life and do other things for a few hours, you have a problem, maybe you could try getting some life into your day instead of "spew silliness" about others and their poit of view. w00t.gif

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So much for peaceful protesters, a report on news last night there are some people spraying graffiti on police care and even stealing police cars,

assault's on police officers, and they are say you can't use force... also others invading government offices and video them selves and their behavior in government office and upload it on utube, WOW,,, and they are supposed to be the intelligent people of Thailand, NOT...!blink.png

This always happens anywhere - when there are protests and crowds of people - criminals, thugs and anarchists come out and use the cover for their antics. happened in 2010 (shops looted etc) and will happen again - as it has ever done anywhere.

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The unions are empowered to cut the power? This would be a major security breach calling for military intervention.

May I call for military invention as well, if I don't pay the electric bill and they cut me?

Yes, of course one may call for military intervention.

Won't help, I suppose.

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The unions are empowered to cut the power? This would be a major security breach calling for military intervention.

The unions are made up of workers - some of those workers will have the remit to cut off subscribers that are too far behind in their bill payments - this is hardly treason, its day to day business. Currently they are forwarding a courtesy by not cutting them off - they would simply be curtailing that courtesy. Easy for the Government to stymy that - pay the bloody bill!

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