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Thailand’s Democrat Party Is hilariously misnamed


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" hordes of Thaksin loyalists are rallying inside Bangkok’s Rajamangala National Stadium, festooned with crimson bunting and images of their hero."

Since when is a couple of hundred blue rinses and slack-jaws considered a horde? Great work from big boss's paid shills, this smacks of Bob Amsterdam and Sam Moon's totally warped perspective.
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Gotta love these idiot liberal western journalists who know nothing about the country but who give their opinions anyway

Agreed. The writer also is unaware that the Thai form of democratic government recognizes the political value of street protests. That's why the Thai constitution protects the right of people to assemble and march peacefully with little restriction.

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Plenty of pro/con comments at the bottom of the actual article. He does note that there are plenty of reasons to hate Thaksin, and notes that in April/May 2010 the red shirts themselves were doing mass protests to remove the "democratically" elected government of the day.

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When is a fugitive on the run from the law, living in extreme wealth, an exile. Putsch is another name for coup, the coup was in 2010, when the red shirts used violence, to bring the government to it knees.The Army was called out because the police had gone from Brown to tomatoes. According to Police Captain Chalerm, the Black shirts were police and were the ones that assassinated Army General Sa Dang. ph34r.pngph34r.png

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Idiot doesn't even have his facts rights. Majority of the protestors aren't aligned with the yellow shirts. Gotta love these idiot liberal western journalists who know nothing about the country but who give their opinions anyway. Millions voted for the Dems. And yet he makes sweeping statements about all of them. One sided and biased moron.

Another know-nothing foreign reporter, much along the lines of NN.

From the talks I've had with various people on both sides of this, the color aspect doesn't apply any longer, it's more about "principles". Not entirely of course, but far more so than ever before.

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Idiot doesn't even have his facts rights. Majority of the protestors aren't aligned with the yellow shirts. Gotta love these idiot liberal western journalists who know nothing about the country but who give their opinions anyway. Millions voted for the Dems. And yet he makes sweeping statements about all of them. One sided and biased moron.

it isn't unheard of bought news articles...

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Of course the article's spot on and many more should follow.

Today we have this public spat between Suthep and Korn with Suthep making veiled threats against Korn and when meanwhile abhisit talks about joining the street protests.

Chances of the democrats winning a democratic election slipping away ever further and a new leader may be emerging for them.

Should follow what exactly? Writing more one sided articles?

Veiled threats? What were those exactly? That 'thep doesn't need Korn nor care for his opinion? A veiled threat indeed!

Take a look at Asoke at the moment or from pictures earlier in the day, Messr's Abhisit and Korn are / were both out there.

But this is not about the chess pieces, this is about an article written by a journalist for a "respected" magazine that weighs their argument heavily on the side of the Shinawatra led government...

Throwing in a few bylines outlining the similarities between 2010 and now, does not a balanced article make...

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Thaksin’s own populist policies helped bring millions of rural poor out of poverty.

I'd like to know where the evidence is for this bold statement.

Comparing how things were when Thaksin first took power, and how things are now, with regards poverty, i would say that if anything, people are, generally poorer, thanks to the rocketing inflation.

Edited by rixalex
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Are you quoting from Benedict Anderson, Professor Emeritus of International Studies, Government & Asian Studies at Cornell University latest book "The Fate of Rural Hell: Asceticism and Desire in Buddhist Thailand (2012)" ?

BTW I'm interested in how you manage to conclude on 'bourgeoisie' and 'uneducated' by just seeing people ? Or is it a matter of mutual recognision while shopping at Paragorn?

Bangkok bourgeoisie, described as timid, selfish, uncultured, consumerist and without any decent vision of the future of the country by Cornell University Professor Benedict Anderson.
Uneducate people indeed.
See them down paragon everyday.

Edited by rubl
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Are you quoting from Benedict Anderson, Professor Emeritus of International Studies, Government & Asian Studies at Cornell University latest book "The Fate of Rural Hell: Asceticism and Desire in Buddhist Thailand (2012)" ?

BTW I'm interested in how you manage to conclude on 'bourgeoisie' and 'uneducated' by just seeing people ? Or is it a matter of mutual recognision while shopping at Paragorn?

Bangkok bourgeoisie, described as timid, selfish, uncultured, consumerist and without any decent vision of the future of the country by Cornell University Professor Benedict Anderson.

Uneducate people indeed.

See them down paragon everyday.

Well the quote is from the article at the top.

"Uneducate" was one of the yellow slogans in the past.

Can't any of these people get some ferang to check their slogans on tee shirts banners etc?

There are some really badly written ones out there now.


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Are you quoting from Benedict Anderson, Professor Emeritus of International Studies, Government & Asian Studies at Cornell University latest book "The Fate of Rural Hell: Asceticism and Desire in Buddhist Thailand (2012)" ?

BTW I'm interested in how you manage to conclude on 'bourgeoisie' and 'uneducated' by just seeing people ? Or is it a matter of mutual recognision while shopping at Paragorn?

Bangkok bourgeoisie, described as timid, selfish, uncultured, consumerist and without any decent vision of the future of the country by Cornell University Professor Benedict Anderson.

Uneducate people indeed.

See them down paragon everyday.

Well the quote is from the article at the top.

"Uneducate" was one of the yellow slogans in the past.

Can't any of these people get some ferang to check their slogans on tee shirts banners etc?

There are some really badly written ones out there now.

Yiiiipieeh...I know how to use Google- translate! I am the educated elite.....

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