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PM Yingluck's 10 year old son targeted by protesters


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She's begging for sympathy, meanwhile the school denies everything.

Not much point in the school lying to the parents since the kids will tell parents if it's true or not.

I don't trust school directors.

They only care about the reputation of the school. School directors have a tendency to always deny everything.

On the other side, if some crazy parents of other kids went to attack the boy, they were most probably allowed to be there. Same as all other parents. So, indeed, there was probably no security breach. Just shameful parents who did target a child. Cowards.

Sent from my iPhone...

And I don't trust Gerry1011!

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Rumours not true according to headmaster at Harrow.

The anti-government group are not necessarily much better, but this country will have a much brighter future when the entire Shinawatra family are finally forced to leave Thailand. Barely a true or sincere word has been spoken in the last two years. Scum.

Edited by Sunderland
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That is too low for comfort...and shame on the parents of his school mates if they are also intimidating him. Keep it civil people.

I am not sure whether the correct word is civil but it does clearly demonstrate what animals some (many) of these 'lowlifes' actually are.

if it were the son or daughters of the former 'head waiter' I would say go for it but to target a 10 yo child is reprehensible.

But at the end of the day and after more than 20 years in the realm nothing surprises me. Sickened yes!, but surprised never.

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That is too low for comfort...and shame on the parents of his school mates if they are also intimidating him. Keep it civil people.

I am not sure whether the correct word is civil but it does clearly demonstrate what animals some (many) of these 'lowlifes' actually are.

if it were the son or daughters of the former 'head waiter' I would say go for it but to target a 10 yo child is reprehensible.

But at the end of the day and after more than 20 years in the realm nothing surprises me. Sickened yes!, but surprised never.

So are you trusting the rumours spread by PT propaganda more than the account given by the headmaster of the school?

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That is too low for comfort...and shame on the parents of his school mates if they are also intimidating him. Keep it civil people.

I am not sure whether the correct word is civil but it does clearly demonstrate what animals some (many) of these 'lowlifes' actually are.

if it were the son or daughters of the former 'head waiter' I would say go for it but to target a 10 yo child is reprehensible.

But at the end of the day and after more than 20 years in the realm nothing surprises me. Sickened yes!, but surprised never.

So are you trusting the rumours spread by PT propaganda more than the account given by the headmaster of the school?

They'll believe whatever "facts" fit their agenda. And if none of them do, then they'll make some up.

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Rumours not true according to headmaster at Harrow.

The anti-government group are not necessarily much better, but this country will have a much brighter future when the entire Shinawatra family are finally forced to leave Thailand. Barely a true or sincere word has been spoken in the last two years. Scum.

So its all false, a total fabrication.

Sort of makes Yinglucks plea to leave her son alone more than a little hollow, and deceitful.

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My god blink.png

Those courageous people fighting to destroy democracy are also attacking children?

I usually prefer to post rather light hearted comments... But in this case I really find it disgusting >_>

Not only they are criminals, now their cowardice has also come to light.

A 10 years old boy as a target? Shame on these cowards !

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

This is not the first time he has been thrust into the spot light

Isn't this the same little kid who wanted to be the mascot at two game in a row of international football at Rajamangala this past summer? and his PM mother made it happen ...

Sorry I have little sympathy for the mother or the kid

Spoiled mommy and spoiled kid

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Scumbag anti-government protesters trying to pick on a child (just like their violent comrades who just beat up 2 old men and smashed up a taxi at RU area)

What actually happened was a group of parents wearing whistle were at school gate attempting to get into the school. @bangkokpundit

Edited by Magenta2013
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Scumbag anti-government protesters trying to pick on a child (just like their violent comrades who just beat up 2 old men and smashed up a taxi at RU area)

What actually happened was a group of parents wearing whistle were at school gate attempting to get into the school. @bangkokpundit

Perhaps the were fetching their kids? Not illegal to wear a whistle - just don't blow your whistle, that's a whole other story

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Rumours not true according to headmaster at Harrow.

The anti-government group are not necessarily much better, but this country will have a much brighter future when the entire Shinawatra family are finally forced to leave Thailand. Barely a true or sincere word has been spoken in the last two years. Scum.

So its all false, a total fabrication.

Sort of makes Yinglucks plea to leave her son alone more than a little hollow, and deceitful.

It might not have been a total fabrication:

Matt @marklomax12 2h

@Thai_Talk @KrisKoles Just asked a Harrow teacher mate. The whistling at politicians kids is true he says. Statement gets around that

Matt @marklomax12 2h

@PKinbangkok @steviegell Harrow teacher mate just said whistling is true.Harrow statement gets around saying that by denying kidnap stuff

But I don't put too much store in people I don't know on social media, so make of that what you will. However, whilst the whistling stuff may have be true, I'm pretty sure the stuff about the van etc is just completely made up. Statement didn't deny the whistling, just the security breach.

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Pity a 10-year old boy has to be dragged into this. Whatever the background to this story, if you get to a situation that members of your family are so hated as to be pursued like this then perhaps you need to reflect on how your 'family' is running the country like a 'family' business, when it's supposed to be a democracy 'by the people, for the people, of the people'. It's a very effective way to get Thaksin to rethink things, when his various siblings and their offspring are finding it hell living in their own country. His fault, he's turned this whole political rumble into Shinawatra vs everyone.

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Propaganda.......Nice touch by the red shirts though, and sure to inflame...... The red shirt government

for sure is not winning on the real front, may as well try to make stuff up. I loved rumor about

kidnapping Yingluck. That was so over the top it almost had an aura of believability.....

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I am pretty sure this is bad press for the anti pheu thai government. Though, I think it is funny how foul mouthed the Red shirts are. If you can understand what they are saying on the Red shirt channel, then you would hear how much rubbish is being spewed out. Has everyone forgot who burned the mall around Victory monument?

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If the story is true then what happened is despicable. If it is fabricated that is also despicable.

The problem is we are dealing with desperate Thai politicians here who can't be trusted at the best of times. The only thing is to look at past form.

It's possible that hatred for the Shins is running higher than many supposed and ordinary families are targeting the kid. Then again the source is close to the PM so can we believe that? The PM's brother has claimed that he has been the victim of multiple assassination attempts although none have ever been proven and some totally discredited so playing the sympathy card has been done before. And we had Jabba's story yesterday setting this one up a touch too conveniently perhaps. So to the evidence does seem to point to a fabrication.

We shall await the truth....

....unless Tart of the DSI is assigned to the case.

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aguy30 said:

Posted Today, 09:34


A very strange story. Can't help wondering if it or any part of it is true. Was it planted by the government to make the protesters look evil. The 4 or 5 men in black shirts could have anybody and not even the protesters.


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Saturday 30th November

Dear Parents,

In the past 24 hours there have been rumours circulating about politically motivated attempted security breaches at School. These rumours are untrue.

None the less, today we have reviewed security at School and will ensure that all staff are vigilant in order to ensure the children's safety.

The School will be open on Monday 2nd December as planned. We are closely monitoring the situation and will advise you accordingly.

I request that all parents support the School by ensuring that no politics are brought on Campus. Our School is a place for children to enjoy learning.

Thank you.

Michael Farley

Head Master

Make your own mind up who you believe. I know who I do.
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My god blink.png

Those courageous people fighting to destroy democracy are also attacking children?

I usually prefer to post rather light hearted comments... But in this case I really find it disgusting >_>

Not only they are criminals, now their cowardice has also come to light.

A 10 years old boy as a target? Shame on these cowards !

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Number one sucker.

You pretend to swallow this shallow propaganda dribble because it fits with your narrative.

Not impressed at all... work harder if you want any of your posts to show any credibility.

Can you not see the immense irony in your post?

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This is BS news because the boy is in school for the last 2 months in england , thai visa get your facts right before you put up BS news , are u being fed by the shinawatra political campaign also , the other day they said on bbc news that 30,000 protestors were in bangkok , a big difference from the reality of 2.3 million people , like the old saying a paper never refuses ink

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Propaganda.......Nice touch by the red shirts though, and sure to inflame...... The red shirt government

for sure is not winning on the real front, may as well try to make stuff up. I loved rumor about

kidnapping Yingluck. That was so over the top it almost had an aura of believability.....

What is the real front? Can anyone or everyone see it? If not how can we see it? Is it on Thai Visa?

I think everyone would really like to see it, so don't keep it a secret.

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Unfair to target a 10-year-old, for the misdeeds of his Mum & Uncle.

But these were fellow-parents, of other kids at the school, not outside-protesters.

So what to do, when even some of your fellow-parents think you should go, after the 'suspended' amnesty-bill & attempt to rig the Senate, perhaps a nice bomb-threat like old Uncle tried ?

Or consider relocating, to a school in the Gulf, perhaps ?


A bit confused. The U.S. Constitution was changed to allow the direct election of Senators. Are you saying that this was done in order to " rig the Senate" by democratic voting? If so, I wholeheartedly disagree and I am very aware of the history of Senatorial appointment in the U.S. previous to the passing of the of the amendment allowing direct election.

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My god blink.png

Those courageous people fighting to destroy democracy are also attacking children?

I usually prefer to post rather light hearted comments... But in this case I really find it disgusting >_>

Not only they are criminals, now their cowardice has also come to light.

A 10 years old boy as a target? Shame on these cowards !

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

This is not the first time he has been thrust into the spot light

Isn't this the same little kid who wanted to be the mascot at two game in a row of international football at Rajamangala this past summer? and his PM mother made it happen ...

Sorry I have little sympathy for the mother or the kid

Spoiled mommy and spoiled kid

yes, in fact the "poor" chiold that was supposed toi do it was arseholed so he could have his way, shit poo strikes again

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Did none of u read my post above , the boy is in the uk in school for the last 2 months , this is total bulll shit news , they were(kidnappers) wearing thai head bands :) lol , come on people & cop on to yourselves & stop believing the shinawatra political campaign

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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A group of anti-government protesters has attempted to ambush the 10 year old son of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at his school.

With the way this article states the above as a fact, you are expecting to read that protesters were apprehended as they made their ambush attempt, and the police then found evidence of their plans, and then the protesters confessed.... or something along those lines. Instead what the article goes on to reveal is simply that some dodgy looking people were spotted in the area... urm... and that is it. The rest, including what is stated above as a hard fact, is simply speculation... and speculation that is coming from a source with a vested interest in trying to illicit public sympathy for the supposed victim.

Using whistle blowing at minors is intimidating for the victim and his friends, I suspect that this is true. Thai children are quite vulnerable at this boys age. There is no smoke without fire so the bullies should be discouraged from intimidating kids which may escalate into violence between Thai parents involved.

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A unidentified source from the Prime Minister's security team is/was the source of this, 'Rumor'.???? Forgive me for being a 'doubting Thomas', but the history of this family.s "truthful information" proganda groups has about as much credibility as some of the Prime minister and her Cabinet member promises. Assination attempts, beheadings, make you wealthly, no corruption, we have made your life better, etc.

The low point of any humans life is when. they are willing to donate a offspring/sibling for their own gain, be it financial, political, or social. In the Shin family's case they have all three avenues.

The decision to use her own son in a propaganda game could have actually just given the red shirts an idea to bring fury down on the peace loving protesters. Way to go.... you probably HAVE made this kid a target now.

Bomb threat my arse.... The police would have to have notified the school who would have had to inform all the parents who definitely would have withdrawn every child from the school and the press would have been all over that story.

The police are about as low as you can get with this desperate attempt to inflame a situation that is already very tense. Shameful as it gets folks.

Peace loving protesters . . . I guess this was made up also along with everything else you chose not to believe.


Thai opposition protesters attack govt supporters:

BANGKOK, November 30, 2013 (AFP) - Dozens of Thai opposition rioters attacked a bus filled with government supporters on Saturday, as tensions erupted over rallies aimed at toppling premier Yingluck Shinawatra.

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