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1 dead, four people shot at Ramkhamhaeng University after clashes


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Everyone..., listen up. I don't care if BOTH sides are steeped in corruption, which would seem to be the case, any way you look at it. The prevailing sentiment says they're both equally guilty of abuse of power and corruption. I can't speak to the level of it on either side and those who think they can are throwing out pure conjecture or event based "controversial" incidents. Sure that statement will bring the wrath of TV posters to pounce.

The only way to establish and maintain a democracy..., even when the elected party and its leaders are deemed to be corrupt..., must play out by accepting those who have been elected by the people. Whether legitimately or by virtue of them "giving back" to those who aided in their elections..., the vote of the people must stand until 'next elections' come about.

The amnesty bill wasn't ALL about Thaksin but everyone wants to say so. It was also about Abhisit who, may I remind readers, has been indicted for murder. In fact the bill was aimed to pardon combatants going all the way back to 2004. There are MANY who the amnesty bill would have exonerated and on both sides of this divide., IMHO, for all the right reasons. Let the past remain in the past and work on the present, then the future.

Aung San Suu Kyi who just happens to have a good handle on the matters of the SE Asian populace in matters like these said something a few years ago that really stuck with me. Forgive me if I misquote...., "It's not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts the people who have it and fear of power corrupts those who are subject to it".

I know how to solve this once and for all. Thailand is comprised of some 23 million people...., over 2/3 live in the rural countryside. Send all those who protest the current "majority elected" government to the north for rice harvest. Let them toil in the fields for 30 days, living a subsistence lifestyle and caring only about their families, a place to sleep and food in their stomachs. Let them wear the mud of the fields on their feet and hands. Let them bathe from a bucket or cistern. Let them sleep on the floor and feel the frigid temperatures of December & January. Let them forage for food from the fields they til and harvest.

Short of that highly unlikely scenario, what has begun again (I fear) will be far worse than what we saw in 2010. And it saddens me for the masses who deserve a better way of life. Suthep's epitaph may not read well in the years to come and he has placed the people of Thailand in grave danger. I question his love for all the people of Thailand.

And so it begins..., again. I sense with far reaching consequence that can only damage a country and its people who I love. This could be a new chapter that will be a very bad one for Thailand.

maybe a long diatribe and it shows how out of touch you are.winning elections and then doing what ever you want aint democracy .Absolute power corrupts absolutely.GET REAL. PS. Your knowledge of thailand is summed up by the population figure of"23 million" you quote

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thanks for your feedback King Alfred - Think I can speak with a modicum of intelligence to things along these lines. Masters in Political Science with focus on International Relations (Indiana University, USA) BS in Economics & Financial Markets (Yale...., ah hem..., USA).

I spoke to the matter of my population typo to an earlier poster. But let me again apologize...., to you. Last note. I've been coming to Thailand since 1992. Moved here in 2009. I'm 55 and "comfortably" retired. Do the math.

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I watched the vdo clip of Jatuporn speaking of withdrawing the rally. He was told to gather red shirts to come to BKK to incite the violent situation (he emphasize "violence") in order to protect the democratic government.

The latest news on social media that there is an inside tip showing a plane ticket with the name of Yingluck Shinnawat flight TG8880 to Johannesburg.

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One killed as 'V-Day' eve violence erupts


Speaking at the Democracy Monument demonstration base, ex-Democrat MP and protest leader Sathit Wongnongtoey claimed that some police officers had taken off their uniforms and donned red shirts to attack Ramkhamhaeng students in front of the university.


-- Phuket News 2013-12-01

These Democrats really dare... Even the most unbelievable lie is permitted.

What a bunch of insane people.

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I watched the vdo clip of Jatuporn speaking of withdrawing the rally. He was told to gather red shirts to come to BKK to incite the violent situation (he emphasize "violence") in order to protect the democratic government.


The latest news on social media that there is an inside tip showing a plane ticket with the name of Yingluck Shinnawat flight TG8880 to Johannesburg. 

No such flight.... gee, do you think someone faked it?

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One killed as 'V-Day' eve violence erupts


Speaking at the Democracy Monument demonstration base, ex-Democrat MP and protest leader Sathit Wongnongtoey claimed that some police officers had taken off their uniforms and donned red shirts to attack Ramkhamhaeng students in front of the university.


-- Phuket News 2013-12-01

These Democrats really dare... Even the most unbelievable lie is permitted.

What a bunch of insane people.

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

No. It is true, and this was already confirmed ages ago, there is even a picture floating around showing a police truck transporting red shirts to the area for the confrontations.


Check out the police card and police radio.

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Disgusting anti-government violent thugs - paid for protestors on the streets of Bangkok trying to overthrow the elected government.

Total disgrace they are.

All of this as Suthep/Abhisit have to appear at the Criminal Court on December 12th to face the murder charges................ jeeeeez.

At least the reds have shown how to be civil and have departed and called off thier protest due to the violence of the Yellow/PAD/Democrat anti-government thugs.

Shame on you Suthep, Shame on you Democrat Party.

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One red shirt supporter shot dead now.

So it is even, now how far will this go?

Thanks Jutaporn and Thida, you have served your country well.

Jutaporn best get on a plane, I am sure Thaksin can organize a passport for him to get out of the country while on bail.

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One killed as 'V-Day' eve violence erupts


Speaking at the Democracy Monument demonstration base, ex-Democrat MP and protest leader Sathit Wongnongtoey claimed that some police officers had taken off their uniforms and donned red shirts to attack Ramkhamhaeng students in front of the university.


-- Phuket News 2013-12-01

These Democrats really dare... Even the most unbelievable lie is permitted.

What a bunch of insane people.

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The Democrat/Yellow Shirt/PAD thugs are desperate now.

They have :

Got students to shoot other students and claim its red shirts.

Let off fireworks and then tried to claim reds firing RPG's

Told their supporters to go to the red rally yesterday and create violence against reds on their TV and radio stations.

Faked and doctored many photos to try to hide the fact they are violent yellow shirt/Democrat/PAD thugs.

Put out a fake story and photo about Yingluck leaving to South Africa

Trying to seize media outlets to

The list goes on and on.

They are desperate and now are resorting to their normal violence as seen in 2006 and 2008 - they are scum, nothing but disgusting scum.

The Democrat Party are now finished - not many voted for them before - and now they will get even less. They know now they have to seize power by illegitimate means because nobody will forgive them for what they are doing now.

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One red shirt supporter shot dead now.

So it is even, now how far will this go?

Thanks Jutaporn and Thida, you have served your country well.

Jutaporn best get on a plane, I am sure Thaksin can organize a passport for him to get out of the country while on bail.

2 dead red shirts confirmed. Men in black may be out there, but I'd bet both sides have their 'underground' forces in this respect. It was the right decision to send reds home. Could've been far worse.

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I think it is a good idea for all you arm chair Falange keep out of it, you do not understand. Leave it to the Thai people it is their country.

Most of us are sitting in our armchairs and keeping well clear. Most of us however would reserve the right to comment. You'll have to excuse us for this since, being raised in democratic countries, we are accustomed having opinions and voicing them, a freedom that our forebears, and some of us personally, fought for.

If we do not understand maybe it is because the situation defies all logic. Those of us who have raised children may well have a better grasp on events.

If you have any more 'good' ideas or opinions. do feel free to express them here - thus making your post a total nonsense.

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Taking a step back then, what DOES he want?

And do you agree with it?

he wants Thaksin out the picture for good, no more proxy governments no more clones no more corruption.

And it seems he wants to achieve that through limiting the one-man-one-vote concept. It's hard to see how that can be achieved otherwise, as he will keep on accusing 'everyone who doesn't agree with him' as being under the influence of Thaksin. Even if Thaksin committed suicide today he would likely just find another bogeyman or 'Thaksin regime remnants' to continue his crusade against. It really wouldn't end until he has a PAD favored form of government. (i.e. something other than a parliamentary democracy in the commonly understood definition.)


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The craziness has started. What a sad day. These people are not only crazy, but stupid.

And Suthep telling everyone he does not want any Shinawatras in Thailand. Again, attacking the PM's 10 year old. <deleted>?

Sadly, more deaths to follow.

According to the school nothing happened and there was no breach of security, so it looks like that was a pack of lies. Reality is we have no real idea <deleted> is going on (as the media can't be trusted), except to say that the leaders of both sides seem pretty determined to send their paid thugs to fight on their behalf. I feel sure this is only going to escalate and more people will die... sadly not the leaders.

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Some posts removed. Bringing the Monarchy into the discussion is a fast way to get thrown out of here. Especially in situations like this. Use your heads.

Praying for Peace in the Kingdom today. 

That's nice, but I'm praying for more and increased violence. Peace and apathy is not how a strong democracy is forged from more primitive forms of governance. Rather, it is through sacrifice and pain that societies move forward.

Thais need more, much more pain and sacrifice if they are to become a better society.


What about India with Ghandi? South Africa with Mandela. They achieved great result with a non-violence policy. There'll be a Thai eventually with empathy for the people who will bring change.

I think the difference is that people in those places were generally NOT apathetic, taught indifference throughout their education, so blindly trusting in their leaders (as many Asians and especially Thais/North Koreans tend to be), completely without morals and courage to take a real, sacraficial stand, unable to distinguish right from wrong, and totally devoid of critical thinking ability from very early in life.

The many years of Thai style apathy have lead to what they have: chaos.

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a little too late for that step ...

one shot while army personal is on duty and they'll come back with loaded weapons, - as always.

Better to investigate the root cause. Will they?

The sport center was used by thousands of students every day and they instigated deadly violence against them ... reason enough to get tough on those who are behind it. Lots of truthful hints in the other thread.

I also don't think that the students broke the gate at the closed-by University either. They were hunted down by some thugs for which I have enough reasons, pointed out some suspects and to believe of what I have witnessed, seen by myself and heard during the last ten days.

Keep politics aside and clear the high crime committed and students will have peace. Don't let this issue in the open, youngsters now want and need answers.

You are short changing the students they have the answers and are tired of the corruption.

They want the implication of the answers. Not the military defense of the problem.

Had to laugh at this one.

Chulalongkorn Hospital off-limits for protesters.

Are they saying the red shirts were being illegal in there invasion of a hospital

If so is there an arrest warrant out for the leaders.

Oh the double standards of this government.

Top that with their refusal to see the facts.

They still think every one is fooled by them.cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

Other than a two by four up along side the head for each and every

one of them what will it take to wake them up to the fact that the public

is becoming awake and their thievery (call it what it is) is no longer a secret

people want an end to it.wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif alt=wai.gif width=20 height=20>



Oh the double standards of this government. Top that with their refusal to see the facts. They still think every one is fooled by them.cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gifcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gifcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif Other than a two by four up along side the head for each and every one of them what will it take to wake them up to the fact that the public is becoming awake and their thievery (call it what it is) is no longer a secret and people want an end to it.wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif"

I particularly like:

- 'They still think everyone is fooled....'

- '...what will it take to wake up the public is becoming awake...'

Further, not one of the 312 members of the paymasters 'get real rich real quick club', has the balls to make a comment on their blanket support for a last time secretive, unscrupulous, tricky, and totally immoral adjustment to the proposed legislation at the third reading. All yes men through and through, no comment is no doubt one of the club rules.

Edited by scorecard
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At what point does this become insurrection and a treasonable offence?


When your side loses, if it wins, you are a hero of the revolution.

“ sides “? blink.png One side is a properly elected government ( which will most probably win yet again there is another election right now rolleyes.gif ) and on the other side a political party that lost at the last election that are now acting like hooligans.

I would say the treasonable offence has already occurred?


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It seems some posters do not understand the meaning of "No insults" and several more posts have been removed.

If you choose to actively participate in this thread, you must be prepared to handle posts you do not agree with without name-calling or personal accusations.

If you cannot do that, do not post.

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...At least the reds have shown how to be civil and have departed and called off thier protest....

I am starting to consider the notion that the official red withdrawal is a tactical political move, rather than strategic protest move, to be replayed by Yingluck as political currency in any future arguments about who caused the problems. Also I am willing to consider that Suthep's recent mad antics are also a tactical political move for the same reason, of derailing and making the anti-govt massprotest look bad.

I believe wholeheartedly in the Thai democratic massprotest movement, under whatever banner or name you like. But I don't agree with occupation or sabotage, which both sides have been guilty of over the years. The withdrawal of the reds now, coupled with Suthep's deranged behaviour, have both played heavily in favour of PTP, who were facing a high tide of national disapproval and a new feeling of "enough is enough" in recent months, at which point Suthep suddenly started acting in ways which actually devalued the current national sentiment, and even making Yingluck look positive (in the media) by comparison. It feels staged to me. Still waiting for the fat lady to sing, and no I'm not talking about anybody, just using the phrase.


Edited by Yunla
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Disgusting anti-government violent thugs - paid for protestors on the streets of Bangkok trying to overthrow the elected government.


Total disgrace they are.


All of this as Suthep/Abhisit have to appear at the Criminal Court on December 12th to face the murder charges................ jeeeeez.



At least the reds have shown how to be civil and have departed and called off thier protest due to the violence of the Yellow/PAD/Democrat anti-government thugs.



Shame on you Suthep, Shame on you Democrat Party.

shame on you for writing such ****** ,the red thugs incited violence. Get your facts right .More importantly there was pathetic security for the red mob rally.Not my words but those of Ramkhamhaeng rector .The police as ever taking sides.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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...At least the reds have shown how to be civil and have departed and called off thier protest....

I am starting to consider the notion that the offical red withdrawal is a tactical political move, rather than strategic protest move, to be replayed by Yingluck as political currency in any future arguments about who caused the problems. Also I am willing to consider that Suthep's recent mad antics are also a tactical political move for the same reason, of derailing and making the anti-govt massprotest look bad.

I believe wholeheartedly in the Thai democratic massprotest movement, under whatever banner or name you like. But I don't agree with occupation or sabotage, which both sides have been guilty of over the years. The withdrawal of the reds now, coupled with Suthep's deranged behaviour, have both played heavily in favour of PTP, who were facing a high tide of national disapproval and a new feeling of "enough is enough" in recent months, at which point Suthep suddenly started acting in ways which actually devalued the current national sentiment, and even making Yingluck look positive (in the media) by comparison. It feels staged to me. Still waiting for the fat lady to sing, and no I'm not talking about anybody, just using the phrase.

You mean Suthep, the man, who along with Abhisit, have to go to the Criminal Court on 12th of December (not long now) to face the murder charges.

No........... the Democrats know that the majority of Thai people hate them.

The Dems/Yellow/PAD and their backers are all hoping their connections with the Military are still strong enough to pull off a coup.

If they fail to get the coup they want - then hopefully they will all be tried for treason in a court of law. They are now in the process of enacting a coup - which is the seizure of government offices with the mission to overthrow the government.

Coup leaders who fail to invoke a coup will get tried as traitors against the people and the country. Treason.

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One killed as 'V-Day' eve violence erupts

BANGKOK: A man was shot dead and five others suffered gunshot wounds on Saturday as thousands of red-shirt supporters and anti-government students clashed during running street battles.


A man was seriously hurt after being attacked yesterday behind Ramkhamhaeng University in the Hua Mak area.

BANGKOK: -- ''A 21-year-old man was shot dead by two bullets to his left side,'' said Boonchuay Pochantong, an official at a police station near Ramkhamhaeng University where unrest broke out earlier.

The violence followed a confrontation between a red-shirt security guard and a Ramkhamhaeng student.

It also came on the eve of a ''total seizure'' campaign announced by anti-government protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban. He is urging anti-government protesters to take control of all key government agencies today as part of a ''Victory Day'' push.

Nearly 3,000 troops will be deployed to reinforce security in Bangkok, Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order (Capo) spokesman Piya Utayo said.

''From tonight there will be soldiers out to take care of security,'' he said in a televised address, adding that 2,730 military personnel from the army, navy and airforce would take part.

Saturday's violence flared in front of the university just after 4pm when a group of red shirts on pick-up trucks bound for their rally site at Rajamangala Stadium appeared to taunt the anti-government protesters.

Both groups exchanged verbal abuse before a brawl broke out.

It was estimated that about 3,000 people were involved in the scuffle, with several people injured on both sides.

More violence erupted sporadically throughout the afternoon and early evening as protesters refused orders to retreat into the university compound.

A Bangkok Post reporter heard gunshots and what sounded like an explosion near the university at about 8pm.

A 29-year-old Cambodian worker and two university students were taken to hospital a short time later with bullet wounds.

About 9pm, a third male student was shot in front of Rajamangala national stadium.

The worker was apparently a bystander and was shot in the back by a stray round.

A witness said he saw a man firing a gun from within a group of red shirt guards who were gathering near the back entrance of the university.

The man fired into the air and also at the students.

A group of Ramkhamhaeng students also reportedly smashed a taxi window shortly after the initial clash when they spotted a passenger wearing a red shirt.

Some students were also seen using wooden clubs and other objects to vandalise a city bus being used by red-shirt supporters to get to the stadium rally site. About 600 police officers were rushed to the scene to restore order.

Ramkhamhaeng Road, from Lam Salee intersection to the front of the university, was closed to traffic last night.

Speaking at the Democracy Monument demonstration base, ex-Democrat MP and protest leader Sathit Wongnongtoey claimed that some police officers had taken off their uniforms and donned red shirts to attack Ramkhamhaeng students in front of the university.

The officers had set up barricades to create a siege situation, he claimed.

Mr Sathit called on demonstrators at Democracy Monument to move to the university to help the students.

He said if Capo fails to control the situation at Ramkhamhaeng, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and Deputy Prime Minister Pracha Promnok must take responsibility.

Ms Yingluck on Saturday affirmed authorities would not use force on demonstrators and called for talks to settle the political problems.

Police will handle the situation in accordance with the law, she said.

Red-shirt supporters nationwide yesterday began leaving their home provinces to join the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) rally at Rajamangala Stadium, vowing to ''protect democracy'' until the anti-government demonstrators end their campaign.

It followed a call by UDD leader Tida Tawornseth for red shirts to put on a show of force in the capital after Mr Suthep earlier told his supporters to lay siege to Government House and all key government offices today.

''I beg all red-shirt sisters and brothers to come out while the Pheu Thai Party is still the elected government and still has power. Or will you come when it is too late?'' Ms Tida said.

Jatuporn Prompan, a UDD leader, said the government should not let Mr Suthep besiege government agencies.

He said Mr Suthep was trying to entice the government into using violence so the army would be forced to intervene.

In Udon Thani on Saturday, Khon Rak Udon Club chairman Khwanchai Praipana, said he was leading about 1,000 people to join the UDD rally in Bangkok after ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra talked to him over the phone and asked for support.

Thousands of anti-government protesters on Saturday occupied the compound of the state telecommunications firm TOT Plc, padlocked the doors of the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), and partially cut off electricity at CAT Telecom.

Speaking last night to the crowd at the government administrative headquarters in Chaeng Watthana Road which the protesters have occupied since Wednesday, Mr Suthep urged Bangkok residents to join the ''V-Day'' operation by going to government agencies near their homes at 10.45am on Sunday.

He said the protesters would seize 10 government installations, including Government House and the Royal Thai Police headquarters.

People in other provinces should converge at their respective provincial halls, he said.


-- Phuket News 2013-12-01

More violence erupted sporadically throughout the afternoon and early evening as protesters refused orders to retreat into the university compound.

What was the reason for not ordering the red shirts to go to their own rally site?

Jutuporn led I forgot red shirts get special treatment and allowances for supporting

Thaksins clown stooge.

Students get back on your school grounds.

Red shirts hang around and don;t let them out.

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The gentile students heading to Bangkok with sticks..............

@isaanlife: 8 Ramkhamhaeng buses full of scouts just passed. Heading toward BKK. Things could be escalating. They have sticks”

And the Democrats need to be disbanded now - total and utter disgrace.

Mob of Democrats enters ThaiPBS compound, demands it ceases broadcasts. 4th estate needs careful guidance, thinks Democrats (v @Saksith)

Edited by Sheryl
inflammatory language removed by Moderator
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One red shirt supporter shot dead now.

So it is even, now how far will this go?

Thanks Jutaporn and Thida, you have served your country well.

Jutaporn best get on a plane, I am sure Thaksin can organize a passport for him to get out of the country while on bail.

2 dead red shirts confirmed. Men in black may be out there, but I'd bet both sides have their 'underground' forces in this respect. It was the right decision to send reds home. Could've been far worse.

I am sure that the other side has some folks trained and armed (most probably quite legally) but there has been no evidence of an equivalent group as the Men in Black ir even as you assert they are different, the Ronin.

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You mean Suthep, the man, who along with Abhisit, have to go to the Criminal Court on 12th of December (not long now) to face the murder charges.

No........... the Democrats know that the majority of Thai people hate them.

The Dems/Yellow/PAD and their backers are all hoping their connections with the Military are still strong enough to pull off a coup.

If they fail to get the coup they want - then hopefully they will all be tried for treason in a court of law. They are now in the process of enacting a coup - which is the seizure of government offices with the mission to overthrow the government.

Coup leaders who fail to invoke a coup will get tried as traitors against the people and the country. Treason.

Treason is also taking orders from non-elected, overseas fugitive criminals, when you are in political office. Somsak did this and was caught on tape doing so. However dwelling on the past is not healthy, it is more important to move on into a brighter future, wouldn't you agree.

Seriously though, I don't have a political preference, nor do I have a waterproof souwester to wear while wading through just buckets of venomous bile, by supporters of any party.

I wouldn't trust either of the main parties in Thailand, personally. I also consider the notion that Suthep is harlequin [multicoloured doll] with an AP role, although I'm undecided on the nature of his role. I view society in the dissection meme, I am only interested in the science of it. People will do whatever they want anyway. My hope is always they do it via debate and not via fisticuffs.

My allegiance is, has always been, to Democracy, with a capital D. It is not to any party. I will use the same hammer and tongs on anybody in the political sphere, if they fail to represent the pure and cerebral nature of democratic debate. Policy and issue-resolution are the the output from Debate, again with a big D. To not engage in Debate is anti-democratic. I flame Yingluck for years because she avoids Debate. I apply the same flame to Suthep.

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