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Yingluck asks protesters to leave her son alone, as Harrow school denies any breach of security

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My Thai friend who is well read on news also told me that YL's son is out if country. Don't know who to believe here.

Harrow is a great school too. One of the if not the best intl schools on Thailand. You guys can say what you want about intl schools, but the quality there is very high.

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He is directly benefitting from the corruption of his family. Didn't this kid get a preferential treatment for the manchester united game? Aren't there smarter kids in this country that don't have to opportunity to go to an international school?

I think its fair game. Look at his decadent lifestyle and tell me he is innocent.

Oh <deleted> he's 10 years old
True, if the report had any shred of truth in it, I would also be upset. No need to drag kid into this. But YL is blatantly making up stories to get sympathy votes. I believe what she has done by pimping out her kid for political sway is disgusting.

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For gods sake. If blowing a whistle is considered that bad, we all must be persecuted on average maybe at least 5 times everyday. I for 1 would be quite happy to see a ban of all whistles in Thailand, I have often wondered if the security guard downstairs at my apartment could still blow it if I rammed it somewhere else.

Well, there's only one way to find out! Look forward to hearing the results of your scientific research.


Oh Yingluck,if you can't stand the heat,get out of the kitchen.

Don't you mean "go back to your kitchen" in this case?

By the way, remember that stuff works both ways. I take it you won't be complaining when protesters start dieing in droves, seeing as they decided to be there and if they can't stand the heat...


She should send him to Aiglon in Villars, Switzerland.

He would be in nice company with the heirs of Suharto, Khassogi, Marcos, Mobutu,... +++ clans.

Perfect education for his already planned destiny...

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Like I said yesterday, there was no breach of security. YL and Co. are trying to get sympathy through their false reports. Shame on YL for pimping her son out like that.

This is typical behaviour of the Shinawatra scum, always trying to spin false rumours to get sympathy. The Caddy must have had a bout 500 assassination attempts if he was to be believed.

Given the security at the school, the whole story is highly unlikely. The thing is, most people are highly unlikely to be visiting Harrow anytime soon, to dispel the lies of Yingluck.

Every time she speaks now, she makes herself look more ridiculous.

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Posted: Wednesday, Nov 27, 2013

Saturday 30th November

Dear Parents,

In the past 24 hours there have been rumours circulating about politically motivated attempted security breaches at School. These rumours are untrue.

None the less, today we have reviewed security at School and will ensure that all staff are vigilant in order to ensure the children's safety.

The School will be open on Monday 2nd December as planned. We are closely monitoring the situation and will advise you accordingly.

I request that all parents support the School by ensuring that no politics are brought on Campus. Our School is a place for children to enjoy learning.

Thank you.

Michael Farley

Head Master

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He is directly benefitting from the corruption of his family. Didn't this kid get a preferential treatment for the manchester united game? Aren't there smarter kids in this country that don't have to opportunity to go to an international school?

I think its fair game. Look at his decadent lifestyle and tell me he is innocent.

Oh <deleted> he's 10 years old
True, if the report had any shred of truth in it, I would also be upset. No need to drag kid into this. But YL is blatantly making up stories to get sympathy votes. I believe what she has done by pimping out her kid for political sway is disgusting.

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Thanks tom for posting a sensible reply. Christ some of the replies on TVF over the past few days have me fearing for some member's sanity. Balanced replies ( an extreme rarity on this forum on a normal day) seem to have nearly gone out of the window as people's justified loathing of the Thaksin clan boils over into utter <deleted>. Kind of ironic considering that some comments would be worthy of Jatuopon's foaming diatribes.

I have no doubt that if a news report appeared that Yingluk's son had been sexually assaulted some of our members would say it was payback for his mother raping the country. Anybody out there can stand with their hand on their heart and say that wouldn't be the case?

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Can Harrow truthfully and confidently state with 100% certainty that none of the 1000's of parents lost themselves in emotion and a moment of political protest and blew their whistle at this 10 year old boy ?

I'm not saying this is what happened, but given how the emotions of many are running high I can imagine something like this occurring.

Of course - it could simply be spin by the Yingluck machine. However I find it more probable that a silly parent acted stupidly.

My comments are just speculation when trying to see balance in the comments from both sides. However, If this is what occurred, This isn't a security breach, its just an act of stupidity which shouldn't have happened.

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He is directly benefitting from the corruption of his family. Didn't this kid get a preferential treatment for the manchester united game? Aren't there smarter kids in this country that don't have to opportunity to go to an international school?

I think its fair game. Look at his decadent lifestyle and tell me he is innocent.

Whilst he may benefit from the corruption of his odious and criminal led family, the kid is 10 years of age, and he doesn't get to choose who his family are.

It certainly isn't fair game to go after a 10 year old kid for the sins of his family. However, I very much doubt it happened anyhow.


Now that we know Yingluck's kid goes to Harrow-international (posh English hi-so), does this mean the red-posters will stop bringing up Abhisit's posh English education every couple of posts too. I'm not saying Abhisit is great, he's ok-ish, but I think sending your 10-year-old to Harrow really stands equal to w/e Abhisit did in the UK, and then some.

Especially since PTP's Joan-Of-Arc peasant heroine figure who was practically ready to die for the common field-workers a few years ago (pre election!), actually sends her kids to mega-snooty posh English schools. And doesn't like eating food that poor people eat either. Etc. By rights she should have sent her kid to the most falling-down school in Issan, or at least paid for it to be rebuilt.

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Posted: Wednesday, Nov 27, 2013

Saturday 30th November

Dear Parents,

In the past 24 hours there have been rumours circulating about politically motivated attempted security breaches at School. These rumours are untrue.

None the less, today we have reviewed security at School and will ensure that all staff are vigilant in order to ensure the children's safety.

The School will be open on Monday 2nd December as planned. We are closely monitoring the situation and will advise you accordingly.

I request that all parents support the School by ensuring that no politics are brought on Campus. Our School is a place for children to enjoy learning.

Thank you.

Michael Farley

Head Master

First level-headed official I have heard in the last couple weeks. :)


Can Harrow truthfully and confidently state with 100% certainty that none of the 1000's of parents lost themselves in emotion and a moment of political protest and blew their whistle at this 10 year old boy ?

I'm not saying this is what happened, but given how the emotions of many are running high I can imagine something like this occurring.

Of course - it could simply be spin by the Yingluck machine. However I find it more probable that a silly parent acted stupidly.

My comments are just speculation when trying to see balance in the comments from both sides. However, If this is what occurred, This isn't a security breach, its just an act of stupidity which shouldn't have happened.

Having been int he intl school system for a long time here in BKK, it just seems totally against the odds that anything of that sort could happen. YL never actually said it happened, anyway. She said she heard from her security forces that some parents may have been talking with one another about possibly blowing a whistle at her son. Pure sham for political gain, and not a shred of reality in it.


He is directly benefitting from the corruption of his family. Didn't this kid get a preferential treatment for the manchester united game? Aren't there smarter kids in this country that don't have to opportunity to go to an international school?

I think its fair game. Look at his decadent lifestyle and tell me he is innocent.

He is a ten year old child, don't be silly.

Some idiot in the PTP obviously thought this would be a great little story to feed the media and didn't realize that Harrow being one of if not the best school in Thailand wouldn't just let it slide.


Now that we know Yingluck's kid goes to Harrow-international (posh English hi-so), does this mean the red-posters will stop bringing up Abhisit's posh English education every couple of posts too. I'm not saying Abhisit is great, he's ok-ish, but I think sending your 10-year-old to Harrow really stands equal to w/e Abhisit did in the UK, and then some.

Especially since PTP's Joan-Of-Arc peasant heroine figure who was practically ready to die for the common field-workers a few years ago (pre election!), actually sends her kids to mega-snooty posh English schools. And doesn't like eating food that poor people eat either. Etc. By rights she should have sent her kid to the most falling-down school in Issan, or at least paid for it to be rebuilt.

I think most people here, if they have the money, will send their kids to a private or intl school. Having worked with training in public schools here, I am mostly appalled what passes for an educational process here. There are some great teachers and some really smart students as well that somehow get their way through, but for the most part it is a brainwashing nightmarish system.

I'm not sure that an intl school is the way to go for Thai kids, as most end up losing 100 fluency in native literacy skills in the process, but there are some decent Thai private schools that are totally worthy. For the top 5% that can afford it, they have every right to make that decision. I don't criticize YL at all or any other parent who can afford it to give their kids the best education possible. The students at these school are for the most part critical thinkers, socially conscious, and yes, will be the nation's future leaders.


I think most people here, if they have the money, will send their kids to a private or intl school. Having worked with training in public schools here, I am mostly appalled what passes for an educational process here. There are some great teachers and some really smart students as well that somehow get their way through, but for the most part it is a brainwashing nightmarish system.

I'm not sure that an intl school is the way to go for Thai kids, as most end up losing 100 fluency in native literacy skills in the process, but there are some decent Thai private schools that are totally worthy. For the top 5% that can afford it, they have every right to make that decision. I don't criticize YL at all or any other parent who can afford it to give their kids the best education possible. The students at these school are for the most part critical thinkers, socially conscious, and yes, will be the nation's future leaders.

Yes but every time I ever said anything good about Abhisit here, a load of red stormtroopers jumped on my post and shout "English public school! English nickname! boo! bad man!" which under the circumstances of Yingluck's kid, is now a laughable position to take in the future.

Also I'm one of those old-fashioned people who think you should "walk the walk", and Yingluck certainly was played as a champion of the poor, it would have been a good gesture by her to invest heavily in schools in poor regions and then send your kid to one of the newly refurbished common schools.

I went to a Northern England sink-estate comprehensive in the 70s-80s, and inner city tech college, both falling down grim & shockingly violent etc.. It never stopped me from reading books and becoming educated. Its always down to the individual anyway.

In any case, the media and protesters etc. should leave the kid alone, he is just a kid and he may want to become a Chef when he gets older, and to not even vote. It is his life, people should let him get on with living it.


The school denied it! This looks like a disgusting attempt at winning sympathy votes.

"Although I am a woman, I won't run away"

Another stupid thing to say to people considering she was elected to be the leader of the country, since when are women less able to handle stress then men?

The last female PM in the UK was Thatcher,, can anyone who remembers imagine her making such a statement.

I hope people see this for what it is, a publicity stunt to try and win support using sympathy,, I hope it fails miserably and that this nonsense gets ignored.


If the incident took place outide school school premises, then technically school security was not breached. So how about waiting for some facts and real evidence either way for a change, before engaging in the usual puerile exchanges and accusations?



So the school is basically calling the prime minister a liar.

or the son a liar, to protect the schools reputation. My son was bitten at school and when we confronted the head master she said it never happened even when we showed her the bite mark on the arm. They still swore black and blue they watch all children at all times and there was no way it could happen our son was lying.

Private schools are more concerned about money than the kids and if it is considered that they can't watch and protect the kids constantly even from bullying then the parents may take the cashbags out.

Harrow school cannot afford bad news like this.

Their only option is to tell the truth. You think the pupils don't have Facebook and would spread the truth if the school lied.

I don't believe this story for one second. How dumb would the school look if they were found publicly to be lying?

It might be interesting to know how many poor redshirt families send their kids to expensive international schools such as Harrow Int. and then compare the numbers with the yellowshirt families...


He is directly benefitting from the corruption of his family. Didn't this kid get a preferential treatment for the manchester united game? Aren't there smarter kids in this country that don't have to opportunity to go to an international school?

I think its fair game. Look at his decadent lifestyle and tell me he is innocent.

As you're so well informed about Yingluck's son, why don't you tell us all about his "decedent lifestyle"?


Makes me sick that this school cost about 1 million baht per year. People should really wake up what kind of people govern them. How can someone can understand and respect his people when he send his child to a school which costs per year more then the average Thai income in a half decade.


He is directly benefitting from the corruption of his family. Didn't this kid get a preferential treatment for the manchester united game? Aren't there smarter kids in this country that don't have to opportunity to go to an international school?

I think its fair game. Look at his decadent lifestyle and tell me he is innocent.

As you're so well informed about Yingluck's son, why don't you tell us all about his "decedent lifestyle"?

hHs 'decadent lifestyle' includes his own full size football pitch to train on for his future career at Chelsea in his back garden.


I think most people here, if they have the money, will send their kids to a private or intl school. Having worked with training in public schools here, I am mostly appalled what passes for an educational process here. There are some great teachers and some really smart students as well that somehow get their way through, but for the most part it is a brainwashing nightmarish system.

I'm not sure that an intl school is the way to go for Thai kids, as most end up losing 100 fluency in native literacy skills in the process, but there are some decent Thai private schools that are totally worthy. For the top 5% that can afford it, they have every right to make that decision. I don't criticize YL at all or any other parent who can afford it to give their kids the best education possible. The students at these school are for the most part critical thinkers, socially conscious, and yes, will be the nation's future leaders.

Yes but every time I ever said anything good about Abhisit here, a load of red stormtroopers jumped on my post and shout "English public school! English nickname! boo! bad man!" which under the circumstances of Yingluck's kid, is now a laughable position to take in the future.

Also I'm one of those old-fashioned people who think you should "walk the walk", and Yingluck certainly was played as a champion of the poor, it would have been a good gesture by her to invest heavily in schools in poor regions and then send your kid to one of the newly refurbished common schools.

I went to a Northern England sink-estate comprehensive in the 70s-80s, and inner city tech college, both falling down grim & shockingly violent etc.. It never stopped me from reading books and becoming educated. Its always down to the individual anyway.

In any case, the media and protesters etc. should leave the kid alone, he is just a kid and he may want to become a Chef when he gets older, and to not even vote. It is his life, people should let him get on with living it.

Agree with your post, to add though, her son should be left out of it, but because of the situation he is open to the fringes of society.

Yingluck should take him out of the public eye, until this turmoil is ended for his own good. maybe i'm stupid BUT I would if he was my son.

I wouldn't do what she did and say "leave him alone" Take care of your boy Yingluck and have him in a safe place.

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