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STDs in pattaya


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the only thing that is a pain in the ass (or wherever ) is herpes. everything else is either airware or can be cured fast with the know meds. syph takes a little longer.

There are a few antibiotic resistant strains of gonorrhea out there so it's no longer as simple as popping a couple pills.

Personally I'd be more concerned about neanderthal DNA being passed on to me from prior insertions.

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Is there anyway to KNOW if the STD rates are actually higher ini pats than elsewhere.

It seems safe to assume but you know what they say about 'assume.'

and thanks all for keeping it civil

(weird one would thank for that, but sigh, you know...)

Some comparison figures here but how meaningful .........http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/s/stds/stats-country.htm (isn't Google wonderful......)

There are 3 million suffering from hiv/aids in Thailand,and many are from Chonburi

Any link for those numbers as if you go here - http://www.avert.org/hiv-aids-thailand.htm - the figures are vastly different....

You then have to ask how you rate the accuracy of any figures especially in places like Thailand.

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STD's are not exclusive to any one place and you can get them anywhere in the world but here in Pattaya it being a sort of sex haven one who would dip into this life style should protect ones self as they would anywhere. If you take a prostitute or meet a girl you do not know then better to just think that they have some STD 100% and that should be enough warning to keep you smart.

Even if you meet the love of your life and she works at a 7-11 or such you should still both get every test there is before you have unprotected sex.

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Yeah i hear whats being said about covering up buts whats the use of banging if u cant get a good blast off at the end, i'm at an age now where it really does' nt matter thumbsup.gif

Exactly. I never cover up. Done it too many times to count and tests came back negative. HIV is a gay disease or it's very difficult to obtain.

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Quite a variety of responses.

Doesn't personal immunity also play a large factor?

How you clean up after too.

Pee after sex!

Some people can get away with a lot, some, one time and they are in hot water.

Worth the risk or not, one must ask oneself.

Is the fear larger than the risk?

Karna or luck come into play?

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How easy is it for a man to get HIV from women?

After some research years ago: not common at all.

And HIV from kissing or oral sex practically impossible.

Your results and research may vary.

Herpes and some others sound more scary.

Who the F knows???

Women may be more susceptible to all stds by the nature of their anatomy.

The media may also play up the fear factor?

Or the large condom companies even???

The good ones are NOT cheap.

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How common is HIV/AIDS in Thailand for male heterosexuals?

Also how about herpes?

The rest don't get as much coverage or concern in general though there are a few scary stories on this thread.

IMO only a b_loody fool or a selfish person would have sex with the P4P girls in Pattaya or elsewhere without using a condom.

I say a b_loody fool in the first instance because why in the hell do you want to end up with something painful or annoying that needs medical treatment. Then you head home & spread it to some other unsuspecting soul.

I say selfish in the second instance because you will eventually pick up an STD and you will spread that onto someone else, perhaps a loved one. All for your own ego.

Anyway we all know that Pattaya and other sex centres are full of STD's, some fatal, some forever and some just damned annoying and painful. There are so many stats put out by the health system that you'd have to be "blind freddy" not to know about the high rate of STD's in Pattaya.

I've always wondered about those guys smooching up to some BG just what that girls mouth and perhaps throat were doing a few hours before.

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Yeah i hear whats being said about covering up buts whats the use of banging if u cant get a good blast off at the end, i'm at an age now where it really does' nt matter thumbsup.gif

Exactly. I never cover up. Done it too many times to count and tests came back negative. HIV is a gay disease or it's very difficult to obtain.

And it doesn't bother you at all that you may be passing on infections you catch? As an example, HPV (which can cause genital warts) can cause cervical cancer in women. Fatality rate is almost 100%. I assume you have to pay extra to have unprotected intercourse with a prostitute, so I guess the way to rationalize this behavior is that it's only her own greed that's putting her at risk.

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So to sum it up, the bacterial infections are usually not a big issue unless you do not start the treatment after early symptoms arise (even though the antibiotic treatment is not very healthy either), but most of the viral infections are pretty dangerous, with some of them, like HIV, probably not so easy to contract, and others, like hepatitis or herpes, contracted quite easily, usually with no cure available (apart from some symptom relievers (in case of herpes) or killer medicines, like in case of hepatitis C or HIV, where it is hard to estimate if you get killed sooner or later by the disease, or the medicine itself - usually strong chemotherapeutic drugs). The choice is your :)

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Yeah i hear whats being said about covering up buts whats the use of banging if u cant get a good blast off at the end, i'm at an age now where it really does' nt matter thumbsup.gif

Exactly. I never cover up. Done it too many times to count and tests came back negative. HIV is a gay disease or it's very difficult to obtain.

And it doesn't bother you at all that you may be passing on infections you catch? As an example, HPV (which can cause genital warts) can cause cervical cancer in women. Fatality rate is almost 100%. I assume you have to pay extra to have unprotected intercourse with a prostitute, so I guess the way to rationalize this behavior is that it's only her own greed that's putting her at risk.

HPV is a very serious problem that mainly affects women - so the 2 posters you quoted probably would not give a sh*t.

If you read up about it unfortunately many people carry it without knowing, and many never suffer any symptoms but it is apparently very widespread -

"Approximately 79 million Americans are currently infected with HPV. About 14 million people become newly infected each year. HPV is so common that nearly all sexually-active men and women will get at least one type of HPV at some point in their lives." - http://www.cdc.gov/std/hpv/stdfact-hpv.htm

Unprotected sex with anybody is a risk to both parties.......and what may not affect you can seriously affect another

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Yeah i hear whats being said about covering up buts whats the use of banging if u cant get a good blast off at the end, i'm at an age now where it really does' nt matter thumbsup.gif

Exactly. I never cover up. Done it too many times to count and tests came back negative. HIV is a gay disease or it's very difficult to obtain.

Let's hope you never have to eat those words.

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