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farangs all times insulting thai people on forum here


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Take a look at the number of people on psychoactive drugs in the West as opposed to Thailand.

I know this one.

Almost everyone I meet under the age of 30 in Thailand takes loads of Yaa-Baa or Yaa-Ice.

In the villages, in the towns, in the clubs and pubs.

In the UK, I knew a few people who would smoke a joint or two at the weekends.

for fiftytwo person

you are saying wrong here is not correct things that is what I try saying here thai visa , why you people say these things . I not understanding your reason

Because it's the truth, Thai youth mainly consists of drug addicts, hookers, gang members, violent criminals, corrupt government officials.

All the Thais I know (mainly family) can fit into one of those categories.

Look what's happening in BK at the moment. Two big gangs (red and yellow) fighting it out again.

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Schoolyard bullies ganging up on a non-native English speaker. In his own country - no less. Just imagine if more Thais read this thread. I wonder if Thai Visa will still be allowed to continue. Someone might just post a link on their Facebook page and show to other Thais the Bigots they have among them. Perhaps, you won't feel so comfortable the next time you go to a shopping mall, or the bank, or a Taxi. If the OP turns out to be a farang masquerading as a Thai - Bravo! You got me - Although I doubt that very much. The feelings expressed by the OP are valid. Farangs just have to accept being called that - whether the perceived that term as an insult or not. I personally don't mind. Other people in other countries have been called much worse.

Trust me. that will only fire up the aforementioned schoolyard bullies, but it seems there are only two groups that you can openly insult on TV - 'lowlife' Farang and Thais. If it transpires that the OP is the former pretending to the be the latter, well that's a party right there. Pass the pitchforks and hand me that burning torch, would you ? wink.png

I am thai I am thai I am thai I am thai I am thai I am thai I am thai. is good plan I thinking for doing facebook thing. before I having facebook same my frend/s have . I keep saying all time why do you some people here thaivisa say crazy things that not correct. .............. all thai young people do not using drugs and in gangs doing violence ... familys not sending daughter to pattaya for making sex with foreners. that are insult words against all thai people.

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To start with, if you want to be respected, how about NOT referring to us in rather derogative term such as "Farang"

yeah! why do you call us foreigners? call us brothers!


Naam who was/is called...

-in Saudi Arabia "Franjieh"

-in Iran "Ferang"

-in Afghanistan "Ferang"

-in Pakistan "Ferangi"

-in India "Ferangi"

mind you! Farang, Farong, Farung, Furlong, Fareng, Forong, Ferong is an insult!


What about the Ferengi?


they are an alien Race?

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Take a look at the number of people on psychoactive drugs in the West as opposed to Thailand.

I know this one.

Almost everyone I meet under the age of 30 in Thailand takes loads of Yaa-Baa or Yaa-Ice.

In the villages, in the towns, in the clubs and pubs.

In the UK, I knew a few people who would smoke a joint or two at the weekends.

Prozac Nation: Use of antidepressants in the UK has soared by 500% in the past 20 years

Sweden and Slovakia have seen largest growth in the use of the drugs, with a 1000% increase in Sweden between 1980 and 2009

According to a report released yesterday by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), the rate of antidepressant use in this country (USA) among teens and adults (people ages 12 and older) increased by almost 400% between 1988–1994 and 2005–2008.

23% of women in their 40s and 50s take antidepressants, a higher percentage than any other group (by age or sex)

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People are extremely thin skinned if they are offended by being called "Farange". I've been called worse. In fact their hundreds of other words much more offensive than "Farange" that I could call each of you other "Faranges" in several languages too, but then my posts would be deleted. Oh...but how I'd like to use them.

At this point the majority of you have simply proven my original point. You know who you are. No need to respond but I know you just can't resist the temptation so fire away.

Khun Koratesanguy, there is simply no need to respond anymore nor provide any other identifying information. The people I spoke about will never go away. And you have raised very valid points on how foreigners behave and act in Thailand especially on a public forum. You should also understand many of their points are also very valid and Thais do need to address those problems in order to become a more advanced society. Expats (foreigners) who actually live here often offer solutions to make Thailand a better place but it seems no one listens or wants to listen so you will always get the negative comments that have been posted. You are young and could easily be in a position to help your fellow country men by leading by example. Teaching them how to improve their lives. That is up to you. Good luck to you.

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today I tell hotel manager I do this on thai visa and he say I must not tell name of hotel I working he say is ok if I give my phone numberbut say

I should be care for doing. I have learning many new english words you make in reply for me. thank you for that. but I not say thank you for

say I not thai and say I troll because I check up word meaning. I not know many things you complaining about canot buy land house business

and working Thailand. I think is not correct because in my village and korat is many forener/s who make very big house and having land.

I cranky when read that one man here say that thai family sending daughter to pattaya for having sex with farangs how daring for saying

that thing. I not understanding why he say insulting about thai family. it not problem for me when some people not believe things I say here

but is problem when reading you calling me not have intellect. maybe I not smart same as some forener/s but I not buffalo. is because my

english not good that and you not understanding correct about me. I 24 age years and knowing there is much for me to learning more.

today I will go to beach at pattaya where is many foreners and asking for try finding out if is any person there who are on here thai visa.

if I can find someone I will telling him me koratesanguy at thaivisa and my name is noom. he can telling you then here I am thai guy.

is not thai people making hard for forener/s for living Thailand happy, is goviment that doing laws so not complaining here about everything you

cannot be doing in Thailand maybe is better that you make complaing to goviment about all them problems you having. so not make complaining

by saying wrong things about Thailand and thai people please .

Real or not real, thank you for reading and learning and using "foreigners" in your post.

May be you did not know or realize that some do not like to be called "farang", at least now you do. :)

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Khun Koratesanguy, unfortunately there will always be people who believe their purpose on life is to insult others, feel they are above the people around them, and act superior. As you have read, you have already met a few of them. Some of the posters don't even live in Thailand let alone have ever visited here. You should be able to tell which ones simply by their ignorance. But believe me, there are people who actually live in Thailand and respect the culture and the people. And most of us tolerate and ignore the immature and tasteless rantings of those affected by simply stupidity. Take it in stride, mai pen rai.

What these people do not consider is a simple fact. Go back 50 years, Thailand did not have a functioning organized education system. At least not to western standards. People lived a simple life that was void of many of the newest inventions and ones they had were outdated. Only those with wealth could enjoy modern improvements. Thailand has come a long way in only 50 years and are still advancing. It takes time to grow as a country. In order for any society to grow, it needs to incorporate new ideas from successful countries. It needs to ask for help and not only accept criticism but also understand it. But it takes time to educate the masses. It isn't done over night.

So simply put, the people who criticize the less educated are just pompous asses. Every country has problems with their own society in one way or another. Just read the international news. No nation is above reproach. They all suck. People don't want to hear about or face their own countries problems so they insult the local population. It proven by what is often posted on ThaiVisa.

thank you , I not write on forum here for boxing or make problem with farang I only saying to them please not write so much words that sounding insult to us. I understand what you write and is good from good person I can tell. I sory that some think I not thai they have that right to think what they wanting is not problem for me but I thinking is problem for them people maybe

Assuming this isn't a troll....

Seriously, some idiots aside, most people on here are calling it like they see it. Believe me, they say just as bad or worse about where they are from or about other Western countries! Go to a topic about a problem in the UK, US, Australia, whatever....and look at what people say on those threads--it's not pretty. So, don't feel insulted. And the really dumb posts that do surface sometimes--just ignore them.

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For those who don't like being referred to as 'Farang' what name would you prefer Thais refer to us as? 'Cool Dudes'? 'Extremely Handsome Gents?' 'ATM's?' I mean what are the options?

When in the store, how about "customer "

When in general , how about "foreigner"

When personal , how about by the first name

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For those who don't like being referred to as 'Farang' what name would you prefer Thais refer to us as? 'Cool Dudes'? 'Extremely Handsome Gents?' 'ATM's?' I mean what are the options?

Most of those work for me. Or they could simply use the same terms they use when referring to each other: Mr, Mrs, Sir, Madam, Him, Her, Man, Woman... the normal stuff.

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Try pronouncing Nuengruethai, Or Moh Pluem, or Brabhat Somdej Prachao You Hooowa (His Majesty the King - His Majesty the King / พระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว). You are asking for them to adapt to you. You think you are so big Thais have to adapt to you. Says a lot about you - doesn't it?

For those who don't like being referred to as 'Farang' what name would you prefer Thais refer to us as? 'Cool Dudes'? 'Extremely Handsome Gents?' 'ATM's?' I mean what are the options?

When in the store, how about "customer "

When in general , how about "foreigner"

When personal , how about by the first name
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People are extremely thin skinned if they are offended by being called "Farange". I've been called worse. In fact their hundreds of other words much more offensive than "Farange" that I could call each of you other "Faranges" in several languages too, but then my posts would be deleted. Oh...but how I'd like to use them.

At this point the majority of you have simply proven my original point. You know who you are. No need to respond but I know you just can't resist the temptation so fire away.

Khun Koratesanguy, there is simply no need to respond anymore nor provide any other identifying information. The people I spoke about will never go away. And you have raised very valid points on how foreigners behave and act in Thailand especially on a public forum. You should also understand many of their points are also very valid and Thais do need to address those problems in order to become a more advanced society. Expats (foreigners) who actually live here often offer solutions to make Thailand a better place but it seems no one listens or wants to listen so you will always get the negative comments that have been posted. You are young and could easily be in a position to help your fellow country men by leading by example. Teaching them how to improve their lives. That is up to you. Good luck to you.

for Mrjlh I say thank you for good words and message , I am good boy not doing any wrong bad things to any foreigner or thai. I learn now how spell forener

hehehe. I understanding true what you and other good foreigners saying in many replies, my frends in korat village are same way being as me but in pattaya

I no have many frends because most boys doing massage boy frends and drink much alcohol for foreigners and all time I telling them is wrong way making bad idea for

Thailand is not sex county people thinking is. when I am older in age maybe I can having better knowledge and can do good things to helping people,

not mater if they living in Thailand from western places or tourist only.is same . I thinking that good people have good frends but bad people having bad frends.

I not sure how for saying correct way meaning for saying correct sorry .. I try reading many English words books for having better english

and sometimes customer that stay in hotel help me with saying correct way things. thailand is good country sure but is needing people thai to understand that

if do good things for foreigner then mostly they will be doing good things back for thai people and Thailand. thank you sir and other good people here in thaivisa

peace and good thinking all times to all. me noom and true name nikorn

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For those who don't like being referred to as 'Farang' what name would you prefer Thais refer to us as? 'Cool Dudes'? 'Extremely Handsome Gents?' 'ATM's?' I mean what are the options?

I like "Hey YOU"...as done by many taxi drivers, bar punters or Tuk Tuk- guys!

What about "Sir" and "Madame" and if you are personal with me (or talk about me)...what about my name!

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People are extremely thin skinned if they are offended by being called "Farange". I've been called worse. In fact their hundreds of other words much more offensive than "Farange" that I could call each of you other "Faranges" in several languages too, but then my posts would be deleted. Oh...but how I'd like to use them.

At this point the majority of you have simply proven my original point. You know who you are. No need to respond but I know you just can't resist the temptation so fire away.

Khun Koratesanguy, there is simply no need to respond anymore nor provide any other identifying information. The people I spoke about will never go away. And you have raised very valid points on how foreigners behave and act in Thailand especially on a public forum. You should also understand many of their points are also very valid and Thais do need to address those problems in order to become a more advanced society. Expats (foreigners) who actually live here often offer solutions to make Thailand a better place but it seems no one listens or wants to listen so you will always get the negative comments that have been posted. You are young and could easily be in a position to help your fellow country men by leading by example. Teaching them how to improve their lives. That is up to you. Good luck to you.

There is a point in providing identifying information.

IF they can be provided, I will publicly and wholeheartedly apologize.

If not, I say ...him troll!

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Thais don't like to use Sir because there is a Thai word that sounds like Sir that is rather rude. Your name may be too difficult for Thais to pronounce. Just like you find pronouncing Thai names rather challenging. Why is it that most FARANGS here insist on having Thais ADAPT to them - instead of the other way around?

For those who don't like being referred to as 'Farang' what name would you prefer Thais refer to us as? 'Cool Dudes'? 'Extremely Handsome Gents?' 'ATM's?' I mean what are the options?

I like "Hey YOU"...as done by many taxi drivers, bar punters or Tuk Tuk- guys!

What about "Sir" and "Madame" and if you are personal with me (or talk about me)...what about my name!

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