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PM Yingluck invites academics, businessmen, protesters to join reform forum


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"The prime minister also called on the media to focus on reports about festive activities. She said the media should be constructive and avoid presenting news that would fan hatred among the people."

Yes, let's avoid the truth, lets all dance among the flowers, happy happy, joy joy.

I think you meant news that PT would rather people didn't hear,aka the truth, didn't you yingluck.

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Yingluck has handled this crisis perfectly so far. The thug Suthep has repeatedly sought confrontation and street battles with red shirts, police and army and she has each time responded with the appropriate response to outsmart his anarchist tactics.

Well done, Yingluck. wai2.gif

hahahahahahaha oh youre really good ,maybe a royal variety performance is due..

In other words you have nothing constructive to add . . . seems about right

She shouldn't need to call for these forums and discuss the possibility of elections . . . her party has been given the mandate to rule and having demonstrators decide the fate of a nation bodes ill for the country

she didnt handle anything ..get real...shes not bright.enough.its done for her you know that ,dont get upset because your having a bad day at the races sausage...

So, still nothing constructive to add . . . 'Sausage'? 'Races'?

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I would have no issue with people sitting down and progressing reform - PTP can not take the lead role in this - they have already shown that they do not respect the law or the courts

What I see going on here is PTP swimming with the tide rather than swimming against it and drowning - quite a clever move actually, the only problem is PTP still think they are in charge but they are obviously not - the word surrender comes to mind

PTP have too much to hide and risk exposure if they step down - it's all about the money trail and certain things that cannot and must not be exposed

It's quite interesting that the PTP are now offering to manage the reforms that the demonstrators have been asking for or at least that is what they are saying - I can't see it going much further than that, Suthep needs to respond with demands on how this surrender should move forward - it could include an option for YS to be involved in the council for reform as an active member

Easy. Yingluck needs only to show good faith. She and her government should get Thaksin arrested and detained by Dubai police and sent back to Thailand to serve his 2-year prison sentence, as well as answer the pending corruption charges in court.

Then, and only then, can there be reform.

You do realise that Thailand and Dubai are separate nations, don't you?

While I believe that the pox should infest both major parties - heck, ALL parties in Thailand - even then nothing would change as the power structure is such that even if the head is cut off there are enough offshoots to keep it going . . . and this applies to ALL parties

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I would have no issue with people sitting down and progressing reform - PTP can not take the lead role in this - they have already shown that they do not respect the law or the courts

What I see going on here is PTP swimming with the tide rather than swimming against it and drowning - quite a clever move actually, the only problem is PTP still think they are in charge but they are obviously not - the word surrender comes to mind

PTP have too much to hide and risk exposure if they step down - it's all about the money trail and certain things that cannot and must not be exposed

It's quite interesting that the PTP are now offering to manage the reforms that the demonstrators have been asking for or at least that is what they are saying - I can't see it going much further than that, Suthep needs to respond with demands on how this surrender should move forward - it could include an option for YS to be involved in the council for reform as an active member

Easy. Yingluck needs only to show good faith. She and her government should get Thaksin arrested and detained by Dubai police and sent back to Thailand to serve his 2-year prison sentence, as well as answer the pending corruption charges in court.

Then, and only then, can there be reform.

You do realise that Thailand and Dubai are separate nations, don't you?

Extradition is the official process whereby one country transfers a suspected or convicted criminal to another country.

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Interestingly with the latest corruption numbers out from Transparency International she will be able to explain to the attendees of the magnificent work that she and her lackeys have done that has seen Thailand slide further in the corruption stakes.

Where are they this year.

I know last year they were in about a 5 way tie for 88 out of 172 positions.

I think 105 position.

Sorry 102 position.


Edited by Skywalker69
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they better join this forum, if Suthep can go on, there will be no forum anymore, only 'heil Suthep' websites and propaganda movies about troops marching around in Bangkok, Yingluck may be on skype with big brother all day, but Suthep has a direct line to north-korea, maybe he bought a condo over there allready if things go wrong over here.

Pascal, there will be no peace in Thailand as long as there is a criminal element controlling the government from afar. Thailand has one of the most corrupt governments in the world. Billions of dollars going into the pockets of politicians and their henchmen. Train tracks are repaired at a cost of millions and than there is another derailment. This is the third Shin Dynasty government, the other two were closed because of corruption and vote buying. Get your data correct. coffee1.gif

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I would have no issue with people sitting down and progressing reform - PTP can not take the lead role in this - they have already shown that they do not respect the law or the courts

What I see going on here is PTP swimming with the tide rather than swimming against it and drowning - quite a clever move actually, the only problem is PTP still think they are in charge but they are obviously not - the word surrender comes to mind

PTP have too much to hide and risk exposure if they step down - it's all about the money trail and certain things that cannot and must not be exposed

It's quite interesting that the PTP are now offering to manage the reforms that the demonstrators have been asking for or at least that is what they are saying - I can't see it going much further than that, Suthep needs to respond with demands on how this surrender should move forward - it could include an option for YS to be involved in the council for reform as an active member

Easy. Yingluck needs only to show good faith. She and her government should get Thaksin arrested and detained by Dubai police and sent back to Thailand to serve his 2-year prison sentence, as well as answer the pending corruption charges in court.

Then, and only then, can there be reform.

You do realise that Thailand and Dubai are separate nations, don't you?

Extradition is the official process whereby one country transfers a suspected or convicted criminal to another country.

Extradition can only take place between two countries who have signed and ratified an extradition treaty

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Easy. Yingluck needs only to show good faith. She and her government should get Thaksin arrested and detained by Dubai police and sent back to Thailand to serve his 2-year prison sentence, as well as answer the pending corruption charges in court.

Then, and only then, can there be reform.

You do realise that Thailand and Dubai are separate nations, don't you?

Extradition is the official process whereby one country transfers a suspected or convicted criminal to another country.

Extradition can only take place between two countries who have signed and ratified an extradition treaty

"As indicated above, in the absence of a treaty, initially there is no legal obligation on the jurisdiction receiving the extradition request to oblige. It is however noted that in some incidents the country applying for extradition invokes the concept of “international courtesy” promising to extend the same treatment to the country receiving the application should the latter elect to cooperate. Needless to say international courtesy is the historical origin of extradition as the process we know today.

Recently - in June 2011 - a British national has been extradited from Thailand to the UAE to face criminal charges of embezzling substantial amounts from an Emirati Government-owned company. The British national was turned over to the UAE authorities after the Thai Criminal Court agreed to extradite him to the UAE, even though there is no formal treaty between the UAE and Thailand.


Nearly four years ago (January 2010), Thailand and UAE signed a draft agreement for an eventual extradition treaty but till to date, no further actions on this has been taken. Why? - http://www.thenational.ae/news/uae-news/courts/draft-thai-extradition-treaty-signed

Why not use international courtesy as was given to UAE in 2011?

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Fact is there is no ratified extradition treaty - I guess one can get into all sorts of theories regarding Thaksin and the like . . . but Dubai hardly is in need of cash nor political favours from some ousted third-world country kingpin.

No extradition treaty, no "She and her government should get Thaksin arrested and detained by Dubai police and sent back to Thailand to serve his 2-year prison sentence, as well as answer the pending corruption charges in court."

One can't just get someone arrested in a foreign country.

Far too many posters on here make it sound like corruption started with Thaksin and will end when he isn't in a position to use his power . . . Thai history shows that to be simply ignorant of the facts.

Does he belong in jail? Absolutely.

Is Yingluck his mouthpiece? Probably

Is the Shinawatra family the root of all evil in Thailand? rolleyes.gif

Is the opposition any better? rolleyes.gif

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