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Yingluck accused of dodging responsibility over Ramkhamhaeng shootings


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Suthep started the demonstrations and has been inciting the mob, why are they trying to pass this onto Yingluk?

Send Suthep the bill for 25 billion lost in tourism revenue also.

Open your eyes and look at the facts!! The protests were happening long before Suthep got involved. Suthep stepped into the spotlight he cannot claim responsibility for the people's justified anger at this obscenely corrupt Gov. I am not in any way a fan of Suthep but I am a fan of the Thai people who are finally standing up against this immoral and corrupt Gov. People power at work.

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She will not be able to dodge responsibility over all these deaths. As Prime Minister and Defense Minister and according to her, the person in charge and leading her government, she must bear ultimate responsibility of all actions carried out by the state. So far she has had about 300 people injured and 5 deaths in the street riots precipitated by her governments ramming through of Thaksins amnesty law and her governments decision to put itself above the courts.

It is a shame as she looks so pretty and helpless, but in reality is just another brutal leader with bloodied hands. Shame on her, and shame on her family. How many more deaths will it take to remove this malignant family from Thai politics?

Just wonder if you have any comment on Suthep's role in all of this and his clear responsibility for inciting and causing an insurrection and serious rioting ??

The restraint and responsible reactions shown by the government in the face of a deliberate attempt to provoke them into a violent response is laudable.

Suthep now looks like a fool, will shortly be arrested and the government and PM have been seen, by the electorate and the world, to offer conciliation and avoid the escalation of violence.

To all but the die hard Thaksin haters, it's pretty clear who comes out winner, and it's not Suthep.

Suthep's role? Well he was clearly the public face of the anti-establishment protests.

IMO he showed far too much restraint, he should have been more aggressive if he wanted to achieve all the stated goals.

Recent history shows that had he paid for a group of armed militants, like Thaksin's/Sae Deng's Ronin, to freely mingle with the protesters and shoot RPG's willy nilly, and shoot repeatedly at the police and army to cause mayhem and provoke a reaction, his needs would have been better served. We must remember that any violence, from whatever side, however it came about, ultimately gets laid at the PM's doorstep. With precedence set for the sitting PM to face premeditated murder charges in a personal capacity for any protest deaths, Suthep and the anti-establishment protesters wold have gained greatly. Furthermore, that an amnesty for any and all corruption, terrorism and violence carried out by any politician is still on the slow boiler, there would be nothing to lose.

Any acts of violence could also be spun, using lies, smoke and mirrors using expensive foreign PR firms to paint the government in an even worse light. You can see, by setting a very dangerous precedent, Thai politics has been forever changed by clan Shinawat.

Does Suthep look like a fool? Who cares. Suthep is not trying to become head of state and is not the head of a family clan of wannabe dictators. He has served a purpose, and IMO he has been very brave putting himself on the line like that. It's more usual to see violent insurrection carried out by a leader that is far beyond the reach of the law and the snipers bullet.

The winner is not Suthep I agree. The winner in this protest is the average Thai citizen that now has the opportunity of choosing fairness, justice, rule of law and democracy when it is time to go to the polling booths again. Although if the booths are positioned so observers can see how the public votes, then I expect the current vote buying and intimidating establishmentarians will win again. If the vote is truly free and fair I expect an election would result in a coalition government without the presence of Shinawatra DNA.

The loser is Yingluck, who with seriously bloodied hands that all the perfume and powder in the world can't hide, will be out of office in disgrace just as other brutal PM's that presided over murders of Thai citizens, like her brother in law Somchai and his exploding tear gas, and her brother Thaksin with all of his well documented extra judicial killings. Good riddance to them all.

Edited by jaidam
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is this guy for real? Some Condy's Crystals in a water tank and he's suggesting chemical weapons report....an international laughing stock

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She pleaded many times for a peaceful demonstration, everything went well until Mr T, made a phone call to one of his sidekicks to organise bus loads of R/S, and then the twang hit the fan. So whose fault is it really? someone who tried to plead for a violent free demonstration, or a untouchable? I say get rid of all his sidekicks and leave her alone, Remember the women in this country outnumber the men by 7 to 1, she will never be outvoted.

I guess never being outvoted compensates for always being outsmarted. Women don't outnumber men by as extreme as 7 to 1, but I see your point. However, I don't think chromosome X determines results. A country with 80% of the people having a low education, and Yingluck's family buying votes does, however.

You sound very fresh off the boat, i would guess you have only been here 3 or 4 days.

Your guess, like most of your assertions, would probably be wrong! But, you're not bothered about facts of course, only propaganda,

Yinglick the innoncent - or should it be the irresponsible ? Abhisit and Suthep - hang'em. Must be guilty Thaksin said so. Don't bother with a trial and evidence and all that nonsense.

That's the problem with law and democracy, it needs to apply to all fairly. Not only used to punish those who don't support the regime.

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It's not at all clear who started this. The Red Shirts we saw going towards Rajamangala stadium on Saturday, did not look like they were looking for violence. Everyone knew that the Reds had gone to the stadium, it was a sensible choice - well away from Rachadamnoen and the 'Other Shirts' They had a right to protest in Bangkok. The university authorities should have advised students not to get involved or to go down to Rachadamnoen to 'their' sides protest site. It is quite clear from TV and stills pictures that the students were certainly not peaceful protesters, but were a violent mob. One assumes there were elements of the Red Shirts that were happy to mix it too. It also appears that guns were available to both sides.

Indeed. It is quite normal for them to bring guns, knives, clubs etc. To a peaceful gathering.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It is still the red shirts who are the misguided puppets of the square faced man. None of the other factions are being financially "sponsored" to protest and riot to the extent that they are.

The square faced man was responsible for more than 3,000 deaths in the so called war on drugs. He was in the chair when more than 30 were slaughtered at Krue Se and another almost 80 at Tak Bai.

And all his supposed "followers" have conveniently chosen to forget this indelible part of recent history. Some posters here on TV are doing the same.

They came here after those events.

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Interesting. In the past she has dodged responsibility for everything: "I don't know this na ka; I have assigned xxx na ka, give me 6 months na ka," or simply smiled and walked away.

Now she has asserted on media that she runs the country. She doesn't listen to he brother. She is the big cheese.

As PM she must take responsibility. The buck stops with her. She must at least, seriously question why the RTP didn't respond and help the students and ensure a real proper transparent investigation is carried out. Not the "third hand, dark force" crap that usually comes out. Photos of the shooter exists.

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Nick Nostitz was apparently present at the scene during the early hours, I don't think there were any other journalists there. Certainly most of the foreign journalists that witnessed students attacking red shirts in the late afternoon/early evening had gone home by the time the red shirts hit back. So hopefully he'll do a write-up at some point and we'll learn more.

Once a journalist - or should that be a photographer? - becomes part of a particular news story, as Nick has done recently, it makes it virtually impossible to go on reporting on that issue, to go on doing their job, without being seen to have "a conflict of interest", as it were.

After all, if you were roughed up by a certain group, only human for that incident to affect the way you report on them, no matter how much you may try for it to not.

Best thing from a professional ethical perspective, would be to take a break from this story. Report on something else. There must be plenty of other interesting issues in Thailand worthy of coverage. No?

All very valid points. A break is certainly needed.

An update on his sexy Patpong girly photo book might be a more worthwhile pursuit.

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It's not at all clear who started this. The Red Shirts we saw going towards Rajamangala stadium on Saturday, did not look like they were looking for violence. Everyone knew that the Reds had gone to the stadium, it was a sensible choice - well away from Rachadamnoen and the 'Other Shirts' They had a right to protest in Bangkok. The university authorities should have advised students not to get involved or to go down to Rachadamnoen to 'their' sides protest site. It is quite clear from TV and stills pictures that the students were certainly not peaceful protesters, but were a violent mob. One assumes there were elements of the Red Shirts that were happy to mix it too. It also appears that guns were available to both sides.

It wasn't that sensible a decision to set up at the stadium considering that it is right next door to a university attended by many southern students and also in a Democrat area.

I'm sure that the few red protesters that you saw and thousands of other red protesters weren't going there for violence, just as most students weren't there for violence. It is quite clear from pictures and reports that neither side were peaceful, but that was probably just a couple of hundred from each side that got violent, as with all protests.

The university authorities should have advised students not to get involved, just as the red shirt leaders should have told the red shirts not to get involved, not that protesters listen to the leaders or authorities very often.

Except it does appear that a red shirt leader did tell the students to "stay away or else". That doesn't seem like telling the red shirts not to get involved.

The UDD leaders didn't choose the location, the kind government offered it to them rolleyes.gif

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Nick Nostitz was apparently present at the scene during the early hours, I don't think there were any other journalists there. Certainly most of the foreign journalists that witnessed students attacking red shirts in the late afternoon/early evening had gone home by the time the red shirts hit back. So hopefully he'll do a write-up at some point and we'll learn more.

Hahaha I wait with bated breath for an unbiased and factual report from this bastion of journalistic integrity...


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It's not at all clear who started this. The Red Shirts we saw going towards Rajamangala stadium on Saturday, did not look like they were looking for violence. Everyone knew that the Reds had gone to the stadium, it was a sensible choice - well away from Rachadamnoen and the 'Other Shirts' They had a right to protest in Bangkok. The university authorities should have advised students not to get involved or to go down to Rachadamnoen to 'their' sides protest site. It is quite clear from TV and stills pictures that the students were certainly not peaceful protesters, but were a violent mob. One assumes there were elements of the Red Shirts that were happy to mix it too. It also appears that guns were available to both sides.

There's a good report in the Bangkok Post on this. They're not generally known for investigative journalism but in this case they've actually been to the area and interviewed witnesses. There are many theories floating around and some are suggesting there's more to it than meets the eye, as usual. But what witnesses saw was red shirts being attacked by students and red reinforcements later arriving from the surrounding area. Both groups contained technical students, who, as we know, are not unknown for this kind of thing. Then it seems the reds tried to chase the students back into the university, but seemed to come off worse than the students in the early hours during a fight in the soi near RU.

Seems a pretty simple story of two grassroots groups facing off. Nevertheless there's the usual talk of 'third hands', 'men in black', 'snipers' and military involvement. Nick Nostitz was apparently present at the scene during the early hours, I don't think there were any other journalists there. Certainly most of the foreign journalists that witnessed students attacking red shirts in the late afternoon/early evening had gone home by the time the red shirts hit back. So hopefully he'll do a write-up at some point and we'll learn more.

I'm sure Nick will indeed do a write-up on this event, but don't expect that we'll learn anything that is unbiased or a truly reflective account of what happened.

It was a sensible move to disperse the red shirts after this event, else there would be nowhere else for the blame to lie for whatever might transpire later. Given their track record, I can only guess that it was not Nattawut or Juttaporn's decision to disperse..... but somebody at least had some common sense.

Nattawut Juttaporn's common sense.

Your kidding aren't you?

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Why is it her responsibility? It was her supporters (red shirts) that were killed and a student who was defending his University against the Anti Govt protest group, who at the time were invading the University. It appears quite logical who did the shooting. Maybe Suthep should be the one taking the blame. Then again he probably would not get convicted, as he could easily claim insanity

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Why is it her responsibility? It was her supporters (red shirts) that were killed and a student who was defending his University against the Anti Govt protest group, who at the time were invading the University. It appears quite logical who did the shooting. Maybe Suthep should be the one taking the blame. Then again he probably would not get convicted, as he could easily claim insanity

"Anti Govt protest group, who at the time were invading the University" ????????????????

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Hitting her with a premeditated murder charge is the only fair thing to do. If she wouldn't have masterminded the whitewash-all-criminals bill, this would never have happened. Also, if she and her brother would not have looked for a confrontation with peaceful protesters this would never have happened.

Yingluck you can't hide forever!

Edited by Nickymaster
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Why the hell is it her responsibility anymore than anyone else? People kill other people everyday in every country all over the world.

If you want to try and make it her responsibility due to it being a political rally, why is it her responsibility anymore than leader of the Democrats or Suthep or any other politician for that matter.

There is a far cry from allegedly giving an order to the army to use live fire or whatever and people killing each other at a rally. I don't believe Abhisit or Suthep should be held responsible, unless there was some extremely reckless and provable evidence which I doubt very much there is, any more than why Yingluck should or could take responsibility on this, even more so when there are no verifiable facts.

But PT are taking Suthep and Abhisit to court to try them on murder charges for the protests in 2010 and whilst it was purely a ploy to try and force them to agree to the bs amnesty bill, they didn't think the pair would say 'NO'. Now a protestor has died on the PT watch and likewise their leader should be held equally responsible for 'murder'. The Reds clearly provoked trouble when theey started slapping people about who are not reds, their usual 'mo' and some idiot with a gun shot a protestor in the back, he was the first to die which seems to be left out of the biased news reports and it is my belief that any violence against the reds followed on from that. Then there is the matter of a gunman taking potshots at the university that night. Anyway I digress, if Suthep and Abhisit are to be tried for 'murder' then so too should Yingluck be tried. And as for Nuttawat and Jatuporn they should have both been in prison for 3 years already !!

Just to say I don't agree with Suthep and Abhisit being charged unless somebody knows something that no one else does, but they are quite different really.

You are saying that the culpability of Suthep & Abhisit giving explicit orders to the army to disperse using lethal force which resulted in civilian deaths (which i doubt they did) is the same as two people at political rallies of their own accord taking no instruction from anyone, somehow conspiring to kill people of both political leaning. Bit of a jump there, pleases you are not a lawyer.

As I said its mute really as I dont believe there would be any mileage in anything there- how can a PM be responsible for what every single one of their supporters does, its an insane notion- but having direct control over the army and them killing people on an order is massively different. (not that it happened IMO)

You have "explicit orders (which I doubt they did)" and "direct control over army which killed on order"

That's somewhat inconsistent.

You are being pedantic, and you have misquoted my second quote. My point is that the Government are supposed have command over the army. If the PM at anytime gave an order to the army to do whatever, then obviously there is a far more certain link and potential responsibility should something illegal or improper occur. Holding any PM responsible for what a few miscreants might do on their own accord is crazy. I think you know this, and if you could put allegiances to the side you would agree.

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You have "explicit orders (which I doubt they did)" and "direct control over army which killed on order"

That's somewhat inconsistent.

You are being pedantic, and you have misquoted my second quote. My point is that the Government are supposed have command over the army. If the PM at anytime gave an order to the army to do whatever, then obviously there is a far more certain link and potential responsibility should something illegal or improper occur. Holding any PM responsible for what a few miscreants might do on their own accord is crazy. I think you know this, and if you could put allegiances to the side you would agree.

Misquote? Now you're somewhat pedantic. Let's fill in the words I missed "having direct control over the army and them killing people on an order"

I also do not agree with the "Holding any PM responsible for what a few miscreants might do on their own accord is crazy" when those 'miscreants' are under government control, especially in a situation created by the government rather than forced upon them. With Pheu Thai party list MPs being UDD leaders and Phue Thai the majority party in the coalition government, with Pheu Thai party list MP Yingluck elected as PM, ... ... ...

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You have "explicit orders (which I doubt they did)" and "direct control over army which killed on order"

That's somewhat inconsistent.

You are being pedantic, and you have misquoted my second quote. My point is that the Government are supposed have command over the army. If the PM at anytime gave an order to the army to do whatever, then obviously there is a far more certain link and potential responsibility should something illegal or improper occur. Holding any PM responsible for what a few miscreants might do on their own accord is crazy. I think you know this, and if you could put allegiances to the side you would agree.

Misquote? Now you're somewhat pedantic. Let's fill in the words I missed "having direct control over the army and them killing people on an order"

I also do not agree with the "Holding any PM responsible for what a few miscreants might do on their own accord is crazy" when those 'miscreants' are under government control, especially in a situation created by the government rather than forced upon them. With Pheu Thai party list MPs being UDD leaders and Phue Thai the majority party in the coalition government, with Pheu Thai party list MP Yingluck elected as PM, ... ... ...

Okay so lets clarify, please tell me how the PM was controlling the actual people who killed each other the other day? You have a group of 50,000 people how can anyone be directly held responsible for what all of them do. Some like has been found in other countries, just like to cause a nuisance and be naughty, rather than giving to hoots about what the protests are for.

So Abhisit should be also be held responsible for the persons killed as he created the problem and his MP's were on stage, and the leader was his DPM, and he should also be held accountable for the deaths in the PAD as Kasit his FM was a core leader!!.....what a load of crap and you know it.

That level of accountability is just a ridiculous notion for any party or human. You would find no one anywhere in the world in a position of power if they had to be accountable for the actions of all their 'supporters'. If one of your employees who works for your company assaults someone, are you as his boss held accountable?

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"Hitting her with a premeditated murder charge is the only fair thing to do. If she wouldn't have masterminded the whitewash-all-criminals bill, this would never have happened. Also, if she and her brother would not have looked for a confrontation with peaceful protesters this would never have happened." This argument, if it can be called that, is so absurd even Fox News wouldn't dare to assert it. How about charging the Chinese for inventing gunpowder, which led to guns? Fairly clear that the so called students instigated this one, especially with the 3 or 4 to 1 kill ratio, the burned buses, taxi. Students with guns? Considering Thailand is in top 5 of firearm homicides, the choice of shooting seems inevitable. How about laying the responsibility for violence on those who do violence? I think it was those who started this "anti democratic democratic movement" who were throwing petrol bombs, taking over buildings, etc, and I would not call that "peaceful". They were doing everything they could think of to spark a bloody conflict. They can't win at the ballot box, so try to get sympathy vote of "look what this mean government is doing to us" hoping for bloodshed.. The reds who wished to go to stadium: should they have taken heliocopters? Have them dropped by their drivers? No, they took the bus. And got attacked.

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You have "explicit orders (which I doubt they did)" and "direct control over army which killed on order"

That's somewhat inconsistent.

You are being pedantic, and you have misquoted my second quote. My point is that the Government are supposed have command over the army. If the PM at anytime gave an order to the army to do whatever, then obviously there is a far more certain link and potential responsibility should something illegal or improper occur. Holding any PM responsible for what a few miscreants might do on their own accord is crazy. I think you know this, and if you could put allegiances to the side you would agree.

Misquote? Now you're somewhat pedantic. Let's fill in the words I missed "having direct control over the army and them killing people on an order"

I also do not agree with the "Holding any PM responsible for what a few miscreants might do on their own accord is crazy" when those 'miscreants' are under government control, especially in a situation created by the government rather than forced upon them. With Pheu Thai party list MPs being UDD leaders and Phue Thai the majority party in the coalition government, with Pheu Thai party list MP Yingluck elected as PM, ... ... ...

Okay so lets clarify, please tell me how the PM was controlling the actual people who killed each other the other day? You have a group of 50,000 people how can anyone be directly held responsible for what all of them do. Some like has been found in other countries, just like to cause a nuisance and be naughty, rather than giving to hoots about what the protests are for.

So Abhisit should be also be held responsible for the persons killed as he created the problem and his MP's were on stage, and the leader was his DPM, and he should also be held accountable for the deaths in the PAD as Kasit his FM was a core leader!!.....what a load of crap and you know it.

That level of accountability is just a ridiculous notion for any party or human. You would find no one anywhere in the world in a position of power if they had to be accountable for the actions of all their 'supporters'. If one of your employees who works for your company assaults someone, are you as his boss held accountable?

"BANGKOK, 30 Nov 2013 (NNT) – Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has told foreign media that she is the one in charge of the government, not her brother, as she ruled out dissolution of parliament.

During a special interview with Cable News Network (CNN), Miss Yingluck told a CNN reporter that she wanted to be judged by her achievements, while urging the protesters to end their rally and seek out solutions through talks.

The Premier also denied allegation that claimed she was taking orders from her brother, former PM Thaksin Shinawatra, as she assured the CNN that the Thai government was in her control."


"BANGKOK, 27 Nov 2013: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday responded to persistent claims her administration is run by her brother, the former PM Thaksin, saying: "There is only one Thai Cabinet and it's led by me.""


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"Hitting her with a premeditated murder charge is the only fair thing to do. If she wouldn't have masterminded the whitewash-all-criminals bill, this would never have happened. Also, if she and her brother would not have looked for a confrontation with peaceful protesters this would never have happened." This argument, if it can be called that, is so absurd even Fox News wouldn't dare to assert it. How about charging the Chinese for inventing gunpowder, which led to guns? Fairly clear that the so called students instigated this one, especially with the 3 or 4 to 1 kill ratio, the burned buses, taxi. Students with guns? Considering Thailand is in top 5 of firearm homicides, the choice of shooting seems inevitable. How about laying the responsibility for violence on those who do violence? I think it was those who started this "anti democratic democratic movement" who were throwing petrol bombs, taking over buildings, etc, and I would not call that "peaceful". They were doing everything they could think of to spark a bloody conflict. They can't win at the ballot box, so try to get sympathy vote of "look what this mean government is doing to us" hoping for bloodshed.. The reds who wished to go to stadium: should they have taken heliocopters? Have them dropped by their drivers? No, they took the bus. And got attacked.

"Fairly clear that the so called students instigated this one, especially with the 3 or 4 to 1 kill ratio, the burned buses, taxi. Students with guns?"

Hahaha oh dear, that's got to be one of the best theories out there...

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Okay so lets clarify, please tell me how the PM was controlling the actual people who killed each other the other day? You have a group of 50,000 people how can anyone be directly held responsible for what all of them do. Some like has been found in other countries, just like to cause a nuisance and be naughty, rather than giving to hoots about what the protests are for.

So Abhisit should be also be held responsible for the persons killed as he created the problem and his MP's were on stage, and the leader was his DPM, and he should also be held accountable for the deaths in the PAD as Kasit his FM was a core leader!!.....what a load of crap and you know it.

That level of accountability is just a ridiculous notion for any party or human. You would find no one anywhere in the world in a position of power if they had to be accountable for the actions of all their 'supporters'. If one of your employees who works for your company assaults someone, are you as his boss held accountable?

"BANGKOK, 30 Nov 2013 (NNT) – Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has told foreign media that she is the one in charge of the government, not her brother, as she ruled out dissolution of parliament.

During a special interview with Cable News Network (CNN), Miss Yingluck told a CNN reporter that she wanted to be judged by her achievements, while urging the protesters to end their rally and seek out solutions through talks.

The Premier also denied allegation that claimed she was taking orders from her brother, former PM Thaksin Shinawatra, as she assured the CNN that the Thai government was in her control."


"BANGKOK, 27 Nov 2013: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday responded to persistent claims her administration is run by her brother, the former PM Thaksin, saying: "There is only one Thai Cabinet and it's led by me.""


I have no idea what the above links to threads saying she is still leading the Government and is in charge has any relevance to what we are discussing, but you know that. How are those links in any way relating to why she should be held responsible for what one of her supporters might do? Should David Cameron be held responsible of the actions of all people who support conservative, should Barrack be responsible for the actions of all Democrats? What an odd message you are portraying on this thread,

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Okay so lets clarify, please tell me how the PM was controlling the actual people who killed each other the other day? You have a group of 50,000 people how can anyone be directly held responsible for what all of them do. Some like has been found in other countries, just like to cause a nuisance and be naughty, rather than giving to hoots about what the protests are for.

So Abhisit should be also be held responsible for the persons killed as he created the problem and his MP's were on stage, and the leader was his DPM, and he should also be held accountable for the deaths in the PAD as Kasit his FM was a core leader!!.....what a load of crap and you know it.

That level of accountability is just a ridiculous notion for any party or human. You would find no one anywhere in the world in a position of power if they had to be accountable for the actions of all their 'supporters'. If one of your employees who works for your company assaults someone, are you as his boss held accountable?

"BANGKOK, 30 Nov 2013 (NNT) – Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has told foreign media that she is the one in charge of the government, not her brother, as she ruled out dissolution of parliament.

During a special interview with Cable News Network (CNN), Miss Yingluck told a CNN reporter that she wanted to be judged by her achievements, while urging the protesters to end their rally and seek out solutions through talks.

The Premier also denied allegation that claimed she was taking orders from her brother, former PM Thaksin Shinawatra, as she assured the CNN that the Thai government was in her control."


"BANGKOK, 27 Nov 2013: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday responded to persistent claims her administration is run by her brother, the former PM Thaksin, saying: "There is only one Thai Cabinet and it's led by me.""


I have no idea what the above links to threads saying she is still leading the Government and is in charge has any relevance to what we are discussing, but you know that. How are those links in any way relating to why she should be held responsible for what one of her supporters might do? Should David Cameron be held responsible of the actions of all people who support conservative, should Barrack be responsible for the actions of all Democrats? What an odd message you are portraying on this thread,

My dear smutty, let me tell you what I think.

You are interested in trying to 'prove' that PM Yingluck has no responsibility and therefore is not accountable and doesn't need to show responsibility. If that means you have to also say that charging Abhisit is somewhat ridiculous, so be it, but at least PM Yingluck isn't dodging. IMHO

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I have no idea what the above links to threads saying she is still leading the Government and is in charge has any relevance to what we are discussing, but you know that. How are those links in any way relating to why she should be held responsible for what one of her supporters might do? Should David Cameron be held responsible of the actions of all people who support conservative, should Barrack be responsible for the actions of all Democrats? What an odd message you are portraying on this thread,

My dear smutty, let me tell you what I think.

You are interested in trying to 'prove' that PM Yingluck has no responsibility and therefore is not accountable and doesn't need to show responsibility. If that means you have to also say that charging Abhisit is somewhat ridiculous, so be it, but at least PM Yingluck isn't dodging. IMHO

Well before these recent issues i have said the charges against Abhisit & Suthep are ridiculous, and if you want me to i can try and find the posts for you.

But if you cannot see the rather alarming differences between the two cases you have some serious perception issues that you need looked at.

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I have no idea what the above links to threads saying she is still leading the Government and is in charge has any relevance to what we are discussing, but you know that. How are those links in any way relating to why she should be held responsible for what one of her supporters might do? Should David Cameron be held responsible of the actions of all people who support conservative, should Barrack be responsible for the actions of all Democrats? What an odd message you are portraying on this thread,

My dear smutty, let me tell you what I think.

You are interested in trying to 'prove' that PM Yingluck has no responsibility and therefore is not accountable and doesn't need to show responsibility. If that means you have to also say that charging Abhisit is somewhat ridiculous, so be it, but at least PM Yingluck isn't dodging. IMHO

Well before these recent issues i have said the charges against Abhisit & Suthep are ridiculous, and if you want me to i can try and find the posts for you.

But if you cannot see the rather alarming differences between the two cases you have some serious perception issues that you need looked at.


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Yingluck is Prime Minister, Defence Minister and Minister for Shopping , of course she must take responsibility ... Someone just has to explain it to her ... slowly !!!! cheesy.gif

Thank you three times.

Three salaries plus of course she also gets am MPs salary too.

Nice little earner.

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Why the hell is it her responsibility anymore than anyone else? People kill other people everyday in every country all over the world.

If you want to try and make it her responsibility due to it being a political rally, why is it her responsibility anymore than leader of the Democrats or Suthep or any other politician for that matter.

There is a far cry from allegedly giving an order to the army to use live fire or whatever and people killing each other at a rally. I don't believe Abhisit or Suthep should be held responsible, unless there was some extremely reckless and provable evidence which I doubt very much there is, any more than why Yingluck should or could take responsibility on this, even more so when there are no verifiable facts.

That is why the Dems are calling for the crab to take responsibility, She can be accused of the same as Suthep and Abhisit when deaths occur! It was a wrong move to charge them in the first place. Then trying to include them in the amnesty bill, guaranteed that even the red shirts would turn against the government, having swallowed the propaganda lies!

It seems the only thing this government can do right is take money from projects for themselves. If they were to follow through with going to court to get convictions they would be opening up a very big can of worms!

Was taking Suthep or Abhisit to court over these charges ever on the cards? One thing to charge them another to actually convict them!

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