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Renting a condo, to own name or girlfriend's?


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Let us simplify it.....

Who will be paying the rent?

More specifically,

Who is the one paying the deposit which will never be returned?

Sorry if my post was not clear on this: It will be my condo and thus I will be paying for it.

This would be my first time renting in Thailand, that is the reason for the question.

And oh, since the topic has received some interest, I think I should mention that at the moment I am living in my girlfriend's condo and she pays the rent, I pay the food. When we move a bigger place, I will pay the rent because I want to live in specific kind of condo, of whose rent she could not afford by herself. Not that it is any of your concern really wai.gif

It is of concern, as it should affect your decision and my comment.

You made it the concern of others when you made the OP.

I suggest you put it in your name.

And request a contract in English.

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Gf got the townhouse in her name. While there are many farang teachers here they are paying 5k a month and up we got ours for 3500. Remember Thais do not make as much money and are not rich like Farang.

If worse comes to worse and you break up it will not be hard for you to find a new place to live and as stated above it is her name on the lease for what that is worth.

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Never put your livelihood or your residential status in a position where they are vulnerable to the whims of a woman.

That the guy feels the need to ask the question says enough, IMO.

IMO, the OP is smart by thinking this far and considering the future risks. After all separations and divorces can happen. At least smarter than not thinking at all and just spending all ones lifesavings on another person, to then later find out that everything is lost.

No the smart thing to do is to swerve the potential for all that <deleted> by living alone.

How is that smart?

By avoiding life...love and all the things that life has to offer?.

We all live and learn, that is our nature.

You want to live like Scrooge McDuck and spend you life in the money bin counting your cash...go for it.

No matter what life throws at me I still want to be able to hold the hand of someone that genuinely loves me as I draw my last breath and say goodbye.

Your life...your choice...up to you.

This isn't a comment on your choices..do whatever it is that satisfies you.

Bit of drama queen, aren't you?

So all the things that life has to offer simply cannot be enjoyed unless you move in with someone, right?

Well here's a newsflash; there are plenty of men enjoying perfectly fulfilling relationships with women they DON'T live with.

Thailand is littered with the broken dreams of excessively needy men who can't bear their own company for any length of time.

Now go back to your knitting.

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Which situation would rather be in if things go sour?

1. You rent an apartment and let the gf move in. Now you want her out but she won't go. She throws tantrums, threatens, and even accuses you of hitting her. You become afraid and move out perhaps leaving some of your things but you still owe the lease payments. At the end of the lease she still won't move.

2. She rents the apartment in her name. You put up the deposit and pay the rent. Things go sideways and you want out so you walk away, perhaps still losing a few of your things, but she alone owes the rent. You lose the deposit.

3. You rent yourself an apartment and help her some with the rent on her own apartment. You still spend most of your time together but you can always set her things outside and change the locks on your place. If she still won't leave you alone you cancel the lease and disappear with even a new sim card.

Edited by NeverSure
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Always better to stand on your own two feet and not depend on women too much anywhere in the world.

If you got the contract in both your names it might be useful in the future to help prove to an embassy in the future for visa purposes that you have a relationship.

The best way, do things yourself in your name.

Edited by rotary
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Let us simplify it.....

Who will be paying the rent?

More specifically,

Who is the one paying the deposit which will never be returned?

Sorry if my post was not clear on this: It will be my condo and thus I will be paying for it.

This would be my first time renting in Thailand, that is the reason for the question.

And oh, since the topic has received some interest, I think I should mention that at the moment I am living in my girlfriend's condo and she pays the rent, I pay the food. When we move a bigger place, I will pay the rent because I want to live in specific kind of condo, of whose rent she could not afford by herself. Not that it is any of your concern really wai.gif

This always happens on this forum.

Someone comes along and asks a perfectly reasonable question and a couple of people take it off on their own little 'who's life is best' contest, where they compare their own life choices.

Anyway, seeing as it will be your condo, I think you should have it in your name. You can use the fact that you have an address in your name for all sorts of things; banking, immigration, utilities (phone/internet etc.)

However, if you wanted to have your girlfriend's name on it as well, I don't think it would cause any huge problems.

At the end of the day, it's just a rented condo.

Just my opinion, I'm sure someone with a fantastic mind and enviable life-choices will be along presently to tell us all how wrong we are. ;)

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