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Thai Govt readjusts response to protests; time for talk finished


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Posted Today, 14:30
US hopes Thailand's crisis ends through peaceful means
Prime Minister Yingluck gave assurances to the US that her government adheres to using peaceful means to resolve the problem through democratic means and is willing to hold talks with all parties to find a solution.
So what?
Surapong Tovichakchaikul, the cousin from Prime Minister Yingluck said time for talk finished.
Prime Minister Yingluck said willing to talk.
It is confusing.
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What about the Reds barking about losing their "freedoms" and "rights" after causing mayhem and destruction on an epic scale in 2010? The "civil unrest" occurring now is nothing compared to what the Reds unleashed. If Abhisit did such things you'd be calling for his head, literally.

Surapong orders arrest of Blue Sky executives


BANGKOK: -- Surapong Tovichakchaikul, head of the Center for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO), last night ordered the arrest of executives of Blue Sky digital channel, accusing them of supporting anti-Thaksin regime leader Suthep Thuagsuban.

The CAPO head, who is also foreign affairs minister, also threatened to arrest Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) executives for supporting mobile toilets to demonstrators, and all businesses which supported anti-Thaksin demonstrators through giving them food, water, donations, on same accusations.

He said he has advised the police to take action immediately to seek warrant for their arrest from the court.

Surapong said that since opponent leader Suthep has faced treason charge and warrant has been issued for his arrest, so any person and business which provided them any facilities would be tantamount to supporting the criminal and should also be arrested.

He also said that he has advised his legal advisory team to consider what action could be taken against demonstrators who supported the wrongdoers in this regard.

Surapong yesterday appointed four advisory teams to consider how to deal with the ongoing demonstrations, one of which is the legal team.

But Blue Sky Channel, meanwhile, defended its role as a media saying that its broadcast of the anti-Thaksin regime demonstrators was an act of duty performing as a media of which its right was given by the Constitution.

The executives said they were ready to cooperate and explain their roles in the court if action was taken against them.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/surapong-orders-arrest-blue-sky-executives/

-- Thai PBS 2013-12-06

Freedom of speech is the first causality? No surprise there.

When you use that freedom to cause civil unrest you give up the right to free speech.

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He's just announcing that he's going to enforce the law which seems a perfectly reasonable thing for a democratically elected government to do.

Wrong, no he is not as they simply do not have either the balls for that nor the evidence to sustain convictions. The PTP mantra is to state that the law is what we say it is and we will spin like a top oe squirm like a snake to prove out point. All they are trying to do is to inject fear into the common man.

Heis just a little pumped up bully trying to impress his handlers..

He will be one of the first rats of the ship when it eventually goes down.

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Let's pray will not get a total mess again :/

The only way to keep it from becoming a mess is for Thaksin to shut his check book and the police do there job. Then again they are Thaksin employees.

police against the 3000 ex-military security guards from Rayong and not expecting a mess?

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Let's pray will not get a total mess again :/

The only way to keep it from becoming a mess is for Thaksin to shut his check book and the police do there job. Then again they are Thaksin employees.

police against the 3000 ex-military security guards from Rayong and not expecting a mess?

ooops Ranong of course.

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This is a mistake.

HUGE mistake, and going after the people providing the toilets? or water? The BMA has the responsibility to the community at large to do that. (They did it for the reds too!) Do you really want tens of thousands of people crapping in the gutters?

Going after Blue Sky is another huge mistake. It will simply look like stifling of the press (no matter how one biased that press is) .. it didn't turn out well when they Abhisit gov't went after the red channels. (this group is obviously less violent than the reds ... but they won't stay that way of pressured too hard! Not from incitement from the stages, but from the reaction to the sheer hypocrisy of a UDD backed PTP gov't playing this dangerous "double standards" game.

Going for the people who provide mobile toilets ???? What a load of shit !

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Yeah BIG MISTAKE very dictatorial moves of the government people won't respond nicely to this im sure this is gonna blow up in their faces.

Dont offer sanitation or medical care to those Anti-government (Anti-Thaksin) protesters that are injured. First hand information doctors and nurses are told not to treat anti government protesters.

Even chauchescu in Romania didnt decline injured people medicalcare.

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So much for Freedom of Speech and Assembly in Thailand!

Curious as to what part of inciting anti-goverment protestors to storm and occupy goverment buildings, including the Government House which houses the elected PM's office, remotely falls under the guise of Freedom of Speech and Assembly?

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This is a mistake.

HUGE mistake, and going after the people providing the toilets? or water? The BMA has the responsibility to the community at large to do that. (They did it for the reds too!) Do you really want tens of thousands of people crapping in the gutters?

Going after Blue Sky is another huge mistake. It will simply look like stifling of the press (no matter how one biased that press is) .. it didn't turn out well when they Abhisit gov't went after the red channels. (this group is obviously less violent than the reds ... but they won't stay that way of pressured too hard! Not from incitement from the stages, but from the reaction to the sheer hypocrisy of a UDD backed PTP gov't playing this dangerous "double standards" game.

Going for the people who provide mobile toilets ???? What a load of shit !

......and even more urine!!

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The regime is trying hard to tighten it's grip. This can only end badly...

The bunker mentality is now setting in oblivious to the fact that they have lost all credibility to govern and that hatred of them amongst large swathes of the population is now palpable.

Edited by Dogmatix
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Isn´t the 48 hours up in which suthep claimed he would have overthrown the current government? Weren´t he supposed to hand himself in after those 48 hours expired?

Jai yen yen, all in good time, TIT.

Chalerm is supposed to be decapitated this month, have you booked seats?

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The regime is trying hard to tighten it's grip. This can only end badly...

The bunker mentality is now setting in oblivious to the fact that they have lost all credibility to govern and that hatred of them amongst large swathes of the population is now palpable.

The bunker mentality

Would that be the "Archie' type or the Hitler style?

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He's just announcing that he's going to enforce the law which seems a perfectly reasonable thing for a democratically elected government to do.

Wake up and come into the land of reality. As already explained, they have provided sanitation as a health and safety issue (not that PTP would understand this), also the Press has a right to publish events that are of concern to the populace, providing what they say is true. You should also do an analysis on PTPs views of democracy - I see more of an autocracy. Why otherwise would they want to stack the Upper House with Friends and Families; which thankfully was thwarted.

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Therefore the only way to setup an appointed prime minister is through another coup and nullifying the current constitution..... which would have one benefit of removing amnesty protections for those that did the earlier coup..... Maybe the next constitution can be written to exclude the ability to write any amnesty laws what-so-ever... which means only the pardon process after someone is convicted would be legal and must be specific to each individual given pardons. That would pretty well make it impossible to pardon anyone controversial (i.e. politically motivated; or relatives)

Unfortunately, whenever there is a successful coup in Thailand, the first order of business is to rip up the previous constitution. Hence, it doesn't matter what was in a previous constitution as it becomes null and void.

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A country cannot be taken hostage by a minority.

It is just normal that the government restores order.

A democracy cannot function with a political party actively supporting street protests and mobs aimed at toppling an elected government. Such a political party has no right to exist in a democracy. The dems should be banned from politics.

Just do it quick. It gets boring :D

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Ban the dems from politics?

I guess that's the kind of thing we should expect from old Cyclops

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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He's just announcing that he's going to enforce the law which seems a perfectly reasonable thing for a democratically elected government to do.

Wake up and come into the land of reality. As already explained, they have provided sanitation as a health and safety issue (not that PTP would understand this), also the Press has a right to publish events that are of concern to the populace, providing what they say is true. You should also do an analysis on PTPs views of democracy - I see more of an autocracy. Why otherwise would they want to stack the Upper House with Friends and Families; which thankfully was thwarted.

The democratic voting system is far from perfect (as proved by this bunch of buffoons).

I read an interesting article today which illustrates this point well. If 2 parties share exactly the same policy mandates and they both get 30% of the vote each, a third party which has blatantly right wing racist ideals gets 40% of the vote then is it right that they should hold the rights of power when 60% of the voters (6 out of 10 of the voters) don't support them?

Another thing, just because you are (dubiously at best) democratically voted into power, it doesn't mean that you can throw away the rule book and totally abuse the system for your own illegitimate purpose in the name of democracy. Once you do this, democracy disappears from the equation altogether and dictatorship enters the fray!!

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So "anyone helping a criminal should be arrested".

Does that mean that all red shirts, PTP party members and MP's as well as HIMSELF plus Yingluck should be arrested on sight!!!


Next question. Do they have 'citizen's right of arrest' in Thailand?

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Toilets, water, food, medical help are all humanitarian aid, should be exempt from prosecution.

That's nonsense, all of these protesters could just go home to have a shit if they need it. What country in the world allows a mob to invade government offices and start installing their own toilets?

edward... protests & shits it into the forum. don't you have your own toilet?

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Legal action will be taken against those supporting protesters including the operator of the anti-government BlueSky Channel, Mr Surapong warned, as well as the agency which has dispatched mobile toilets and water trucks to the rally sites.

This is the best advice Thaksin can give his sister?

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I can only suggest that this move was as a result of government seeing too much poo being extracted from areas of civil influence. They now wish to see the return of poo flowing freely and openly through the streets whilst hard working men and women in red gumboots restore the faith of the people by giving their poo extractors to someone else and waving to the crowd; who are probably going to be waving their fists and jeering in kind.

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He's just announcing that he's going to enforce the law which seems a perfectly reasonable thing for a democratically elected government to do.

...any person and business which provided them any facilities would be tantamount to supporting the criminal and should also be arrested, Surapong said.

Which is a bit strange coming from a guy who give the financier (and fugitive) of the 2010 mayhem back his passport. But of course Thaksin is his cousin and then different laws apply for the democratically elected government.

Trying to close down channels that report the protests is also very democratic indeed.

There's a big difference between reporting protests and inciting criminality. The latter is not allowed in any country.

I assume you can share with us some ultra vivid criminally inciting video footage from Blue Sky... if ya got it.

edward... ist impotent to provide anything but his devotion to fugitive convicted criminals and their corrupt puppet theater they call "democracy"

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Red shirted farangs say the anti goverment protestors are controlled by some enigmatic group of elites, i am ready to agree to that, it does not sounds pretty. On the other hand we have 1 and only 1 man trying to get ALL the power in ONE hands and that is scary knowing even remotely who Mr. T is.

I am for decentralization of power and Suthep is the only option leading there now ( I wish there would be other). If he manages to put the laws in place that will ensure the goverment does not abuse it's power it will be the best thing happened to Thailand in a very long time.

P.S. and the stuff Suthep says about restructuring RTP is priceless tongue.png

I don't see any danger coming from Suthep so he is without doubt the best option at the moment.

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Isn´t the 48 hours up in which suthep claimed he would have overthrown the current government? Weren´t he supposed to hand himself in after those 48 hours expired?

Hello Mr. government employee, go back to your boss and tell them that your very obvious attempts at government propaganda are not welcome here.....

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