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wont give change what would you have done


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just want to vent my bad experience

today i bought bananas 20 baht gave the woman 50 baht and she refused to give me the 30 baht change i asked her for it and she just told me to "awk by", go away should i have called the police probably ended up paying them as well if i had, should i swear at her and have all the other Thais give me a kicking.so like the farang dog i am i had to quietly go away. i can understand where the phrase "don't thai me" comes from disgusting behavior

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The well aquainted in Thai ways should know by now that it always a good idea to have some small change coins with you which stops things like the op's post happening.

For the newbies it's a learning curve..

Once again I don't condone what's happened but it seems more and more people are complaining of being ripped off...

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The well aquainted in Thai ways should know by now that it always a good idea to have some small change coins with you which stops things like the op's post happening.

For the newbies it's a learning curve..

Once again I don't condone what's happened but it seems more and more people are complaining of being ripped off...

I don't totally agree. I guess at places that don't know you, but I actually use such markets to GET CHANGE (for the baht buses) and tend to buy small purchases at multiple stalls. Again, never a problem. Now if I was buying a lot like 300 baht of fruit I would pay with a 500 and ASK if they have change first, but generally 100 is tops.

Edited by Jingthing
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The well aquainted in Thai ways should know by now that it always a good idea to have some small change coins with you which stops things like the op's post happening.

For the newbies it's a learning curve..

Once again I don't condone what's happened but it seems more and more people are complaining of being ripped off...

I don't totally agree. I guess at places that don't know you, but I actually use such markets to GET CHANGE (for the baht buses) and tend to buy small purchases at multiple stalls. Again, never a problem. Now if I was buying a lot like 300 baht of fruit I would pay with a 500 and ASK if they have change first, but generally 100 is tops.

You should use the OP's stallholder - baht bus problems solved.

And you'd get more exercise.


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The well aquainted in Thai ways should know by now that it always a good idea to have some small change coins with you which stops things like the op's post happening.

For the newbies it's a learning curve..

Once again I don't condone what's happened but it seems more and more people are complaining of being ripped off...

I don't totally agree. I guess at places that don't know you, but I actually use such markets to GET CHANGE (for the baht buses) and tend to buy small purchases at multiple stalls. Again, never a problem. Now if I was buying a lot like 300 baht of fruit I would pay with a 500 and ASK if they have change first, but generally 100 is tops. 

Aah well Jing I never seem to have a problem with small change... I get plenty in bars or 7/11 and always save a few 10 and 20's for the things like the baht bus if using one...Or I just jump in the car before I leave and raid the motorway toll jar if I'm short on change...

Having the right change is IMO the way to go.

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JT, have you put your bad luck curse on this guy.

I can only recall one similar incident in 16 years in Thailand. A Burmese or Indian nut seller sold me a 20 Baht bag of nuts. I gave him 50 Baht and he gave me the 30 Baht change in nuts!! I politely questioned his actions and he declined to give me my 30 Baht change. All the Thais then ganged up on him and he quickly changed his tune.

I reallly think there is more to this banana story that meets the eye.

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Once upon a time I knew every bar that had a back door in Pattaya. Some may have said I was a back door man but it was for quick getaways with Thai tradesmen or song tau drivers chasing me. There was one across the street from Soi LK Metro that saved me three or four times that I remember. They had motorcycle taxi drivers outside the back door. Run in the front door, try and walk casually to the back door then wave some money at a motorcycle driver and away you go. That was when I was young and foolish at 60. Now at 70 I pay the extra 10 baht.

Given your disposition I can see why you would need a way out, an escape route, in real life situations, not the same as shooting your mouth off behind a screen and keyboard is it.

That makes perfect sense and in your case a very wise decision.

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I have had the same problem a few times, now i always make sure that i have enough small banknotes.

One day i bought some dvd's from pink floyd who seemed to be empty discs. Next day went back to that ladyboy who sold them and didn't get another dvd nor any refund.I got angry but he couldn't care less. When i was about to get really angry i decided to just walk away before i would use any violence or just mess up his whole shop.

Another day i wanted to buy banana's on the market. They had a pricetag of 20 baht on the table with bananas. I grabbed a bunch, gave it to the saleslady to pack them and gave her 20 baht. She wanted 50 from me which i refused of course.

Now i always speak thai to sales so they know that i 'm not a tourist, that helps.

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I reallly think there is more to this banana story that meets the eye.

Yeah, blame the victim. Probably didn't say khrap or something, natch!

I agree OF COURSE that not all Thais are thugs, but banana lady for sure as hell ain't Miss Manners.

Edited by Jingthing
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Causing a confrontation over 30Bht, why would you. So you did the right thing and no need to support her business anymore

The right thing presumably being;

a) Put the bananas back & walk away with or without a refund, or

b ) Casually walk away and drop them in a bin or give them to a beggar within sight of the stallholder(s)

BTW: I suspect to be a troll thread:)

Edited by evadgib
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Causing a confrontation over 30Bht, why would you. So you did the right thing and no need to support her business anymore

The right thing presumably being;

a) Put the bananas back & walk away with or without a refund, or

b ) Casually walk away and drop them in a bin or give them to a beggar within sight of the stallholder(s)

BTW: I suspect to be a troll thread:)

or a strange misunderstanding. But can't imagine how samzip and hazip can be understood wrong. Or the good lady took narcotics.

Or she said 30 Baht per kg and it had almost 2 kg?


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