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wont give change what would you have done


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You don't get many bananas for 20 baht. You probably got 50 bahts worth and can't speak the language so she could tell you. I think you are paranoid. And judging all the country's people because of one banana seller, come on.

Now we're on to something.

In Pattaya 20 baht would get you a bunch of small bananas sometimes but the price could also be 25 to 35. NEVER 50.

You could also could get about 3 large bananas for that, but at 7 baht each the price would be 21. The current price for large bananas is 5 to 8 baht per piece.

Edited by Jingthing
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You don't get many bananas for 20 baht. You probably got 50 bahts worth and can't speak the language so she could tell you. I think you are paranoid. And judging all the country's people because of one banana seller, come on.

For 20 baht i get about 8 bananas. Special bananas (ladyfingers or other variety's like the red ones) can cost more. Also the big ones cost more.

But maybe you are right and it was a big bunch or special bananas so the price was 50.

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You don't get many bananas for 20 baht. You probably got 50 bahts worth and can't speak the language so she could tell you. I think you are paranoid. And judging all the country's people because of one banana seller, come on.

Now we're on to something.

In Pattaya 20 baht would get you a bunch of small bananas sometimes but the price could also be 25 to 35. NEVER 50.

You could also could get about 3 large bananas for that, but at 7 baht each the price would be 21. The current price for large bananas is 5 to 8 baht per piece.

Maybe the OP bought big bananas.
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Some people liked to be walked all over and others are to scared to do or say anything that might upset the natives.

Grow a set.

and...why are big bananas so popular? I prefer the little ones.

Some people just don't heed IMO good advice, to avoid confrontation with Thai's, it can seriously damage your health..

It's not being walked all over it's preventive medicine, just my opinion of course..And having small change and 20baht notes can stop incidents such as the OP's alledged incident happening...Not really rocket science is it....

Oh and as for the Bannanas, I don't like em, the shape of them puts me off from putting them in my mouth ,does that make me homophobic...wub.png

Especially the big fat ones....

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You don't get many bananas for 20 baht. You probably got 50 bahts worth and can't speak the language so she could tell you. I think you are paranoid. And judging all the country's people because of one banana seller, come on.

Now we're on to something.

In Pattaya 20 baht would get you a bunch of small bananas sometimes but the price could also be 25 to 35. NEVER 50.

You could also could get about 3 large bananas for that, but at 7 baht each the price would be 21. The current price for large bananas is 5 to 8 baht per piece.

Not in small Chiang Mai local markets. I bought a hand of really large ones (20) Wednesday and paid 70 Baht.

Also a hand of local bananas at 20 Baht (didn't count how many), but they're not the really small ones. Sweet Pineapples were 25 Baht and a nice for eating papaya 30 baht. With a few added veggies thrown in I'm on a perpetual smoothie kick

In the OP's situation I think I would have offered them back nicely (probably refused) or taken another bunch to make the change. Anything other than that just kiss goodbye and don't go back. It really does pay to frequent the same stall holders in a market. Not only don't they cheat you, but often the will give you overweight or a free orange to try. Not all Thai's are crooks, many like to see the foreigner come to their stall twice a week or regularly and I may add I eat a heck of a lot of fruit.

Edited by uptheos
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Well this is certainly a first for me. Of course I've had the occasional taxi driver being a bit slow on handing over the change when I give him a 100 baht note for a 50 baht journey in the hope I'll tell him to keep it but I've never had somebody blatantly refuse to give me change for a purchase. Amazing.

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Or... Three possible scenarios that don't involve hatred of foreigners:

1. You gave a 20 and thought it was a 50

2. She got a 50 and thought it was a 20

3. She gave you 50 Baht worth if produce instead of 20

Oh,or maybe she's just a mean market seller who'd cheat locals and foreigners on equal opportunity... I've found those in other places too.

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What you should have done, return the bananas and got your 50 Baht back, few countries have a law which states that retailers must give change.

What to do now? As JT says never buy from her again.

Regarding the change, crossy is correct.

You can't also put it another way:

By law, in most countries, the buyer is responsible to tender the correct money / the seller has no legal responsibility to have change.

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You did best walking away...thay extra 1 dollar is a small price to pay to learn to avoid getting shorted larger amounts. Imagine doing the same with 1000 baht.

Now it is time for revenge. Take the part of the bananas she touched, chop it off, dry in the sun, chop to a fine grade, mix with a dash of black pepper or pungent curry, on the next full moon bury this in the ground near a cemetery or burning chamber. If you can manage to steal a bit of her hair, it will work better.

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I would have just helped myself to some extra bananas and walked away never to return.

Great idea...Infact do it and see what happens, I can picture it now, you laid on the floor covered in blood with a bannana or 3 stuck up your arse...laugh.png

Absolute and total <deleted> ! Yet another scared view perpetuated by more scared views. Totally unrealistic and based on broad generalisations and not based in fact but stupid rumours.

Totally agree.

I would like to ask the OP:

Did the bananas have a price tag on them?

If so, how much were they per kilo and how many kilos of bananas did the woman give him?

If not, did the OP ask how much before handing over any money?

I know that some bananas can be more expensive according to their size and type. So could there have been a bit of language confusion in this case? Because this has never happened to me and this seems more of a misunderstanding than a rip-off.

In any case, I would not advise anyone trying to help themselves, that would be lunacy.

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The OP's situation was a complete and utter non-event.

When she refused to give him change, he should've returned her bananas, taken his money and left. Alternatively, he should've grabbed some more fruit to the value of what he was owed and left. <deleted> could she do about it?

Sure, be polite, respectful and fair but don't let people take the piss.

Right, and she would have been happy to hand back 50 baht with a smile.

She didn't give him 30 baht in change, what makes you think she would have given him back the 50 baht. Were these banana's now worth more than 50 baht to her ??

They wold have been worthless after this event. The money on the other hand... well!!!

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What you should have done, return the bananas and got your 50 Baht back, few countries have a law which states that retailers must give change.

What to do now? As JT says never buy from her again.

Regarding the change, crossy is correct.

You can't also put it another way:

By law, in most countries, the buyer is responsible to tender the correct money / the seller has no legal responsibility to have change.

Thailand, law, farang ... cheesy.gif

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