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Jarupong confident Pheu Thai will win next general election


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Jarupong confident Pheu Thai will win next general election

BANGKOK, 10 December 2013 (NNT) – Pheu Thai leader Jarupong Ruangsuwan is confident that his party will win the next general election, while affirming that the government has to act as a caretaker.

Acting Interior Minister Jarupong Ruangsuwan, the leader of the ruling Pheu Thai Party, expressed his confidence that Pheu Thai would once again prevail over the Opposition Democrat Party in the forthcoming election, scheduled for February 2, 2014.

The party will on December 11 summon a meeting to discuss the party’s strategies for the upcoming general election, while trying to find the best possible solution to the ongoing crisis-one that does not affect the country’s image and competitiveness.

Lastly, Mr. Jarupong asserted that the government had to, under the Section 181 of the Constitution, remain in a caretaker capacity lest it violate the constitution.

-- NNT 2013-12-10 footer_n.gif

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As long as the Thaksin clan and their populist policies for the rural voters been in power, the media stays government controlled and the up-country voters are being withheld from the truth, yes then PT will win again, and can the demonstrations begin again.

The only thing which could save this country is to root out all Thaksin elements, to disqualify all politicians over the age of 55 and start with fresh blood of electable people who have no ties to any politician in the past, no matter which party they were from.

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We're a long way from the next elections... He should shut up!

Aw man, cut him some slack. If he doesn't come out and say something positive, Thaksin might forget about him when he draws up the goody positions list. At the moment he has this meaningless job otherwise known as chief scapegoat if the party gets dissolved. Can't blame the man for wanting better than that.

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Violate the constitution? We couldn't have that biggrin.png

PT certainly haven't violated the constitution, but Suthep has and is in fact calling for its overthrow. Makes you wonder what that referendum was worth really... (of course I never thought that referendum was worth much in the first place, given the conditions under which it took place, but others here and elsewhere have said otherwise).

Which part of the constitution has Suthep violated? ALl he's been doing is protesting. He hasn't actually done anything.

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Violate the constitution? We couldn't have that biggrin.png

PT certainly haven't violated the constitution, but Suthep has and is in fact calling for its overthrow. Makes you wonder what that referendum was worth really... (of course I never thought that referendum was worth much in the first place, given the conditions under which it took place, but others here and elsewhere have said otherwise).

Sorry, you are wrong. PTP violated the constitution when they altered the wording of the amnesty bill between the first and second reading. The 312? members who voted for it could very well be banned from politics for doing so.

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"Pheu Thai leader Jarupong Ruangsuwan is confident that his party will win the next general election"

That's assuming there'll be a general election.

What makes you think there will not be an election on Feb 2nd?

And Jarupong is quite right in being confident in winning again. The TRT, PPP, PTP have won every single election since 2001.

The PTP may have lost many supporters, but I believe they will get the most votes. This will make the election very interesting.

And might be a close call, As usual Chart Thai Pattana will sell themselves to whoever offers the most. Their unofficial motto is: We are in the business of being in business, with whoever runs the country"

Suthep turned into a buffoon quite quickly with his ridiculous, illegal and undemocratic demands. Now that the house has been dissolved and Yingluck and co. have been royally appointed as caretaker government, Suthep calling for her to quit could be considered a violation of Art. 112.

Wouldn't that be ironic? Suthep charged with LM?

So Suthep, now the challenge is to put your money where your mouth is and see if you can win in an election? No? Well <deleted> then and go back to Surat.

Given that Suthep has said he won't stand and said there shouldn't be elections, he won't be winning any elections regardless of where he puts his money.

Sent from my phone ...

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The winning of the next election will indeed be a poisoned chalice as the birds are coming home to roost financially and the true cost of this governments populist self enriching scams schemes is soon to be rendered as an''account payable.''

Irrespective of what faction or factions may assume power it is going to be extremely rough ride financially and politically and with a high probability of yet more serious civil disorder.

Be careful in what you wish for acting Interior Minister Jarupong Ruangsuwan, the leader of the ruling Pheu Thai Party,you may well get that which you desire. However it isn't going to be just beer and skittles all the way, more like flying skittles that hurt when they hit you and brickbats too.

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Violate the constitution? We couldn't have that biggrin.png

PT certainly haven't violated the constitution, but Suthep has and is in fact calling for its overthrow. Makes you wonder what that referendum was worth really... (of course I never thought that referendum was worth much in the first place, given the conditions under which it took place, but others here and elsewhere have said otherwise).

So you know more about Thai law than the courts then.

Breaching parliamentary procedures is constitutional, Committing illegal acts is constitutional.

Okay, if you say so,rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif

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Violate the constitution? We couldn't have that biggrin.png

PT certainly haven't violated the constitution, but Suthep has and is in fact calling for its overthrow. Makes you wonder what that referendum was worth really... (of course I never thought that referendum was worth much in the first place, given the conditions under which it took place, but others here and elsewhere have said otherwise).

Which part of the constitution has Suthep violated? ALl he's been doing is protesting. He hasn't actually done anything.

Ah, that would be the part that says "all protests against PTP, its ruling family, their cronies and lackeys, is forbidden".

Oh, silly me, that amendment hasn't been sneakily rammed through yet !!

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Violate the constitution? We couldn't have that biggrin.png

PT certainly haven't violated the constitution, but Suthep has and is in fact calling for its overthrow. Makes you wonder what that referendum was worth really... (of course I never thought that referendum was worth much in the first place, given the conditions under which it took place, but others here and elsewhere have said otherwise).

PT certainly haven't violated the constitution???????

That's another TV member on my ignore list.

I can't stand out and out liars!

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That report brought to us by the National Bureau of Thaksin Propaganda. If nothing changes before the next election then the square faced fugitive will just splash the cash about in efforts to buy peoples votes same as he did the last 5 times or so....Let's hope a clean election can be run next time so we know who REALLY wins....

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Violate the constitution? We couldn't have that biggrin.png

PT certainly haven't violated the constitution, but Suthep has and is in fact calling for its overthrow. Makes you wonder what that referendum was worth really... (of course I never thought that referendum was worth much in the first place, given the conditions under which it took place, but others here and elsewhere have said otherwise).

Which part of the constitution has Suthep violated? ALl he's been doing is protesting. He hasn't actually done anything.

The warrants out for his arrest don't seem to agree you. Are you really supporting Suthep?

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Violate the constitution? We couldn't have that xbiggrin.png.pagespeed.ic.zYprVTCWT1.web alt=biggrin.png pagespeed_url_hash=14303579 width=20 height=20>

PT certainly haven't violated the constitution, but Suthep has and is in fact calling for its overthrow. Makes you wonder what that referendum was worth really... (of course I never thought that referendum was worth much in the first place, given the conditions under which it took place, but others here and elsewhere have said otherwise).

PT certainly haven't violated the constitution???????

That's another TV member on my ignore list.

I can't stand out and out liars!

So you only listen to those who agree with your views? Of course you do that's why you support Suthep and his yellow/black thugs.

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Violate the constitution? We couldn't have that biggrin.png

PT certainly haven't violated the constitution, but Suthep has and is in fact calling for its overthrow. Makes you wonder what that referendum was worth really... (of course I never thought that referendum was worth much in the first place, given the conditions under which it took place, but others here and elsewhere have said otherwise).

Which part of the constitution has Suthep violated? ALl he's been doing is protesting. He hasn't actually done anything.

Indeed, this idea that saying something that violates the constitution in some way means that you have committed some ridiculous heinous crime is part of the problem. Then then the lese majeste nonsense starts all of those problems.

From a grown up western perspective, if I sit in the UK and say that I reckon the UK would be better off as a republic, it is a valid view and doesn't constitute some horrendous crime. Likewise, if I say Britain would be better off as a communist one party state, that is my view and it doesn't cause some sort of crime. So the system in thailand has to change to allow it for people to say things that would change the constitution without the statement becoming unconstitutional. Of course we don't have a constitution per se, and we have freedom of speech in the UK.

As though words can be unconstitutional. blink.png Telling a government to stand down, can be by definition unconstitutional? blink.png

Strewth. What a world. Words that are unconstitutional.

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