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Thai student activist vows to fight her 'suspension'


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Student Activist Vows To Fight Her 'Suspension'

Bu Khaosod Online


BANGKOK: -- Thammasat University is said to be considering a punishment against a transgender student activist who protested its Rector′s alleged conspiracy with anti-government protesters.

Ms. Aum Neko, whose real name is Mr. Saran Chuichai, had previously attempted to replace the Thai national flag with a black flag at a administrative building in Rangsit Campus of the university. She also accused Thammasat Rector Somkid Lertpaithoon of collaborating with anti-government protests, which she described as undemocratic movements.

Thammasat University has responded to the incident by setting up committee to consider whether Ms. Aum had violated the university′s code of conducts, and if found guilty, Ms. Aum can face a punishment as severe as one year suspension.

A number of Thammasat students is also collecting for a petition asking for expulsion of Ms. Aum, on the ground that she has "betrayed" the university.

Speaking to Khaosod, Ms. Aum said she does not feel threatened by the petition, as the students are simply exercising their rights, but added that university′s constitution does not permit expulsion for students in this manner.

The activist also dismissed allegation that she had insulted her educational institute by dressing inappropriately for the protest, explaining that Thammasat has no official guidelines on dresscodes.

She said she has not been contacted by any university official, as the university has not yet re-opened. Nevertheless, if the committee approved her suspension, Ms. Aum said, it would amount to Thammasat′s departure from its reputation as a bastion of democracy and liberal ideas.

"It would mean we have no basic rights. We just expressed our disagreement with the Rector," Ms. Aum told our correspondent.

Ms. Aum also vowed to scrutinise whether university regulations allow her suspension and appeal the punishment if she feels she is unjustly punished.

Source: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNNE5qVTRNemd5TWc9PQ==&subcatid=

-- Khaosod English 2013-12-11

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I wonder if they're going to investigate the code of conduct of the member of the university hierarchy who posted on his Facebook page that he wanted to stand on her face?

Fair Point but would that mean setting up yet another committee ?

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I wonder if they're going to investigate the code of conduct of the member of the university hierarchy who posted on his Facebook page that he wanted to stand on her face?

Fair Point but would that mean setting up yet another committee ?

With an appropriate budget for study-trips overseas, to see how these things are done, in other countries ! rolleyes.gif

A few years' study should suffice ? whistling.gif

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I wonder if they're going to investigate the code of conduct of the member of the university hierarchy who posted on his Facebook page that he wanted to stand on her face?

Fair Point but would that mean setting up yet another committee ?

With an appropriate budget for study-trips overseas, to see how these things are done, in other countries ! rolleyes.gif

A few years' study should suffice ? whistling.gif

And the wifes' can go ' chopping '.

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Sure (s)he made her parents proud! Guess if "Aum" would have invested her free time in studying instead of activism, she wouldn't be in this mess. There are pople out there who simply can't help it but to stand in their own way...

Interesting side line development regarding this face sitting thing though giggle.gif

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Where did it say she messed with the flag, she replaced it with a black flag apparently - but that would not have been a statement about the flag and country but about the leadership of the University.... the flag is too good for them. If it were against the flag she would have burned it like they do in countries like the USA.

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I wonder if they're going to investigate the code of conduct of the member of the university hierarchy who posted on his Facebook page that he wanted to stand on her face?

Another reason to shut down "FarceBook". Nothing but trouble comes from it.
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I wonder if they're going to investigate the code of conduct of the member of the university hierarchy who posted on his Facebook page that he wanted to stand on her face?

Another reason to shut down "FarceBook". Nothing but trouble comes from it.

Sad, but true!

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"Ms. Aum Neko, whose real name is Mr. Saran Chuichai..."

That being the case, why pray tell does the press and some others insist on calling him by his fantasy name, and refer to him by his fantasy gender, thereby enabling his mental illness?

These gender confused individuals suffer from a serious mental disorder, recognized by most if not all reputable psychological associations, and tragically bear hugely elevated rates of depression, suicide, psychosis and neurosis compared to the population as a whole. K. Saran deserves our pity and assistance, and certainly not society's nodding enabling of his mental disorder and disquiet.

Above all else, I certainly hope that the real motivation behind the University's action against him is not K. Saran's illness. Nobody asks to be burdened with this catastrophic disorder. The university should try to help him, and not ostracize him.

That aside, I applaud K. Saran for having the courage of his political convictions (whatever the merits of those convictions), and wish him the best in sorting out the various issues which confront him. His courageous stance is wonderful testimony as to why people afflicted with his problem should not be discriminated against.

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Ah yes! The "Age of Rights".

Did he happen to mention that the University put a gun to his head and forced him to attend this university? No! I didn't think so.

Did he mention that he willfully applied and was accepted, on the basis that he agreed to the policies and statutes of this university, and he even signed on the dotted line? No! I didn't think so.

But after all... it is the "Age of Rights", yes? The rights which enable one to go back on one's word once one gains the trust and confidences of those around one.

I suppose terrorists and murderers have rights too, based on this man's lunatic views.

The world has become a disgusting place to exist.

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I wonder if they're going to investigate the code of conduct of the member of the university hierarchy who posted on his Facebook page that he wanted to stand on her face?

He probably wanted to say that he would like to,,sit,, on her face tongue.png

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I saw the video. While it's up to you what you want to wear, you don't mess with your country's flag.

Why not?

I'm British and believe that I have the right to do anything to the Union Flag that I choose to.

After all, it's only a flag.

Yeah many people would disagree with you. The flag represents the country. People would die to protect their country's flag. For you to say it's 'only a flag' shows how uninformed you are. And while I don't know what laws there are regarding the desecration of the flag in the UK, I'm pretty sure it's illegal here.

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The rector's top law professors have complained already it won't work, after all Thamassat is invested with children from rich parents who are only allowed in because they wear yellow and pay a lot of tea money. It is easy to get 200,000 people on the streets it is much harder to win elections (and it is policies not bribes that lure voters) and it is even harder not to slaughter people in the streets. Something this rector, Suthep and Abhisit tend to forget or simply do not carve about if it is not the urban elite.

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who do you call this transvestite "her"? gender is not what one can choose by himself (herself) but an objective reality. This transvestite, "Neko" (pussy cat in Japanese, I guess) should definitely be expelled from the uni, he does not deserve an education.

When he was admitted to Thammasat he was granted a main right - to learn, and if he is not interested in that - just give a place to someone who does!

Deeds of the Rector is none of his business - "Neko" did not establish it, didn't contribute to it in any means - so why should he has a right to assess the rector's actions?

Didn't you take note, that all these leftist activists in Thammasat who get media attention, are katoeys? This has an easy explanation: "if world does not accept me, world should be changed" - this simple idea fuels radical youth all over the world.

Sad but true.

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I saw the video. While it's up to you what you want to wear, you don't mess with your country's flag.

Why not?

I'm British and believe that I have the right to do anything to the Union Flag that I choose to.

After all, it's only a flag.

Yeah many people would disagree with you. The flag represents the country. People would die to protect their country's flag. For you to say it's 'only a flag' shows how uninformed you are. And while I don't know what laws there are regarding the desecration of the flag in the UK, I'm pretty sure it's illegal here.

Agreed! The university is an institution that chooses to bear the national flag, which is also an institution unto itself. That in itself means we have two things going on here. Doing what he did not only broke his willful contractual commitment to the university, but it also broke his commitment to his land, his people, Buddhism itself, and his monarchy. That disgusts me as well as the manner of dress this disgusting person wears when desecrating his land, his people, Buddhism itself, and his monarchy. Incidentally, clear and misguided disrespect is a form of desecration.

The flag of the Kingdom of Thailand (Thai: ธงไตรรงค์, Thong Trairong, meaning "tricolour flag”) shows five horizontal stripes in the colours red, white, blue, white and red, with the central blue stripe being twice as wide as each of the other four. The design was adopted on 28 September 1917, according to the royal decree about the flag in that year issued by Rama VI.

The colours are said to stand for nation-religion-king, an unofficial motto of Thailand,[1] red for the land and people, white for Theravada Buddhism and blue for the monarchy, the last having been the auspicious colour of Rama VI.


Symbolic speech such as flag desecration and religious worship offenses are banned in Thailand. Under the Thailand Penal Code 118, “whoever, making any act to the flag or any other emblem to be symbolized the State with the intention to deride the Nation” will be imprisoned for a maximum of two years and fined. Religious worship desecration is outlawed as well in Penal Code 206 “to the object or place of religious worship of any group of persons in the manner likely to insult such religion” will be put in jail for two to seven years and fined.

Living in a country that provides you rights (even were those rights to include freedom of speech) does not empower one to transgress to the point of committing acts which might dilute those freedoms to the point of creating chaos and lunacy. That is my opinion. Better translated: if you piss enough in the water you drink, you'll soon have piss. There is a time, place and method of proper behavior for everything in order to express your views, and this is definitely not it.

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