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Abhisit due in court over 2010 crackdown


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if Thaskin got 2 years jail terms because his wife did buy some land in Ratchada, wonder how many century

Abhisit will get for the murder of 90 protester?

.... oh wait the victims were poor farmer!

More nonsense and inaccurate at that.

Thaksin was indeed convicted and chose to flee and become a criminal fugitive rather than appeal and fight through the courts, Why do you think that was? He also chooses to be a fugitive from outstanding serious criminal charges rather than face them in court. Why do you think he does this?

Abhisit has not been tried and convicted yet, but you presume guilty without knowing any evidence, Apart from the Thaksin led propaganda you digest of course.

Not all of the 90 deaths were protesters. The sad loss of life included soldiers and law abiding citizens caught in cross fire or maybe targeted by the mysterious men in black. They certainly weren't all poor farmers were they? Japanese, Italian journalists, nurse - ring any bells for you?

But, like all PTP apologists and sympathizers - don't let truth and facts get in the way.

"outstanding serious criminal charges" - Care to enlighten us why you think a conflict of interest on the purchase of some land in Bangkok being sold by an organisation that was not part of the Government should be regarded as such?

Maybe Thaksin thought he would be jailed immediately for two years if he stayed around whereas a certain Sondhi is still walking around despite being bailed 5/6 times, the last time over a 20 year year sentence for corruption which more closely matches your description of "outstanding serious criminal charges". Do you not think that Thaksin has a certain right to wonder about "double standards" and that he might be treated differently by the courts at the time.

But don't let truth or facts get in your way, will you?

Do you not think that Thaksin has a certain right to wonder about "double standards" and that he might be treated differently by the courts at the time.

You are making this statement in this thread?? Amazing hypocrisy.

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if Thaskin got 2 years jail terms because his wife did buy some land in Ratchada, wonder how many century

Abhisit will get for the murder of 90 protester?

.... oh wait the victims were poor farmer!

Oh wait ... maybe Abhisit isn't guilty. He's certainly not guilty in a personal capacity (which is how he's been charged) as everything that he did was in an official capacity.

Correct. One one can charge him on a personal ground. The question is, did he made a wrong decision by ordering the use of live bullets? I reckon Rubber bullets should be fine at that time, but that is just my opinion..

Were you there? Facing men in black snipers, molotov cocktails, sling shots, and a rioting mob of arsonists?

Have you ever been in a situation like that?

Were you? Taking a page from your previous comments, "Men in black" snipers have not been tried or convicted yet. Neither is there any concrete evidence as to their affiliation. Just a lot of talk and rumours. If you keep repeating the same thing again and again, eventually in your mind it becomes fact.

It looks like the guilt of the Dems have to be determined by due judicial process, but the guilt of others would suffice by rumours.

But, like all Democrat and Yellow Shirt apologists and sympathizers - don't let truth and facts get in the way.

Edited by RedNIvar
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Oh wait ... maybe Abhisit isn't guilty. He's certainly not guilty in a personal capacity (which is how he's been charged) as everything that he did was in an official capacity.

Correct. One one can charge him on a personal ground. The question is, did he made a wrong decision by ordering the use of live bullets? I reckon Rubber bullets should be fine at that time, but that is just my opinion..

Were you there? Facing men in black snipers, molotov cocktails, sling shots, and a rioting mob of arsonists?

Have you ever been in a situation like that?

Were you? Taking a page from your previous comments, "Men in black" snipers have not been tried or convicted yet. Neither is there any concrete evidence as to their affiliation. Just a lot of talk and rumours. If you keep repeating the same thing again and again, eventually in your mind it becomes fact.

It looks like the guilt of the Dems have to be determined by due judicial process, but the guilt of others would suffice by rumours.

But, like all Democrat and Yellow Shirt apologists and sympathizers - don't let truth and facts get in the way.

Just a lot of talk and rumours. If you keep repeating the same thing again and again, eventually in your mind it becomes fact.

There are dozens of articles and youtube movies showing armed MIB. You can easily find them if you are interested. Even Nick Nostitz has confirmed that he has met them personally.

The red shirt leaders, although the opposite can be proven, keep on saying that the MIB don't exist.

Ok just one......

Edited by Nickymaster
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NOT surprising Suthep asking for a postponement, and it won't be the last I suspect, but did he not say he would hand himself in after his last "final push".

But credit for Mr A. fronting court, If he gave the ok on the use of LIVE fire to retake area's occupied by protesters then he must accept the charge and defend it if he can.

Abhisit was obviously brought up in the spirit of fair play and cricket rules... The Battle of Bangkok was fought on the playing fields of Eton (to misquote a famous Englishman).

Unfortunately the values of "fair play" will get him absolutely nowhere in the place he is now...

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More nonsense and inaccurate at that.

Thaksin was indeed convicted and chose to flee and become a criminal fugitive rather than appeal and fight through the courts, Why do you think that was? He also chooses to be a fugitive from outstanding serious criminal charges rather than face them in court. Why do you think he does this?

Abhisit has not been tried and convicted yet, but you presume guilty without knowing any evidence, Apart from the Thaksin led propaganda you digest of course.

Not all of the 90 deaths were protesters. The sad loss of life included soldiers and law abiding citizens caught in cross fire or maybe targeted by the mysterious men in black. They certainly weren't all poor farmers were they? Japanese, Italian journalists, nurse - ring any bells for you?

But, like all PTP apologists and sympathizers - don't let truth and facts get in the way.

"outstanding serious criminal charges" - Care to enlighten us why you think a conflict of interest on the purchase of some land in Bangkok being sold by an organisation that was not part of the Government should be regarded as such?

Maybe Thaksin thought he would be jailed immediately for two years if he stayed around whereas a certain Sondhi is still walking around despite being bailed 5/6 times, the last time over a 20 year year sentence for corruption which more closely matches your description of "outstanding serious criminal charges". Do you not think that Thaksin has a certain right to wonder about "double standards" and that he might be treated differently by the courts at the time.

But don't let truth or facts get in your way, will you?

Do you really NOT know that Thaksin has"outstanding serious criminal charges" or prefer to ignore it? Do you believe his "sister's government" would refuse him bail to fight those charges?

Or are you merely trying to deflect the thread?

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I really don't think Abisit is guilty of ordering the army to fire on the protesters, he is basically a decent person although very weak. However i am sure that Suthep was the real leader in this criminal act. He is a very stubborn and ruthless man and i think would not hesitate in giving the order to use force. Such is his attitude with his ego and conceived feeling of power.

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if Thaskin got 2 years jail terms because his wife did buy some land in Ratchada, wonder how many century

Abhisit will get for the murder of 90 protester?

.... oh wait the victims were poor farmer!

More nonsense and inaccurate at that.

Thaksin was indeed convicted and chose to flee and become a criminal fugitive rather than appeal and fight through the courts, Why do you think that was? He also chooses to be a fugitive from outstanding serious criminal charges rather than face them in court. Why do you think he does this?

Abhisit has not been tried and convicted yet, but you presume guilty without knowing any evidence, Apart from the Thaksin led propaganda you digest of course.

Not all of the 90 deaths were protesters. The sad loss of life included soldiers and law abiding citizens caught in cross fire or maybe targeted by the mysterious men in black. They certainly weren't all poor farmers were they? Japanese, Italian journalists, nurse - ring any bells for you?

But, like all PTP apologists and sympathizers - don't let truth and facts get in the way.

"outstanding serious criminal charges" - Care to enlighten us why you think a conflict of interest on the purchase of some land in Bangkok being sold by an organisation that was not part of the Government should be regarded as such?

Maybe Thaksin thought he would be jailed immediately for two years if he stayed around whereas a certain Sondhi is still walking around despite being bailed 5/6 times, the last time over a 20 year year sentence for corruption which more closely matches your description of "outstanding serious criminal charges". Do you not think that Thaksin has a certain right to wonder about "double standards" and that he might be treated differently by the courts at the time.

But don't let truth or facts get in your way, will you?

Do you not think that Thaksin has a certain right to wonder about "double standards" and that he might be treated differently by the courts at the time.

You are making this statement in this thread?? Amazing hypocrisy.

I was replying to one of the strident abhisit boy band members but you being a fellow member could you explain the "amazing hypocrisy" you see?

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if Thaskin got 2 years jail terms because his wife did buy some land in Ratchada, wonder how many century

Abhisit will get for the murder of 90 protester?

.... oh wait the victims were poor farmer!

Oh wait ... maybe Abhisit isn't guilty. He's certainly not guilty in a personal capacity (which is how he's been charged) as everything that he did was in an official capacity.

Yes correct that Mr A. should face charges in his official capacity of the order to use live rounds instead of rubber bullets if in fact that order was given by him or not? I would think that there would be a singed document of such an order if indeed an order was given as evidence,

So now this would be between Mr A. and the military involved in the case of the use of live rounds?

Here's the funny thing.....

The decision to use live ammo - and the criteria under which it could be used - were decided upon by the CRES committee

One of the members of that committee was the DSI's very own Tarit

The same Tarit (no conflict of interest here, honest guv!) is the one hypocritically and partisanly pressing charges against Abhisit and Suthep

Now the only way he could possibly do that is by charging them as individuals and not under their official capacity

And that way, Tarit escapes any punishment (for now anyway)

Many of the relatives of the deceased, unsurprisingly, are not happy about this

The popular thought seems to be that the trial will now show-case the facts to the public and that the true reasons for the deaths will be revealed

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Will they trot out the much revered video of Khun Abhisit saying "Kill me some reds"? After all, that is the basis for 48% of the citizens thinking that it happened.

I hope he is punished for the 300 dead reds that were dumped out at sea in that rusty shipping container. Must be true cos Mr.A and Mr.T said so.

Well of the enemy is blowing up bangkok with grande launchers and firing RPG's into gas tanks

I doubt that arming the military with blanks shall really do anything apart from instead of 300 terrorists dead 300 soldiers and more civilians

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