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Tourism Authority of Thailand update on the current situation for tourists in Bangkok


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What protests? I live in Bangkok and you wouldnt even know there was any trouble. You only notice it if you live in the government district around the palace and monument intersection.

Who are they going to replace Yingluck with ? A decent moral PM for once. No chance in the world. The next gov will be just as bad as the former.

Nothing changes in Thailand.

Of course you are correct. You have a fascist with a party name that includes democratic in its name who is equally as corrupt as Thaksin

but just not as successful at raiding the public purse (YET). His proposal is to do away with democracy and put him in charge. If not the head

of a new council the puppet master. (ie. Thaksin ). The people deserve better, but as log as 70% of Thais believe that corruption is OK as long

as it benefits them, things will never change.

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What protests? I live in Bangkok and you wouldnt even know there was any trouble. You only notice it if you live in the government district around the palace and monument intersection.

Who are they going to replace Yingluck with ? A decent moral PM for once. No chance in the world. The next gov will be just as bad as the former.

Nothing changes in Thailand.

A decent moral PM, I like that! Just a bit of a struggle for me to think of one from anywhere nevermind Thailand. I suppose Tony Blair could do it... oops perhaps not, US Presidents past and present, they could employ drones against the protesters I suppose. Yingluck is looking better and better all the time.

Has she (Yingluck) really done anything wrong as PM or out of line with normal practise here?

Uh, where to begin. Firstly, why don't you tell us what you think she has done right ?!?! whistling.gif

Nice to get a reply that isn't some arse who suggests you must be on the piss. What has she done right? I don't know, actually I don't know that she has done much as very little seems to have changes since she took power but I am only on the sideline, a farrang and most of the things that drive Thai politics I do not fully understand nor can I influence as I have no vote of course.

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What protests? I live in Bangkok and you wouldnt even know there was any trouble. You only notice it if you live in the government district around the palace and monument intersection.

Who are they going to replace Yingluck with ? A decent moral PM for once. No chance in the world. The next gov will be just as bad as the former.

Nothing changes in Thailand.

A decent moral PM, I like that! Just a bit of a struggle for me to think of one from anywhere nevermind Thailand. I suppose Tony Blair could do it... oops perhaps not, US Presidents past and present, they could employ drones against the protesters I suppose. Yingluck is looking better and better all the time.

How can you possibly say that Tony Blair or the US president is as bad? It's such a stupid comment. Sure there are dishonest people everywhere BUT the UK and US governments are certainly not plagued with nepotism and 30% of the GDP does not go missing. Just look at what goes on here, in the open for all to see,, the rice pledging, the missing flood prevention money, tablets for schools etc, etc,, this would never happen in the US or UK.

I have seen in the fairly recent past MP's in the UK who were abusing the expenses system but we are talking about thousands of pounds not hundreds of millions,, and in those cases the MP's were exposed, investigated and dealt with,, remember in some cases just for a few thousand pounds they lost their jobs. Here it would be swept under the carpet and no one would answer or discuss it. So there may be some form of corruption in the UK/US but it is not huge, not visible and not condoned.

Also, the ridiculous statements that the Thai PM makes,, remember the potential flooding,, the PM said they had a plan of positioning boats along the river and if the water got too high to use the boat propellors to push the water in a different direction.. I could go on, I have laughed out loud at many of these things as have many others.

So, please be serious, there is no comparison. No government is perfect but it has to be said this one is at the bottom of the pile for all the reasons that you and everyone already knows.

If you read the post, I did not say they were as bad. I simply put forward that maybe it is not so easy to find "A decent and moral PM". Plague with nepotism (the UK and US) I am not sure so I can't comment but there have been a number of cases of the misuse of public funds and one has to wonder if nepotism hypothetically included corporate bodies, how the figures would stack up. I would agree that the boat propellor statement may seem ridiculous but they are not so if the people believe it. I use as evidence of this a conversation I had with a junior health minister in the UK who gave some rather misleading figures in a presentation. In the following social mix I asked her how she expected people to believe the figures she had just presented? Her response was "because the average reading age in the UK is 8". I leave you to work out what she was inferring. So I think it was a little harsh to define my comments as stupid or that I should be serious when ones views and beliefs may vary according to experience.

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