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Pheu Thai derides Democrats' polls hesitation


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I dont much like the Tacky administrations.. But the majority of the people do.. Welcome to democracy..

Allow me to correct your sentence from; "the majority of the people do.." to: the majority of the people are paid to like him and his brood. Edited by boomerangutang
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I dont much like the Tacky administrations.. But the majority of the people do.. Welcome to democracy..

Allow me to correct your sentence from; "the majority of the people do.." to: the majority of the people are paid to like him and his brood.

If its that simple why not just pay more ? and dont tell me they arnt as corrupt and cant afford it

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Democrats are in a bit of a corner at the moment. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. If they do stand, and they lose, and Yingluck/Thaksin are still in charge, we will just see a repeat of the last few weeks all over again.... except possibly worse.

If they don't stand they will be seen as trying to force the Armies hand and of being undemocratic.

Democracy in Thailand is very broken (yes I know it is elsewhere as well), clean and fair elections don't happen. Letting things run as they currently do, that is not going to improve. For this reason we should not hold Thailand to our western standards of democracy. Maybe Thailand does need a regular kick up the rear by the armed forces until those in power come to the realisation that this is going to keep happening until they stop being a bunch of corrupt selfish power hungry bungholes.

Not sure I understand Suthep is absolutely clear. He under no circumstances wants an election. He wants to create a Fascist state

of Thailand were a council headed by him will rule the country. He is very clear on this point, that he wants an end to democracy because

the Thai people just don't understand who they should be voting for. While I may think he is a wing nut I do appreciate his honesty, (in this

instance) clarity and candour. The Thai people deserve better than either of these two main political parties. Both are equally corrupt and

just fighting over there share of the pie and how to minimize the other guys share.

Edited by Ulic
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What a gutless, pathetic bunch of wimps the Dems are. Anywhere else in the World, the opposition party would be jumping for joy at the chance to unseat the Government. But here, they cower in the shadows, scared of offending a deranged lunatic and scared stiff of losing face when they are trounced at the polls.

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I dont much like the Tacky administrations.. But the majority of the people do.. Welcome to democracy..

Allow me to correct your sentence from; "the majority of the people do.." to: the majority of the people are paid to like him and his brood.

If its that simple why not just pay more ? and dont tell me they arnt as corrupt and cant afford it

They aren't as corrupt and can't afford it. Actually, I would retort this way: The opposition aren't as effective at buying votes. A BIG factor is what the PT party reps promise the Pu Yai Ban (village headmen)for delivering blocks of votes (everything's under the table, of course). A nice new Toyota landcruiser, or a bundle of cash ...whatever. Money talks.

Edited by boomerangutang
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What a gutless, pathetic bunch of wimps the Dems are. Anywhere else in the World, the opposition party would be jumping for joy at the chance to unseat the Government. But here, they cower in the shadows, scared of offending a deranged lunatic and scared stiff of losing face when they are trounced at the polls.

I think the Dems are wondering the following:

>>> How can they match pay-for-votes money offered by the Shinawatres and PT?

>>> If they did have such deep pockets, should they play the same sordid game as fiercely as the PT?

>>> Should they play the one-upmanship game of big fat promises? Example: PT will tout they're maintaining the awful rice-pledging scam. Should Dems continue the crippling program, or perhaps up the ante to Bt.16k/ton from Bt.15k/ton?

The Dems are having to decide whether and how dirty to play the election game, because dirty politics is what garners votes. The biggest losers are the Thai people, but they deserve awful leaders, if they voted for them, whether paid to, or not.

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What a gutless, pathetic bunch of wimps the Dems are. Anywhere else in the World, the opposition party would be jumping for joy at the chance to unseat the Government. But here, they cower in the shadows, scared of offending a deranged lunatic and scared stiff of losing face when they are trounced at the polls.

Abusive language from Pheua Thai lovers running scared.

I'm so sorry Suthep forced your government into an early election but you should calm down.

Suthep wants to reform Thai politics before having an election. He has suggested all, including the reds, should talk about reforms. Is that so bad?

The problem for the Democrats is they will split their vote if they run in the election but Suthep's faction refuses. However I believe in the end they will resolve their differences.

For Pheua Thai, their problem is their glorious leader doesn't want to enter talks about reform personally, she doesn't know what to say, and if she refuses to stand as leader in the next election who can they turn to?

Pheua Thai MPs have no rights, all are beholden with their signed but undated letters of resignation to Thaksin.

Pity Pheau Thai ( but maybe plenty of money).

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What a gutless, pathetic bunch of wimps the Dems are. Anywhere else in the World, the opposition party would be jumping for joy at the chance to unseat the Government. But here, they cower in the shadows, scared of offending a deranged lunatic and scared stiff of losing face when they are trounced at the polls.

Not sure how you can conclude that they're cowering in the shadows ?

The Dems' own election-planning meeting is due in a couple-of-days time.

Political-decisions are easier, when they're made by only one person, the party-owner in Dubai !

All the minions have to do is cheer, and wave the Red-flag, when instructed to.

But that's Red 'true democracy' for you ! wink.png

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Why do Thaksin's parties buy votes where they expect to win anyway?

Because they don't.

Certainly I know in the north east where the family are they didn't have to at the last election.

Certainly BJT threw a lot of purloined money from their ministries under abhisit's coalition around in their area but it didn't help them much.

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What a gutless, pathetic bunch of wimps the Dems are. Anywhere else in the World, the opposition party would be jumping for joy at the chance to unseat the Government. But here, they cower in the shadows, scared of offending a deranged lunatic and scared stiff of losing face when they are trounced at the polls.

Abusive language from Pheua Thai lovers running scared.

I'm so sorry Suthep forced your government into an early election but you should calm down.

Suthep wants to reform Thai politics before having an election. He has suggested all, including the reds, should talk about reforms. Is that so bad?

The problem for the Democrats is they will split their vote if they run in the election but Suthep's faction refuses. However I believe in the end they will resolve their differences.

For Pheua Thai, their problem is their glorious leader doesn't want to enter talks about reform personally, she doesn't know what to say, and if she refuses to stand as leader in the next election who can they turn to?

Pheua Thai MPs have no rights, all are beholden with their signed but undated letters of resignation to Thaksin.

Pity Pheau Thai ( but maybe plenty of money).

The courts(yellow) need reform

The bureaucracy (yellow) need reform

The police ( yellows top mostly red bottom mostly) need reform

The army ( yellows top red bottom mostly) need reform

Non payment of business taxes ( mostly yellow) taxes should be collected

Education education education "stop the rote rot. "

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What a gutless, pathetic bunch of wimps the Dems are. Anywhere else in the World, the opposition party would be jumping for joy at the chance to unseat the Government. But here, they cower in the shadows, scared of offending a deranged lunatic and scared stiff of losing face when they are trounced at the polls.

I think the Dems are wondering the following:

>>> How can they match pay-for-votes money offered by the Shinawatres and PT?

>>> If they did have such deep pockets, should they play the same sordid game as fiercely as the PT?

>>> Should they play the one-upmanship game of big fat promises? Example: PT will tout they're maintaining the awful rice-pledging scam. Should Dems continue the crippling program, or perhaps up the ante to Bt.16k/ton from Bt.15k/ton?

The Dems are having to decide whether and how dirty to play the election game, because dirty politics is what garners votes. The biggest losers are the Thai people, but they deserve awful leaders, if they voted for them, whether paid to, or not.

Buying votes?

I'll tell you a little true story.

At the last elections my Brother In-law came home after voting and said "I f'd the Dem's two times today. First I took their money to vote for them. Second I went to the polls and voted Yinluck.

So please don't tell me vote buying is only confined to one party...they all do it!

Edited by Boxclever
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For Pheua Thai, their problem is their glorious leader doesn't want to enter talks about reform personally, she doesn't know what to say, and if she refuses to stand as leader in the next election who can they turn to?

Answer: The other sister, and she's scarier.

Why do Thaksin's parties buy votes where they expect to win anyway?

They buy votes to ensure they win.

I think the Dems are wondering the following:

>>> How can they match pay-for-votes money offered by the Shinawatres and PT?

>>> If they did have such deep pockets, should they play the same sordid game as fiercely as the PT?

>>> Should they play the one-upmanship game of big fat promises? Example: PT will tout they're maintaining the awful rice-pledging scam. Should Dems continue the crippling program, or perhaps up the ante to Bt.16k/ton from Bt.15k/ton?

The Dems are having to decide whether and how dirty to play the election game, because dirty politics is what garners votes. The biggest losers are the Thai people, but they deserve awful leaders, if they voted for them, whether paid to, or not.

Buying votes? I'll tell you a little true story. At the last elections my Brother In-law came home after voting and said "I f'd the Dem's two times today. First I took their money to vote for them. Second I went to the polls and voted Yinluck.

So please don't tell me vote buying is only confined to one party...they all do it!

The Reds are better at it than the Dems, plus they also have more money and willingness (disdain for democracy). The difference with your vote-buying story and mine, is: the votes of voters in my area of northernmost Thailand are known. In other words, the village headmen (VH) know exactly who votes the way they're paid to vote, and who doesn't. The VH gets paid and/or gifts by the Reds to vote their way. Accordingly, the VH punishes any of his minions who don't vote according to their paid agreement.
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I'm somewhat familiar with Thai happenings on a village level. Don't forget, most Thais are villagers, not city dwellers. Villagers follow the herd mentality as much, or more so, than anyone else. Some ways a Pu Yai Ban (village headman) can punish a villager for not voting as paid to do:

>>>> lower priority for such things as permits for dwellings, or getting a good spot as a vendor in a market.

>>>> Not getting the road maintained, in front or up to their dwelling.

>>>> not being informed of village matters as soon as others.

These may seem trite to farang city folks reading this, but village life is on a different bahv (Sanskrit word for 'vibration' or 'mood'). The number of chickens in their yard means as much to them as finding a parking place means to a city dweller. Probably utmost, for a villager, is how they and their family is viewed by other villagers. Being shunned is a serious blow.

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Not standing in a democratic election tut tut afraid are we?

Lol....... you lover of vote buying.

not at all - I'm a lover of free and fair elections AND international observers but you remember what Dear Leader Suthep said about that?

I don’t respect ‘farangs’. We do not have to surrender to them,

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Why do Thaksin's parties buy votes where they expect to win anyway?

Because they don't.

Certainly I know in the north east where the family are they didn't have to at the last election.

Certainly BJT threw a lot of purloined money from their ministries under abhisit's coalition around in their area but it didn't help them much.

Is that the same BJT, which has been in Yingluck's coalition, for the past two-and-a-half years, even though they weren't necessary to give her an overall-majority ? whistling.gif

Most of the minor-parties are corruption-tarts here, they follow the money, we can disapprove of it, but that's still true. sad.png

not at all - I'm a lover of free and fair elections AND international observers but you remember what Dear Leader Suthep said about that?

I don’t respect ‘farangs’. We do not have to surrender to them,

And which former-PM told people, that it was every Thai's patriotic-duty to rip-off farangs, whenever possible ? wink.png

I still chuckle over that one ! rolleyes.gif

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Why do Thaksin's parties buy votes where they expect to win anyway?

Because they don't.

Certainly I know in the north east where the family are they didn't have to at the last election.

Certainly BJT threw a lot of purloined money from their ministries under abhisit's coalition around in their area but it didn't help them much.

Is that the same BJT, which has been in Yingluck's coalition, for the past two-and-a-half years, even though they weren't necessary to give her an overall-majority ? whistling.gif

Most of the minor-parties are corruption-tarts here, they follow the money, we can disapprove of it, but that's still true. sad.png

not at all - I'm a lover of free and fair elections AND international observers but you remember what Dear Leader Suthep said about that?

I don’t respect ‘farangs’. We do not have to surrender to them,

And which former-PM told people, that it was every Thai's patriotic-duty to rip-off farangs, whenever possible ? wink.png

I still chuckle over that one ! rolleyes.gif

source plz?

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Has it crossed any of our minds that actually wining the next election may well be political suicide?

The nations economy is in a very poor condition as is the state of the civil stability of the population political peace is doubtful. The advent of entry into A.S.E.A.N. is upon the nation and that too is another hazardous road to be navigated.

The delights of being the next administration might well be on a par with an invitation to the fly from the spider to ''come into my parlour.''

A poisoned chalice is offered and taken and then the party begins and it will be a bloody party financially and politically as well as the party games of civil strife. Indeed the next administration is going to find itself walking to the political graveyard via the condemned cell of Thai politics.

So, perhaps the idea of a ruling body controlled not by politicians with their own and their family's vested interests at heart but a dedicated group of Thai citizens who have Thailand and its peoples best interests at heart may well be the best short term policy to help Thailand and its peoples ride out the upcoming storm.

Difficult call. But what is, or what will or what could be the alternative when the storm breaks in the near future and the politicians of whatever hue are in captains seat and navigating the good ship ''The Thaitanic''?.

The politicians along with the financiers etc are privy no doubt to facts that we the public are in complete ignorance of, Perhaps that might well explain the reluctance of the Democrats to commit themselves, their party and their supporters to the next election and when push comes to shove to have been seen betraying the electorate

The P.T.P. have no qualms as their aims are totally self serving, they'll take the money and run, just like the government and the politicians did in 1997, Strangely enough many of those names involved in the profiteering of the 1997 financial debacle are indeed prominent in the current P..T..P..party as active politicians or prominent backers of the party.

Indeed there is still a long way to go before the repercussions of this last administration fade away and Thailand returns to a more stable situation politically, financially, and a peaceful civil society.

Edited by siampolee
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source plz?

The source was Thaksin, about a decade ago, in his "Democracy is not our aim" & "The U.N. is not my father" era.

Or were you not here then ?

I want the quotation "rip off farangs"

you have it? or you do not have it? or are you just making it up???

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source plz?

The source was Thaksin, about a decade ago, in his "Democracy is not our aim" & "The U.N. is not my father" era.

Or were you not here then ?

I want the quotation "rip off farangs"

you have it? or you do not have it? or are you just making it up???

It happened. Get over it. newbie !

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