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Phuket Tourist Police expat volunteer arrested on crystal meth charges

Lite Beer

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It doesn't really matter as the payment is a bribe. It is against the rules and therefore illegal.

But then he was moulded in the corrupt centre of Thailand....Chalong Police station.

Why did they turn on him? I bet this won't go the distance as he knows the inside story all too well. I'd look over my shoulder if I was Halpin. He deserves his "friends" in the police force.

He was not arrested by anyone from the Chalong Police he was arrested by the Phuket Provincial Police.

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It doesn't really matter as the payment is a bribe. It is against the rules and therefore illegal.


It appears to me that he was "collecting money" for the BiB, during his "call outs" and he "received" a percentage of that money collected as "payment" for his services.

To me, it appears he was a "collector" of money for the BiB, and he "received" payment for himself - so he did both.

Yes, it would appear so. But you guys have all lost the plot, literally.

The receive vs. collect was in reference to the comment by Wal in the article he was interviewed for. IrishIvan misquoted him, and twisted what he said to suit his agenda, as he often does on this board.

As I have already said, of course volunteers should not be compensated. The ones I know aren't, and in fact are "p$%^ed" when they hear of another that is, just like Wal was.

The reason I am commenting on this is I see a trend in this thread where the actions of one person are being used to tarnish the reputation of other really good and honest people.

IMO Garry has been the boil on the nose of an otherwise really good program which does a lot to help out tourists in trouble. I have to admit that when I read the headline, I was pretty sure it was him before I even read the article. The program, if it survives this, will be far better off without him.

Well, I tend to agree with you NJ that this guy has tarnished the reputation of the TPV's.

To be honest, if I ever had a problem with the police, now, and a TPV showed up at the police station to "help" - I would decline their assistance.

Nothing personal NJ, but the TPV's have now joined the long list of people, and businesses, I would not trust here.

I take everyone on face value, but if I'm locked in a cage and negotiations are being carried out in another room - I would have my suspicions about whether the TPV involved has my best interests at heart.

Edited by NamKangMan
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These Farang Volunteer Police need to do some major damage control and actually show us some positive things they do or its time to close it down forever. People can still play dress ups its just they wont have the backing of the real police.

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Collect...receive? It doesn't really matter as the payment is a bribe. It is against the rules and therefore illegal....
It appears to me that he was "collecting money" for the BiB, during his "call outs" and he "received" a percentage of that money collected as "payment" for his services. To me, it appears he was a "collector" of money for the BiB, and he "received" payment for himself - so he did both.
Yes, it would appear so. But you guys have all lost the plot, literally. The receive vs. collect was in reference to the comment by Wal in the article he was interviewed for. IrishIvan misquoted him, and twisted what he said to suit his agenda, as he often does on this board. As I have already said, of course volunteers should not be compensated. The ones I know aren't, and in fact are "p$%^ed" when they hear of another that is, just like Wal was. The reason I am commenting on this is I see a trend in this thread where the actions of one person are being used to tarnish the reputation of other really good and honest people.IMO Garry has been the boil on the nose of an otherwise really good program which does a lot to help out tourists in trouble. I have to admit that when I read the headline, I was pretty sure it was him before I even read the article. The program, if it survives this, will be far better off without him.
Well, I tend to agree with you NJ that this guy has tarnished the reputation of the TPV's. To be honest, if I ever had a problem with the police, now, and a TPV showed up at the police station to "help" - I would decline ther assistance. Nothing personal NJ, but the TPV's have now joined the long list of people, and businesses, I would not trust here. I take everyone on face value, but if I'm locked in a cage and negotiations are being carried out in another room - I would have my suspicions about whether the TPV involved has my best interests at heart.
You hit the nail on the head. The thing is that I never trusted them. I feel they have alterior motives. No one works for free.
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@ IrishIvan

There is no doubt that this guy has damaged the credibility of the group as a whole, and the program.

One now must look to what supervision, and policies and procedures, were in place, to detect corruption within the organisation, and to address it, so try to ensure it does not happen again.

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@ IrishIvan

There is no doubt that this guy has damaged the credibility of the group as a whole, and the program.

One now must look to what supervision, and policies and procedures, were in place, to detect corruption within the organisation, and to address it, so try to ensure it does not happen again.

IMHO they are not needed in this society

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@ IrishIvan

There is no doubt that this guy has damaged the credibility of the group as a whole, and the program.

One now must look to what supervision, and policies and procedures, were in place, to detect corruption within the organisation, and to address it, so try to ensure it does not happen again.

IMHO they are not needed in this society

Agreed. While I accept we only hear the negatives but maybe that could be because they outweigh any positives which may have come from the scheme which appears to have been blighted from the start by 'small man wanting to dress up" syndrome.

For all the spurious claims to being there to assist tourists, it seems that tourists are still getting in plenty of bother in spite of their presence.

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This Garry being savvy?

I don't think so.

I've also been here along time and could have had the chance to have Thai "mates" in high positions i.e. "connections".

Absolutely the last thing I want. Yes, you may get a couple of small favours, but, do you really want to put yourself under the power of these people? Best to remain anonymous.

The decision to deal drugs was very bad, but, to deal to Thai nationals was suicidal.

Not half as savvy as he and others think he is.

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This Garry being savvy?

I don't think so.

I've also been here along time and could have had the chance to have Thai "mates" in high positions i.e. "connections".

Absolutely the last thing I want. Yes, you may get a couple of small favours, but, do you really want to put yourself under the power of these people? Best to remain anonymous.

The decision to deal drugs was very bad, but, to deal to Thai nationals was suicidal.

Not half as savvy as he and others think he is.

You never knew the guy, so how do you suppose to support your thoughts as fact?

Fact is that he was a very smart and very decent guy.

You also had no idea about the level of involvement he had with them long before any Tourist Police days and all for business.

Unfortunately, whatever turned his tide as evident by his looks in the photos, he possibly lost his savvyness a while ago.

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You can speak the lingo like a native, have impeccable connections and impress all the right people.

But, stupid decisions, especially about dealing to Thai nationals.......negates it all.

I don't need to know the guy, or, what he was like before.

Right now, he is well and truly f**ked through decisions that a "savvy" person wouldn't have made.

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Fact is that he was a very smart and very decent guy.

Because prison is full of them which is where he's heading.....now thats a fact....

He most likely is...unless something comes of all the things he knows.

Does not negate the fact that he was a very decent chap...whatever has happened to him over the last 12 months, well, people lose their marbles and do stupid shit, he will pay for that now one way or another.

But, certainly will make an interesting book with the 'tell all' factor involved.

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It doesn't really matter as the payment is a bribe. It is against the rules and therefore illegal.


It appears to me that he was "collecting money" for the BiB, during his "call outs" and he "received" a percentage of that money collected as "payment" for his services.

To me, it appears he was a "collector" of money for the BiB, and he "received" payment for himself - so he did both.

Yes, it would appear so. But you guys have all lost the plot, literally.

The receive vs. collect was in reference to the comment by Wal in the article he was interviewed for. IrishIvan misquoted him, and twisted what he said to suit his agenda, as he often does on this board.

As I have already said, of course volunteers should not be compensated. The ones I know aren't, and in fact are "p$%^ed" when they hear of another that is, just like Wal was.

The reason I am commenting on this is I see a trend in this thread where the actions of one person are being used to tarnish the reputation of other really good and honest people.

IMO Garry has been the boil on the nose of an otherwise really good program which does a lot to help out tourists in trouble. I have to admit that when I read the headline, I was pretty sure it was him before I even read the article. The program, if it survives this, will be far better off without him.

Joe...this isn't...in my posts...about all of the true and genuine Police Volunteers...but about.

1. Halpin.

2. the corruption in Phuket/Chalong

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It doesn't really matter as the payment is a bribe. It is against the rules and therefore illegal.

But then he was moulded in the corrupt centre of Thailand....Chalong Police station.

Why did they turn on him? I bet this won't go the distance as he knows the inside story all too well. I'd look over my shoulder if I was Halpin. He deserves his "friends" in the police force.

He was not arrested by anyone from the Chalong Police he was arrested by the Phuket Provincial Police.

I didn't say he was arrested by Chalong police. in fact I don't give a toss who arrested him.

Anyone who has nearly 20 grammes of Meth and is off the streets is fine by me.

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It doesn't really matter as the payment is a bribe. It is against the rules and therefore illegal.

But then he was moulded in the corrupt centre of Thailand....Chalong Police station.

Why did they turn on him? I bet this won't go the distance as he knows the inside story all too well. I'd look over my shoulder if I was Halpin. He deserves his "friends" in the police force.

He was not arrested by anyone from the Chalong Police he was arrested by the Phuket Provincial Police.

I didn't say he was arrested by Chalong police. in fact I don't give a toss who arrested him.

Anyone who has nearly 20 grammes of Meth and is off the streets is fine by me.

I didn't say you did but you chose to say: Why did they turn on him? I bet this won't go the distance as he knows the inside story all too well. I'd look over my shoulder if I was Halpin. He deserves his "friends" in the police force. So I was replying to your incorrect statement.

His "friends" at Chalong did not and have not turned on him. It was the Provincial police who made the arrest. Not much help Chalong police can do for him when the Provincial police splashed this across the media.

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No one works for free.

I know that you find this so hard to believe, but some people (many people in all walks of life. not just TPVs), do work for free, without interest in payment or favours or even a 'thank-you' for their efforts. You don't have to be mad or stupid to actually want to help another person, for nothing in return.

That being said, I fully agree that many people DO expect some return for their volunteer efforts, and this particularly applies to the 'men in uniform'.

I'm not aware that there is any formal procedure to comprehensively check a potential TPV's motives for joining the team. Nor am I aware of any formal procedure to continually assess their work and attitude etc, or a formal procedure to investigate any complaints against the volunteer. Such procedures are common-place in developed countries but -- ah well ... this is Thailand....

I've proposed previously that the work of TPVs is limited to that of Tourist Assistants, operating outside the police force and providing only translation and assistance seervices to tourists/expats - and no handcuffs, truncheon etc. That would hopefully limit the opportunities to fleece tourists and strut about.....


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No one works for free.

I know that you find this so hard to believe, but some people (many people in all walks of life. not just TPVs), do work for free, without interest in payment or favours or even a 'thank-you' for their efforts. You don't have to be mad or stupid to actually want to help another person, for nothing in return.

That being said, I fully agree that many people DO expect some return for their volunteer efforts, and this particularly applies to the 'men in uniform'.

I'm not aware that there is any formal procedure to comprehensively check a potential TPV's motives for joining the team. Nor am I aware of any formal procedure to continually assess their work and attitude etc, or a formal procedure to investigate any complaints against the volunteer. Such procedures are common-place in developed countries but -- ah well ... this is Thailand....

I've proposed previously that the work of TPVs is limited to that of Tourist Assistants, operating outside the police force and providing only translation and assistance seervices to tourists/expats - and no handcuffs, truncheon etc. That would hopefully limit the opportunities to fleece tourists and strut about.....


Why dont you start your own tourist assistance service? Lose the 'Police' part of it. I would probably not question your motives then if you threw in your tourist police badge. But I dont think you or any other TVPs in this forum can bear to demote themselves from tourist police to tourist volunteers. Its the fact this organisation has 'Police' in its title that drew yourselves and other people in. Thats your payment, the status.

When you have uniforms that sport combat boots, cuffs and pepper spray then you are going to attract people that desire a role of authority and power also importance.

A tourist will feel intimidated by this.

If you take away all the aggressive parts of the uniform and replace it with words like 'volunteer' and 'tourist help' then and only then will people see them as a source of aid. But I doubt you would get many signing up.

I go down to Bangla road as a civilian on a tourist visa, (same as the TVPs) and I dont need combat boots or hand cuffs.

And any time I have been in trouble is quickly sorted by one of the 10000 bargirls, that will do a far better job than a TVP, and who's language skills are far superior to most expats.

Edited by IrishIvan
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No one works for free.

I know that you find this so hard to believe, but some people (many people in all walks of life. not just TPVs), do work for free, without interest in payment or favours or even a 'thank-you' for their efforts. You don't have to be mad or stupid to actually want to help another person, for nothing in return.

That being said, I fully agree that many people DO expect some return for their volunteer efforts, and this particularly applies to the 'men in uniform'.

I'm not aware that there is any formal procedure to comprehensively check a potential TPV's motives for joining the team. Nor am I aware of any formal procedure to continually assess their work and attitude etc, or a formal procedure to investigate any complaints against the volunteer. Such procedures are common-place in developed countries but -- ah well ... this is Thailand....

I've proposed previously that the work of TPVs is limited to that of Tourist Assistants, operating outside the police force and providing only translation and assistance seervices to tourists/expats - and no handcuffs, truncheon etc. That would hopefully limit the opportunities to fleece tourists and strut about.....


Why dont you start your own tourist assistance service? Lose the 'Police' part of it. I would probably not question your motives then if you threw in your tourist police badge. But I dont think you or any other TVPs in this forum can bear to demote themselves from tourist police to tourist volunteers. Its the fact this organisation has 'Police' in its title that drew yourselves and other people in. Thats your payment, the status.

When you have uniforms that sport combat boots, cuffs and pepper spray then you are going to attract people that desire a role of authority and power also importance.

A tourist will feel intimidated by this.

If you take away all the aggressive parts of the uniform and replace it with words like 'volunteer' and 'tourist help' then and only then will people see them as a source of aid. But I doubt you would get many signing up.

I go down to Bangla road as a civilian on a tourist visa, (same as the TVPs) and I dont need combat boots or hand cuffs.

And any time I have been in trouble is quickly sorted by one of the 10000 bargirls, that will do a far better job than a TVP, and who's language skills are far superior to most expats.

spot on mate.... I would never call the TPV to get anything sorted out. a bar girl that speaks good english will help you at anytime with no whats in it for me attitude. its good to keep a few numbers handy..

was is not a few years ago i read in the PG about TPV advising a tourist to sign a confession in thai which lead to the visitors being guilty when not? maybe someone can update on that scenerio.

just has i said before.

"police experience" this is exactly the problem

the volunteers are not police and have no authority to be police. but many do think they are the police. sit back and have few cold ones in patong/pattaya and watch.

the programs priority should help people and be a liason when a foreigner needs help. thats all. the ivestigative undercover, carrying tasers, sticks, cuffs, and what ever else they wear is not needed. thats the thai police responsibility.

the number 1 qualification should be their second language to be thai and fluent. even much better if can read thai.

no criminal record ( really how do you know someone's history from another country half way around the world). so background checks pretty much worthless. thats been shown, proven, and documented by some volunteers many times. deportation/jailed when found to be liars/criminal records.

the "police" in the name needs to be removed. they are not police.

just maybe then you could have a respected group of volunteers that want to help foreigners and be a liason with thai officials when needed.

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Why dont you start your own tourist assistance service

As you have read in my other recent post, I did just that, about 3 years ago. There was a dedicated web-site as well. But I was unable to attract other volunteers to help (wonder why.....).

I performed my TA work for about 18 months, primarily in the airport locality. Then I went to work in Myanmar for a year, so this TA idea lapsed.

I am back in Phuket right now, but do have to work in Myanmar again for 6 months. But on my return in June 2014, I will try again to generate interest in my TA ideas.

BTW, as a TPV, I own neither handcuffs, baton, taser or pepper spray. I prefer not to carry these - I see my role to assist tourists and expats - I leave the police work to the 'real' police. (In 6 years of working as a TPV, I have never seen the need to use these types of equipments - I use reason and communication to deal with incidences).


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I hope Halpin will write a book about it eventually. His story is a very unique one, even for a long term Thailand expat, it could be bestseller and movie rights material. I have been in Thailand for 21 years and could tell a few little stories, but compared to this guy I am about as interesting as the average package tourist.

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I hope Halpin will write a book about it eventually. His story is a very unique one, even for a long term Thailand expat, it could be bestseller and movie rights material. I have been in Thailand for 21 years and could tell a few little stories, but compared to this guy I am about as interesting as the average package tourist.
The New Zealand government will take the money as proceeds of crime, so if he wants to get rich after he gets out of jail he will have to set up a meth lab, or get a job.
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Let there be no confusion Halpin is no fool he has been living here for over 20 years. He is and was never a civically minded person indeed quite the opposite. He joined the Tourist Police Volunteers to make money and that he did. Not just by dealing in drugs but by using other ways and means to further disadvantage others who turned to him for help. Halpin operated in the corruption den which is Chalong police station and I estimate this is just the tip of the 'ice' berg. Indeed this could potentially be the beginning of the end of Phuket if his prosecution is taken to a conclusion. And for those who suggest he is a kind caring family man should perhaps ask his wife who will tell a different story. Sent from my i-mobile i-note 3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I really like that you think you know so much about my family and Garry's wife as she is FAR from perfect. I am a very neutral and objective person (despite what people may perceive) and I do love his wife however she also deserves a lot of blame. You cannot judge ANYONE until you know the whole story, not just one side but both sides.

Know that explains the missplaced loyality i wasn't aware that abcd ect was related.Yes there allways is 2 sides of the story and u seem oblivious to the other side of the story well in denail actually,You are telling us he's having a tough time of things lately so that's a fair enough excuse to become a meth dealer PLEASE there is no excuse to become a dealer in misery and death i'm sure he's a great father and i'm sure he would wring he's kids necks if they went near that toxic shit.

But as long as he's dealing to someone's elses kids that's ok (father of the year in my book)

Sorry if i seem judgemental but im reading this from start to finish and i have formed my own oponion and there say i would be very close to the mark


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I hope Halpin will write a book about it eventually. His story is a very unique one, even for a long term Thailand expat, it could be bestseller and movie rights material. I have been in Thailand for 21 years and could tell a few little stories, but compared to this guy I am about as interesting as the average package tourist.

The New Zealand government will take the money as proceeds of crime, so if he wants to get rich after he gets out of jail he will have to set up a meth lab, or get a job.

NZ would never see a cent of it.

More than one way to skin a cat...

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Let there be no confusion Halpin is no fool he has been living here for over 20 years. He is and was never a civically minded person indeed quite the opposite. He joined the Tourist Police Volunteers to make money and that he did. Not just by dealing in drugs but by using other ways and means to further disadvantage others who turned to him for help. Halpin operated in the corruption den which is Chalong police station and I estimate this is just the tip of the 'ice' berg. Indeed this could potentially be the beginning of the end of Phuket if his prosecution is taken to a conclusion. And for those who suggest he is a kind caring family man should perhaps ask his wife who will tell a different story. Sent from my i-mobile i-note 3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I really like that you think you know so much about my family and Garry's wife as she is FAR from perfect. I am a very neutral and objective person (despite what people may perceive) and I do love his wife however she also deserves a lot of blame. You cannot judge ANYONE until you know the whole story, not just one side but both sides.

Know that explains the missplaced loyality i wasn't aware that abcd ect was related.Yes there allways is 2 sides of the story and u seem oblivious to the other side of the story well in denail actually,You are telling us he's having a tough time of things lately so that's a fair enough excuse to become a meth dealer PLEASE there is no excuse to become a dealer in misery and death i'm sure he's a great father and i'm sure he would wring he's kids necks if they went near that toxic shit.

But as long as he's dealing to someone's elses kids that's ok (father of the year in my book)

Sorry if i seem judgemental but im reading this from start to finish and i have formed my own oponion and there say i would be very close to the mark


Nowhere did abcdefghi claim that the hard times he had lately are an excuse.

Sent from my D90W using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I hope Halpin will write a book about it eventually. His story is a very unique one, even for a long term Thailand expat, it could be bestseller and movie rights material. I have been in Thailand for 21 years and could tell a few little stories, but compared to this guy I am about as interesting as the average package tourist.

The New Zealand government will take the money as proceeds of crime, so if he wants to get rich after he gets out of jail he will have to set up a meth lab, or get a job.

NZ would never see a cent of it.

More than one way to skin a cat...

Yes excatly he would just move to australia get on the dole then go back to old habits.

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Let there be no confusion Halpin is no fool he has been living here for over 20 years. He is and was never a civically minded person indeed quite the opposite. He joined the Tourist Police Volunteers to make money and that he did. Not just by dealing in drugs but by using other ways and means to further disadvantage others who turned to him for help. Halpin operated in the corruption den which is Chalong police station and I estimate this is just the tip of the 'ice' berg. Indeed this could potentially be the beginning of the end of Phuket if his prosecution is taken to a conclusion. And for those who suggest he is a kind caring family man should perhaps ask his wife who will tell a different story. Sent from my i-mobile i-note 3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I really like that you think you know so much about my family and Garry's wife as she is FAR from perfect. I am a very neutral and objective person (despite what people may perceive) and I do love his wife however she also deserves a lot of blame. You cannot judge ANYONE until you know the whole story, not just one side but both sides.

Know that explains the missplaced loyality i wasn't aware that abcd ect was related.Yes there allways is 2 sides of the story and u seem oblivious to the other side of the story well in denail actually,You are telling us he's having a tough time of things lately so that's a fair enough excuse to become a meth dealer PLEASE there is no excuse to become a dealer in misery and death i'm sure he's a great father and i'm sure he would wring he's kids necks if they went near that toxic shit.

But as long as he's dealing to someone's elses kids that's ok (father of the year in my book)

Sorry if i seem judgemental but im reading this from start to finish and i have formed my own oponion and there say i would be very close to the mark


Before you open your mouth go and read my other posts. I have made it emphatically clear it is no excuse.
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Fact is that he was a very smart and very decent guy.

Because prison is full of them which is where he's heading.....now thats a fact....

He most likely is...unless something comes of all the things he knows.

Does not negate the fact that he was a very decent chap...whatever has happened to him over the last 12 months, well, people lose their marbles and do stupid shit, he will pay for that now one way or another.

But, certainly will make an interesting book with the 'tell all' factor involved.

by my understanding of some of the posters it has been going on a lot longer than 12 months

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I hope Halpin will write a book about it eventually. His story is a very unique one, even for a long term Thailand expat, it could be bestseller and movie rights material. I have been in Thailand for 21 years and could tell a few little stories, but compared to this guy I am about as interesting as the average package tourist.

The New Zealand government will take the money as proceeds of crime, so if he wants to get rich after he gets out of jail he will have to set up a meth lab, or get a job.

"after he gets out of jail" - you are assuming he actually gets sentenced. If he's got the money, he will do like many here and be out on never ending, and always paying, "bail."

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Let there be no confusion Halpin is no fool he has been living here for over 20 years. He is and was never a civically minded person indeed quite the opposite. He joined the Tourist Police Volunteers to make money and that he did. Not just by dealing in drugs but by using other ways and means to further disadvantage others who turned to him for help. Halpin operated in the corruption den which is Chalong police station and I estimate this is just the tip of the 'ice' berg. Indeed this could potentially be the beginning of the end of Phuket if his prosecution is taken to a conclusion. And for those who suggest he is a kind caring family man should perhaps ask his wife who will tell a different story. Sent from my i-mobile i-note 3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I really like that you think you know so much about my family and Garry's wife as she is FAR from perfect. I am a very neutral and objective person (despite what people may perceive) and I do love his wife however she also deserves a lot of blame. You cannot judge ANYONE until you know the whole story, not just one side but both sides.

Know that explains the missplaced loyality i wasn't aware that abcd ect was related.Yes there allways is 2 sides of the story and u seem oblivious to the other side of the story well in denail actually,You are telling us he's having a tough time of things lately so that's a fair enough excuse to become a meth dealer PLEASE there is no excuse to become a dealer in misery and death i'm sure he's a great father and i'm sure he would wring he's kids necks if they went near that toxic shit.

But as long as he's dealing to someone's elses kids that's ok (father of the year in my book)

Sorry if i seem judgemental but im reading this from start to finish and i have formed my own oponion and there say i would be very close to the mark


Nowhere did abcdefghi claim that the hard times he had lately are an excuse.

Sent from my D90W using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Not directly no,but if you read between the lines she's been implying that the whole time.

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