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Sisaket - Siem Reap. Anyone done it recently?

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I found an earlier thread on the subject, but it's from 2008:


Obviously, things can change in five years, so I wondered if the old thread was still relevant. The SOH and I will be based in Ubon, and we will go to Pakse and the Bolaven plateau for a few days, but were thinking of perhaps another foray to Angkor Wat for a few days. Are the transport links between Sisaket and Siem Reap relatively straight-forward, or a pain in the proverbial?

We weren't actually planning on a second trip to Khmer, but the missus has been with Mum and Dad since last month (she had to go back then because she needed to renew her driving licence - she was petrified she might have to take her test again! biggrin.png ). However, a month with Mum and Dad is starting to get to her (she's been trying to organise their house a bit better, but - they don't want their house better organised!). Hence the plan for a second trip! smile.png

Thanks in advance for any input.



form of transport?

Public. We can borrow FiL's car for local stuff, but not for cross-border.

Surin bus station to Chong Chom Boarder crossing 60 baht by van. Chong Chom to SR as low as 1500 baht by taxi limo to SR. 2 hour trip black top road.

Do I take from that comment that Surin is the better option rather than Sisaket? The comments in the old thread I linked to seem to be saying that the trip from Sisaket is viable (and closer to Ubon).


There are 2 border crossing possible;one near Sisaket another near Surin.

Today that 2nd one:JongChom/O`smach is better option then Sisaket.

As they said above - you have minivan going from Surin bus station to JongChom every 30minscost 60B.

Today from OSmach you can get good bus to SiemRep and PnomPenh;you can also stay overnight at border/casino hotels;

or you can take ToyotaCamry - up to you.The road is new and quite good.It takes less then 3 hours to Siem Reap


If possible try not to do this on a weekend..reason..the silver vans and double decker buses for the casino junkies are unreal and the ques can be a mile long to get threw. The Thais and Chinese are addicted to gambling. Sunday night threw Thursday night should be no problem. On the Cambodian side just past the Cambodian visa shack their can be up to 12 limos just waiting for a fair to SR.


Thanks for some good advice. Useful tip about avoiding weekends - I hadn't thought about that.

And hanuman, thanks for that offer of a good contact. Closer to the time (somewhen in January) I shall PM you for that.

While I'm here and I have your attention ( smile.png ), do any of you have recommendations for a hotel in SR? Up to, oh, about 1500 Baht, I guess, but 800 would be better! I look for comfort and good and friendly service, not luxury. And what are the transport options (non-rip-off, natch...) from SR to Angkor Wat? Is it far?

Edit. Just upped the max for hotel from 1200 to 1500 Baht. Broadens the choice a bit! :)


cross at osmach, no scams for visa

from border u can be ( by taxi) in sr in 3 hours;

I stay at http://www.angkorwatguesthouse.com/

Nice people, 15 minute walk to Pup street, close to rests an mall shopping. clean an quiet

If u wnat spend more look at bookings.com, if u want a pool figure 1,200 baht if NOT high season

Get a tuk tuk/day $12-15 from 5 am till ur ready to go to bed. Lots of them everywhere.


cross at osmach, no scams for visa

from border u can be ( by taxi) in sr in 3 hours;

I stay at http://www.angkorwatguesthouse.com/

Nice people, 15 minute walk to Pup street, close to rests an mall shopping. clean an quiet

If u wnat spend more look at bookings.com, if u want a pool figure 1,200 baht if NOT high season

Get a tuk tuk/day $12-15 from 5 am till ur ready to go to bed. Lots of them everywhere.

The only knock on effect at the Chong Chom Crossing is the cost of a Cambodian visa. Some people get it for the 20 USD that is stated but other pay from 1000 baht to 1200 baht. I find that most are paying 1000 to 1200 baht. Just be warned and prepared.

I did it fom the other direction:

I went from Siem Reap to Anlong Veng, 140km,, + 15 to the border at the border the immigration office was a shed half the size of my Dad's garden shed, there was no transport at all!!! I was very lucky to get a lift with a Thai businessman for 60km to the next town, then the bus was full so had to pay a taxi 1,000bt. But the immigration officer told me that there is a bus leaving for town from the casino at 4pm.

You could try O'Smach & then cross into Surin, there are many buses there to here Ubon Ratchatani.


entered 3 times in past 16 months at osmach . always paid $20. never asked for more,

Note also i was travelling with my own car

Thats the problem with going via anlong, no public transport

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