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sticky s**t greed or desperation


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Okay, I get the point you are making. Obviously if a bunch of customers get away with it, at the end of the day, the poor cashier is going to be very much, "out of pocket."

That will not happen, no cashier is stupid enough to let the cash balance grow negative above 1 Bt, actually as I said before, lots of people is happy to leave small change, be that for a tip or because they won't bother carry satang coins.

Stop pitying the cashier, because she can have a small salary but she is not paying other's people bills - be reassured,

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So you expect to pay less than you should because you don't have the right change?

rounded up or down to the nearest baht usually the point im trying to make is no give and take only take

If the cashier is short on takings she has to make it up out of her own money. Why should she pay part of your internet bill for you? coffee1.gif

Okay, I get the point you are making. Obviously if a bunch of customers get away with it, at the end of the day, the poor cashier is going to be very much, "out of pocket."

Please re-read post #82. There will be no shortage in the "till" as the cashier is not selling anything. She is simply taking X amount of money from a customer and applying that to the customer's account balance. The result will be either (1) the customer's account will still show a small balance due if the customer has underpaid, or (2) the customer's account will show a credit if he has overpaid. Since the customer can not pay exactly 635.15 baht, the only possibility is either of the above options.

Edited by attrayant
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So you expect to pay less than you should because you don't have the right change?

rounded up or down to the nearest baht usually the point im trying to make is no give and take only take

If the cashier is short on takings she has to make it up out of her own money. Why should she pay part of your internet bill for you? coffee1.gif

were talking about 0.15 stang here impossible to make up that amount up as the lowest denomination is 0.25

Pay on-line and the correct amount can be submitted.

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Is anyone else thinking that this guy must be the Cheapest Charlie in the world to be whingeing over 15 satang?w00t.gif.pagespeed.ce.fUUOmDCInI.gif alt=w00t.gif pagespeed_url_hash=1451809591 width=18 height=20>

Is anyone else thinking than a multibillion company make the wrong choice when employing a bitter female cashier that won't say "mai pen rai" for 15 satangs over 635 Bts, as any food stall vendor would have done over 20 Bts ?

I'm anyone and by the way spaz oh I mean paz you write as if you are the one who had the experience of having to pay the bill in full. Have you ever heard of balancing the books that is what a multi billion company does down to the satang's that is why they are a multi billion company.

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I'm anyone and by the way spaz oh I mean paz you write as if you are the one who had the experience of having to pay the bill in full. Have you ever heard of balancing the books that is what a multi billion company does down to the satang's that is why they are a multi billion company.

I think you have never seen a big company balancing the books writing off millions of dollars just because so the board has decided, anyway that has nothing to do with the subject at hand - poor customer service.

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I've seen it all now, a complaint about paying 15 satang, which he actually did owe.


If the OP is the type to get bent out of shape over 15 satang, he should be carrying a few 25 and 50 satang coins in his wallet so as to minimize his losses in these situations. A couple of microscopic bits of shrapnel could have cut his loss down to 10 satang.

actually i did offer her the 25 satang but she refused wanted it rounded up to 1 baht

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I've seen it all now, a complaint about paying 15 satang, which he actually did owe.


If the OP is the type to get bent out of shape over 15 satang, he should be carrying a few 25 and 50 satang coins in his wallet so as to minimize his losses in these situations. A couple of microscopic bits of shrapnel could have cut his loss down to 10 satang.

actually i did offer her the 25 satang but she refused wanted it rounded up to 1 baht

I may have missed that but then you were wrong in breaking the 1000, you should only have called "boss".

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So you expect to pay less than you should because you don't have the right change?

rounded up or down to the nearest baht usually the point im trying to make is no give and take only take

The point I'm trying to make is big something about nothing. If person's eyes even little bit open and I've got near 50 years in Thailand, SE Asia, Indo-China,Japan. Most Farang of which I am one, Couldn't last one week having to walk in any Thai's shoes. Even very prosperous Thai. We get what we give. End of story.

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Watch the Thai soaps!

Role modeling (NOT starring) the Thai male and female finest perceptions of

* Family

* Couples

* Business

* Anger management

' Social skill (or rather the lack of)

Prohibited to watch by my children.

Nothing Amazing to watch for.

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So you expect to pay less than you should because you don't have the right change?

rounded up or down to the nearest baht usually the point im trying to make is no give and take only take

If the cashier is short on takings she has to make it up out of her own money. Why should she pay part of your internet bill for you? coffee1.gif

Exactly true...if 15 other people did the same...she would lose half her salary for the day. Have some consideration.Why are foreigners who live here so militant about a baht ....and others need to sweat small change on tuk tuks....give it a break.

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Exactly true...if 15 other people did the same...she would lose half her salary for the day. Have some consideration.Why are foreigners who live here so militant about a baht ....and others need to sweat small change on tuk tuks....give it a break.

Read the entire post. She refused to take 25 satangs and wanted to round up to the next baht.

Also, she would have not lost anything because many people rounds up and cashier have a small change buffer - always. Finally, 15 satangs ten time makes 1.50 baht, that is not half day salary and not even one hundredth of it.

Edited by paz
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Watch the Thai soaps!

Role modeling (NOT starring) the Thai male and female finest perceptions of

* Family

* Couples

* Business

* Anger management

' Social skill (or rather the lack of)

Prohibited to watch by my children.

Nothing Amazing to watch for.

Would that also imply that the U.S., England's, all Western soap's are indicative of a proper portrayal of a culture normal behaviors?

I think not!


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I think it is very clever if not a con. How many people pay by cash and how many at the ATM or by Internet banking?

Automated payment systems will take the 0.15 even though there is no coin for that amount. As I said clever.

Wasn't there a comedy movie about that?

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Do the math, if there were 1000 cheap ass like you , how much money she would have to pay out of her pocket. If you were in her shoes, I am pretty sure that you would say thing differently. I guarantee you that Thai people are one of nicest people on earth. She was probably very busy what she was doing and had to repeat herself several times over stupid 15 satangs. You knew exactly how much you owed , it's your responsibility to bring enough money to pay you bill left alone exact change. Have a nice night.

This is rubbish. Odds are there are just as many people happy to pay more than they need to for exactly the same reason. Who in their right mind is going to mind not getting change of 1 or even 2 whole baht - let alone a few miserable satang (1/100th of 1 baht)! The cashier was stupid, whether Thai or any other nationality. As mentioned, she wouldn't accept 25 satang for the 15; she wanted 1 baht extra!

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The jungle is the best place for you to live if you don't want to pay for the service you received.

Where do you get the idea that someone would give a daM about your bill?

OP wanted to pay exact, cashier overcharged 85 satangs Baht.

Should he go to the jungle? Or should you, as you can't read ?

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The majority of Thai people are genuinely nice, kind and consider. I am almost 100% sure that if she is familiar with you and knows you well, she won't ask you for .15 bath. Since you did not acknowledge there is an extra .15 bath of the bill, she may think you were trying to cheat her out of .15 bath. You should have told her you do not have the .15 bath and that you will give it to her next time, she probably would have gave you a pass. You know every penny counts in the mind of the business owners.

Edited by Somsrisonphimai
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The majority of Thai people are genuinely nice, kind and consider. I am almost 100% sure that if she is familiar with you and knows you well, she won't ask you for .15 bath. Since you did not acknowledge there is an extra .15 bath of the bill, she may think you were trying to cheat her out of .15 bath. You should have told her you do not have the .15 bath and that you will give it to her next time, she probably would have gave you a pass. You know every penny counts in the mind of the business owners.

Read posting again, OP gave 25 satangs coin for the 15, cashier did not accepted and wanted to round to the next full baht even if that meant breaking a 1000 bill.

If she does this for 100 transactions a day she can make easily 50 Baht.

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