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Murderer of 6 year old Thai girl 'has killed 3 more victims'


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Quote from the first article:

The skull was partly covered with dirt when it was found. Initial investigation found no direct knife-inflicted cut on it, leading to the speculation that the reptile may have dug up the body and torn away the flesh.

What was it, a crocodile?

I was wondering if it was another victim from a previous murder, but the article seems to imply that this girl's short pants were found with the skeleton.

Sick, sick person..

Sick doesn't begin to describe this 'piece of shyt'

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Apparently in an interview on TV, the alleged perpetrator continually referred to the child by using the word it .

"It puts the lotion in the basket!" - everyone who has seen Silence of the lambs knows why he refers to the victim as a "thing".

Edited by catweazle
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The father left the 6 years old child sleeping in a pickup truck? He returned 11 pm. Very irresponsible I think. There are sickos and pedos. Enough reason to never let a small kid unattended.

According to the Nation, it seems it was mostly the little girl's fault :

"after she strayed briefly from her father's attention"

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Lessons learnt in sad fate of 6-year-old girl

Phatinya Iamtan

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A FORMER CONVICT has confessed to raping and strangling a six-year-old girl in Bangkok earlier this month after she strayed briefly from her father's attention. Police say she was just one of his many victims.


-- The Nation 2013-12-17

Poor reporting, The father admitted to leaving her in the back of the pickup truck to sleep. She had not strayed at all !!

Edited by Seismic
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The father left the 6 years old child sleeping in a pickup truck? He returned 11 pm. Very irresponsible I think. There are sickos and pedos. Enough reason to never let a small kid unattended.

This is so true. I am always going on at the missus regarding the whereabouts of our daughter. In rural areas the kids wander about a lot and abductions or kidnappings are common in Thailand.

Tragic, awful and the consequent guilt of abandoning your child to a fate like this would be terrible.

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Prison is too good for him, a bullet is too quick for him, an injection is too painless for him!!

Only one thing you can do for a "specimen" like this.

Put him in a room with the parents of all the girls he's kidnapped, raped & killed!

An hour later opologise for their lack of "emotional control" and hose out his remains into the gutter!

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This brings up a thing I did not know about, until my other half mentioned it (TG).

Apparently, there is a pardon granted once a year, on a very specific day in December, that allows people like this creature free.

Allegedly, there was a motorcy taxi driver that raped and murdered a youngish mother, with a 6 month old baby, from our neighbourhood. It transpired that he had done this previously and was in prison serving his sentence then, on this specific day, he was pardoned and released. Maybe this is what happened here with this thing being out of prison.

Obviously, I can only go by what I have been told about the pardon thingy.

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i think all convicted paedophiles should be removed from society indefinitely - the method of removal (execution / imprisonment) is beside the point

I think the alleged perpetrator wasn't much a part of society, judging by the fact that he has no surname.

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Yes, a bullet and dropped down a deep hole, wheely bins are for someone else to clear up. The good news is there doesn't seem to be a ring, unlike many paedophiles in the west, where they throw the likes of Gary Glitter to the press wolves, while Jimmy Saville and once UK PM Ted Heath go free.

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Thai police often pick the people with the least status in society, e.g. ex-convicts, with no education or close relatives, and get them to confess to all sorts of crimes.

This guy may be guilty of terrible crimes or he may not but I certainly don't believe the police and their claims.

For the police this case is all about image management and nothing to do with solving crime.

And there was little police work involved, they just checked a few obvious video tapes but of course will say they were did amazing detective work.

My adult son was watching the 'display' at a police station last night on the TV news. More police, including many senior police than you can count. My son's comment, 'this is just a police 'look at me' show.'

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The father left the 6 years old child sleeping in a pickup truck? He returned 11 pm. Very irresponsible I think. There are sickos and pedos. Enough reason to never let a small kid unattended.

This is so true. I am always going on at the missus regarding the whereabouts of our daughter. In rural areas the kids wander about a lot and abductions or kidnappings are common in Thailand.

Tragic, awful and the consequent guilt of abandoning your child to a fate like this would be terrible.

In the rural areas of Thailand the children often play out and left to their own devices, because in most cases the locals are related or know each other in these areas and believe their kids are safe and in normal circumstances the children can play out in relative safety. Child abductions or kidnappings are not that common in Thailand, except maybe if taking in the statistics of human trafficking or being sold off by unscrupulous families , which is another story.

Back 50 odd years ago, I was allowed to play out in the streets of London, sometimes going home quite late after dark. But back in those days this was acceptable and at most times we were never in danger, although there were children still being kidnapped and murdered, these were rare events back in those days and as is commonly believed by these people, the worst is always going to happen to someone else and never to them.

In this case the parents would not have known or suspected that there was a monster lurking in the area, the child just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Lessons now learned by the parents but only too late and their lives are ruined.

Sad and tragic for everyone concerned, where all of them are paying the price.

Behind the scenes this guy is going to be thrown in the lions den and fed to the lions, only we won`t get to hear about it. Harsh Justice will be served on this mad dog and the hang em high brigades will have their day. As I said previously, trust what I say in this case.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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regardless of why paedophiles commit their crimes (mental illness / abusive upbringing / plain evil) the fact is they rarely become non-paedophiles

i think all convicted paedophiles should be removed from society indefinitely - the method of removal (execution / imprisonment) is beside the point

The same could be said for those that commit crimes against elderly people unable to fend for themselves, people with special disabilities mental or physical, against women, Christians and so on. In fact if we executed any person who committed a crime there would be no more criminals and the rest of us could live in a crime free world.

Not defending the guy just these comments have been thrown out for decades and is not going to happen under the current rules we have in place. However, if say perhaps another religious sect were to take over and apply their rules of justice, this person would have been executed years ago.....go figure!

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Thankfully they have gotten this one off the streets. Hope he never sees the sun or blue sky again.

RIP to little Cartoon.

I for one am very glad Thailand is littered with surveillance cameras and willingly accept this invasion of my privacy. Without this capability to go back and review footage when necessary, scum like this would continue doing what they do.

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Hope the coppers kick seven shades out of him, followed my inmates and finally this sack of sh!t is executed (preferably extremely slowly). Death to all who harm children with absolutely no acceptions.

Th article and tragic murder(s) is distressing. Your post and contents are as well.

I pray for the victims and others.

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regardless of why paedophiles commit their crimes (mental illness / abusive upbringing / plain evil) the fact is they rarely become non-paedophiles

i think all convicted paedophiles should be removed from society indefinitely - the method of removal (execution / imprisonment) is beside the point

Many years ago back in the States I had a cousin who was a doctor and specialised in these sorts of crimes perpetrated by males who have sexual orientations towards children, she was actually a police advisor in these cases.

She told me that contrary to popular belief, castration does not cure a paedophile, that in fact it`s an incurable mental affliction and the only way to safeguard children from paedophiles is to completely take them out of society or at least keep them under surveillance 24 hours a day and restrict their movements.

So brit1984 you are right, because it seems that prevention is the only solution because there is no cures.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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