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Suthep condemned for threatening Yingluck's son


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Errr, I didn't see a threat. There was a point made that due to his mother corrupt practices that she will have to leave the country and join her criminal fugitive brother, which would mean that Pipe would end up going as well.

look for the video of him saying that pipe will have no land for him to live in Thailand, maybe you will change you mind?

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As usual, the drama queen and Thaksin gig Sunisa over-reacts and distorts an issue, amply supported by Thaksin enabler rag, Khaosod news. She should stick to writing bogus biographies while AWOL from the Army.

well Marty,, not hard to see where your thinking comes from another well informed newbee who comes along with his well informed comments and no idea about dragging children, no matter is they are children of high profile people or not - the fight is all about red and yellow - and in the case of Sut boys that is exactly what they are - stinking yellow to single out her son with threats, he should be charged with verbal assult but as usual he is well protected by his gang of thugs and its quite fitting that this sort of threat comment would come from him, he claims he is there for the people - so what people would they be -- count them on one hand - him and his cronies -- when this is all over and it will be - he ends up in jail for a long long time.

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Another time when she had tears in her eyes and left the stage quickly (the camera followed her and caught her smiling 2 second after. Have a look by yourself =>.

If K. Yingluck could be as good at managing the country for everyone benefit, as she is in acting, she would be a very good prime minister!

You give her too much credit - I don't think Yingluck has the qualities to be a great actress, unless by "actress" we mean "waitress", to which many aspiring actors in Hollywood resort.

But smiling after tearing up - nothing sinister about that. Many footballers have been injured and stretchered off the pitch, but give the thumbs-up sign on their way out - not because they were faking their broken bodies, but to indicate that they'll be OK.

Judge by yourself => http://youtu.be/WMeXEFriO_4

Seen it and it is not the first time I have seen someone force a smile after crying.

Edited by lostinsurin
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As usual, the drama queen and Thaksin gig Sunisa over-reacts and distorts an issue, amply supported by Thaksin enabler rag, Khaosod news. She should stick to writing bogus biographies while AWOL from the Army.

well Marty,, not hard to see where your thinking comes from another well informed newbee who comes along with his well informed comments and no idea about dragging children, no matter is they are children of high profile people or not - the fight is all about red and yellow - and in the case of Sut boys that is exactly what they are - stinking yellow to single out her son with threats, he should be charged with verbal assult but as usual he is well protected by his gang of thugs and its quite fitting that this sort of threat comment would come from him, he claims he is there for the people - so what people would they be -- count them on one hand - him and his cronies -- when this is all over and it will be - he ends up in jail for a long long time.

And can you tell me pray tell, what exactly, the "verbal" threat against Yingluck's son was?

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As usual, the drama queen and Thaksin gig Sunisa over-reacts and distorts an issue, amply supported by Thaksin enabler rag, Khaosod news. She should stick to writing bogus biographies while AWOL from the Army.

well Marty,, not hard to see where your thinking comes from another well informed newbee who comes along with his well informed comments and no idea about dragging children, no matter is they are children of high profile people or not - the fight is all about red and yellow - and in the case of Sut boys that is exactly what they are - stinking yellow to single out her son with threats, he should be charged with verbal assult but as usual he is well protected by his gang of thugs and its quite fitting that this sort of threat comment would come from him, he claims he is there for the people - so what people would they be -- count them on one hand - him and his cronies -- when this is all over and it will be - he ends up in jail for a long long time.

And can you tell me pray tell, what exactly, the "verbal" threat against Yingluck's son was?

Does it matter what words exactly were used ?bah.gif


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You are mistaken and in any case the letter is about security not the harrassing of Yingluck's son.

I am very familiar with the position at Harrow with a friend on the governing body and with several friends as parents.There was no breach of security as the Headmaster's circular makers clear.However there was some whistling by a very small minority of parents at Yingluck's child.The Headmaster has made it clear this vulgar and unpleasant behaviour is unacceptable.This is not a particularly important issue particularly since a very small number of foolish parents were involved.

But please do not accuse people of lying or suggest Yingluck propaganda when you are unfamilar with the facts.

By "facts“ you mean "what I have heard".

What I heard was that there was no whistling of Nong Pipe at all. Rather what happened was that a parent blew a whistle at Nong Pipe's security car after the driver, a policeman, refused to turn the car off. The parent was fed up because the car is usually left idling most of the day, waiting for Nong Pipe to leave school. The policeman driver felt he had been disrespected, and wanted to get some sort of vengeance, but presumably felt that going to his seniors with the complaint of having been viciously whistled at, might sound a bit lame. So a few minor tweaks were made to the story and voila, front page news on KhaoSod about the PM 's son being "attacked".

Edited by rixalex
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My own feelings and thoughts please. I never like teh Red Shirts nor the Pheu Thai Party and The Shinawatras but sorry, the Democrats are the worst lot. Its they with them supporting the PAD (Yellow Shirts) that strated the mob rule and behaviour in Thailand as a result the Red Shirts came into being. Again the Red shirts never won any elections in the last decades. They cannot claim to be clean and corrupt free as they have been so many cases against them to date. They also only support the aristocrats and the rich thai chinese communities but have never done anything for the thais and the poor. Despite having some members who are foreign educated, they actually do not like foreigners or foreign control etc (check on some of their past policies.) In all, I think that yes, manay Bangkokians are not happy with the Pheu Thai but neither are they with the Democrats but for the sake of a protests, many joined the recent protests but that does not mean that they support Suthep. I really think that its time to completely do away with the Democrats and let the Pheu Thai rule but with all the people ie the poor and middle class, joining efforts and keeping an eye on them and resort to any joint protest anytime something is wrong or not proper. At least focus on one party.

Do away with the only opposition to a puppet government led by a runaway convicted criminal and let the party rule?. You really need to look a bit deeper into Pheu Thai and the actions of the puppet master before you go down that road. One red apologist above mentioned the killing of health workers in 2010 but conveniently missed out the Tak Bai murders. You cannot have fairness while being blind to your own faults.

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You are mistaken and in any case the letter is about security not the harrassing of Yingluck's son.

I am very familiar with the position at Harrow with a friend on the governing body and with several friends as parents.There was no breach of security as the Headmaster's circular makers clear.However there was some whistling by a very small minority of parents at Yingluck's child.The Headmaster has made it clear this vulgar and unpleasant behaviour is unacceptable.This is not a particularly important issue particularly since a very small number of foolish parents were involved.

But please do not accuse people of lying or suggest Yingluck propaganda when you are unfamilar with the facts.

By "facts“ you mean "what I have heard".

What I heard was that there was no whistling of Nong Pipe at all. Rather what happened was that a parent blew a whistle a Nong Pipe's security car after the driver, a policeman, refused to turn the car off. The parent was fed up because the car is usually left idling most of the day, waiting for Nong Pipe to leave school. The policeman driver felt he had been disrespected, and wanted to get some sort of vengeance, but presumably felt that going to his seniors with the complaint of having been viciously whistled at, might sound a bit lame. So a few minor tweaks were made to the story and voila, front page news on KhaoSod about the PM 's son being "attacked".

What you heard...............coffee1.gif

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You are mistaken and in any case the letter is about security not the harrassing of Yingluck's son.

I am very familiar with the position at Harrow with a friend on the governing body and with several friends as parents.There was no breach of security as the Headmaster's circular makers clear.However there was some whistling by a very small minority of parents at Yingluck's child.The Headmaster has made it clear this vulgar and unpleasant behaviour is unacceptable.This is not a particularly important issue particularly since a very small number of foolish parents were involved.

But please do not accuse people of lying or suggest Yingluck propaganda when you are unfamilar with the facts.

By "facts“ you mean "what I have heard".

What I heard was that there was no whistling of Nong Pipe at all. Rather what happened was that a parent blew a whistle a Nong Pipe's security car after the driver, a policeman, refused to turn the car off. The parent was fed up because the car is usually left idling most of the day, waiting for Nong Pipe to leave school. The policeman driver felt he had been disrespected, and wanted to get some sort of vengeance, but presumably felt that going to his seniors with the complaint of having been viciously whistled at, might sound a bit lame. So a few minor tweaks were made to the story and voila, front page news on KhaoSod about the PM 's son being "attacked".

What you heard...............coffee1.gif

That was my point precisely.

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Oh sure, and replace that 'corrupt' family with his own corruption, can someone explain why a creep with a history of shady deals and corruption allegations would become this bulwark against corruption? Every dictator or attempted dictator has used the same tactic as this creep, he runs around screaming that the opposition is just so damn 'evil' and only he and his cronies can 'fix' the problem. again Sondhi Limthonkuls wiki page, these are the people that are against corruption! Anyone who thinks PAD/PDRC/PCAD isn't a total fraud should read that page. This is a group of facists who use terms like corruption and often grouse false allegations against their opponents in order to assume power illegally. Thai people who vote for PhuaThai are not stupid and unsophisticated, they just fear this fascist group, maybe so many people wouldn't vote for PhuaThai is the yellowshirt crazies were not scarring the hell out of everyone.

>>Are you also warning us of the Shins with their criminal and human rights abuses records? Suthep is not dangerous, he is trying to get rid of a very dirty and corrupt family. Viva democracy. Have a look at my signature.

Meanwhile Thailand slipped from 84 to 102 on the global corruption index within 1 year. let's stick to the point. The point is that the Shins are destroying this country and Suthep has found many who agree with him, including me.

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while I do not agree with the way some protesters behaved at the school towards Yinglucks boy. This report is just making a meal out if it.

Suthep is not wrong? the way things are shaping up. It is obvious that PTP policies are not working for the benefit of the country. At some stage People will wake up to this and have only one family to blame for the complete mess the country will be in.

At that stage you wonder would Thailand be a safe place for the Shinawatra family? I would go so far and say, that If Thaksin did return whether to serve his time or not! I wonder how long he would stay alive for.

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"The harassment has been praised by a number of anti-government critics on the social network, who view it as a necessary method to inform Ms. Yingluck how much she is allegedly hated by the public."

IF possible, these nut cases should take a course in basic logic. They view "the public" as one entity. Yes, some members of the public hate her, but not entire public. This makes as much sense as saying "Oswald killing JFK shows how much the public hated Kennedy". Oswald was part of the public, therefore the public hated Kennedy. Freedom of speech (I know, I know.... this is Thailand) is one thing, but threatening head of state or member of family calls for immediate take down. No ifs, ands or buts to that.

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Not too much in the speech really but put that together with his thugs blowing whistle at the boy whilst at school and it becomes something very different. Suthep clearly has no rules limitations or boundaries regarding his behaviour and the fact they he thinks children are legitimate "targets" for the pusuit of his dreams is appalling. This maniac wants to rule the country? Sociopathic behaviour from an intended leader seems wrong, I wonder how those dross bags blowing the whistles at t'pipe' would feel if a 100 adults did the same to their own kids? They'd be screaming blue murder, that's how they'd feel. Lunatics running the assylum?

It as been proved a LIE!!! Nobody whistle at her son at the school! The headmaster of the school made a written declaration! Only Yingluck propaganda!!!

Copy of the letter from the Headmaster:

Dear Parents,

In the past 24 hours there have been rumours circulating about politically motivated attempted security breaches at School. These rumours are untrue.

None the less, today we have reviewed security at School and will ensure that all staff are vigilant in order to ensure the children's safety.

I request that all parents support the School by ensuring that no politics are brought on Campus. Our School is a place for children to enjoy learning.

Thank you.

Michael Farley, Headmaster

How bizarre that Thai and World media covered it but didn't cover this letter..

Yes it is very bizarre!

Have a look => http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Yingluck-asks-protesters-to-leave-her-son-alone-as-30220995.html

You can lead a horse to water - but you can't make him think.

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Suthep and his yellow thugs are just low level criminals. Animals. Cowards. How can the Dems back people who use a 10yr old child in their fight against an elected government? It is just disgusting. All those who support these protests and their leaders are out of their mind. Attacking a child is just insane. Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Cast your mind back to 2010 and try to remember which colour shirt took their child to a big demonstration and held him up by the barbed wire barriers and taunted the Army with him.

I will give you a small clue. It was at Ratchaprasong and it wasn't the Democrats, the yellow shirts or even the Army.

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This article and several of the responses are simply typical of the mentality that pervades this country. Politics create the environment that we all have to co-exist in and Yingluck's son is no different than any other son in this country.However he does represent the fruit of the poisoned tree which is a condition the Shiniwatra's have brought down on their own head through the years of political malfeasance , outright corruption and their masquerade of omnipotence. It is a fact of life that children will always have to bear to some extent as to the actions of their parents .

I see no threat of any consequence being made to this over privileged little lad only that owing to the actions of his parents and her entourage that his environment may well have to change.

For you and all the others that commented:

If you do something wrong at job, and your boss argue at a meeting that if you do that again, your son will have to fell hungry because his dad will be sacked, how you will feel?

For God sake. Put a boy in a freaking political context is a total distortion and out of context.

Then if for you all it's good, no problem. Maybe I am the one that think it was unfair, and totally disgusting. I will keep my idea.

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Suthep and his yellow thugs are just low level criminals. Animals. Cowards. How can the Dems back people who use a 10yr old child in their fight against an elected government? It is just disgusting. All those who support these protests and their leaders are out of their mind. Attacking a child is just insane. Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Cast your mind back to 2010 and try to remember which colour shirt took their child to a big demonstration and held him up by the barbed wire barriers and taunted the Army with him.

I will give you a small clue. It was at Ratchaprasong and it wasn't the Democrats, the yellow shirts or even the Army.

I shall wait until I have discussed what was actually said with my dear wife before passing a judgement on Suthep.

However, Yingluck made a mistake when she brought her son in on the campaign trail - effectively "using" him

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Suthep and his yellow thugs are just low level criminals. Animals. Cowards. How can the Dems back people who use a 10yr old child in their fight against an elected government? It is just disgusting. All those who support these protests and their leaders are out of their mind. Attacking a child is just insane. Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Cast your mind back to 2010 and try to remember which colour shirt took their child to a big demonstration and held him up by the barbed wire barriers and taunted the Army with him.

I will give you a small clue. It was at Ratchaprasong and it wasn't the Democrats, the yellow shirts or even the Army.

I find that something strange is going on right now, in how we perceive "good" and "bad" or "evil".

Whenever I point out, that I think Suthep is a bad man, I can be sure, someone pops up and says "Yeah...but Thaksin is way worse!".

a) maybe b ) I didn't say, he wasn't and c) what does that matter in the way I perceive Suthep?

Whenever I call BS on the people, stating that the recent protests were "peaceful", because 5 dead, 100 injured and day filled with fun activities like "tearing down barricades with a frontloader", "shooting teargas" or destroying public property" is not exactly what you may find, when you look up the word "peaceful" in the dictionary, I can be sure someone comes along and points out, that "in 2010 it was much worse, because we had 100 dead and 1000 injured..."

a) and that makes what just happened "okay" in ...what way again? and b ) what does THAT matter?

Following this logic, I can go down to the street now and shoot someone!

Not nice, but hey...somebody else, somewhere shot 5 people, so I am quiet okay, with what I did?

Why do we actually compare 2010 to this?

Does that make the 5 people who died, live again?

Does it justify anything that just happened?

Or in other words: since when do 2 wrongs make 1 right?!

Edited by DocN
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This man is scum. Anyone supporting this is a moron. Why would you bring a 10 year old child into this? I think his level has been found, the gutter.

Blowing whistle will not damage a boy.

Beside Harrow made a statement that they are not aware of such happening.

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As usual, the drama queen and Thaksin gig Sunisa over-reacts and distorts an issue, amply supported by Thaksin enabler rag, Khaosod news. She should stick to writing bogus biographies while AWOL from the Army.

How about if I go after you then after that you wife and then your kids? Is that good???????? Maybe you are AWOL since you brought up th subject.

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Errr, I didn't see a threat. There was a point made that due to his mother corrupt practices that she will have to leave the country and join her criminal fugitive brother, which would mean that Pipe would end up going as well.

I dont adree with you at all. What you are saying is completely stupid. She is Tha no matter what she has don. No matter what her brother has done. Just like him he can come home - but will do jail time. So don't think you know it all. SHE IS A THAI citizen now and always.

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PTP crying foul because they don't like dirty tactics used against them. That's pure gold !

I don't like kids being used as pawns in any way, but this mob has no right to complain about anything, they have done it all, even to the point of sacrificing scores of people in the 2010 protests/riots/burning of Bangkok.

Actually, if the boy had any sense he would run away from this evil family now before he is tainted by them. whistling.gif

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PTP crying foul because they don't like dirty tactics used against them. That's pure gold !

I don't like kids being used as pawns in any way, but this mob has no right to complain about anything, they have done it all, even to the point of sacrificing scores of people in the 2010 protests/riots/burning of Bangkok.

Actually, if the boy had any sense he would run away from this evil family now before he is tainted by them. whistling.gif

Run to Suthep.

Suthep can adopt him, and bring his up as a pure and un-corruptible man.

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Mountain,,,,molehill....and by the way have any of you seen any evidence that he actually said this ? Maybe it is a bad translation, or maybe it's just complete crap ?! And even if he did and that is an accurate translation, SO WHAT ?! Nothing wrong with what he said. I hope Poo, her son, her husband, the cousin, the other sister - EVERY dam_n ONE of Thaksin's family and brown nosing cronies leave. I know they won't, but if they did the country could only get better for it....

They have far more right to be in Thailand than YOU,, remember you are a guest while in Thailand.

And Y/L nic name is crab, so the correct spelling would be bpuu not poo, tingtongteesood, grow uppost-4641-1156693976.gif

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