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Farang Pricing At Its Worst.


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Sorry, but I find this incredibly difficult to believe.

I have had store and market stall vendors trying it on with me on goods that are not priced, but never in my whole 30 years in Thailand had anything so blatant as a store owner chasing out of a shop demanding extra money for priced up items because it was bought for a farang, plus how did the staff member at the beautician’s know the OP`s wife was married to a farang if he was not there? Unless this particular staff member had psychic powers?

Believe it Beetlejuice, it happens

I had it happen here in Chiang Mai at Pantip Plaza at one of the small stalls

I saw some shirts marked at 195 baht and were big size so I though ok will buy a couple of these so chose them and then had them bag it up and then the woman said 500 baht, I said helllllo and pointed to the sign that CLEARLY said 195 baht for the whole rack she proceeded to say big size so more, I pointed to all the other big size still on the rack marked at the 195 baht

She just kept saying 500 bath, so I told her very clearly NEVER and walked away.

IT HAPPENS just cos it has not happened to you, it does happen

I will never pay I just vote with my legs and walk away.

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Sorry, but I find this incredibly difficult to believe.

I have had store and market stall vendors trying it on with me on goods that are not priced, but never in my whole 30 years in Thailand had anything so blatant as a store owner chasing out of a shop demanding extra money for priced up items because it was bought for a farang, plus how did the staff member at the beautician’s know the OP`s wife was married to a farang if he was not there? Unless this particular staff member had psychic powers?

Believe it Beetlejuice, it happens

I had it happen here in Chiang Mai at Pantip Plaza at one of the small stalls

I saw some shirts marked at 195 baht and were big size so I though ok will buy a couple of these so chose them and then had them bag it up and then the woman said 500 baht, I said helllllo and pointed to the sign that CLEARLY said 195 baht for the whole rack she proceeded to say big size so more, I pointed to all the other big size still on the rack marked at the 195 baht

She just kept saying 500 bath, so I told her very clearly NEVER and walked away.

IT HAPPENS just cos it has not happened to you, it does happen

I will never pay I just vote with my legs and walk away.

I believe you DK, but you didn't pay.....walk away...... and then she ran after you for more.

I've had a similar experience to you, but once a deal is sealed and paid for, never have I been chased down the street being asked for more as in the OP's post.

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Have never tried anything like that.

However, many times my girlfriend and I let her do our business agreements in relation to our business here. If e.g. we are looking for a new place to rent or we have a new supplier, then she is the only one the other party will see... until an agreement is made. We have tried too many times that prices have been inflated, because I was around and had been seen. If the price is then later inflated because of me, then we drop the supplier... their loss...

I really do not care much about people trying to get more out of us, because I am a foreigner. We know that game and play the game... Like e.g. in our shops, we know Thai-people like discounts - especially on expensive items like we sell. So everything is therefore set to 15-30% above the normal price. When people buy, they always ask for a discount and gets it... (meaning they end up paying the actual sales price - even sometimes a bit more...) But that is what Thai-people get, because the discount is so important to them... :-) After getting the "discount" they feel happy... so we let them have that feeling...

Farangs are less eager to ask for a discount, so for them we often just give that to them automatically. In our shops the Thais often lose because of their eagerness to haggle the prices down.. The more they try - the less discount, we actually end up giving them. :-)

BTW... My girlfriend has often been cheated "big time" at tourists-focused markets here and I have sometimes ended up paying much less than her for the same item. It is not always up to the color of your skin, but also your ability to talk the price down in a good way.

Edited by khunpa
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Sorry, but I find this incredibly difficult to believe.

I have had store and market stall vendors trying it on with me on goods that are not priced, but never in my whole 30 years in Thailand had anything so blatant as a store owner chasing out of a shop demanding extra money for priced up items because it was bought for a farang, plus how did the staff member at the beautician’s know the OP`s wife was married to a farang if he was not there? Unless this particular staff member had psychic powers?

Believe it Beetlejuice, it happens

I had it happen here in Chiang Mai at Pantip Plaza at one of the small stalls

I saw some shirts marked at 195 baht and were big size so I though ok will buy a couple of these so chose them and then had them bag it up and then the woman said 500 baht, I said helllllo and pointed to the sign that CLEARLY said 195 baht for the whole rack she proceeded to say big size so more, I pointed to all the other big size still on the rack marked at the 195 baht

She just kept saying 500 bath, so I told her very clearly NEVER and walked away.

IT HAPPENS just cos it has not happened to you, it does happen

I will never pay I just vote with my legs and walk away.

Just out of interest DK, was this women in her 30s, short, plump and wore glasses with the facial expression of a bulldog chewing a wasp?

Not joking, a couple of years ago, maybe a bit longer, I had a similar unfortunate experience like you in one of the small shops in the Pantip Plaza, when I wanted to buy a money bag. The thing was marked 199 baht but this woman demanded 500 baht from me and when I questioned her price she snatched the bag out of my hand and threw it behind the counter. This woman was a real nasty piece of work. Like you I voted with my feet only with an additional two fingered salute and walked away

Could this be the same person?

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Sorry, but I find this incredibly difficult to believe.

I have had store and market stall vendors trying it on with me on goods that are not priced, but never in my whole 30 years in Thailand had anything so blatant as a store owner chasing out of a shop demanding extra money for priced up items because it was bought for a farang, plus how did the staff member at the beautician’s know the OP`s wife was married to a farang if he was not there? Unless this particular staff member had psychic powers?

Believe it Beetlejuice, it happens

I had it happen here in Chiang Mai at Pantip Plaza at one of the small stalls

I saw some shirts marked at 195 baht and were big size so I though ok will buy a couple of these so chose them and then had them bag it up and then the woman said 500 baht, I said helllllo and pointed to the sign that CLEARLY said 195 baht for the whole rack she proceeded to say big size so more, I pointed to all the other big size still on the rack marked at the 195 baht

She just kept saying 500 bath, so I told her very clearly NEVER and walked away.

IT HAPPENS just cos it has not happened to you, it does happen

I will never pay I just vote with my legs and walk away.

Just out of interest DK, was this women in her 30s, short, plump and wore glasses with the facial expression of a bulldog chewing a wasp?

Not joking, a couple of years ago, maybe a bit longer, I had a similar unfortunate experience like you in one of the small shops in the Pantip Plaza, when I wanted to buy a money bag. The thing was marked 199 baht but this woman demanded 500 baht from me and when I questioned her price she snatched the bag out of my hand and threw it behind the counter. This woman was a real nasty piece of work. Like you I voted with my feet only with an additional two fingered salute and walked away

Could this be the same person?

How strange.

I thought you said this shit never happens to you?

Whatever anyway, the farangs on here that say that in all their years they have never been over charged farang price. The reason is, you were all too dim to know, and when in the presence of your wife/gf they have obviously been skimming with the assistant all those years.,,,, lol

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There's an Easypost branch near us. I went to it last week and tried to send an xmas card to Oz. The lady said 180 baht for a Farang, 40 baht for a Thai and If I don't like that, go to another post office.

Thats why I always send a Thai :-)

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very hard to believe, because you could say, bye bye, we are going home with our trousers what we just paid,

I never heard about this in thailand, double pricing they try sometimes but then is easy to refuse,

as they tried in Festival shopping center in CM for ice skating, my son (12 years old) was here 1 month ago for short holiday

and the price for kids up to 12 years is 140 Baht but they try to charge him price for adults, because he is taller than

140 cm. after a very heavy discussion with the manager of discrimination and breaking the law, he got his kid price.

This is not about 60 Baht, it is about discrimonation of people, because when you accept this in your daily life than

it will hurt many people and there are people died for this fighting in the 60`s, 70`s and later every where in the world.

tell the thais, you have different prices? this break thai law and constitution and that you will pay ony the price a thai pay.

I know it is not easy and many people scare to go in confrontation. But if you not do, then it will never ends.

And the next time my son went to scate, he got it for free from the manager, not because of but because he was the only person who

realy could scate, because he is playing icehocky in Czech republic ub the highest league, showed the other kids what is possible to do on ice

Happy End ...

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I think Khun Nibbles is telling the truth about this incident. It's unusual, to be sure, but believable. It's rude to accuse someone you don't know of lying. I know it happens on here sometimes, but it breeds general ill will, and there's already too much of that around today.

Merry Christmas, and May God Bless Us, Every One!

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I'm convinced that these things also happens because foreigners allow them to happen, be that because they don't realize, or misplaced generosity (of the type, "Oh, 100 Bt is nothing to me! And this person works so hard!)

Yes, in fact, many foreigners are quite happy to be discriminated. They are both happy to be the "dancing monkey farang", and also happy to be the victim of discrimination.

There are several of them here, who even makes fun of the fact that some Thais openly discriminate us.

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Sorry, but I find this incredibly difficult to believe.

That is because it is a load of crap. I've been here a long time and no Thai is going to lose money to make some imaginary point. They may try to charge you more in the first place, but not refund money and make no sale at all to "get" a farang after something is already sold. rolleyes.gif

Oh great, here comes the "it never happened to me so it can't possibley be true" brigade.

Dummy up Ulysses and beetlejuice; it has happened to you, you are both just to cought up in your own hubris to notice it.thumbsup.gif

Yup, "Ulysses and beetlejuice" will chime in on EVERY thread that is negative for Thais. Why do they do it ? Do you get paid to be a thai apologist ?

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Sorry, but I find this incredibly difficult to believe.

I have had store and market stall vendors trying it on with me on goods that are not priced, but never in my whole 30 years in Thailand had anything so blatant as a store owner chasing out of a shop demanding extra money for priced up items because it was bought for a farang, plus how did the staff member at the beauticians know the OP`s wife was married to a farang if he was not there? Unless this particular staff member had psychic powers?

"Incredibly hard to believe" ??? Are you from Mars? That happens every day in Thailand.

Then, learn to read the FULL posting, not just what makes your apologetic, drunk response.

No beauty salon, clothing store. And the OP was just there outside having a cig, and Thais, you know, got eyes.

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I'm convinced that these things also happens because foreigners allow them to happen, be that because they don't realize, or misplaced generosity (of the type, "Oh, 100 Bt is nothing to me! And this person works so hard!)

Yes, in fact, many foreigners are quite happy to be discriminated. They are both happy to be the "dancing monkey farang", and also happy to be the victim of discrimination.

There are several of them here, who even makes fun of the fact that some Thais openly discriminate us.

Hmmm. Is that some kind of masochistic atonement game to assuage white guilt? coffee1.gif


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I am convinced there are 2 Thailands,one that see people like you coming every day,and the alternative one that looks after people like me and treats me quite normally.I like my Thailand.

Absolutely. Because, you and your girl, are different.

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Sorry, but I find this incredibly difficult to believe.

I have had store and market stall vendors trying it on with me on goods that are not priced, but never in my whole 30 years in Thailand had anything so blatant as a store owner chasing out of a shop demanding extra money for priced up items because it was bought for a farang, plus how did the staff member at the beautician’s know the OP`s wife was married to a farang if he was not there? Unless this particular staff member had psychic powers?

Believe it Beetlejuice, it happens

I had it happen here in Chiang Mai at Pantip Plaza at one of the small stalls

I saw some shirts marked at 195 baht and were big size so I though ok will buy a couple of these so chose them and then had them bag it up and then the woman said 500 baht, I said helllllo and pointed to the sign that CLEARLY said 195 baht for the whole rack she proceeded to say big size so more, I pointed to all the other big size still on the rack marked at the 195 baht

She just kept saying 500 bath, so I told her very clearly NEVER and walked away.

IT HAPPENS just cos it has not happened to you, it does happen

I will never pay I just vote with my legs and walk away.

No one is disputing that some Thais will try to charge foreigners more that other Thais, but no one but the OP has claimed that a merchant has already sold something to a Thai for one price and then chased them down and demanded more when they noticed that they were with a farang. Frankly, anyone who believes this ridiculous tale has not been in Thailand very long or is easily bamboozled by silly stories on the Internet.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Sorry, but I find this incredibly difficult to believe.

That is because it is a load of crap. I've been here a long time and no Thai is going to lose money to make some imaginary point. They may try to charge you more in the first place, but not refund money and make no sale at all to "get" a farang after something is already sold. rolleyes.gif
What the OP would gain from saying something that has not happened ?

You're the one talking crap with your assumptions on how Thais conduct business. They are not all alike as you seem to think. Wife indicated she would not buy at inflated prices, end of deal.

The op is bored,with nothing to do but perpertrate myths that never seem to happen to people that have been here for yonks.Either that or him and his missus have sucker stamped on their forehead.

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I'm convinced that these things also happens because foreigners allow them to happen, be that because they don't realize, or misplaced generosity (of the type, "Oh, 100 Bt is nothing to me! And this person works so hard!)

Yes, in fact, many foreigners are quite happy to be discriminated. They are both happy to be the "dancing monkey farang", and also happy to be the victim of discrimination.

There are several of them here, who even makes fun of the fact that some Thais openly discriminate us.

I find these instances of alleged discrimination based on race when it involves pricing to be interesting. In the instances most TV posters describe, the alleged discrimination is based on wealth or assumed wealth, not race. Wealthy Thais are often nailed as well, but many TV'ers would never believe that.

As a comparative, I used to deal in foreign currencies for trade deals. Had a Japanese customer, a German customer and a Maori (NZ native) customer that were all somewhat naïve when it came to FX rates and fees, despite all being very astute and wealthy business people.

They didn't have a traders instinct nor did they even inquire as to the possibility of an improved rate or reduced fee. They chose not to inform themselves.The German was a woman, the other two were both men.

I could make 3 or 4 times the usual profit from them than most other customers on every deal, and I'm talking thousands of dollars extra, not a few bucks.

I'm a Caucasian New Zealand male. Does that make me a practicing discriminating racist, a sexist, a sexist racist, a racist sexist, a cheat, or just a humble trader that firmly believes in the philosophy of Caveat Emptor, that found a willing buyer for my commodity at a mutually agreeable price?

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I can also retell a shocking case of different pricing for a 'farang'.

A few days ago I went to the local hairdresser for a simple haircut that took all of 5 minutes.

After completing the cut, the young assistant demanded 100 baht from me. However, her superior immediately interrupted and said '80 baht, farang only have little hair'.

I guess that as I grow older, I can look forward to more 'farang pricing'.


It's 20 Baht in my village.

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very hard to believe, because you could say, bye bye, we are going home with our trousers what we just paid,

I never heard about this in thailand, double pricing they try sometimes but then is easy to refuse,

as they tried in Festival shopping center in CM for ice skating, my son (12 years old) was here 1 month ago for short holiday

and the price for kids up to 12 years is 140 Baht but they try to charge him price for adults, because he is taller than

140 cm. after a very heavy discussion with the manager of discrimination and breaking the law, he got his kid price.

This is not about 60 Baht, it is about discrimonation of people, because when you accept this in your daily life than

it will hurt many people and there are people died for this fighting in the 60`s, 70`s and later every where in the world.

tell the thais, you have different prices? this break thai law and constitution and that you will pay ony the price a thai pay.

I know it is not easy and many people scare to go in confrontation. But if you not do, then it will never ends.

And the next time my son went to scate, he got it for free from the manager, not because of but because he was the only person who

realy could scate, because he is playing icehocky in Czech republic ub the highest league, showed the other kids what is possible to do on ice

Happy End ...

I could have just got in the car and drove off, but no way would the wife do that, she is far too timid, which is why she asked me what I wanted to do. She always leaves decisions like that to me. I chose to just ask for a refund and boycott the shop. I didn't even get to see the trousers anyway. I was just pissed off and angry.

What I am assuming is that the woman in the shop thought I was hiding from her to cheat her out of her farang pricing structure and when the wife left the shop, the woman glanced over and noticed me, and the reason she briskly left the shop was probably to intercept us for an extra 200 baht of 'in the pocket' cash at the expense of a rich farang in a new car.

She didn't chase us down the road as intimated by one ignorant poster, she obviously wanted to try on the con before we got in the car and drove off.

Not that unbelievable, just a bit desperate and shameless if you ask me.

She probably boosts her salary by over charging farang behind the back of the shop owner.

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How strange.

I thought you said this shit never happens to you?

Whatever anyway, the farangs on here that say that in all their years they have never been over charged farang price. The reason is, you were all too dim to know, and when in the presence of your wife/gf they have obviously been skimming with the assistant all those years.,,,, lol

At my shirt shop in MBK in BKK as a regular I get a pretty good discount off the marked prices.

If someone wants to counter that the original price is pitched high targeting farangs, well still much cheaper than the UK.

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How strange.

I thought you said this shit never happens to you?

Whatever anyway, the farangs on here that say that in all their years they have never been over charged farang price. The reason is, you were all too dim to know, and when in the presence of your wife/gf they have obviously been skimming with the assistant all those years.,,,, lol

At my shirt shop in MBK in BKK as a regular I get a pretty good discount off the marked prices.

If someone wants to counter that the original price is pitched high targeting farangs, well still much cheaper than the UK.

The UK is just as cheap as Thailand for clothes.

Matalan, Tesco and the sales in GAP, NEXT for decent stuff at a cheap price.

But on just everyday comfy lounge around clothes, Matalan and Tesco match the prices of Thailand with a slightly better quality than the absolute basement standard from China that finds its way into this country.

My wife loves Matalan.

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Many years ago we experienced something like the beautician scenario when a girl running a clothing stall chatted to my wife in Thai, hoping she would get me to pay double the correct price for some clothing so they could split the difference between them. Result was a lost sale and one fuming wife smile.png

I'm pretty sure your wife was pissed because she was looked down upon. The money issue takes a back seat here. My wife would have been pissed too. If I ever need stuff done with clothes - like replacing a broken zipper, we return to the wife's local village where everyone knows eachother, so not likely to be ripped off - 30 baht and fixed. 100 baht for a hair cut too from the same lovely lady for the last 10 years. This king of scamming is very prevalent in tourist areas - like the vendor trying to rip off my mum (through) my wife, when she was here once. Suffice to say she didn't make a sale.

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Have never tried anything like that.

However, many times my girlfriend and I let her do our business agreements in relation to our business here. If e.g. we are looking for a new place to rent or we have a new supplier, then she is the only one the other party will see... until an agreement is made. We have tried too many times that prices have been inflated, because I was around and had been seen. If the price is then later inflated because of me, then we drop the supplier... their loss...

I really do not care much about people trying to get more out of us, because I am a foreigner. We know that game and play the game... Like e.g. in our shops, we know Thai-people like discounts - especially on expensive items like we sell. So everything is therefore set to 15-30% above the normal price. When people buy, they always ask for a discount and gets it... (meaning they end up paying the actual sales price - even sometimes a bit more...) But that is what Thai-people get, because the discount is so important to them... :-) After getting the "discount" they feel happy... so we let them have that feeling...

Farangs are less eager to ask for a discount, so for them we often just give that to them automatically. In our shops the Thais often lose because of their eagerness to haggle the prices down.. The more they try - the less discount, we actually end up giving them. :-)

BTW... My girlfriend has often been cheated "big time" at tourists-focused markets here and I have sometimes ended up paying much less than her for the same item. It is not always up to the color of your skin, but also your ability to talk the price down in a good way.

So in essence what you are saying that your business also employs "double pricing" one price for Falang's and a different price for Thais, the Falang's gets the lower price automatically and if the Thai's act to your liking you may give them the discount!

What a hypocrite, you claim to be a victim of double pricing and then you employ the same underhanded business practices in your business.

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Just for curiosity which town is this ?

I'm convinced that these things also happens because foreigners allow them to happen, be that because they don't realize, or misplaced generosity (of the type, "Oh, 100 Bt is nothing to me! And this person works so hard!)

Nakhon Ratchasima Town.

I was at the local Saturday maket in Kalasin and wanted to get a new horn for one of my bikes, the Thai guy standing next to me had just bought one for 80 Baht, when i picked one up i was told 160 Baht! I don't have to go into detail, i didn't buy it, i only said two words..........the second being OFF!

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How strange.

I thought you said this shit never happens to you?

Whatever anyway, the farangs on here that say that in all their years they have never been over charged farang price. The reason is, you were all too dim to know, and when in the presence of your wife/gf they have obviously been skimming with the assistant all those years.,,,, lol


Time to put on your "Big Boy" jockey underwear!

Most of us that say it has never happened to us, are able to do our own shopping, mommy no longer has to do it for us.

That seem like a very hard concept for you to shallow, Farang's that do not have to have their wives buy their underwear for them. You very conveniently cherry pick your responses, I have never said there has not been attempts by vendors to charge me a higher price, I just am not dumb enough to buy the item, I as the consumer control my purchases, if I do not like the price, I do not buy the item. How much more plain and simply is that response/action.

It happened to me in Pattaya, since I moved to rural Thailand it has not happened!

Many of the incident posted by persons that claim they were doubled priced, in fact are not double pricing, back in the old country at Walmart, a Tee-shirt may be advertised at $12.00 and big sizes are $2,00 more a very common practice.

Also the person that claimed his son was discriminated against in Chang Mai, back in the old country there was prices based on size not age mostly at fairs and amusement rides, if you complained they ask you to stand under their size marks, if you were taller you paid a higher price.

In your case you did not handle the incident (if in fact there was an incident) correctly, you had already made the purchase, paid and left the shops property, I do not believe that a sales person chased you down the street because you did not pay a Falang price, period!

When we say it has never happened to us, is in my 13 years no one (NO ONE) has said you are a falang and you must pay a higher price, and people like you state it is a common occurrence.

It is not a common occurrence!


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