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girlfriend hunting on the net part 2


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so ive had it with bars and my wallet has butterflys in it just like me.

I find this website site.

im like <deleted> I give it a try.

I find three nice girls. I go to meet one girl at a restaurant. She looks nice in the photos. but she keeps saying to me that she is ugly and has a scar on her lip. I tell her not to worry, I look older than my age.

she tells me she met two other farang who it went real bad with. they like pretty girls. I said there bad and I dont care what she looks like.

I tell her im going to laos soon and she flips out and wants to know who with.

warning bells r ringing but I ignore them.

I tell her it for a visa and arrange to meet her thay night.

I meet her and of course her friends there who looks at me like Im a sleezy low life off the net.

the girl........ she looks...... um...... like shes had her face bashed in with a wooden plank............

Im not tom cruise either but no way.... I decide ill still date her cause I like her and we can talk well... just friendly dates

so I win them both over with my humor

the next day she starts to pressure me to tell her what I think of her... Ill copy paste the convo

XXXX I deleted it...

but I said she looks like a baby and I forget thats she is an adult lol

she says

you dont talk to me again

at this point I really cbf and snatch the opportunity, shes blocked

life is so horrible for some people especially if u dont accept your self

Edited by metisdead
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This sounds 95% exactly the same as one story of mine. PM sent as we're not allowed to talk about names here.

But I have met quite a few girls off of TF and it's all gone fine so far. I just have not clicked with any of them.

But hell, my reading ability has sky rocketed as I am chatting with most of them in Thai, so it's a win win.

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Personally if she's flipped out on you once already it's hardly the most auspicious of starts, I'd steer well clear and head back to the bars. At least then you can see the goods and establish a rapport (of sorts) before you move on with things.

I can't understand this internet dating thing. At least in a bar you can have a good drink and a laugh; the end result always seems to be the same.The internet thing seems to be popular with blokes who would rather say they met their hooker I mean girlfriend anywhere but in a bar....you know the type who will spend several hours convincing anyone who listens their lass is ''different'' before she skins him to the bone as they're so wrapped up in the fact she's not a bar girl, they develop a false sense of security and their guard is down.

From what I can gather, this internet dating caper is as fraught with exactly the same risks as pulling a dolly from a bar as most of these lasses seem 'too good to be true'' until the poor sap, finds out they're not what they seem or the "nice sweet "educated" lass (no kids) he's been carousing with online for the last few weeks has had more cock than Bernard Matthews (if you'll pardon the coarse turn of phrase) and has popped out more offspring than the average soi dog....usually when it's way too late and they wind up with egg all over their face....

The dating game can be fun, why not go for it in the real world?

I agree bro

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Personally if she's flipped out on you once already it's hardly the most auspicious of starts, I'd steer well clear and head back to the bars. At least then you can see the goods and establish a rapport (of sorts) before you move on with things.

I can't understand this internet dating thing. At least in a bar you can have a good drink and a laugh; the end result always seems to be the same.The internet thing seems to be popular with blokes who would rather say they met their hooker I mean girlfriend anywhere but in a bar....you know the type who will spend several hours convincing anyone who listens their lass is ''different'' before she skins him to the bone as they're so wrapped up in the fact she's not a bar girl, they develop a false sense of security and their guard is down.

From what I can gather, this internet dating caper is as fraught with exactly the same risks as pulling a dolly from a bar as most of these lasses seem 'too good to be true'' until the poor sap, finds out they're not what they seem or the "nice sweet "educated" lass (no kids) he's been carousing with online for the last few weeks has had more cock than Bernard Matthews (if you'll pardon the coarse turn of phrase) and has popped out more offspring than the average soi dog....usually when it's way too late and they wind up with egg all over their face....

The dating game can be fun, why not go for it in the real world?

I have met with and dated girls I meet in real life too. Hell, I just got two numbers from a pair of girls running the counter at a big bike shop yesterday.

I signed up for the dating website for the hell of it, and while I have not found a girl there I really want to date, I have made a few friends out of the ordeal and thus met their other cute friends.

It's quite easy to spot the bullshit games as well.

I have also met girls in bars like Warm Up and Riverside, a bar is a fine place to meet a girl in my opinion, as I like going to bars, drinking with friends, and listening to live rock bands, it would be nice to share this with a girlfriend. I met my last girlfriend at a salsa bar, but distance killed it for me. Personally I wouldn't want to pick up a "working" girl, but I could care less if others do.

Back to the OP

It IS the same girl, and I have a date with her tomorrow night with her and her friends. I shall report back.

I like to say "I don't make poor life decisions, I make stories" and I am still young enough to be playing these games until I am ready to settle down again.

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at this point I really cbf and snatch the opportunity, shes blocked

Humm ... "I really cbf and snatch the opportunity" ... anyone up for a translation?

sry im on my mobile and am tired,

"I really cbf putting up with the bs, so I snatched the opportunity she presented me by not talking to her any more. like she asked. I blocked her.

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I used to think that internet dating was good for those who, perhaps, don't operate well in bars, clubs or other normal social situations but since even the fattest, baldest and most socially inept jokers can land a hottie in this country, I'm inclined to believe that more than a few men simply use internet dating as a way to obtain the validation they imagine comes from having sex with many different women.

Another string to the bow, I guess

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you don't have to worry about getting through a group of Thai guys or friends to approach.

That's a very fair point. One of my locals has a load of dollies (some absolute belters too) there every weekend (all looking for a "sugar daddy"), but they tend to be utterly crowded out by the local bloods looking for a roll so I'd not fancy the chances or safety of any non-Thai trying his luck in that atmosphere,

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Approachable single Thai gals in bars I have found to almost always be whores.

Don't you mean girls that YOU, personally, find approachable?

Plenty of women that other men find approachable, are most certainly NOT hookers

Good Thai girls don't allow themselves to be approachable or sit alone in bars. It's a loss of face. hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

Sometimes you can be introduced by a friend in her group, likely a male one, but it seems to be an exceptional situation in my experience.

So maybe you got a lemon.

The normal action is at the corner store or local market.

Edited by donniereadit
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Good Thai girls don't allow themselves to be approachable or sit alone in bars. It's a loss of face. hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

Sometimes you can be introduced by a friend in her group, likely a male one, but it seems to be an exceptional situation in my experience.

So maybe you got a lemon.

The normal action is at the corner store or local market.

Mate, this is 2013, not 1913. The majority of today's non-hooking Thai women aren't constrained by archaic rules and taboos.

Most of these "rules of engagement" for dealing with so-called "good girls" are myths created by blokes who are very comfortable and confident mixing it up with the hookers but are intimidated by the thought of approaching an ordinary, non-hooking woman - pretty much the situation they were in back home, really.

The one you've just mentioned - being introduced by a friend, likely a male one - is pure <deleted>.

One can be introduced to a "good girl" - whatever that means - by a male or a female friend, she can be approached at the bar, on a dance floor or at a party.

100% true! Good post!

And regarding the "good girl" and "bad girl" thing... I also never understood the meaning of that... Is there also "good guys" and "bad guys"?

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khunpa, good guys loan you money and only become bad guys when they want it back. And good girls go to Heaven, but bad girls go everywhere. Next question ?

Thanks, I was starting to think that "good girls" only were the ones dating/living with Farang TV-members... (Found in 7-eleven, outside the university or online)

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Myy experience from all these websites is negative the last two girls that I have dated called me because they did not have the money for their car payments, it all came out in the wash after knowing them a short time.

The last one it lasted 45 days, she was told not to come without calling first after arriving 2x in the middle of the night without calling so what did she do? She came a 3rd time, probably trying to catch me with a woman. I threw her out. No car payments there.

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I say use all resources available. I find some luck on more social sites like "Tagged". You can make friends first then see if they want to meet for coffee. More regular Thai ladies there. After a short while you can tell the scammers from real. I used while still in America and had several quality friends here when I arrived. Use still for new friends.

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I was coming to live in Thailand no matter what, so started looking on an asian dating website. I found "an honest, well to do" woman. Booked a holiday with my brother and his Thai wife. Met the "honest...good heart woman" waited for an opportunity, got access to her laptop...only to find she had a husband in OZ. Binned her, went back to UK, sold up and found another. 18 months later we are very happy, live together and life is great.

So, it is luck of the draw....some good some bad. As for Thai women being expensive...nowhere near as expensive as those western gold diggers it has been my misfortune to have been in relationships with.

Good luck to all, but keep your wits about you.

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