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Chiang Mai red-shirts vow support for US Ambassador


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The main difference being that the US Embassy is guarded by armed US Marines.

Who will not tolerate this sort of building-storming rubbish the way it has been tolerated up to now.

Its not people taking power back - I laugh whenever I hear that - its people being manipulated to disrupt the legitimate business of government (or in this case, another countries business) for purely party political purposes.

Storm the US Embassy and see what happens.

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Guess I should start using my Canadian accent more often 'eh! "Oh Canada, my home and native land..."guitar.gif.pagespeed.ce.Rjd-vqhNlw.gif

Well, at least they don't despise Americans in Northern Thailand...yet.

Edited by connda
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The main difference being that the US Embassy is guarded by armed US Marines.

Who will not tolerate this sort of building-storming rubbish the way it has been tolerated up to now.

Its not people taking power back - I laugh whenever I hear that - its people being manipulated to disrupt the legitimate business of government (or in this case, another countries business) for purely party political purposes.

Storm the US Embassy and see what happens.

Armed US Marines? Yep, but probably not issued ammunition from the armory. This isn't Afghanistan. If they shot up unarmed civilians in a country that has close ties to the US and it's allies, it would create an international incident, set a precedent, and open a major can of worms.

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You go to love it,

The naivete of the protesters is pathetic, Ambassador Kristy Kenny is not an independent contractor, she takes her instructions from Obama's state department, Removing her will only result in an other ambassador who is also under the instruction of the state department replacing her.

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The main difference being that the US Embassy is guarded by armed US Marines.

Who will not tolerate this sort of building-storming rubbish the way it has been tolerated up to now.

Its not people taking power back - I laugh whenever I hear that - its people being manipulated to disrupt the legitimate business of government (or in this case, another countries business) for purely party political purposes.

Storm the US Embassy and see what happens.

Armed US Marines? Yep, but probably not issued ammunition from the armory. This isn't Afghanistan. If they shot up unarmed civilians in a country that has close ties to the US and it's allies, it would create an international incident, set a precedent, and open a major can of worms.
Agreed. US Marines are certainly not going to be firing on unarmed civilians here in Thailand even if they do force their way into the compound. I kind of doubt that's going to.happen anyway. What thai security forces deployed outside the compound might do is another question, but I doubt even they will do much if protesters push their way past. Edited by hawker9000
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The main difference being that the US Embassy is guarded by armed US Marines.

Who will not tolerate this sort of building-storming rubbish the way it has been tolerated up to now.

Its not people taking power back - I laugh whenever I hear that - its people being manipulated to disrupt the legitimate business of government (or in this case, another countries business) for purely party political purposes.

Storm the US Embassy and see what happens.

Armed US Marines? Yep, but probably not issued ammunition from the armory. This isn't Afghanistan. If they shot up unarmed civilians in a country that has close ties to the US and it's allies, it would create an international incident, set a precedent, and open a major can of worms.

The may not be armed with live firing rounds but they will use what ever force is necessary to protect American Interests and won't let them into the embassy where sensitive information is contained. I doubt they would even let them into the grounds or buildings as it is not Thai soil but American soil.

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Why do the Yanks not keep their noses out of other peoples business - they have caused enough damage and suffering in this part of the world already

Interesting? You want the yanks to stay out of others business but you feel obliged to put your nose in the yanks business...brilliant F'n brilliant.

Just and FYI, us yanks aren't interested in what you or anyone else are doing, that includes the past and the present. It's just unfortunate for us we have a government like most governments that choose not to listen to the masses.

We would of preferred that our soldiers that most likely died for you dumb arse somewhere would of left you guys to fight your own battles and die like the pussy want-a- be's that your are.. We stand by that and in the future like Syria whom are screaming for our help now will hopefully find the door shut.

We the people don't want our sons, fathers, brothers, and friends to die on your account be it directly or indirectly. We don't want to be in Korea with the selfish people there that allow their innocent children to play on busy streets so our tanks can run over them just so they can receive millions of dollars of hard earned money from the American tax payers.

My guess is the welfare state that you come from has sucked off American yanks hard earned money at some point which you may have benefited from directly or indirectly or that saw you through some crises. The same way we are sending our ships and crews to help out in the Philippines.

The truth of the matter is we the yanks don't want to be in your business nor do we want to help you financially indirectly or directly. Just be happy our government doesn't listen to us.

We don't want to be Afghanistan where civilization is comedy show not a reality. We simply don't want to do anything for you. We are tired of busting our asses yet our bone headed government fills the need to give it to you and idiots like you instead of giving it back to the people that actually worked for it.

So the next time you say yanks make sure you say the " Yanks Government " . because the masses don't care about you or your families we have our own to worry about.

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Students are being stirred up partly because of their teachers. The teachers will tell them they HAVE to go and protest or they will fail. This is typical of the level of education they are recieving. The teachers just want to keep the students dumb.

You sure about that?

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Why do the Yanks not keep their noses out of other peoples business - they have caused enough damage and suffering in this part of the world already

Interesting? You want the yanks to stay out of others business but you feel obliged to put your nose in the yanks business...brilliant F'n brilliant.

Just and FYI, us yanks aren't interested in what you or anyone else are doing, that includes the past and the present. It's just unfortunate for us we have a government like most governments that choose not to listen to the masses.

We would of preferred that our soldiers that most likely died for you dumb arse somewhere would of left you guys to fight your own battles and die like the pussy want-a- be's that your are.. We stand by that and in the future like Syria whom are screaming for our help now will hopefully find the door shut.

We the people don't want our sons, fathers, brothers, and friends to die on your account be it directly or indirectly. We don't want to be in Korea with the selfish people there that allow their innocent children to play on busy streets so our tanks can run over them just so they can receive millions of dollars of hard earned money from the American tax payers.

My guess is the welfare state that you come from has sucked off American yanks hard earned money at some point which you may have benefited from directly or indirectly or that saw you through some crises. The same way we are sending our ships and crews to help out in the Philippines.

The truth of the matter is we the yanks don't want to be in your business nor do we want to help you financially indirectly or directly. Just be happy our government doesn't listen to us.

We don't want to be Afghanistan where civilization is comedy show not a reality. We simply don't want to do anything for you. We are tired of busting our asses yet our bone headed government fills the need to give it to you and idiots like you instead of giving it back to the people that actually worked for it.

So the next time you say yanks make sure you say the " Yanks Government " . because the masses don't care about you or your families we have our own to worry about.

55555cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Appropriate avatar for this reply.( see oops's avatar)

Edited by sirineou
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Take a chill pill Nibbles and stop threatening people. this is a forum and everybody is entitled to their opinion giggle.gif

Actually, what Nibbles has said is correct. He isn't threatening anyone. He is pointing out a fact. Frankly, I see a lot of posts people of influence and power might perceive as defamatory on this site. And, yes, as a foreigner you are at a severe disadvantage if someone with power and money lodges a defamation charge against you. Several of the threads contain accusations of murder against specific politicians and against the armed forces. And it's repeated constantly. You all should remember that one side in this argument has already said it will charge people with crimes for "liking" posts on the internet. People were brought in for questioning for doing so. It's not an idle threat.

Edited by zydeco
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The main difference being that the US Embassy is guarded by armed US Marines.

Who will not tolerate this sort of building-storming rubbish the way it has been tolerated up to now.

Its not people taking power back - I laugh whenever I hear that - its people being manipulated to disrupt the legitimate business of government (or in this case, another countries business) for purely party political purposes.

Storm the US Embassy and see what happens.

Armed US Marines? Yep, but probably not issued ammunition from the armory. This isn't Afghanistan. If they shot up unarmed civilians in a country that has close ties to the US and it's allies, it would create an international incident, set a precedent, and open a major can of worms.

Unarmed civilians is one thing but a mob actively penetrating the embassy is another. But I agree, its unlikely they would fire live rounds. But they wont stand back and watch either.

Like I said, storm the US Embassy and see what happens. Im kinda curious.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The US Ambassador simply showed solidarity with the LEGIT Government of Thailands Prime Minister Khun Yingluck.....and why not....whats wrong with that? ...redneck ..HOWLS

Suthep (Khun Thuggi) meanwhile will be casting for the latest edition of the successful international political show "Teletubbies" and insiders report that he is confident on getting the position of La La. to which he is thought to be ideally suited.....Fame at Last.

LEGIT government ??? You could hardly call blatant vote buying and voter intimidation at numerous northern Thai polling booths on Election Day a legitimate elected government. If the Americans respected the rule of law in Thailand then they would assist with the return of the exiled Yingluck brother.

Thailand assists with every Americain request for return of its wanted fugitives. Why doesn’t the USA reciprocate to assist in the same way?

I believe that if Thaksin was in the U.S and their was a warrant for his arrest in that country along with a formal request from Thailand then the U.S would apprehend him the same as Thailand does for wanted people in Thailand.

Asking the U.S to send a group of mercenaries into Dubai to kidnap and convey Thaksin to Thailand is stretching the boundaries and friendship just a little I think. Just my opinion. Can't blame the U.S for Thaksin.

Geez my area of expertise is U.S bashing and here I find myself defending them.

I think what many people did see was that the US gave a visa to a convicted felon on the run. Now in order to get that visa, either the applicant lied about past criminal history - in which case they should be disallowed and possibly face charges if they do enter the US, or the authorities turned a blind eye to the information, in which case the authorities that issued a visa to said applicant, would either be in dereliction of their duty to protect their country-folk from exposure to foreign criminals, or obeying directives from superiors within their administration, to ignore the said criminal background. As a visa obviously was issued, and the visit to the US took place, how could it have happened?

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Students are being stirred up partly because of their teachers. The teachers will tell them they HAVE to go and protest or they will fail. This is typical of the level of education they are recieving. The teachers just want to keep the students dumb.


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Take a chill pill Nibbles and stop threatening people. this is a forum and everybody is entitled to their opinion giggle.gif

Actually, what Nibbles has said is correct. He isn't threatening anyone. He is pointing out a fact. Frankly, I see a lot of posts people of influence and power might perceive as defamatory on this site. And, yes, as a foreigner you are at a severe disadvantage if someone with power and money lodges a defamation charge against you. Several of the threads contain accusations of murder against specific politicians and against the armed forces. And it's repeated constantly. You all should remember that one side in this argument has already said it will charge people with crimes for "liking" posts on the internet. People were brought in for questioning for doing so. It's not an idle threat.

Just imagine all the extradition applications around the world because people called Suthep stupid. Can imagine the respective judges and magistrate's calling him the biggest tool/nut job on the face of the earth and telling him to bugger off for even trying.

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Some of you need to be careful what you wish for. Endless complaints about US " intervention" , mostly relating to the distant past ( however unpleasant it might have been). I see no evidence of US involvement in Thailand other than that of mutual benefit.

Push for the US to become isolationist in foreign policy and watch, in horror, as that vacuum is filled. Naïveté is stunning on this site, at times

You understand history

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Domestic politics posing as foreign affairs.

This betrays either: a gross misunderstanding on US policy, or good ol' fashoned cynicism, in assuming that the people that see these America-directed stories will actually believe the States have skin in the game.

The oldest question in politics:
malice or stupidity?

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Slight correction: the US Embassy in Thailand, like all US Embassies around the world, is mandated by US. Law to support the democratically elected government of any country it happens to be in. This is why the US State Department had such problems with the situation in Egyot, and could not call "a coup a coup" - since the American sympathies probably leaned more to the army than to the crypto-salafist Morsi regime, which had been a big headache.

In the case of Thailand. opposition demonstrators have made a major tactical error by threatening the US embassy, since the US State Department does not respond kindly to threats - especially not after Benghazi. Opposition leaders would be wise to notice that the Americans are not alone - virtually every country in the world, along with UN Secrerary General Ban Ki Moon, has vocally supported the democratically elected government of Thailand, and has expressed support for new elections. The path being taken by the opposition is a path to oblivion for Thailand. If they had their way, Thailand would become an international pariah, and a poster child for a failed state,

Far better that they mobilize their ample mental and financial resources and emulate conservative parties around the world by actually winning an election!:)

The US embassy in Thailand is in act supporting the Thaksin regime and have been doing so for many years.


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Slight correction: the US Embassy in Thailand, like all US Embassies around the world, is mandated by US. Law to support the democratically elected government of any country it happens to be in. This is why the US State Department had such problems with the situation in Egyot, and could not call "a coup a coup" - since the American sympathies probably leaned more to the army than to the crypto-salafist Morsi regime, which had been a big headache.

In the case of Thailand. opposition demonstrators have made a major tactical error by threatening the US embassy, since the US State Department does not respond kindly to threats - especially not after Benghazi. Opposition leaders would be wise to notice that the Americans are not alone - virtually every country in the world, along with UN Secrerary General Ban Ki Moon, has vocally supported the democratically elected government of Thailand, and has expressed support for new elections. The path being taken by the opposition is a path to oblivion for Thailand. If they had their way, Thailand would become an international pariah, and a poster child for a failed state,

Far better that they mobilize their ample mental and financial resources and emulate conservative parties around the world by actually winning an election!:)

The US embassy in Thailand is in act supporting the Thaksin regime and have been doing so for many years.


Oh, wait a minute. 'Guess I missed something. Thaksin returned to Thailand and became its current democratically elected leader, WHEN??

Thaksin and Obama are populist fellow travelers. Naturally Obama supports his puppet regime. That said, the "support" being alleged is just words. Coming from someone with Obama's long-exhausted (and yet still diminishing) credibility, they're meaningless. 'Can't believe the protesters don't in fact have many bigger fish to fry.

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Why do the Yanks not keep their noses out of other peoples business - they have caused enough damage and suffering in this part of the world already

Wow another Nazi or Japanese mad at America for fighting in World War II

Please read what would have happen if the Nazis or Japaneses won

German or Japanese embassies would be protested rather than American?

Germany will be financially exhausted from fighting all over the world while america prospered?

Our kids would be smocking Bratwurst in the streets instead of crack?

what do you think would has happened?whistling.gif

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US expresses wish to see peace process in Thailand

BANGKOK, 21 December 2013 (NNT) – The US Embassy in Bangkok has confirmed its neutrality towards the Thai political situation while emphasizing its support for a peace dialogue between conflicting parties.

In an interview with the press, US Embassy Spokesman Walter M. Braunohler strongly rejected the anti-government protesters’ accusation that the US was responding to their movement with bias. The spokesman’s denial came after supporters of the Student and People Network for Thailand’s Reform gathered in front of the embassy compound to demand a replacement of US Ambassador Kristie Kenney.

The group claimed that Mrs Kenney had taken a stance supporting the Yingluck Shinawatra administration which could be deemed as an intervention in Thailand’s internal affairs.

Mr Braunohler clarified that the US was only hopeful that all factions of Thai people would agree to enter into a peace dialogue and together end their conflicts through democratic means. He said the embassy was well aware of the fact that the current political turmoil was an internal issue that would need to be solved by the Thai people themselves.


-- NNT 2013-12-21 footer_n.gif

They got caught supporting the Thaksin regime and now they are back peddling, yet with every statement they make, they just bolster the fact that they are in fact interfering with Thai internal affairs.

They had better learn once and for all to keep their comments to themselves. This is sod all to do with the USA.

Next time they just might not be so fortunate and could lose that little bit of prime Bangkok land they call America.

They do support the Thaksin regime...remember where Thaksin was and to whom he was speaking to the night he was removed from office. CFR. That said, a lot of Red's seem to love Obama. Ambassador Kenny works for the U.S. Dept. of State, and follows orders given to her from her boss, John Kerry and Barrack Obama. Perhaps this is lost on the folks who are asking Obama for Kenny's removal? She's only doing what her boss tells her to do. There's really not much difference between Obama and Thaksin, more in common.

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US expresses wish to see peace process in Thailand

BANGKOK, 21 December 2013 (NNT) The US Embassy in Bangkok has confirmed its neutrality towards the Thai political situation while emphasizing its support for a peace dialogue between conflicting parties.

In an interview with the press, US Embassy Spokesman Walter M. Braunohler strongly rejected the anti-government protesters accusation that the US was responding to their movement with bias. The spokesmans denial came after supporters of the Student and People Network for Thailands Reform gathered in front of the embassy compound to demand a replacement of US Ambassador Kristie Kenney.

The group claimed that Mrs Kenney had taken a stance supporting the Yingluck Shinawatra administration which could be deemed as an intervention in Thailands internal affairs.

Mr Braunohler clarified that the US was only hopeful that all factions of Thai people would agree to enter into a peace dialogue and together end their conflicts through democratic means. He said the embassy was well aware of the fact that the current political turmoil was an internal issue that would need to be solved by the Thai people themselves.


-- NNT 2013-12-21 footer_n.gif

They got caught supporting the Thaksin regime and now they are back peddling, yet with every statement they make, they just bolster the fact that they are in fact interfering with Thai internal affairs.

They had better learn once and for all to keep their comments to themselves. This is sod all to do with the USA.

Next time they just might not be so fortunate and could lose that little bit of prime Bangkok land they call America.

They do support the Thaksin regime...remember where Thaksin was and to whom he was speaking to the night he was removed from office. CFR. That said, a lot of Red's seem to love Obama. Ambassador Kenny works for the U.S. Dept. of State, and follows orders given to her from her boss, John Kerry and Barrack Obama. Perhaps this is lost on the folks who are asking Obama for Kenny's removal? She's only doing what her boss tells her to do. There's really not much difference between Obama and Thaksin, more in common.

Exactly. Birds very much of a populist feather.

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