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Thai Democrats resolve to boycott February 2 election


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the farangs seem to be as divided on this issue as the local people.....should this public discussion not be left to the Thai people only?

I think the Moderators of this website should remove this discussion from the TV Forum ...it is like discussing religion...it creates only more hatred

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I am willing to take bets the democrats will do a back flip with pike between now and nomination day.

They will be there in the election, as there is too much to lose for the members. They want their snouts at the trough, albeit at a smaller trough than the government, they will still feel the need to have some power.

Todays announcement is at the request of their backers , who unsuprisingly are Sutheps backers. Just a vane attempt to get a few more on the street tomorrow. If the firework is not lit tomorrow I tend to agree they will be back in the election. March with Suthep, Disown Suthep, back Suthep, it fails tomorrow disown Suthep. Remind me why these honorable Democrats are unelectable

I recon Yingluck might actually believe she is working for the people, but she isn't clever enough to realise she is just a porn being used by her brother. Her self belief in this may be the reason her brother keeps her as the PM; the fact that she believes this makes her more believable, not to mention her good looks and being a women.

Ps i have been here since 1995 so i have a good understanding of Thai ways.

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We can't win so we won't play. Childish.

At the expense of being ravaged by the rabid Suthepistas and Abhisistas in the forum, I have to say that you have defined the soul and character (if they have any) of the Thai Democrats in one brilliant line. Congrats! You beat me to it!

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Then why does that lot call themselves DEMOCRATS?
you really wanna know? You want fake democracy? Lets bring this to s head .all you red lovers can have your one party corrupt state and see thailand suffer the consequences
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Personally I find a caretaker government that cannot really make any decisions the best solution - no matter who it is. This way the government can still manage the country's day to day affairs, but is prohibited from making major stupid decisions such as wasting fortunes on rice scams or high speed trains. This also reduces government corruption.

I thought the same when the army was in charge after the coup.

In general, with the kind of politicians Thailand has on general, I think it is best for the country when the governmemt does not make any major decisions at all, but just manage day to day affairs.

Long term this is of course not a solution.

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I am willing to take bets the democrats will do a back flip with pike between now and nomination day.

They will be there in the election, as there is too much to lose for the members. They want their snouts at the trough, albeit at a smaller trough than the government, they will still feel the need to have some power.

Todays announcement is at the request of their backers , who unsuprisingly are Sutheps backers. Just a vane attempt to get a few more on the street tomorrow. If the firework is not lit tomorrow I tend to agree they will be back in the election. March with Suthep, Disown Suthep, back Suthep, it fails tomorrow disown Suthep. Remind me why these honorable Democrats are unelectable

And their backers are 'the people'. Who are making mass donations to Suthep to help achieve this honourable goal.

'Remind me why these honorable Democrats are unelectable'....... Erm... They pulled out of the corrupt Feb 2nd elections.

Just for your own personal clarification. Thank me later.

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Suthep has played his hand.

The Dems don't want an election because they know they can't win it.

Therefore he wants chaos.

The people pulling his strings are willing to risk all (read my earlier posts) because the prize is so big.

A totalitarian state run paying lip service to monarchy, the establishment back in control.

Big business won't care, tourists don't care as long as there is some signs of stability.

But of course there are the people, who won't stand for this.

So we need to have a revolution and sort out these elites once and for all.

As I stated earlier, we are witnessing the death rattle of the establishment, who won't go down without a fight but it's too late, you can't put the genie back in the bottle.

The military needs to be careful, the USA won't accept any more coups which put these bastards back into power.

So just as the establishment yielded power to the people in most western democracies, so they will yield here too.

Really bobmac, you can't seriously believe the establishment in most western democracies has actually yielded power to the people can you? The White House and Whitehall are spying on their own people and governing secretively. The EEC appointed the Finance Minister in Greece. Etc., etc. Sure doesn't sound like power to the people to me.

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I am willing to take bets the democrats will do a back flip with pike between now and nomination day.

They will be there in the election, as there is too much to lose for the members. They want their snouts at the trough, albeit at a smaller trough than the government, they will still feel the need to have some power.

Todays announcement is at the request of their backers , who unsuprisingly are Sutheps backers. Just a vane attempt to get a few more on the street tomorrow. If the firework is not lit tomorrow I tend to agree they will be back in the election. March with Suthep, Disown Suthep, back Suthep, it fails tomorrow disown Suthep. Remind me why these honorable Democrats are unelectable

And their backers are 'the people'. Who are making mass donations to Suthep to help achieve this honourable goal.

'Remind me why these honorable Democrats are unelectable'....... Erm... They pulled out of the corrupt Feb 2nd elections.

Just for your own personal clarification. Thank me later.

Saw money being counted on on Bluesh1te Tv..3-4 hundred thousand..it costs 5,000,000 per day for rent a mob.

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Does anyone know what is the legal situation regarding an opposition party refusing to participate in a general election? Does this nullify any result even if there is an overwhelming majority for the PTP?

The election can continue as normal. Where there is only one candidate in an electorate, that candidate has to get more than 20% of the vote. (Voters can vote "None of the above".)

Parliament can't be formed if less than 95% of the seats are filled.

In the 2006 election, because there weren't enough seats filled, they couldn't form parliament, which meant that the MPs couldn't elect a PM, and the PM couldn't form government.

And this is exactly the problem. By boycotting the elections, the democrats have the opportunety to frustrate the system due to their popularity in the south. This should have been amended with the 2007 constitution as it is quite clearly wrong. All that is needed is to mandate a lower amount of seats having to be filled (like 70%) and after this have by elections. That way no single political party can willingly frustrate the system.

This is exactly the undemocratic part of the election boycot by the "democrats". They are using their supporters to prevent the democratic system from functioning. Once again they show their complete disregard for people in the north and north-east.

I find it unbelieveable that people that support democracy in general can support this kind of behavior, as any way you look at it, it is undemocratic.

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Instead of insulting people and throwing names around, it would be interesting to explain why the Democrats decided to boycot the elections, what will happen?

Will they simply be excluded so that Pheu Thai and affiliate will get 100% of the votes or will the election be cancelled for lack of at least 2 candidates per circonscription?

If the latter is true, then indeed the Democrates have been smart, because that means the care-taker government is in big troubles. They cannot decide and new government expenses (like paying the rice pledging farmers etc), which could play into the hands of the Thaksin opposition.

But it would give the opposition an opportunity to educate people all around the country what is wrong with Thaksin and Cronies, something we have not see too much lately.

Does someone know what are the consequences of the election boycot?

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This is the start of the end.The fact that we have a bunch of rich kids doing what they should not for themselves and not for the country is the wrong turn.

This is only going to mobilize the UDD to a higher level and take away the good that the Dem's could have done.

I do not kow who is leading these parties but they need to remove their heads from the orifice that they have them inserted.

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Who else is getting tired of hearing how when anything happens - like the Dems pulling out of the election - it's Thaksin's making?

You might be getting sick of hearing it, but it doesn't mean that it isn't true. The political problems in Thailand since late 2005 have mostly been Thaksin's making.

8 years of strife and all down to Thaksin. Not even a smidgeon of involvement by the rich and famous and the anonymous? Boy it must be great to have such a simple view on life.............though on second thoughts

Bingo! My life is simple but that doesn't mean i am. Are you saying then that Thaksin is the only corrupt politician in Thailand and the root of all evil in Thailand is down to him? because that sounds pretty simplistic to me. but wait....

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Who else is getting tired of hearing how when anything happens - like the Dems pulling out of the election - it's Thaksin's making?

You might be getting sick of hearing it, but it doesn't mean that it isn't true. The political problems in Thailand since late 2005 have mostly been Thaksin's making.

and you know this because? You're on the inside with special farang privilges? Or you're a Thai from the secret police or becaue you read the newspapers and listen to your wife's family's opinions?

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Does anyone know what is the legal situation regarding an opposition party refusing to participate in a general election? Does this nullify any result even if there is an overwhelming majority for the PTP?

The election can continue as normal. Where there is only one candidate in an electorate, that candidate has to get more than 20% of the vote. (Voters can vote "None of the above".)

Parliament can't be formed if less than 95% of the seats are filled.

In the 2006 election, because there weren't enough seats filled, they couldn't form parliament, which meant that the MPs couldn't elect a PM, and the PM couldn't form government.

And this is exactly the problem. By boycotting the elections, the democrats have the opportunety to frustrate the system due to their popularity in the south. This should have been amended with the 2007 constitution as it is quite clearly wrong. All that is needed is to mandate a lower amount of seats having to be filled (like 70%) and after this have by elections. That way no single political party can willingly frustrate the system.

This is exactly the undemocratic part of the election boycot by the "democrats". They are using their supporters to prevent the democratic system from functioning. Once again they show their complete disregard for people in the north and north-east.

I find it unbelieveable that people that support democracy in general can support this kind of behavior, as any way you look at it, it is undemocratic.

Democracy is more than just election and then "shut up for the next 4 years.". I can understand that an opposition, which is not even given the time to speak in parliament, which is tyrannized by the majority, has absolutely no democratic role to play in such a system, as we have seen in the recent past.

This must be reformed first, otherwise such elections are but window dressing for a system which is fundamentally undemocratic, because the majority is abusing the system.

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There is a crying need for a brilliant neutral leader who will find favor with the loyal reds and the royal yellows, one who will chart a course in a truly middle position for all Thais to follow towards peace.

Poppycock? No, that is the role of the true royal family; a role they should be proud to take on to uphold this Constitutional Monarchy. That member will be viewed by the vast majority of Thais to be actually worthy, and whose strength, courage, and intelligence is already recognized by the Thai people.

For sure one such person is known or can be found who will be encouraged to step up to guide this great nation to form a truly neutral third party and replace the ideologues on both sides who are tarnishing this fantastic nation’s image and stature, before it becomes a pariah state.

There are morons on this website who will post nasty or cute comments, but this is the time to seriously help our Thai friends to find a truly good path out of their mess.

Edited by Tywais
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BANGKOK: -- Democrat Party met on Saturday and resolved unanimously to boycott the February 2 snap election, former MP Apirak Kosayothin announced.

Apirak announced on his Facebook wall that the party will not field in any candidate in the election scheduled on February 2.


From Thailand's constitution:

Section 47. ...The internal organisation, management and regulations of a political

party shall be consistent with fundamental principles of the democratic regime of


Section 99. ...The party-lists of candidates in the election under paragraph one shall

be prepared by political parties. Each party shall prepare one list which shall contain

not more than one hundred persons and be submitted to the Election Commission

before the date an application for candidacy in an election on the constituency basis


Is a party's management consistent with the fundamental principles of the democratic regime of government when its executive committee resolves to field no candidates for an election for members of the House of Representatives?

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Abhisit and the moderates lose out to the insanity that is Suthep and his backers.

As the political crisis continues to escalate its becoming obvious that Suthep will not stop until there is blood on the streets of Bangkok. There is no way the government is going to give him what he wants, the only way he can get anything like his desired unelected council is if the military conducts another coup. And the only way a coup will happen is to defuse violence street clashes that lead to bloodshed, which would give them a mandate to intervene on behalf of the Thai people.

That being said however this will be the end of the democrats as a threat to the PTP in anything resembling a "one man, one vote" election. They are plunging the country into turmoil just to spite Thaksin and his supporters.

I am no bigger fan of Thaksin than I am of Suthep and as far as I'm concerned they should find a nice quiet place in the desert outside Dubai to have it out, instead of it playing out across the streets of this country and costing the lives of innocent Thai's.

Do calm down.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


civil war.you ever see one?

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They stand united! So far, pretty much everything, they have planned, has worked in their favor. I think, soon it will be "Bye, Bye Miss Yingluck" or Yingluck runs out of luck cheesy.gif

are you blind? It's only a small group of basterds who will not learn the rules of democracy! Y. is elected, what way ever. Only in a democratic way changes can be made, not by mob on the streets,

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They stand united! So far, pretty much everything, they have planned, has worked in their favor. I think, soon it will be "Bye, Bye Miss Yingluck" or Yingluck runs out of luck cheesy.gif

...and hello feudalism. Do not decieve yourself, falangs will not do well under the dear leader's plan for a new Thailand.

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This must be reformed first, otherwise such elections are but window dressing for a system which is fundamentally undemocratic, because the majority is abusing the system.

It was better when the MINORITY was abusing the system for centuries?! These crooked yellow leaders are not the ones you want to do a "reform". Funny how it is "abusive" when the majority is ruling via more or less democratic elections for some people...

Edited by Timwin
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Interesting take on the election......



The prime minister dissolved parliament and called the election on 9 December, in a bid she said to avoid violence on the streets and "to give back the power to the Thai people".

Her Pheu Thai party has a majority in parliament, and draws significant support from Thailand's rural areas. It is seen as well-placed to win February's election."

Even the rest of the world knows why the Dems do not want to contest anything - there must be some wonderful Dem jokes doing the rounds on the Thai social networks!

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This must be reformed first, otherwise such elections are but window dressing for a system which is fundamentally undemocratic, because the majority is abusing the system.

It was better when the MINORITY was abusing the system for centuries?! These crooked yellow leaders are not the ones you want to do a "reform". Funny how it is "abusive" when the majority is ruling via more or less democratic elections for some people...

Do you seriously believe in what you posted or in a more accurate description that one man is running the government via Skype and other social media services? I've almost forgotten nepotism.

Edited by Mackie
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Everyone rattles on here about the Democrats not upholding democracy and the law in Thailand. Do most people here believe Thailand is a democracy, and if so do the current government work in a democratic way? Its a Shinawatra dictatorship, who now have also bought some of the military. The ordinary people of Thailand deserve a better government who work for the people. Something needs to be done.

Who are you to talk about Shinawatra dictatorship maybe you do not known but they work for the people. Did you ever meet any Shinawatra's? Where do you get your ideas about them do you known anyone except me that has meet them?

Work for SOME of the people based on geography. Why do you think the rural poor in the south don't vote for him?

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Who else is getting tired of hearing how when anything happens - like the Dems pulling out of the election - it's Thaksin's making?

You might be getting sick of hearing it, but it doesn't mean that it isn't true. The political problems in Thailand since late 2005 have mostly been Thaksin's making.

and you know this because? You're on the inside with special farang privilges? Or you're a Thai from the secret police or becaue you read the newspapers and listen to your wife's family's opinions?
he knows it as do millions of others because it's a " stone cold fact"


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sadly, but this is the only way to neutralize a populist Taksin. General elections will always result in a deadlock, because poor majority will always vote for a populist, who promise to take away and share.

general election lead to socialism - economic collapse - famine.

Look at Venezuela

the only way to solve this challenge is property qualification - people who earn from state more than pay tax should not have a right to decide what to do with taxpayer's money.

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They stand united! So far, pretty much everything, they have planned, has worked in their favor. I think, soon it will be "Bye, Bye Miss Yingluck" or Yingluck runs out of luck cheesy.gif

are you blind? It's only a small group of basterds who will not learn the rules of democracy! Y. is elected, what way ever. Only in a democratic way changes can be made, not by mob on the streets,

Can we now hear Yingluck singing" I'm Leaving on a jet plane don't know when I'll be back again " smile.png

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