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Farangs with Thai Women


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Only this afternoon I had a Thai woman telling me she'd like a 'Farang' husband, she went on to extoll the virtues of 'Farang' men - I cautioned her that a significant proportion of foreign men coming to Thailand have serious women issues.

Hardened Spanker has provided us with explicit details of what his women issues are. There are a few others in this thread who are not that far removed from his outlook.

I feel sorry for any woman, Thai or otherwise who gets hooked up with guys holding the opinions such as those of HS.

There's a reason why these guys are in Thailand, HS has told us why - but I don't think he really understands what it is he has told us.

If i could give you more 'likes', i would.

I am shocked at some of the comments. I am a size 10 and don't hate all Thai women. My god some do have issues don't they.

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It's quite obviously been a long,long time since you were "in the game" as far as Farang women go anyway,probably around the time that your avatar was the latest thing in film!whistling.gif

It's not the same case with me,I can still get 20-something girls back at home and certainly wouldn't pay to take some ageing 30-odd year old bargirl back to mine for a session of the Horizontal Mambo,you would have no choice.Maybe I've been too brutally honest in what I've said but who cares,it's just an anonymous forum that everyone gets banned from sooner or later anyway and comes back as fresh and as pure as the driven snow,so it's really no biggy,is it?

Marriages are failing more and more in the Western world,to what do you attribute this,global warming?Maybe time to get your balding pate out of the sand and start to smell the coffee?

I choose to live in Asia and I choose Asian women as they're far more attractive,feminine and compassionate than any Farang female I've ever met,I think you might find I'm not alone in my manner of thinking!

That you are in your 20s and have managed to accumulated such a large basket of women issues ought to be a warning to you to go get the help you need before its too late.

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It's quite obviously been a long,long time since you were "in the game" as far as Farang women go anyway,probably around the time that your avatar was the latest thing in film!whistling.gif

It's not the same case with me,I can still get 20-something girls back at home and certainly wouldn't pay to take some ageing 30-odd year old bargirl back to mine for a session of the Horizontal Mambo,you would have no choice.Maybe I've been too brutally honest in what I've said but who cares,it's just an anonymous forum that everyone gets banned from sooner or later anyway and comes back as fresh and as pure as the driven snow,so it's really no biggy,is it?

Marriages are failing more and more in the Western world,to what do you attribute this,global warming?Maybe time to get your balding pate out of the sand and start to smell the coffee?

I choose to live in Asia and I choose Asian women as they're far more attractive,feminine and compassionate than any Farang female I've ever met,I think you might find I'm not alone in my manner of thinking!

That you are in your 20s and have managed to accumulated such a large basket of women issues ought to be a warning to you to go get the help you need before its too late.

I don't have issues. I have moved on with a real man. I

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It's quite obviously been a long,long time since you were "in the game" as far as Farang women go anyway,probably around the time that your avatar was the latest thing in film!whistling.gif

It's not the same case with me,I can still get 20-something girls back at home and certainly wouldn't pay to take some ageing 30-odd year old bargirl back to mine for a session of the Horizontal Mambo,you would have no choice.Maybe I've been too brutally honest in what I've said but who cares,it's just an anonymous forum that everyone gets banned from sooner or later anyway and comes back as fresh and as pure as the driven snow,so it's really no biggy,is it?

Marriages are failing more and more in the Western world,to what do you attribute this,global warming?Maybe time to get your balding pate out of the sand and start to smell the coffee?

I choose to live in Asia and I choose Asian women as they're far more attractive,feminine and compassionate than any Farang female I've ever met,I think you might find I'm not alone in my manner of thinking!

That you are in your 20s and have managed to accumulated such a large basket of women issues ought to be a warning to you to go get the help you need before its too late.

I don't have issues. I have moved on with a real man. I

Now that is curious.

Why would "Cheated" respond to my post - or did someone forget which username they were using when they responded?

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It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?

It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!

Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!

It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

..jeez..that is seriously messed up. You either have had some truly shocking experiences, have watched way too many Jerry Springer shows, or are on something thats rotting your brain.

Ah yes,denial,it's a wonderful thing isn't it?

Aren't you the one with the Farang boyfriend who has told you,without exception,that he is not at all interested in Thai or Asian women?

I feel a bit sorry for your naivety and know I shouldn't laugh but come on,the oldest chestnut on the chestnut tree?


I'm betting that when you're not around he likes Thai and Asian girls mak mak!Of course if you give him the third degree under a halogen lamp he will deny it till the cows come home!

Why?He has to of course!whistling.gif

I met my boyfriend in Thailand...after he had been dating Thai women for over six years.

Funny thing is, he was actually one of those guys who was stung by a western woman, had a bit of a chip on his shoulder, and thought he would never date a western woman again.

We have been together now about four years..and going strong.

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I feel embarrassed when I first read this thread I thought she was another thai lady

I defended her, but the when I relised she was a farang lady I kind of recoiled, then after reading posts about western women, all the memories about my mum sisters and ex hit me over the head

I have a real phobia towards white ppl...

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Surely we don't have the house misogynist pretending to be one of the western women he hates - I know there are some sick people around but .. surely not that sick?

You're way off the mark old man,I'm in my forties and if she doesn't have issues then I am Humphrey Bogart!

I just don't look,dress or act like a dinosaur like you,that's why I have no problem attracting hot 20-somethings and 30-somethings aren't even fair game for me,just too easy!

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Surely we don't have the house misogynist pretending to be one of the western women he hates - I know there are some sick people around but .. surely not that sick?

You're way off the mark old man,I'm in my forties and if she doesn't have issues then I am Humphrey Bogart!

I just don't look,dress or act like a dinosaur like you,that's why I have no problem attracting hot 20-somethings and 30-somethings aren't even fair game for me,just too easy!

..must be your charm they fall for.

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Only this afternoon I had a Thai woman telling me she'd like a 'Farang' husband, she went on to extoll the virtues of 'Farang' men - I cautioned her that a significant proportion of foreign men coming to Thailand have serious women issues.

Hardened Spanker has provided us with explicit details of what his women issues are. There are a few others in this thread who are not that far removed from his outlook.

I feel sorry for any woman, Thai or otherwise who gets hooked up with guys holding the opinions such as those of HS.

There's a reason why these guys are in Thailand, HS has told us why - but I don't think he really understands what it is he has told us.

She was probably talking about Farangs that don't go around denigrating themselves foolishly to Thai women,unlike yourself?

Maybe you're "different" though,for me that would be the kindest way to describe you!

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This forum is not a venue for keyboard warriors to throw slings and arrows at each other. Quite a few posts have been deleted already and some warnings issued.

More personal bickering and attacks could result in suspensions, so why not keep the discussion civil?

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Instead of slagging off Thai women why not put the blame where it belongs..........your husband.

no, im thinking its about sex.

most men go over the side because their partner isnt doing it enough with them.

men are usually very easy to figure out.

in the west, not much choice if your wife stops putting out.

here its a case of .... NEXT..

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It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?

It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!

Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!

It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

..jeez..that is seriously messed up. You either have had some truly shocking experiences, have watched way too many Jerry Springer shows, or are on something thats rotting your brain.

Are you suggesting that the examples listed have not occurred Lara ?

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"cheated", can i just say that from the way you worded your opening post, i assumed this was a recent event and you were obviously still feeling bitter (if, i we are to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are not trolling). But, turns out that it happened apparently about one year ago and you have since moved on with a new partner. So...why the need for such a venomous post? Or at least..why the need to word it in that way..which for sure you must have known would incite a strong negative reaction. Surely you could of addressed it better? I find it strange that you would, after one year, and after finding someone else, join thaivisa with that username. If you are still bitter to that extent after one year and after meeting someone else, i really think you should seek some help (i am being serious here, not sarcastic or anything). You really ought to have let it go by now. ..i still wish you the very best.

..a quick word to GuestHouse. I have no idea how old you are (nor need to). You have been accused of being old and old fashioned. Just wish to say that gentlemanly behaviour is always appreciated, never dates, and never grows old. Thank you.

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It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?

It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!

Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!

It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

..jeez..that is seriously messed up. You either have had some truly shocking experiences, have watched way too many Jerry Springer shows, or are on something thats rotting your brain.

Are you suggesting that the examples listed have not occurred Lara ?

Ive seen Jerry Springer, so if true, obviously they have.

Do i consider that normal in life.


Edited by LaraC
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It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?

It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!

Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!

It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

How is your Thai? If you are fluent enough to follow conversations and know a decent bit of slang, I invite you to go hang out with a bunch of Thai girls. Whether it's shopping on a girls night out.

All the details come out in the wash, habits, dick size, love making, etc etc. The reality is that PEOPLE do this when together with friends. Not all people mind you, but people from every walk of life.

There is no better race, only better people.

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In before some farang claims his thai wife/gf isn't with him cos of the money. In before he finds some way to diss farang women. I wonder why OP is blaming thai women though.

My wife and I are the same age, of the same education level and share a lot of common interests. We are great friends too. If she was with me for money she took a huge gamble because she had no idea how much money I had for the first 3 years of our relationship. I lived in a one bed flat, she had her room, she worked and I didn't give her any money. She had no idea of the wealth of my family either. If she wanted to marry for money she would have married her ex Thai bf who was far wealthier than I, but he was a cheat and one thing she won't tolerate is a cheater or heavy drinker. She'd rather have happiness and her self-respect in tact than money. She's strong willed and commands respect as a woman and human being. Don't presume your negative experiences reflect those of others.

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It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?

It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!

Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!

It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

How is your Thai? If you are fluent enough to follow conversations and know a decent bit of slang, I invite you to go hang out with a bunch of Thai girls. Whether it's shopping on a girls night out.

All the details come out in the wash, habits, dick size, love making, etc etc. The reality is that PEOPLE do this when together with friends. Not all people mind you, but people from every walk of life.

There is no better race, only better people.

in some ways hsp is right.

many women from my country just dont seem to want a man around, after a few years of marriage, when babies and house have been provided. not sure its down to other women. just natural, you have fulfilled your role in my life now leave.

my thai wife discusses everything with the friends, as did my previous thai gfs. i looked on it as good advertising, many friends were subsequently banned from our home forever, as they tried for a go themselves.

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I laugh at all the negativity. Maybe rather than pissing and moaning about cheaters (both financial and other wise), liars, deadbeats etc. You should pick up your game and find a decent person.

My ex-wife (yes I am divorced) It fell apart because we both made mistakes and it took me awhile to accept the ones I made and what it cost me, funny how no TVF poster ever seems to be at fault.

Anyways, She has her BA in English, masters in TESOL and runs her own tutoring place and is pulling in over 100,000B a month before expenses, 50-60 after. We are fantastic friends, had no need for lawyers in the divorce, she gave back gifts my mother had given her like Louis Vuitton bags.

My other Ex, it didn't work out due to distance and time and we are great friends. She has a BA in Italian and English, a 2 year degree in Fashion and a masters in Fashion design from Sweden. She works in Bangkok as a fashion designer and has a love for travelling the world. I'll see her in a few weeks and we'll go for a 4 day bike ride somewhere.

And Other girls that I've dated, even if they can't speak hardly any English, they are hard workers who are saving for their first house etc.

I have tons of female and male Thai friends who are fluent in multiple languages, educated, some run their own businesses, but all of them have future goals they are working towards and are not hoping for a hand out.

I don't say all of this to brag, because anyone here can meet similar people. Just saying to the ones who have not met these people, maybe start stepping up and looking for decent people and decent doesn't always mean money or degrees...


Sorry sick of all the negativity about Thai women or men as partners

// and all I said applies to any race or creed

/// slashies

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All this talk about western men coming to Thailand for beautiful Thai women, but having spent nearly 15 years in Thailand I can't recall that many times I've seen a western man with a beautiful Thai woman.

I'm not saying there aren't any western men who have met and married beautiful Thai women, of course there are, but its a rare event.

beauty is relative, once you saw my former 50year old uk wife, you would have to agree, almost any 30 year old thai lady is beautiful.

not to mention,

most of us are/were fishing in the 30 plus pool, after a couple of kids and ten years, even the cutest are unlikely to look like much. what do you expect us to do, dump them for getting a bit older?

Edited by FiftyTwo
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Only this afternoon I had a Thai woman telling me she'd like a 'Farang' husband, she went on to extoll the virtues of 'Farang' men - I cautioned her that a significant proportion of foreign men coming to Thailand have serious women issues.

Hardened Spanker has provided us with explicit details of what his women issues are. There are a few others in this thread who are not that far removed from his outlook.

I feel sorry for any woman, Thai or otherwise who gets hooked up with guys holding the opinions such as those of HS.

There's a reason why these guys are in Thailand, HS has told us why - but I don't think he really understands what it is he has told us.

It's quite obviously been a long,long time since you were "in the game" as far as Farang women go anyway,probably around the time that your avatar was the latest thing in film!whistling.gif

<deleted> GH bet you didn't see that coming,.,, cheesy.gif no offence GH but it was a perler!!!!

Ok, now back to the topic

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It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?

It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!

Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!

It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

How is your Thai? If you are fluent enough to follow conversations and know a decent bit of slang, I invite you to go hang out with a bunch of Thai girls. Whether it's shopping on a girls night out.

All the details come out in the wash, habits, dick size, love making, etc etc. The reality is that PEOPLE do this when together with friends. Not all people mind you, but people from every walk of life.

There is no better race, only better people.

in some ways hsp is right.

many women from my country just dont seem to want a man around, after a few years of marriage, when babies and house have been provided. not sure its down to other women. just natural, you have fulfilled your role in my life now leave.

my thai wife discusses everything with the friends, as did my previous thai gfs. i looked on it as good advertising, many friends were subsequently banned from our home forever, as they tried for a go themselves.

I'm not saying these women don't exist - obviously they do - but it's no coincidence that there tend to be a high percentage of men posting here on these forums who've been exposed to them.

Little wonder they slag off Western women when they settled for the lousiest examples.

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It's very simple,ALL Western women are taught from a very young age to denigrate their partners,they get together with friends from school to make fun of their boyfriends,dicsuss every aspect of their sex life,size of the male's member,or any imperfections with any part of him etc!

They grow up thinking that it is right to see their partner as a 2nd class citizen and it is all a game of control to them,that is exactly why NO Western women will ever come out on top of an Asian girl.Asian society is old-fashioned and girls are taught to have respect for their partner and provider,this is something that is long lost in the West

It's perfectly acceptable and even funny for a Western women to use violence on their partner or husband but woe betide any husband who uses it back,they are a monster despite the fact that many time it's the women that brings it into the relationship in the first place,what does she expect?

It's all skewed towards the female getting everything she could possibly want,while growing fat and lazy,plus treating the partner more like a dog than a human being.Women are congratulated for getting house and money from men during breakups,even for using children as a weapon and denying access,plus poisoning the children's minds against their own Father!

Is it any wonder that these same women haver a very hard time holding onto their man once they arrive in Asia,I think not!Is it any surprise that most Western woman become invisible as soon as they step off the plane to most Western men living in Asia,again no!

It's nothing to do with the men not being able to hold down a relationship or find a suitable partner in the West,it's the fact that the man has seen the light and there is no going back.Fool yourselves as much as you like all Western women reading this thread but you cannot compete as your Western upbringing has sadly left you trailing in the dust,at being a caring and compassionate partner compared to your average Asian girl!

Deny it,remove my post,do whatever you like but I guarantee you this is what 99% of guys on this forum think,as for the other 1% I feel sorry for them but there's still hope,at least they are here in Asia so it's a start!

How is your Thai? If you are fluent enough to follow conversations and know a decent bit of slang, I invite you to go hang out with a bunch of Thai girls. Whether it's shopping on a girls night out.

All the details come out in the wash, habits, dick size, love making, etc etc. The reality is that PEOPLE do this when together with friends. Not all people mind you, but people from every walk of life.

There is no better race, only better people.

in some ways hsp is right.

many women from my country just dont seem to want a man around, after a few years of marriage, when babies and house have been provided. not sure its down to other women. just natural, you have fulfilled your role in my life now leave.

my thai wife discusses everything with the friends, as did my previous thai gfs. i looked on it as good advertising, many friends were subsequently banned from our home forever, as they tried for a go themselves.

I'm not saying these women don't exist - obviously they do - but it's no coincidence that there tend to be a high percentage of men posting here on these forums who've been exposed to them.

Little wonder they slag off Western women when they settled for the lousiest examples.

you never had a woman, long term, in any country.

how would you know?

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I'm not saying these women don't exist - obviously they do - but it's no coincidence that there tend to be a high percentage of men posting here on these forums who've been exposed to them.

Little wonder they slag off Western women when they settled for the lousiest examples.

you never had a woman, long term, in any country.

how would you know?

i guess a 12 year relationship doesn't count as long term, right?

Just cos I didn't decide to marry, have children with and hand over the lion's share of my wealth to a woman who came to regard me as "surplus to requirements" laugh.png doesn't mean I never had long-term relationships.

You were just too weak to walk away from yours once the rot set in.

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I'm not saying these women don't exist - obviously they do - but it's no coincidence that there tend to be a high percentage of men posting here on these forums who've been exposed to them.

Little wonder they slag off Western women when they settled for the lousiest examples.

you never had a woman, long term, in any country.

how would you know?

i guess a 12 year relationship doesn't count as long term, right?

Just cos I didn't decide to marry, have children with and hand over the lion's share of my wealth to a woman who came to regard me as "surplus to requirements" laugh.png doesn't mean I never had long-term relationships.

You were just too weak to walk away from yours once the rot set in.

You consider trying, then walking away when the going got tough as a success with women?

And never fathering any children a success too?

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I'm not saying these women don't exist - obviously they do - but it's no coincidence that there tend to be a high percentage of men posting here on these forums who've been exposed to them.

Little wonder they slag off Western women when they settled for the lousiest examples.

you never had a woman, long term, in any country.

how would you know?

i guess a 12 year relationship doesn't count as long term, right?

Just cos I didn't decide to marry, have children with and hand over the lion's share of my wealth to a woman who came to regard me as "surplus to requirements" laugh.png doesn't mean I never had long-term relationships.

You were just too weak to walk away from yours once the rot set in.

You consider trying, then walking away when the going got tough as a success with women?

And never fathering any children a success too?


I consider myself to be successful with women because I've not become jaded and bitter when the sexual/romantic aspects of the relationships I've had with them have come to their natural end. I can still be friends with them years later and come to new relationships baggage-free.

There's nothing noble about sticking around when things aren't working. If you'd had some stones you'd have walked as soon as you started being looked at as a doormat.

If you want to measure your "success" by your ability to impregnate a woman, go ahead.

Where are your kids from your first wife now? Do they even speak to you? Do you count that outcome as a success?

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