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Hello All,

Brought a laptop (first time) along to get some work done while visiting family. It is not working, grrrr.

Laptop with windows 8, from the states

From Thailand - air card - vodafone md950 / sim card from 1tocall -unlimited 4g for one month

--Symptom -- computer tries to down load program from air card but blocks, window opens and says try again.

Was told by nieborhood computer shop that air card works

Windows 8 trouble shooter has not helped

Thinking that it is something in the communication between air card and laptop?

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.



Seriously....it's time for a new modem. You pay for a 4G package when you have a modem capable of EDGE at best?

(sound of knuckle rapping on your skull)

Either way, if you wish to continue with that modem, install it in Compatibility Mode.


Look at Windows 8 firewall settings. Maybe they do not allow you to load the comm prog from the aircard. But some one in a computershop or at AIS should help...


Thanks for the responses.

Have tried compatibility mode, no luck.

Sounds like this “older” air card may not work with windows 8?

Any suggestions on what modem may work?


Thanks for the responses.

Have tried compatibility mode, no luck.

Sounds like this older air card may not work with windows 8?

Any suggestions on what modem may work?

Lots of modems will work. What is your budget? What about your location?

If you want to stick with painfully slow EDGE, you can try this solution here.

But my advice would be to get a MiFi unit or to use your Smartphone if you have one. Do you?


Thanks for the responses.

Still have not found the answer,

Have new laptop with windows 8 (from the states) and need internet service.

Did not bring a telephone this trip. Planned on using the internet for telephone service.

Purchased a AIS-12call sim card- unlimited for one month, and have an old vodafone md950 (air card).

The couple shops in the area have not had a solution, the air card works at the computer shop.

Will try jiu-jistu's suggestion this afternoon.

There was not an error message, the program from the "air card" will not fully download. Old technology? Tried compatibility mode.

Computer picks up wi-fi and blue tooth.

Budget is reasonable, if not I would be in the internet shop with the screaming kids.

Question, what are the most simple ways to get internet service on a lap top without having a telephone?

Am currently in Nakon Sawan, no large computer shops nearby--- but ready to head out to one when I know what to look for.

Thanks for your assistance.


I live in the boonies in NS province, but if you put a small post in the Nakhon Sawan Thread in the Central Thailand Thread, there are some folks that live in NS that might be able to point you to someone that can help.


Thanks for the responses.[/size]

Still have not found the answer,[/size]

Have new laptop with windows 8 (from the states) and need internet service.[/size]

Did not bring a telephone this trip. Planned on using the internet for telephone service.[/size]


Purchased a AIS-12call sim card- unlimited for one month, and have an old vodafone md950 (air card).[/size]

The couple shops in the area have not had a solution, the air card works at the computer shop.[/size]


Will try jiu-jistu's suggestion this afternoon.[/size]

There was not an error message, the program from the "air card" will not fully download. Old technology? Tried compatibility mode.[/size]

Computer picks up wi-fi and blue tooth.[/size]

Budget is reasonable, if not I would be in the internet shop with the screaming kids.[/size]

Question, what are the most simple ways to get internet service on a lap top without having a telephone?[/size]

Am currently in Nakon Sawan, no large computer shops nearby--- but ready to head out to one when I know what to look for.[/size]

Thanks for your assistance.[/size]

Even if your very old modem would work with Windows 8, the connection speed would likely be disappointing.

First thing you do is to find out who is using 3G(Saam G) in your vicinity. If they have a good signal, you can consider and SIM card from the provider, along with a compatible USB modem or MiFi.

So first step; find out who has 'Saam G' in your vicinity. Post info here.

Second step; From the shop, collect brand names and model number of 'Saam G' capable USB modems they suggest are compatible with the network in the first step.

Thirdly, we will advise on which modem to purchase and which package to choose.

Expect to pay at least 800 baht for the modem. MiFi perhaps 2000 baht.


I agree with Jiu-Jitsu. Ask "who has 'Saam G' " (which carrier has 3G that works in your area eg: AIS, DTAC, MyCAT, TOT3G, TrueMove-H)

Most areas in Thailand have at last a couple of small shops that sell mobile phones, and one of these will also carry USB-stick Air Cards.

Some Air Cards come pre-packaged with a carrier's sim card, and some are only capable of 3.6mbps, 7.2mbps, 21.6mbps, 42.2mbps and even 100mbps fixed speeds(cost ranging between ฿799 - ฿2590) but the package you choose, as well as system load, will dictate the actual speeds you experience.


First thing you do is to find out who is using 3G (Saam G) in your vicinity. If they have a good signal, you can consider and SIM card from the provider, along with a compatible USB modem or MiFi."

---Will learn about "Saam G"

"Expect to pay at least 800 baht for the modem. MiFi perhaps 2000 baht."

"I agree with Jiu-Jitsu. Ask "who has 'Saam G' " (which carrier has 3G that works in your area eg: AIS, DTAC, MyCAT, TOT3G, TrueMove-H)"

---Need service for another month, will go with a modem if there is a choice, the mi-fi if not.

New vocabulary for me, provider - carrier.

Just to repeat,

Trying to connect lap top with windows8 to the internet

Purchased a AIS sim card 4g unlimited for 1 month, from local phone shop thinking that it would work with an air card passed through family.

Not working. Read symptoms in earlier posts

Have now visited several (small) shops. Was proposed a dtac air card. Which family said has low signal in our area.

The local smart phones are working fine, but, did not bring a phone this trip.

Will head over to the phone shop to learn about saamG,

May drive out to the "bigger shops" tomorrow

Might not get back to internet till morning


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