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Pulled It...........


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looe got the best pasties,,but the torpoint ferry guys throwing them at each other as they pass buy on the tamar is fun...biggrin.png ..longest chained ferry in the world is its claim to fame..

Come on let's go. I'll pick you up at the airport. I could do with some real food right now.

can i come too, I have some friends in Plymouth, just 5 or so minutes from the Torpoint ferry.
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I sympathize with you,, until someone pulls a gun on you it doesn't really sink in,, it's easy to make fun and make jokes but the most beautiful girl i have ever known had a gun shoved in her face during a robbery and she has been traumatized until this day, she is physically beautiful (could be a model) but mentally scarred, it pissed me off because i would have traded places with her in a heart beat. It's until you hold a gun in your hand or even shoot one that it sinks in as to the damage it can cause, i have used many weapons but today i have great respect for them and would rather not be in contact with a weapon in any circumstances, they kill, especially in the wrong hands, it's the wild wild west as we know it here so i think let the others be cowboys, but i'll be alive coward. General Patton once said, "you don't win wars by dying for your country, you win wars by making the other guy die for his country" i agree, today guns scare me in Thailand, let the Thais do what they like, i don't want to die here.

You have never been to one of our American cities, Have you? I suggest that you never go to New York, Chicago, LA..... You would find it impossible to even walk down the street!

Actually I have walked down the street in Harlem, Chicago to get to the Thai temple. The bus does not go all the way so I had to walk there. The bus driver advised me to go back with him but I declined. I passed a few rastas who were quite amused that I was British but I didn't have a problem. So it isn't impossible, but I agree with you not advisable.

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OP, I understand the feelings but I think wifey had the best idea. Why confront (inflame) a situation like this by trying to take his gun from him?

As other posters have said about penile envy.

Smile, feel sorry for the useless prick and walk away.

Good advice - but, the kid was alone, t pull the gun, just showed it too him - and if he was close to you (since the Op said he was trying to inject himself into the conversation) it would have been relatively easy to disarm him, then turn him into the police - I did the exact thing in a bar in Sattahip because the idiot pulled up his shirt to show me his piece and I took it away from him..........the bar owner called the police, I gave the gun to him had the bar tender take pictures of me, handing the gun to the Police - they arrested the kid a couple days later, a BIB's son - he was involved in a shooting of an expat in a Baht Bus a year before.thumbsup.gif I am far from being Superman, but he threatened me for no reason that I could think of.

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A few people here know I teach self defence,that comment will get me shredded here but what can you do.

When a man shows you a gun in his pants,he ain't going to use it,the situation proved that so you don't mess with the gun or he may change his mind.

If he is pointing it at you,still not to bad.

If he was going to use it he would just pull it out and start firing.

When the weapons come out mr self defence instructor here runs like a woman if I can.

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What has being from NI got to do with it?

It is a sad fact of life that you should not get involved with policing other countries...........

And always be mindful that the person you are dealing with, may just be armed and dangerous.......like Texas!

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It's my honest belief and I've said it many times here, everyone should move to Devon.

I went to Devon recently and all they pulled on me was a jam scone and a cuppa tea.

It just takes some time for the anger to wear down, mate.


He was in a jam. He misconected. He later ate the pin of a Cornish pasty. He probably ate the 300lb woman. Stress does that to you.

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I'm a proud Cornishman, and I love my county, but I can't remember ever seeing a gorgeous girl every ten yards, many of whom are happy to accompany you if the circumstances allow

It is quite discomforting when one returns to the Duchy and even the overweight snozzle (St Austell) woman is totally disinterested in you.

So, despite all it's downsides and the occasional Thai hothead, there is still more to be said for Thailand than a wet weekend in Mousehole.

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Just let it go. Lots of jerks around this place and lots of their jerk friends

that "carry"....not worth getting killed over.

Was he really a jerk,wasn't he just trying to be friendly.

Perish the thought,someone trying to befriend you,what is the world coming to,not surprised he showed you his piece.

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Personally, I would have taken the gun, put it in my belt and walked away! What could he do? Reading most of the OP's I realise why they live in Thailand..."Fear"! Grow a pair, suck the cream out of the devonshire scone and realise that it's better than wiping vasaline on your bum! thumbsup.gif

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I'm a proud Cornishman, and I love my county, but I can't remember ever seeing a gorgeous girl every ten yards, many of whom are happy to accompany you if the circumstances allow

It is quite discomforting when one returns to the Duchy and even the overweight snozzle (St Austell) woman is totally disinterested in you.

So, despite all it's downsides and the occasional Thai hothead, there is still more to be said for Thailand than a wet weekend in Mousehole.

It is quite discomforting when one returns to the Duchy and even the overweight snozzle (St Austell) woman is totally disinterested in you.

A harsh reality!

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"I am originally from N.ireland so I want to take his gun from him,"

Is that why we had all the problems?

NO, In Northern Ireland, as you know, normal citizens are not permitted to have one. So, if a standard person is flashing one then I would be afraid and my survival instinct kicks in. The reference to N.Ireland is not for the reasons you think but for the reason mentioned. (strict gun laws)

It's only when you are in a situation like this, that you can appreciate the danger.

Drunk Thai man with a gun is never a good time. Period.bah.gif

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I'm a proud Cornishman, and I love my county, but I can't remember ever seeing a gorgeous girl every ten yards, many of whom are happy to accompany you if the circumstances allow

It is quite discomforting when one returns to the Duchy and even the overweight snozzle (St Austell) woman is totally disinterested in you.

So, despite all it's downsides and the occasional Thai hothead, there is still more to be said for Thailand than a wet weekend in Mousehole.

Not sure what a snoozle is, but by the context I can guess... sick.gif

One reason why I left the U.S. -- the only ladies who showed me any interest were the

water buffalo type who would weigh in at about 20 stones (280-lbs) on the hoof.

I escaped in 1992 and have never looked back.

Thank Buddha every day for Asian babes.

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A 'real' gun or just a toy (BB Gun) like many BIB carry..??

Your wife is right, as Thais will escalate and will not normally do a face to face or 'let it go' after defrocking...

I have a remote neighbor who has glowered at me, yelled at me and even pulled a knife (machette), but my wife reasonably asks that I don't walk down his street.

On my own, I would push back until one of us was in hospital (or dead), so she is wiser than I.

YES, if he ever attacked me, I suspect I would need to kill him.

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It's my honest belief and I've said it many times here, everyone should move to Devon.

I went to Devon recently and all they pulled on me was a jam scone and a cuppa tea.

It just takes some time for the anger to wear down, mate.


He was in a jam. He misconected. He later ate the pin of a Cornish pasty. He probably ate the 300lb woman. Stress does that to you.

300lb sat on your face is a death sentence.

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To have or to carry a gun in thailand without a permit is a big crime....

don't be afraid , if you have time take a picture of the person and report to the police,

Cannot believe anyone suggests this with a straight face.

Absolutely nothing to be gained doing this, only thing stupider is those suggesting escalating a probably-close-to-friendly encounter into a violent confrontation, trying to steal from an armed man.

He probably was an off-duty cop, if not his friends nearby are, and/or they are packing themselves.

And what's with calling him a "nerd" based on first impressions?

May just be your own superior/hostile attitude attracting this sort of karma your way. . .

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