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Thai Health Insurance for US Citizen (or iother foreigner) resident in Thailand


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Given 'Obamacare' in the USA I am reviewing options for medical insurance. I have coverage for myself in the USA. While not perfect for my situation, it will probably be extended now at less cost than it was last year! I don't see any reason why things would change in Thailand since years ago and over January 1, but I hope to get a fresh perspective here on what expats living in Thaiand are experiencing with the 'ObamaCare' changes there (or maybe even here).

I dropped my BUPA insurance in Thailand many years ago and obtained twice as costly US based insurance. This was because in the coarse of my last year with BUPA in Thailand they had sent me letters specifying that:

1) their Thai insurance now specifically EXCLUDED any coverage for any and all STDs (that would be HIV and a shot for NSU and all else),


2) the "Global Policy" would NOT cover any costs for health care in the United States (to where I travel at least 3-4 months a year). Howvere they were careful to note that the payment of 2500 THB to a Thai beneficiary would still hold if I should accidentally die or dismember myself while in the USA).


For foreigners now living in Thailand with Thailand based "Global" health insurance are your policy restrictions still consistent with the two restrictions noted above???:? Are there any other restrictions that a foreign person should be aware of?

Is anyone considering dropping Thai insurance and obtaining US based insurance which is a lot less for many situations than it was last year. I believe that US expats overseas are not required to get US insurance? For thoses that fill out a 1040 still every year I wonder how that is going to work out??

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I'm 63 and pay about 50k baht a year for $2 million dollars worth of coverage for in-hospital treatment. Pay for all outpatient care myself. No coverage in the West. That's $120/mo to cover major medical in Asia, a bargain. Dropping Thai insurance for Obamacare? That makes little sense to me. I use a French company available from here http://www.aainsure.net/

The restrictions that you cancelled BUPA for are standard on all policies.

Some self insure here. A friend recently had a stroke, was quickly treated in a Bangkok hospital and fully recovered. The bill was 500k baht. A heart procedure would run about the same.

You have to be paying far more for your US coverage. Get a policy here and you could get travel insurance for when you're in the US.

I won't be getting STDs and HIV because I avoid risky behavior. STD are usually treated inexpensively.

Edited by Pinot
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The restrictions that you cancelled BUPA for are standard on all policies.

You have to be paying far more for your US coverage. Get a policy here and you could get travel insurance for when you're in the US.

It seems someone should complain somewhere on the 'global' restriction.

I don't mind paying into the system more than necessary once and a while but when ur then just spit out and told to go to a website on short notice then it is time to reconsider all alternatives. Thx for your feedback.

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The restrictions that you cancelled BUPA for are standard on all policies.

You have to be paying far more for your US coverage. Get a policy here and you could get travel insurance for when you're in the US.

It seems someone should complain somewhere on the 'global' restriction.

I don't mind paying into the system more than necessary once and a while but when ur then just spit out and told to go to a website on short notice then it is time to reconsider all alternatives. Thx for your feedback.

Can you believe it?

(the Fed website told me I had to go to my state website)

1) The STATE told my insurance company they had to cancel mine (almost for 8 years) policy among certain other 'select' categories,

2) the insurance cancelled me as of 12/31 with a 12/9 letter,

3) since I didn't register on the STATE website before 12/15 my state registered selection (same insurance co./policy) can't become effective until Feb 1,

4) my insurance co. told me to FO about staring Jan 1, (ins co. also said something about being 'accepted') - the STATE made it this way, they say,

5) the auto-,message on the STATE phone line says to wait until after Feb 1 and if the insurance didnt bill me by then to contact the insurance company myself (don't bother the STATE).

All this because a "tax" was levied???

Doesn't make sense that people can be pushed around like this, left without health insurance.

I'm being lied to somewhere? Any ideas?

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The OP asked for info on "Global Based" health insurance, and I am NOT insured that way. However I am 59 and have been insured with BUPA Thailand through a competent bi-lingual licensed insurance broker for five years. Previously I was insured with another good Thai based HEALTH insurance company "Thai Health Insurance". I have the two million baht outpatient coverage. I'll take my chances with the restrictions imposed by BUPA. I paid 58,990 baht for an annual policy. I also paid 2800 baht for the laminated "Health Card for Foreigner" at my local Thailand Government Hospital. One was easy to apply for, the other took 5 simple visits to obtain the 2800 card. Both have "restrictions", but I feel I will have acceptable cards in my wallet should I need emergency admission to most any hospital in our area. I've been through the "pay after the visit, prior to departing the hospital" at a Private Hospital and then being re-imbursed in 7 days with a direct bank deposit by BUPA, for in patient treatment at a small private hospital not in the direct pay system of BUPA.

Buying travel insurance should I desire to travel to a cold USA will be easy. The same broker who sells health insurance for expats in Thailand, also sells travel insurance for inbound and for outbound travelers. The "affordable health care act' is not part of my concerns as I no longer reside in the USA. The OP can check the web sites for the terms and conditions of most any International Health Policy, as well as the BUPA and "Thai Health Insurance" web sites. Details in English for the "Healoth Card for Foreigner" have been covered in other postings on Thai Visa. Anytime I complain to myself about Health Insurance costs in Thailand I need only look at Blue Cross or Kaiser Health plans in the USA. The same Insurance Broker in Phuket, Eric Dohlon, also offers health insurance through reputable International Health insurance companies. He or most any licensed broker can e-mail policy coverage details, restrictions and premium costs to help you compare options.

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