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Are we maids destined to be treated unfairly?


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I am just a maid. I posted my ads looking for a nanny job here in thaivisa and I was happy when there were immediate responses to my ads.

A woman from UK employed me. Am I allowed to post her complete name here?

I work one month and that was my first month to work. The bad thing is, my employer did not give my salary.

She left her house during the heat of demonstration on the last week of November. I contacted her and at first she said that she will transfer my salary to me. She asked me to provide her a bank account. I don’t have since she has not provided me a work permit so that I could have one. So I gave my brother’s bank account as he is the one to have a work permit.

Days passed, there was no money transferred. I tried to contact her but she was not replying for more than a week. I was worried so I sent her sms saying that I was wondering why she is not replying to any of my sms. I said her that maybe I will meet her at her children’s school or to their embassy (UK) to complain.

Until she finally replied saying that that I did not work for her. I have no work permit so nobody will believe me if I complain.

“I can prove that I worked for you” I said. She answered that she fired me because I am lazy and did not do my work. She is caught here telling a lie. Her first accusation contradicts the second one.

Prior to me, I learned from her children that they had 3 maids. I believed that she did the same to them as it is her way to fabricate words so she has reasons not to pay her maids.

My small salary means big to me. Can anybody advise if I can complain when I have no work permit to complain? If I can complain, where should that be?

Are we (maids) destined to be treated unfairly and suffer injustices? Or shall I forget it and leave everything to God to do justice for everyone?

Your advice will be highly appreciated. Thank you very much.

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It's a nice writing idea to tell the maid's story through your own eyes. You as a native English speaker can do it much better than she can. At least I presume that's what you are doing. Either that or you're a not very clever troll. But anyway, a discussion on the treatment of maids can't hurt - if anyone is interested.

Edited by WitawatWatawit
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Your writing abilities and straight to the point analysis makes maid work look a tad redundant to you.

Welcome to Thaivisa.

Thank you MegaR... for your reply. But what do you exactly mean by ..makes maid work look a tad redundant to me? Can you explaiin this further, ma'am?

Edited by justicia
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It appears that it's the employer who just moved out without notice.

It seems the OP knows where the employer is due to numerous contacts?

The employer is said to be using the lack of a work permit as leverage.

I'd say lesson learned and agree with another poster who said to get paid more often next time.

Edited by NeverSure
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Sorry to hear your plight....you just met one of the MANY "a..holes" of life. Can't really advise you what to do ....as I think there is not much you can do and you will not get paid.

There ARE good people out there ....and it's not an easy road to see who are the "good" people or who are the "bad" people ...

Chalk it up to a growing experience ...next time get some money upfront ...or ask to be paid daily ....if they balk ...you walk .

Thank you sir for your good advice.

Asking to be paid daily may mean not good to the boss as she thinks that I may go anytime I want

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Where are you from your English is very good? If you have worked for someone and can prove it, the department of labour will take your case, they are not really interested if you have a WP or not.....if you are owed money they will get it for you

Thanks Sout...for you nice advice.

I am a Filipina and have worked for English and German people in china and Hongkong for long years before I come here. So we spoke English.

What I can prove is that I know exactly the name of my employer and her children. Her exact address and the school of her children.

I saved her sms when she asked me for interview and when she told me that I didn't work for her , etc

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It is totally wrong you did not get paid.

Fortunately the labor court will not worry too much about work permit issues.

Only you can decide if working without a permit is worth the risk,.

Your English is excellent and I would rather have my nieces taught english by someone like you than many of the so called English Teachers here.

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It is my understanding that the labor department does not check if you have a work permit or not. They treat all people working in Thailand the same. Besides you could always say the woman who hired you was going to help you get a work permit and never did if they ask. Her word against yours. I would contact them and file a complaint. Give them all the information you have. They will decide if they can help you or not.

Did you have a contract? Next time ask for one or have witness's. Check with the neighbors and see if anyone will help verify that you worked for her. Doesn't hurt to try. Maybe they don't like her for her actions.

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It's a nice writing idea to tell the maid's story through your own eyes. You as a native English speaker can do it much better than she can. At least I presume that's what you are doing. Either that or you're a not very clever troll. But anyway, a discussion on the treatment of maids can't hurt - if anyone is interested.

Thank you sir for your comment.

I am not a native English but I used to work for English people so aside from I know some English, I also learned from them.

And we have a religion that when we study the bible, we all speak in English as all nationalities are there

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Skip all that. Cut to the chase.

I would be knocking on her door. Pay up lady. Face to face, phone calls are not working for you.

There are a few holes in your story..

Why did you just leave her house?

Whos looking after her kids?

Where are you from and how did you get the job?

If it's an agency, can't they help?

Thank you krisb for your reply..

I left her house because my said to have a vacation and I don't want to stay there while they were not around as she may falsely accused me that I stole someting or what.

She brought her kids.

I am from the Philippines and I got the job by posting here in thaivisa.

There were immediate 2 responses and called me for interview. I was mistaken when I chose the woman

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Contact the Department of labor, hotline 1546. In the meantime get any evidence, such as the job advertisement, witness statements and any photographs to back yourself up Then watch the dirty employer squirm, if she's still in Thailand.

Thank you for the good advice sir,

It was me who posted my ad looking for a job here in thaivisa.

I saved her text message when she asked me for interview and she sketched her exact address in her message.

I also saved her messages that her husband put a big reward to whoever can pinpoint my whereabouts and catch me.

She said that her husband met their security agency to let them catch me. she said that I threatened her children because I said, maybe I can go and find you at your children's school.

I didn't threaten her. I as a maid cannot do harm to her children as I am a God-fearing person. What I meant I can find her in the school because she was not replying for more than a week when I was asking for my salary.

Is there any case of kidnapping here?

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Just curious what a filipina maid who speaks and write fluent English makes as a nanny/maid? I have met filipino english teachers and they seem to make 20k baht a month teaching.

Thank you for your comment sir.

I didn't finish my college so I have no credentials to work as a teacher.

Yes, I know that there are many Filipinos who speak poor English than I am but I wonder why they can teach. But somebody advised me to study TEFL (Sounds like that) and that can qualify me to teach. But I still have no money to study although I asked myself, can I?

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Send me a message and give me her name. I will tell all the relevant people in the British community here what she did. If that does not embarrass her into paying you then bad luck.

Thank you sir for your great comment.

Am I allowed to post her complete name here, sir?

I am afraid that when we will be asked to explain our sides, the British will believe her lies. I said to myself, if only God can tell who is true...

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Not kidnapping. Do not post her name! If she accuses you of "stealing" she needs to prove it or else she is guilty of making fraudulent accusations. She can go to jail if you file a complaint too.

Edited by Mrjlh
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It is my understanding that the labor department does not check if you have a work permit or not. They treat all people working in Thailand the same. Besides you could always say the woman who hired you was going to help you get a work permit and never did if they ask. Her word against yours. I would contact them and file a complaint. Give them all the information you have. They will decide if they can help you or not.

Did you have a contract? Next time ask for one or have witness's. Check with the neighbors and see if anyone will help verify that you worked for her. Doesn't hurt to try. Maybe they don't like her for her actions.

Thank you sir/ma'am for your great advice.

I am afraid that if I complain without a work permit, there is more problem than getting good.

I have her complete name but I don't know if I am allowed to post it here. Also her address and names of children.

I got no contract. My older brother, who has been working here, wanted to accompany me when I went for interview but I hesitated so witness is my problem.

My brother who is also seeking justice for me, argued with my boss just last night and they exchanged text messages.

In her message,which my brother kept, it is understood that I worked for them because it is said there that she provided me accommodations, food and money.

She gave me 200 Baht when I went to attend our bible study.

I am sure that with her attitude towards others, she doesn't have any friends.

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Send me a message and give me her name. I will tell all the relevant people in the British community here what she did. If that does not embarrass her into paying you then bad luck.

Am I allowed to post her complete name here, sir?

Please do not post her name as the libel/defamation laws in Thailand are draconian with severe penalties. Plus, if you go to labor court, she could use this against you.

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Hmmm, I'm not doubting the legitimacy of the OP but with English skills this good, I'm sure you would have no problem securing more lucrative work than that of being a maid.

Not that there is anything wrong with being a maid but your English skills seem to be excellent and are perhaps not put to best use in your current employment.

Anyway, hope you get your problem sorted out.

Good luck

thank you sir for your comment.

I mingled with lots of English people from different part of the world every Tuesday and Sundays every time we have bible study. so there is no other means of communications than English.

I have worked as a maid for English, Swedish and German people for long time in China and Hongkong. We did speak English as our means of communication.

I have their certificate of employment or they can be contacted if any new employer needs reference. I still have a contact with them although they are now in Sweden

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